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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LARCE ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. AT W. WAGNER'S Who Sells Olothingso Clieap that lie DEFIES ALL GOMPETITION. All who are wessed with tlie hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNER'S. A fine stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings always kept and Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FURFI3HING GOODS. W. WAGlTEIt, 1496 21 South Maih St. Ann Arbor. Comstock's 86 SPRING, BED. IS GVAKANTEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY STOISELEÖ8. Warranted not to sag or form b trough, aud to be the easiest, best and HOST DURABLE BED IS MARKET. Spring being doublé, are self-supporting, nnd h ving upper and lower springa, the bed in Mjuiilly 'or Hght or heavy persona. Same bed ia readily adjudted to ftt bedsteads of different widths Address uil orders to COMSÏOCK BROS., Manufacturera. Adrián, Afich. Illuatrated circulara and price list furnished on application to the manufacturera. Commissioners JNotice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. Tlie undersigned having been appomted by the Probate Court for said county, commisaionere t receive, examine and adjust all claiina and demands of 'ill persona againat the estüte of Lud wiff C. Miller, late of aaié county deceaaed, hereby give notice that aix months from date are allowed, by order of Baid Probate Oourt, for oreditors to present thoir claima againat the estáte of said deeeased, and that thuy will meet at the late residenceofBaid the townnhip of Scio, in said county, on the twentieth day of December nul on the twentieth day of March noxt, at ten o'cUnk a. M., of each of aaid daya, to receive, examine and adjuat said claims, Dated September liOth, A. U. 187ö. FREDERICK STABT-ER, CommiHaioners. JAOOB JEDELE, ƒ Estáte of Charles Behr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw bs. Ataaession of the FroDate Court ior th county of Washtenaw, holden ut tlie Probate Oflic Ín the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty flvst day of September, in the year one thousan eiiïht hundred and seventy-five. i'rentmt, Noah W. Cheever, Jude of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charles Behi deceased. Philip lïach, adminiatrator of said state, eomt into court and representa that he is now preparei to render his account hb such ndininistrator. Thereupon it is ordered that Tuewday, th twelfth day of October next, at ten o'cloc m the forenoon, beasaigned for examining nnd u lmvini? such account, andtliat theheirs at la w of sai deceas'ed, and all other personR interested in snid es tate, are required to apiear at a sesaion of Haid cour then to be holt'en at the Probate Office, in tl city of Ann Arbor, in aairf county, and show cauae, if any there be, why the said aocoui should not be allowod : And it ie further or dered that said administrator give notice to tl persons interested in said estáte, of the pen deney of said account, aud the hearing thereo by causiati u copy of this order to be published i the Michigan Arpus, a newspaper printed and ei culating in said couty, two aueceasive weel previous to caid day of liearinjr. (A truecopy.) NOAH W. CHKEVRK, 1641w3 Judge of Probate. CONTINENTAL UFE INSURANCE CO. r2t A ""TKRïÏ ' ""'-■'3 Annual Statement, JANITARY I, 1S75. Acrumulaleil ilsscts, - $,554,828 Liabililles, lnclndinsr reserve 5,848,849 Surplus beloning to Poliey Uohl'rs 711,982 Annual Ihíoiiic, - 2,820,SI3 Aiiioiiii of Insurance hi fori-e. 54,98,941 Tlirly iliiyn of trrace alIoTred oh Payment of Renewals, No rei-trictiun on Travel. I'rmripl und libersl iu payment of claims. Claims paid in 1S7+, $000,000. Total fleath clainu pald in lust eiiilit yeare, M.OOÜ.OOO, 1538 Nu. 10 Dunk Blook, Detroit, Managei tov fttiohigan. JOHN BEAKS, Uist. Ag't, Aun Arbor, Mieh. $20,000 in Prizes! 12th Aimiiii! Gift of Premiums To the subserlbers oi the DETROIT Commercial A dvertiser Wili positlvely take place ;it the DETROIT OPERA HOÏÏSE, ON Wednesday, gept. 29, 1875 SUBSCRIPTION PRlCf (Includiug participatloB in out Premium Awardl Half-yearly i mos) - . 