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Bach & Abel

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Invite th.e attention of tne public to tlieir very largo and complete stock of Dry Goods, bough.t for cash. in tb.O Eastern markets, and offered for salO at esctrexnely low prices. We would cal] attention to onr large line of Ladies' Dress Goods BLACK ALBACAS, MO'dAIRS, BRILLIANVEESiS, &C, Of tbe celebrated Marie Sttjart brand, imported by Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co., and acknowledged to be the best iinislied, most durable, and cheapest goods ín the country. liave the largest and cheapest line of plain and plaid EEPELLAÏÏTS & WATEHPHOOFS ever shown in tliis city. Glotlis, Cassimeres, Suitings, 100 piecea plain and plaid Flannels, wliite and gray Blankets at lower pricea tlian ever hefore known in this county. 2( cases and lales BLEACHED and BROWN COTTONS Denims, Tickings, Shirtings, Cantón Flannels, &c, direct frön manufacturera, and offered at smal] advanee over cost. Pit'U dozen Ladies' Fancy Ties, all, the aoveltiea of the season. 2i dozen A. T. Stewart's ALEX ANDER Kil) GLOVER. 1 Oni' busiuess is condúcted upon a strictly easli l);lsi and eacli article is marked at its lowest cash value. All good wil] be found as represented, and prices guaranteed as low a at any house in Michigan.


Old News
Michigan Argus