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ïjlNSEY & SKABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY -AUD - PLOUK & PKKD STORK. We keep conatunUy on üund, BREAD, CRACKERS. CAKES, ETC , FOR WHOLESALE ind RETAIL TRADE. We sliall alno keep a aupiily of DELHI FLOUR. ,1 M SWIFT & UO'S BK8T WHITE WHKAf FLOUH, IIVK KlXilïlt, BUCKWWHKAT FLOUlt. (JiiRN MEAL, PEED, &o.. &o. At Wholesale nnd retall. A general stook of GKOCERIKS AND PROVISIOHS oonstantly on hand, whieh will be aold on au ruuaouible tevms M at -niy othei liouue in thiw city. Caahpaid tor liutter, ISskb, and Country l'roduce generally. Ifeir Goods delivered 10 any part of llie city without extra chart?e. misi:v & sKABOir. Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1. 1875. l.r14tl TUK ANN AR BOK SAVINGS BANTK Ann Arbor, IMichijüin. Recelvee deposita -)t' One Dollar and upwarda :im :illnws l'iu' percent. Interest ou al] deposita rtjmainIng three nuiiitlis or langer. Interest Couipouiuled Scini-Aniiualiv. Also buya and sells U.S. Bonds. Gold, Silvei and [aterest Coupons, and New Vork, Detroit and Chicago Excbange. Alsoaells si.-ht Drafta on Grkat Beitatn, ïkicLANI), (KHMANY, UI' Uil)' utluT pllit, Of EUTO pean Continent. This Bank iaoTRanlzed uuderthe General Banking Luw u(' tliia State. The Stoekholders are Indlvidually Hable to the amount oí their stock, and the whole cupilul la securttj for depositóla, whlle with Banksof Ismie.the capital lainvested tor the security o)' bilï-holders. This fací makea tltis Institutioo n vci-y safe depoaitory of montes. Uarried Women can deposlt aubjeel to thelr own drafteonly. fflouey lo liOnii on Approved Hcciirltles. DIHËCTOKS: S. Bhith, C. Mack, V. W. Winks, ü. A. Bkal, V. h. Harriman. D, Hiscook, W. De OFFICEKS: H. S. Siitii, Pres't. 0. Mack, Yuv-Pre.s't. C. E. Hiscock, Teller. Eïotice. Annual Meeting of the Waahtenaw Mutual Flre Inso ranee üompany will be held :ü the Court Souse Inthecityof AunArbor.on 8ATURDAY, h roiu.i; lm. 1875, at u o'clock . m., for the purwee of the election of officers, and aleo to amend be charter of mld eompany. A general atteudancu í uiembera U tsspuciall) da lred. Dated. Aug, 26, 1875. vs!u:i,i!, Secreiary. vi:i,i,i4; iioiMs loit SaLE. A lurge tuii very WttlJ built bfick htmse, with wo oi more lots. l'wn large frauaed housea. Alao n good -iized briok house and li ame bunw ; and i siiKtlï frame bouseon ;i good lui intendod lor udUng atiunt. For ual on fair ter ma and h rauaoDale crt'dil. A lao ut ii'-i buildings, lots, and property. II O M : V W A T li D - Bo iiiivny winhing ii borrow monej appl] to me that L cun readüy obtmnt'ur tenders gooa satisfactory ïnvostmtiitB at eii per ccül. interest. E. W. MOKGAN. Ann Arbor, Aoril 23, 1873. I42:ïtf C rC . Cifc Pw üay at home. Terins free. Ad [)tlu iJÏ-wVdressU.Ti.NsuN A;o., Portland, Me O M , ' D n ■■ . V .'s- r cfl ü fi o P n s O Q g C g o !m tí % ñ a 1 r Q M O fj!iOTJír7T rriic Quality of' our Floiir HADE A BPECIAL,TY J. M. SWÏFT & CO., of the lalt tinu of üeubel, Swifl. & ('o., otter to tli publio t tirnt claaa braiul of Fhmr. Order lor F LO UU AND FE EI)! BIST be Ittftnt the .Post Otfiot;, in mu1 Box. marked J. M. Swit't & Co., or at the mili, which will be made a apecialy. DKLIViiKY PaBB- TEBM8 CASE. !62fimO í. n. SWIIT &, (o. Shriffs Sale. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, county of Wiwbtenaw, t mb. Alli'd W. lJauíniT n. -liuni's W . Vtxse. By vutue otoñe writ of exerutiou issued out of and lindar .the anal of the OírcDít Court fw tl.e county cf Waslitenaw, in the above entitled canse) to me direoted und dhvere(l, I have od thlB ;iddiy of Ajigust, A. 1). 