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DaiibXi Jantjaby Mrasmarried to Maria Snmntr in Knktmazoo a short timo iro. Thbrb ure )18 coIIh in tlie Htate l'rinoii ut Jaekson, mul 775 prtsoaers eofiflncd there. The Qi'aiiil Rfipids JJoard of Èducation lias esteblished a professorsliip of book-keeping in tho schoola tliere. A sdbscripiion has boen started íor strcet railway from Battie Croek to Goguao linke. Jt is beaded by II. H. Brown with 800. J. 8. Cnosisy, faüier of M. S. Crosby, and ono of tho piónCert of (irand Kapids, di-d it Clittoü Bpring, N. Y., recent ly, Bged BI yeéai. John UAXÍ53, propriétöf of tho Gatos line of kopen, died at tbc Frost lïouso, Eaton Kapids, tho other day, and U taken to Búllalo foí intermont. TitF.ï have green newnpaper men in Detroit. One of tho attachcs'of tho Detroit Ptat was rccently swiudled pot of his watch and money by throe-oard monte men. Tuk body pi John Jtíraüley, a saiooukeepen of Bay City, was reoenÜy fonnd on the beaeh his rr'-üdi-nce. Particulars of the drowning are not known. Ile was aged about fifty. The vite of Francia Duprey, of Sagimm city, elopod on Friday with lier husband's brothcr, takiug miiny valualile hoosebold effeots aud a large sum of her husband'H hard earniugs, aud leaviug iive cbildrcn bfhind. A LiTTLK daughtor of Francés Throtel, of Traverse City, waa fatally injurcd, öne moniing last week. Slie was with other ciüWrcn toetcring on a long maple polo, wheu tlio polo feil, stvikiug hor on the hcad', causing-death in about an hour. About iivc weeks iigo Albert Moliter, of Rogéis City, was shot one evening in his office, his bookkcepor being shot dead at the same time. Moliter lingered along until he was brought home to Detroit, and died thcrc last Sunday evening. Thhkk detectives from Kew York nrrived at Monroe ono day laert week, and, after procuring the services of the Marshal, departed for the western part of the county, they having some evidence that may load to the discovèry of Charlie Ross. Thoy soemed confident of succesa, as they have been corresponding with partios in MöÖttW eliuining to know his whereubouts. At the Pullman car worka in Detroit, last week, a serious accident befoll a party of eix workmcn. They were on im elevator with a load of glazed car windows, when iu sonic unaccountable mannor tbo wire ropc used in lioisting the elovator slipped, and all feil to tho groand f rom the third story of tne building, bruising and maimiug all of the men and shivering tho load of ir windowa into Üie mimvtest i'ragments. Ashootikíi aflïay took place at Bufcland, last Baturday night, in which Fnuik Srnith was seriously if notfntully injured. A dance was in progresa, when threo roughs fróm Hastjngs arrived and persisted iu taking part. They wore refased, Avhen a fight ensued ; Maj: Smith drew a revolver and shot Frank Smith, tho ball entering the grom, cutting an artery, leaving the vietim in a critical oondition. Smith was ai rested. At the August nv.'cs at Big Ilapids, a horse was entercd caUed Friday that wou easily every trotting race frm tl) reo minutes down. Tho managers spoke of kim ns "au old team horse without record," but this old team horse performed some iparvelous feats on tho turf that kis backers pretended to bè ftstonished at. Tho hcowe was iinally protested, rnled out, aml taken to ]5attle Creek, and he was also protested there. It now transpiros íhat this old horse without, record proves to be Ohio Boy, with a record up among tli3 twenties. This is substantiated by ailidavits. At Jackson, on Sunday last, a pai-ty of Germans went flshing in the pond. Ono of the party, fiamea vnariw ". better kuown tliere as " Dutoh üharlie," bocame afraid the boat wonld upset and drown him, and beggod to be pnt ou the railroad bridge TMta WM done, aud the boat pnshed off, but had gone ouly thirty rods when tho oooupauts heard screams ! and aaw Charlie fall froin the bridge. He ncver carne to the surface, and ït was half an hour before the body was récovered. Chai-lic was a nativo of Trussia, but bad lived at Jackson a nuinuur ui rew Ho was a 80ldier in tho lat0 war' md received wounds. Ho was generally rogarded as weak minded, but was well lifced. Bev. W. E. MüLaren, who lias been éfeoted V.ishop of Uliuois, was from 1867 until 1872 a resident of Detroit, and lus elevation to high ccclesiastieal honors is somcthing in which lmndreds oí warm personal íiiends thero will rcjoiee. His father, Kev. Dr. J. F. McLaren, is still a resident of that city. Ifc was there that the new Bishop nally gavo up tho chureh in which he had been team (the l'vesbyterian) and identiüed hinis!lf with tho Episcopal ehurch. A Detroit paper says that his tender, and loviug, and modest words on tho occasion when ho publicly annoiinced to Kis eoiifiivgation the öeoiaop which severod hini from tho chuivh associatums of alife-time will never bo forgottcn by those who heard him then, and theve is not one of all that numerous andienoe who even for a moment doubtcd hia oenty. Tira most intense exoüement hun prevailed in Monroe for sovoral days pust, eatmed by the ntdarni and mystcrious disappcnranee of Frank Lai'ontaitio, son of Louis Lafoutaine, of the flrm of Lafontaine, Loraiigor & Co., tankers of that city. On Wedm-sda.y tvoninp; of last he paid a visit t yourg Uuly to ivhom ho was sai.l f" 1' engaged and gave hor a beautiful gold chaia to be attached to a provious gift of a gold wath. He aceompanied the present with the romark that it would probably bc the last that she wonld over receivo from l'im. Similar íntimatíoBB to ertbers, however, now show that he hail premoaitatod eithei flight or suicido. But the most nnexplainftblë drctttewtaaoea cf the añair is that there is no imaginable cause for the aot, His aiV.urs in the bank are without the slightest irregiiíarity, his relations v.ith his fleertce without a eloud.


Old News
Michigan Argus