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Munro's Girls & Boys Of America

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Now is the time to Subscribe! geven Vino ;Engraviugs presented to cvery New Yearly Subscriter. The New York Fireside Coinpanion PRQSPECTÜiFOB. 1876. TnE r?EW YOItK Firesidiï compasión is recognizod r.s the Ijcst mriintainfd, most popular, most variod and eutertcininff weekly published in tho Unitad statcs, Ño effort ia spared to ubtain whatever will add to tho interest and ralne of ita contonts The beat w ritere in every department aresecured, without, recard toexnenae. It istheaimotthepnblisher tomakethis an Intcresting and Popular Paper lorbotli youug and uld; to combine entertainment and amusement wilh dcsirablo inforination on matten relating lo tho home, courtship, uiarriage, aocietj', aml to ratify tho innato curiositr and interest of all in the pure and natural romance of Ufe ; to cultívala a tasto 'for reading and intclloctiial pleasure and u. incnlcato fiood sentiments and principies in the uiindof tho young. Notliiug o! an inmoral teudeney is over adtuitted luto lts columns. It coutaiiia Tho inout FascinatinR Iove Storics, DuliiiiK Stoi-íes oí' Adventure on liimu nml Sen, stiriiuw Inilinn and Kordrr Tnle, isforlea of Jlonie fAt'c in l'lty and Country, L,ivelie6t Short Stories imd {Sentimental sketches, OriKÍnalIInmor,.Tok!s, Comicüketches.Pootry, Pera ilsand Floatinp Paragi-aplB; Tjltest Fashion Uosflip fur tho I.íuIUs; Answois) to f;onosponilcnts ; Kitclicn Lene; The best Keadlnfc for Little Folks ; Beautiful MustraüonM, etc., etc. Notlessthan SIX CONTINU ED STQRIES puWlshed coastantly, antl a new story comnieuced about evory seoond woek ; so thatnew reaúdn ■vvill bo ablo to get tho begitmlng of a Ktory of tho newsdealora or of iih, no matter a: ■whattime thoy may subscribe. Back jimnbeis cau alwaysbe liad coutaiuingtlio couimeuceuieut oí every story. PABTIAL LIST OF COSTBIBUTOBS FOll 1STG. Dr. Joliij 11. WHllama l.iiey Kandall l'oinl'ort Clara Pcrcy Tony l'astor IHr. S ner Hayden onlloyle Oliver Optic Shlrlov llrowno John Kldprklll Prof. Jumen Do Millo JIiizc-1 Wood II. eróme P. Ilamiltou Myer IHnry J. VViaea Nannewe s. jKinerson Leslle Thorne Bcmnel W. Pcaroo Jcnnie W. foster Frank t'orey íieorse 1.. Aiken Allnn Aitile Pernio Albi-rt V. Aikcn Jnek Kailni Petroleum V. Nasby Ere, Fashion Jiditress Addison F. BrnwnCt Onr Familv Fhysioiaa TTndöT tlils tillo we ahall imbliflh during tho coming cear a eeiles ol anieles by eminent physlolaiifi, Aevoten to rlie treatmentonn. our of provalont diseaaos. SBch as skin DiseAoes. Consumptlon, Dlptlmna, Rheumatism, Cancor Hip Disease, ]!one Dlseaae, Eye and liar Dinonses, TUroat piaeasee, Pliysiolo"y of Diseanes of Women, Management of YomiK Clüldren, Ilyglfiie, -tc, Thoao artlcles will contain tho best modes of treatment of nuease odopteil ny tlie highest medical autlioritiesot tho day, and will boavaluable gulde to tbc leaders Corrcspondents' Coliiren.- Xocffortorpnins nro pared to make tbls depart. ment most, attractivo and useful to onr readers. 1 1 is edited by .i ijiiutleman of niae experience and sound JndKinent, anda vnst amonntof Iiifnrinstloii ïsgivcn: answera tomiestious relatitiK to lovoand etiquette, legal and medical questions, iuformanm for the kltchen and houseliold, lu fact, answers to all queatlous that turn uw iu ure, can bö found in thin column , , ICeadina for Iittle Folks.- This is, and v, ill continue to be, one of tlie promi. nent features of the paper. The con tribu ÜODS lo this department are by the ver foiomost writers lor cliildren in the country. Tilla alono malies TI IK NE O FIKESIDli COM PANION invaluablo to evcry hongehcld whore thcro re elUKirra. list of Ungravings Preeented to New Yearly Subscribers: A MSSON' l I.OVE, Value,30cts. THE LITTLE AÑGLEBS, Valuo, 1 tis. THJË PET PAWN - . - " 30 " ÏAB AWAYFKOMHOBE, 25" EK1N FAKEWELL, - " 30 " BEGINNINÖ TO BEG, " 25 A MODKL TAOHT, (oolored) Value. 25 cents. These beautHil pictures are suitable ior frumlug, and atloi d a valuaulo aiiuitioa to tho furuitnru of everj homo. : Largest and Most Popular Weekly Paper f or Young Folks. It la the ouly paper wliich oontftlns tlio kim! of stories whleh niothers mnt to read aloud to thelr littlo ones. :iml -.vliicli every fatlier may nnhesitatlngly Jaco in the hands of his chlldreu. It contatos a larscr amount anil variety of guod reailins lor gida and boya th:m eau be hart 111 any otlier weokly or niontlily pertoaloai. TERMS FOR 1876. UmnttrH OTRZS AND BOYS OF AMERICA and TUE NEW YORK FIER KinF CO One cony of llvmro'i üirla and Bou o A inertca will be arnt tor ono year to any subscribev in the United SU b on raoelpt of $2.50: two copte for 84 niño copie for S16. The Nev) Yorlc Fireêide CompanlMi ui be sent tor one year on recelpl ol $3: two copies for $5: or, niño copies fw $20; GetteraupM Clutia can aiteiwards adrt siiiu-lo, copies at (8.80 each. we will he iwiKnisiblefor lemlttanoes sont in Reglstei-etl Lettcra. or by Post Offlco Monuy Orders, boti panera sent to ono address for one year, ior M-50. Postage, vhkk. öpecimeu sent tree. Specimen copies willi any une oí tliu abovo Hctures sout to any adareB ou receiiitof Ten Ccnta. A4SENXS WAMTE to canvasa for the abovo two papors in enp town and villajio whoro there are do newsdwilerB. Goml waea can bo iüaiio ny euccesaful canvassers. Boya and Girls are invited to becomo canvuaaers. ívery ■ bey aud giil eau get aubaiJiibers in their owu viilage. Writo for particular. Addresa, (iUOBGE MUIVJRO, Iiïltlilie;r, V. O. Box Í5657, ;84 Beekman Street, New ïorfc.


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