1876, levléd um all the right, title :md inierat of James VV. Case, m aud tu i he followinff desoribad real estáte sil uated ín theooantyof washtenaw, State t Miobiffaa to wii : The east half of tota oumber mí.v onndred and nine and wix hnndied aiui ten in Follett, Viiiiíht and HoIhum udditioo to the city oí' Vpsiliinti, Mk'hijftiii, which iibove leacribed luud 1 will affet íor sale to the higbesi bidder, at tlie si.ut door of tibe Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor, on the 28th day of öeutember A. Ü. l7ö, at teu o'ulock A. M. of said day. Duted Ai;ust3d, 1875. IMS M. FLEMING. Sheriff. CLAKK, Jutii-e of thTPëai'e.Notary Pub lie and ConTeyancer. Will loan money lur utIk-iw on real estáte seftirity. Estáte of Kichard Flannery. TATB OF MICHIGAN, oounty of Washtenaw, ss At aaesaion of the Probate Court for tht junly of Waéhtnaw, holden at the Probate Office. u tht city ut Aun Arbor, ou Monday the twtmtyúrd day of August, in the year one thouband g-lit hnndred and seventy-hve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of he estáte of Richard Flannery, deceated. On reading tmd fUins? the petition duly veriftpd, ot Luke Coyle, Adminislrator, prayina tut he may be Lfcensed to bel! the real entufe whereof said leceusud dled seized. Tbereupon it H ordered that Tuw Ihv, tlit fwentyelgh h day of September next, at lei o ■ . ck in 1 h BigxK] forthe hearing of saidpot i tion, and tlmt the ti.i ut law of said deceased, unrl ;dl othei person nterestc-d in aaid estáte, are required to nrpear af a aeoeion of auid oourt, then to be at the Probate Office, iu the city oi A i a Arbor, and show cause, if miy fli. r. be. why tlie prayer of , the petition er slmuld nol begrauted . And it is fnrther ordered tbal Bfldd petit ion er give not to t he persona interested in saidestate, of the pendeaov ol saidpetition nd d . by dausing a copy ol thia ordei to be ptiblished in the Michigan Argtu, a newspaper printod and circulatinK in aaid county, foor BtweesBïve weekt previoue to Mid day o) hearing. (Atrueoopy.j MOaU W. CHEKVtóH, 164ftw4 Jutlue of Probate. Mortgít{e Sale. Defaalt haring buemnnde in the eonditionof i oertain uur.-, gage execoted by Wiiüiun Uvan on the üleventh day o! April A. D. IH74, to Martin Hyan, ezecutor of the last will and testament ot Edward Kyan, deceased, wlm;h aai BHStgttge wan giren to sectitt t!.e purohase money of the prantsefl therein described, and recorded on the same tirty ut ö:bAt o'clock i. m., iu the office of the Register of Deed in the eouot] al Wahtaair Michigan, iu LiberW of MortgAges, on pae 2-19, and wiiicb aaid mortgage vis tía the seonnd day of Norembei A, l - I74,&8signed bysaidHartii ttyan to Leonhard Örnner, and on the ameday recordcd iu the oliice of the roglsteï ot Deed? in tht. Coonty of' Washtenaw, iu liber 4 of asf inments ui' Enortgaes, uu page 47t and on the4tn day ot i ieoeoaber A U. 1874, Leonhard Oruner HSBignee ai aforeeaid, assigned the samu to WUÜam F. Outos, whicli wignment was recorded on th ■ same day in the oüice of Elegiater of Deeds in ihe cuuuty of Washtenaw, ín liber 4, of aaslgitsmtta of mortgages, ou page të'ó, by wlucli delault the power oi salé contaiued in aaid mortgan hun beoome oporative, on wliith mortgage there is clairad lo iïuh tL ÜW time of thi notice, tor interest, sixty-tWO dollars and sixteen cents, and alpnthe further sumof thirty dollanfor un attorney'e fee na provided in n;iid niortguge, and no snit orproceeding at law or in equity iiaviug beeu iuatituted to part thereoi : .oiieo ia, theret'ore, hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sule contaiued in said rüortgae, 1 shall sell at public auction, at the South truxit door oí the Court House, in the city oi Ann Arbor, (that being the building in which the Circuit Court foi said (Jounly oí Watditenawia beid jon the twen ty-snvfciitn dtiy of November, A. D lH7ó, ;it ten o'elook in tlie forenoon of that iliy, the foHowiüirpremifles deoribed iu said moriera ge viz: il o vülage lote numberftve and six in block nuniber forty-tive in the villftge of Manchester, in said cuunty and State, acoording t the recordflcl plat thereni, or tL rauch or stich part or pur te thenof as shali be neoeaaary to MUafy the anwuni dua uhi said mort grage. Dated September 3d, 1R75. WILLIAM F. O8IU8, Frepebick Pistobxus, Assignee. Att'y tor Atwignee. 