1.5O One yoar - - - - 2.5O WM. H. HU UK. ■ ■iiIilislK-r, Uetroit, niicli. FOll SALE. AltKSlKABI.i: COTTASE with rerj Bnely shaded erounds, Deai i lnj University, now vacant and will be aold very low. Euquire of A. B. PBESCOTT. RAILROADS. Ml HifciAN CENTRAL RAJLROAD. SÏÏMMER TIME TABI.E. raOING WEtaT. "Z M ñ . ec w TAT.ONS. H SI -gè, .g Q O i-s L . A. M.A.M P.M. P.M. p.M. p.M. Uetroit,leave, 7 00 9 50 3 00 4 00 5 40 9 54) wayne, 7 Si 10 30 3 39 4 52 6 37. 8 42 ïpmlanti, 8 32 U 011 4 13 5 27 7 10 11 0(1 AnnArbor, S !,; Il 15 4 30 5 45! 7 45 11 17 Dexter, ;, M __ 5 o,, 6 08 8 10 Uielsea, 9 40 6 23' 8 30 Orass Lake, 10 04 (49 9 00 t , ''■ ■■ M A. M. Jackson, k, :!T 12 .:i 5 30 7 15 9 SO 12 45 A M Kalaniazoo, 15 2 5S 1221.; 2 ,14 (ihii-agoarrive, 7 35 i a PO 530 8 ou OOINQ EA8T. i g . Il J fl f _o_ 2 5_ 5 A.M. A.M.1 1'. M. P.M.' A.M. Chicago, leave, 0 00 9 00 5 15 9 00, P.M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 in 10 30 2 35 . , P.M. A.M. A.M.1 Jaokson, 2 12 4 05 7 00 12 47 4 55 9 40 lirass Luke, 2 45 7 32 S 23 Ohelaea, 3 10 ! S 00 i 50 Dextei, 8 25 ; 8 W ! 6 08: Ann Arbor, 3 S2 ft 10 S 37 2 22 6 28 10 4C Ypsilanti, 4 20 5 27 8 5f 2 42 6 48 11 00 Wuyne, 4 45 6 43 9 23 3 02 7 10 11 30 [ -iniit, arnve. i 6 45, 8 45 10 15 3 50 8 00 12 00 DETEOIT, HILLSDAIiE & INDIANA KA1LEOAD. GOINQ WEST. -1876- OOINO EAST. stations. Mai;. Exp.i TATKiNs. Kxp. MaÏÏ. A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:01) 5:40 A YpHilanti.... 8:32 7:15 Bankera 5:20 2:30 K"lme (1:35 7:45 Hillsdale ... 5:45 2:40 ündgewatcr.. 10:00 8:03 Manchester . 8.40 410 Manchester. 10:30 8:22 Bridgewatet 9:15 4:55 „.,,.. " M. Baline 9:35 4:52 HillsdMe 1:13 10:05 Ypsilanti.. 11-00 5-27 Banters 1:30 10:15 Detroit 12:05 SO Traína run hy Chicago time. To take eflect .Tuly 11, 1S75 W. F. PAKKER. Sup't, Ypsilanti. EDWARD DUFFY HAS JUKT EECEIVED AN Entire INTe w Stock í)f poods oonsintintí oí Teas, Coffees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW YORK from first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at a VlüRi SLIGBT ADVAMH over New York Cost. AIm.j a full lin of lyADIES and GKNTLEMEN'b VVKAR in BOOTS & SHOES, All of whidli he is offering VERY LOW FOR CASH. [t pays everybody to buy their goods for Cash. Cali iind uxumine goode and prices, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACT ON Gooda delivered to any part of the City free of charge. EDWARD DUPFY. " Mnynard'n Kloek,'' cor. Main and Ann streeta UM Ann Arbor, Hich. C. BLISS & SOU are now ready for the SPRING TRADE with an Elegant Stock OF New Goods consisting f CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRT, Silver & Platefl Ware anda erinL them at prïces never before offereiï in the market. Homething new iü TEA SETS and at a great reduction from former pricea. fë7Remeiiiber we liave tlie I, arrest Morli in tlte ( ii) . Vttll and sce for oiirsl rs. REPAIRING NEATL7 AND PROMPTLY DONE. C. LISS & SOX. 1522 THE NEW ENGLAND BANGE with Elevated Hol Cloeet, corablning al) thelateat, most raluable and económica! bnpro vemen ta In Cooklng Rftuges, The iiew MORNINC CLORY beautifullv naoanted, and acknowledged t l e one of the leading flret class Cook Stores. THE WOODLAND COOK A new iirst clasa Wood Stove; for a low prlced stove it cannot le beat. It has all the modern tmprovementa. The abovestovea all have the new Patent Diffusive Oven Flues, by which theoTen a sureto be evenly heated at all times, makins hem the most perfsci Bakers In themarket. Tne LETER CLOTHES WRINGER Isa pcrfoct sncceM. Every lady who use i wringer should gel one al i ' Those in reasons Forgettlng Weed's Carpel Sweeperareyctg I ones. Gílvanizkd ibos Toilet Sbt8, are certainly the moa! durable. Mv Portable Bath Tuba are the besl and cheapest and Bhould be indispensable. Those metal Water Filters everj farailT sbould eel one :it G. .1. PEASE'S. 1 1! Sou 1 11 ,11a i ii Street. OITIZENS of ANN" ARBOR .isrr vicinity. l have Hst recelved a large stock "i' BOOTS AND SHOES All Grades ! All Widths ! All Sizes ! And Low Prices! 1 have now the Largest stock of Ladies', Missea and Childrani fine shoes ia Ann Arbor. - i Children'e School Sboaa made a specialty. An entirely ne thlng, a Ladies', Miases' and Child'8 CalfButtoned Shoe, which wlll certainly outwear all others. Pleasi ing elsewhere and --.itisty yourself as to shoes and priöes. 1OHN BURG. lío. ! South Main Street 1847m8 TO IiE LET, Col. O. B. irrant's old residence, now beiiur n lnrgeil aad th'oroughly repaired. Knquire at the hoe store of CYKUa. A LEWI9, Na 9, Eail lliirun Street.


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Michigan Argus