1S33 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT baving beajn nádelo the condltiona of a eertüin mortgage mude and executüd by Hubert J. Lindaey and JexuÉh J. Lindsey, of Saline, Michigan, to Churlos H. Wailace, of tlie HUW place, dated December ninth, 1862, and recorded in ilu; otiici' ol the ReglBter of Deeda tor the County of Waahtenaw, Michigan, in IJbor thirty ol mortguges, on puge 114, on the nineteenth day ot De oember, A. D. &ú2, at 11 a. m. of 8aid day, which mortgage was duly assigned by the naid Charièa H. Wallace to ' 'omstock Hill, of Lodi, Washtenaw County, Michig-an, which asöignment was duly executedon the twenty-sixth day of July, A. D. 187 ", and recorded in the office ot the said Register oí Ueeds on tlie 8th day ot September, A. D. 187 j, on whiüQ moiigagt and tne n(tto aecompanying the same, there is elaimed to be due two hundred and aixty-six dollars and ten cents, at the date i f this uuiict;, tor principal and interest, and thirty-iive dollai-s as au aitoruey fee, provided for in said mort gage, by wliieh deftt uit the power of tale contained in. aaid mon-gage luw becouie operativo, and no procediugs in luw oi1 in cbanceiy having been eotnmenced to recovor the debt Hecured by said mortgage ot any part theroof: Notiee ia hercb} ïven that said mortgage will be foreotoaed by the sale of the mortgaged premiBen, to wit ; All that tiiici or paicel of huid situated iu tlie township of aliue, Washtenaw 'ounty, Michigan, known. bouuded and deacribed followS] to wit: lieing the northeast quarter of southwest qniurter of sec tion [20), in townahip numbrr foui (4), south o ranffti flve fr;, ea.-t, and containii-s fort y aerea of land. Said sale will take place at the front door ot the Court House, in the city of Anu Arbor, in said Oounty, (that being the placo where the C'ircuii Court tor the County is hehl; on the fourth day of December, A. 1). 1875, at eieren o'elook in the foreDUOn OÍ said. Date d September 9th. is;.r.. 0OM8TOCK íIILL. D. Ckamkb, Asatgoee of Mo tguge. Attornt-y for Awignee. 154? A1.E OF THK Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northern RAILROAD. IT8PBOPEKT1 AND FRAKCHISIS. In the Districi Couri of the United States for the EasterD District of Michigan. In Bankraptcy. I ii the luatter of the Toledo, Anu Arbor and Northern Elailroad Compauy, a baukrupt. Notiee La bereby given thai on TueatïayXhe fouri eentb day of September oext, the und rsigned, aasignee of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern ttailroad Company, a bankrupt, will offef :it puDHc sale ai Hi o'cloek in the forenoon of said day, and will sell to Uie highesi bidder al the souta froni door of the CourtHonse, ín the city Qf Anu Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in aaid district, all the rlght, title and tnteresi in me reated, as asnlgnee in bankruptcy of said bankrupt, and all the rlgbt, title and Interest of said bankrupt, In and to the foUowing property, to ril : Certain promissory notes given in pay menl i" subscriptions to the stock oí said company En the Bum of aboul - Subscriptiona to the capital stock of said compaoy in thesumof about $20329, Certain judgmenti obtained upoa snbseripttons ae aforesaia ín the suin of about $8,500. Certain agreementa to tafce stock iu said cumpany ín the aum of aboul S6t602. Outetanding subscriptiona i the capital stock of said company in the sum of about S6,6d2. About thirty-eight mflea of the road-bed of said bankrupt. lying in the city of Ann Arbor and between said city of Ann Arbor and the Oblo State llnet near Toledo, which has been separately fonstructed, withthe righi of way seeured and Incident thereto. About 70,000 railroad ties, aituated at dliïereni pointe alonó the line of said road-bed. About 500 corda ofsoff wood. stmilarly situated. Certaio promissory noles, wnose payment is conditioned upon the placingof the iron on the said road-bed, In tho sum of about $40,000. A lot in the Tliird W'urI Ín said city of An Arbor, i d said district, kimwn a-s the Clinton lo ralued ;U sw, aad encumbered in the Buro of $20 The abo ve mentioned piotrty (poesessing it chief valué in being eoni rollea hy a unity uí Intei est in the construction of said road) w ill be oflfere and Bold in one pared as aforeeatd. A fu 11 and specific schedate oí' saáá peosonal prop erty and real estáte may In1 seen m the tan office o the undersigned, In Mie city of nn Arbor, in ü dist riel. Th is sale uill be made purauanf to a order of said court made m i he thirteent li day i August, A. I. 1875, Dated, August _;;, I-S7."í. EDWARD D. KIXNK. 1545-W&. Assiyiice. Thissale la adjourned un til Tueaday, Si ptembe 28th, 1875, ai leu o'clock in the forenoon, at tb same place. Dated, September 21, 1875. EDWARD I'. KINNE, Assignee. EÍVISKAL LAW AW BIÍSIÍESS KOOT & URAKUER, havlng aecured tlieexclu ■ÍTB use üf ROOT'S ABSTRACT REE0RU I500KS for the cuuutv ui Washtenawi whioli tliey Imve ■Mietülh revised, posted ttnd períeot d, ;md hav íul:, wi'li in extensive mu reliable correBpundence oiiened a (íknti;iíal Business Agkn-cy it No. 5 West 1 1 iiron Street, in the city of Ano Arbor, will altend prompt ly to the sale, purohaac ind leasing of real entte, the loauintf ot money !OlleotÍonB,negotÍAtionB, contractin and eonvey moiliff, Lile and Pire iBvuraBoaa, and to the pruoice oí l.nw in t be varioua Courta oí' tiii.s State. -íuu Albor, May 1, 147o. TKACY W. KOOT, B. P. GKANUKR. For Sale Gheap. The subscriber offera for sale hls HOtJSE Ü1TD ZiOTS ni West Hurón atreet, next west of 8. 1'. Jewett'a esidenee. The bouae is ene of beat, and pleasmtest, Forthe aie, in the city. Will be sold for ÖOC lt8 t ian cost. tor particulars ápply to John N. Gott, or 1580 A. ü. BESIMER. A Lecture 30 TO YOUNG MPN. rust I'ublishfil. in i Sealed Bnvttope, Prict six cunis A loclurc on í Xutnre, '1'retilnieiit, nd Radical o,tre oí Seminal Weaknes, or riperiiat.ori-liu;a, induced by A buse, I DTOluntary Imissions, Impotency, Nervous Deblhty uad Imedimenta to Marriage ; 'oimuii.ption, Kpilepay nd h'its; Mental and JPhysica] lneapacity, &c - [y ROBERTJ. CUTjVERWEÏLL, M, D.t uuthor of be " Oreen Book,1 &c. 'fhé vorld-renowned autbor, in thie admirable eeture, cleorly proves frozn bu ovn experience lint tlie awml oonsequences of Seït-Abnse may e eiteet aally remoVwl without medicine, and vithtnit dai veioua suivieal opera tion, bougieBt intruntents, rings orooraials ; pointing trot (i raode f core at once eertain and efteotual, by whioh eTy tiutfere]-, no ma! Ier wbal hia oondition muy be, lay curehlmself oheaply, privately and rndioall . a luzdvre utiti prove n h-mn to thotuands avd thowands. Sent under seal, In B pluin envelope, to any adreas, potf-paid, on receipt ol six cents or two postee stauips. "AddreHhthe Publisher, chas, j. r, kijm: & ro., 17 Bowery. New York ; Pust Office Btix 4686. 1VE (+SE8E KKATHtóKS PIB8T (iXJ-A.IL,XX"5r )nptntlyon haud andforaaleby BACHb ABEL. Murtgage Sale. yn BREAS Patrick Fallen , oí the town,hil)(11 y lyiKi,,,,, Washtenaw eoun.y, State 01 Jh?1 gan, dul exfcute and dehver to Thomas W ii Indenture 01 mort ff age bearing !ate the ï e ent y of November. A. D. lhu.on nrt heiein doscribed nu all ot those ra-tam ,,, , Í1", iud knowD and dencribed as lollows Banw.1. he wmI half of the northeari quarter and ist haU ot the southwect qnarter and ,?e outhwest quartcr of Ihe northwet uuarter tion number twenty-iwven, and the L" nrt of the northeast quarter ui (hp sn.Tfí ut quarter oi section thirty-four, all SI te m towiiHhip numher one sonth of rani i st, ín the State of Michiirnn, contiiiii], wo hnndred and seven acres of land, mort oil " fhlch aald mnrtga(ie was duly recoi-ded in ster's oflice for the couuty of Wasliti-uaw Mn? aid, in hüei number nlty-oue of morteaü ■ pie four hundred and Ility-six, on the siitk'j f Febrnary, A. II. 1876, „t R', o'elook 7M „? Imt diij'. And whi'i'i'us default hai been m Jü n of said mortgage liy nou-M, neuts of moneys thereby secureii to bepuid wit, by the power of Rille therein contnined IikÓ,,.,!" operativo and tbeie M now, at Lhedateol notiee, claimed to be due on said mortgage t n '" )1 live hundrediind sevemy-fuuv dollars and scv . ;y-one een ts.besideü an attorney lee nf thi rty-Hvcd i an, in said mortgae expreHsly agreed to be i)B aa otteo as any proceedint; ahmild l.e tnken foreclosc tlie same, or auy part therenf, and ,lu u ceedings at luw or in equity having been inatituti A) recover thu saine or iiny part thereof : Notiwi. lurefuregiven, thnton thetwenty-thirddnyofu,. ber, A. 1) 1815, at ten o'clock in the forenoos ot aS day, at thesouth doorot the Couit House in, city of Ann Arbor, (that being the place tor holi Injf the Circuit Oou rt forsuid cunuty of Vksw'' nitw), I sh:U sell it public metion, to the hijk, t bidder, the piemiwa describí d in auid mortam aljnve set forth, ui such part oí parta tlierwf u siiiill Ijs necesBary to autisly Baid iimount witli Í treet, cosía and expenrae alloired by law Dated Ann Arbor July 19,1875. Thomas rorNQ, Mor; . EOOT &GBAKOER, Att'ys for Mortgagee. Mortgage 8ale. WUEKEAR default has b en made in the con tions of acertain ot mortgaire bn' mg dale the second day of January, A . ü. ecuted by -lames Coleman, of the city of Ann i bor, Couuty ut Waabtenuw, State of Michieun m Luther James of Lima. county and Btatd sforwi and recorded in the office of the Register of Iw ot said county of Washleuiiw, at 101., o'clock a i on the I8th day of January, a. d. 1872., in liben.' of mortgages, on page 37, which said mortgage wi. daly aaagned by wüd Luther James to Lumnnf Hlawson, on the tenth day of Oetüber. A I) l--' and the instrument ot uduiínment ihereoi reoad in ftaid Register' office, on the 21st day of Üetofae A. 1). 1874. in libei 1 of u.-.Vignineiits of morWre on page 417, and is due and unpaid on ai mortgage, at the date of tfaia notie -, the sum three humlred and ilfty dollars and forty-gi cents, together with thirty dollars i n sohcitoftt attorney lee, in case proceedingB should be take to fcreelose sanl mortgage, and no proceediogf luw or ni eqnity boa ben instituted to debt Hfcured by said mortgage, orany pe Notice ií t hertfort hereby giren by viriu of the power oi sale in said mort ga ge containri shall, on tüaturday the niutli day of October, A l 1676, at ten o'oloek in the f oreuoon ol - at public auetion to the higbest bidder th prèmii es described in said mortgage Lo&iti w blieanuM of principal and interest with the chai and ittoruey fee of thirty dollars, the pmaae hereinaftfer deaorlbed it 'thetouth di Court Houw, in said city ot Ann Arbor, 6-aidCutr House being the place of holding the - m ai t ■,, ■. within said county of Waehtenaw), ali ; . pieces or pareéis of land doscribed as foi ing lou-uumber eleven and twelve, in block num ber three uorth of Buron street, in ranpe numhe four etist, according to a recurded plat (it theriUto (nuwcityj of Ann Axbor. Dated Aun Albor, .iuly löth, '875. LUMAN 11. 8LAW80ÍT, Assijfnee. Eoward R. Slawhon, Attorney for Asaignee. 1533, Mortsrage 8ale. DEFAULT having Wen made in the conditiotü of u certaiu mortgagi' wheri by the power thw in contained to sell ha become operative, exactid by William Pliinly and Jane Plimly, hiwiíe,rt thy city ol Ann Arbor, in the county of Wwbtenaw and State of Michigan, to John HcGonid of öaleni, in said county and .State, dated thenintl day of January, A. I). eihteenhundred and aixtyeight, and rt'cordel on the tenth day of Janaarj, A.. D. 1868, at niue and one half o'clock a. m.,id the office of the Register of Deeda for thecountjnl Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, in líber $ ot mor tg agen, on pae 224, which aid mortgip was duly aKUgued by said Jolin McCormicin liachel McCormick, by deed of aasignra the aeveath day of February, A. 1. righteen huadrd and ierenty-one, which aasignnieut was liuly recurded in tlie o lice cf the said Begisterol uenii on the uintb riayot Muy, A. I). 1871, at eleven mj one half o'elock a. m., in liber tliree of , of moTtgagea, on pave 119, upon which fatre there ia olaimed to bé diit-, ut thfl date ot h notice, the su m of tour hundred ind tbii iara and ility cems, and all suita or priMeding; which have heretofore been insiilute-i fnr fln eovery út tlie del)t secured by said mor been dincoutinued, and uo snit or proi law or ia r.hancery having been instil said discontiuuance to recover iny part t in-re ' Notice is theref're hereby given.tíial i the power oí aule coutained in said o shall, on Saturday tlie twenty-tlijid day oí 0 ber, A D. 1876, at ten o'clock in thefoi at public auction to the highest bidder CitieBaiuti take plsee at tlie south doitr of the Court Hou ir the city of Aim Arbor, in said oounty, nij (Jouit House bei 11 ,ii the place oí holdiE ou it Court for said county oí Washtenaw) tbepn mises desciibed in said moTtgage, or 30 raucl bhereof as sliull be neoeseary to saiieifj due un Bttch mortifiítre and íeg&i eosts mid cbasp of sueli saló, tugether with an attorney ft -i-oi'tliir ty dollars, covcnunted for therein ; thal wto üayfti f ohowine describad piereor pnrcel uf La lot numoer aft een, ? in bloot: numbeï ïöBi, a l'nrtridge's addition to tbecity of Ann Ai bol, M cording to t-Ti9 recorded plat théceof. Dated this27thday ut July. A. D. 1876. IN A P.KíNG, Administi atov oí W. D. Harkiman. i'.H A tt-'y for Adminiatrator. 8heriíTs Sale. JTATE OF MICHIGAN, oountj ofWashtoMft O sa. John X. lUywalt . Atva A. tfotwci By virtue of one writ of execution isacd out of and under the seal oí the Circuit the county of Washteuaw, in tl e aboi cause, tome directed and delivered, 1 didontlf _yth day of May, A. JU. 1875, levied upon all lb right, title and interest of Aiva A. Kot to the following described real estáte 4tunted ñ the county of Washtenaw, State of llicbipai" wit : All that certain tract of laudsituai number eiffhteen of the viliage of Dex tennw county. State of Michigan, knownboMW and dearribed as IoHowb, to wit: Bt the eaat pide of said block number ei .south side of an alley twenty teet wide, dred and seventy feet from tlie Bouth aid street or Ann Arbor road, and running ty-four degrees along said alley 01 1 and eighty-flve and a half feet; the twenty and a half degrees west idong an iti$ twenty feet wide, and parallel to said esst liof aaid block, forty and one halt feet ; thence w flftynine and triree-fourths dtigreea east. une wifr dred and eighty-six aiid afourtn feet i line of said block : thence alomr ü e8t linefiW live and a huif feet to the piuco ui Du which above descnbed Luid I shall expnse for tothe hitfheHt bidder, at tlie nouth 1110101 Court House, in tne city of Aun Arbi.r, at W o.clock A. M. on the 2Mh day of tieptember, lm Dated August Sd, 1875. llortgage Sle. DEFAULT havmg been made in tb,. of a eertain indenture ol mortijap date the tlurtith day ot December, A. D. BA ecuted by James Coleman oi thecity of -mi ffl"J county o( Waahtenaw, State of Micb ■ " Luman R. Slawson of the said city of AM" and recorded in the office ot the Register "" tor amd county of Washtenuw, on the 2 n) Jnmmry, A. D. 1874, at 3 1-4 o'elock l M.,m 4'J of morterages. 011 page 206, and there uopaid ou said mortgage, at the date ot Wt ■ the Hum of thirty-seven dollars aud (o'1'!-11" cents, together with tbirty-live dollar tor or attorney fee, in case proceeduij 'n0' (j. taken to foreclose said mortgage. And n0I"I,. ing in law or in equity has been instituten 10 re er the debt seciued by asid mortgage 01 thereof. Notice is, theiefoie. beruby. flïe5i, by Tirtuè of the power ot sale in sim oontaind, 1 shall, on Satmday, the DÍI October, A. D. 1875, at ten o'elock in tb' of said day, seli at public auction t' tl bidder, the preinises dewribed 11 said """ - "'i, satisfy the aiuounl of principal ulid ij the charges of sale und attorney feeoi dollars, the premises bereinafter descuO1 south door of the Court House in snitl i Arbor Csald Court House bi'ilig t tie pi ing the Circuit Uourt within s:iid couulj naw) all thoae oertain piec't's or pa01 desciibed as foLow.M Bving loti numti " and twelve in block number Ehree, norlï " ni) street, in range number four est, il recorded plat 0 the vülage (uow dl " Arbor. Daled, Aii'i Arbor, July lölh, 1875. K li:ma. k. slawso.v. Ho Edward R. Slawso, Attomey fo Mortgage Sale. ÜEFAULT having been made in the 0 of a certain hulenlure of mo date the seventh day of Muy.A. D-lW'tJ" „„,,1 Uotlob Beiserand Anna Maria Iteiser, ni the city of Anu Arbor, County of . State oï Michigan, to JÓhn Daniel Hen aid city of Aun Arbor, and recorded )! the Registe rul' Deeds of saiij CountJ tenaw, on the 8th day Of May, A. . " ' ,'olock a. m. ot sid libu ot ra " iuge471. wl.ichsaid mortage "'? „11, on lysaid John Daniel Ueinnch to John he25th day ol May, A. Ü. 1871, and the V ■t aasignment thereof, recurded m " , ittLcaoathe 18th day of Jnly, AJ ■ o'elock F M. ol said day, in Iiber3 p of mortBag.-s, 011 page 178 w ms duly aaaigned by said Jolm U ■" ' ..„peut ''' dayol Marcll.A. I). I8T4, and the "f'lissignmvnt thfivot recorded ]n , fflee ou the 7tli day of March,. ■ 'clockP. M. of idday.inlibevi f mortgaïee.on page 243,and lui.e . „, aid on aid mortgani, at the dat ' „ombesura 01 tour hundred and wven dou aa.ini y.ixoents, together wiih thirt] douw ,rn,.y f-e, in case proceeding shouU 1 J .redi. uid morteae, aud uo P-'"; ;,'; , r In equity luw been institutedto ■ ecuredby uid mortgage, or any P" .s tbcref.MV hr,eb -iven, t hepoWerot sale oontained in ",,„. halConSatUTlaythe nnith day of w „ ). 187, at ten o'clock iu tbe !,...■ ■' j,.,r, tW dl ut public üuction to n. remUe. doscv.bed in sai I morWÍ Il:, mountof principa! and ii " ■" ; "' d0 t sale and attorney tee of t "■' j , remiaea hoerjnaftw ei. Kribed, at 1 Wi ( .- I t the Court Howeinnaidolt! SiB, ourt House being the place " SVli uit Court witliin said 1 'ount y I " r fur „or ; I .at part of lot nnmber tour, btoo" : j.olli. I ange six east, that hos "hv"'. oid. td I reet in the city of Ann Arbor atore na to the recorded plat thereof. I,„ted Ann Arbor, $$,L!& Assiif "" " Edward R. SlaWMb; .„(mee. Attomey for Assigfneo


Old News
Michigan Argus