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Gossip Of The Day

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Tin', daüghter of Bismarck, the öablo auBOuaoes, has been botrothod to Coiint Wcndlzucnlarbergo. HeavoDS ! Wliat a namo ! One of the witnesses in 1 o vestigatiön of the Tndiau contracta at Washington ïB.a Mr. Brevier, and Trof. Marsh is desirous that ho bo interrogatod. Exten.SIVB preparation.; ]:u"l bron made for a burglariona raid on Windsor OasÜe whiJo Queen Victoria was absent in Scotland. The opportune discoTerJ and capture by the pólice oí the lmrglars' (ooi;.;, whiuh hail been aocroted withiü a short distance Í (hu Castlo, proveutod tho attempt. !".. 1!. Bowiöis, cue nf iiu mombersof tho extensivo and dai:gerona gang cl' counterfeiters roceull.y broken up n the South, wbb a man oí' considerable influonce in the section of Ténnossee whtíre he ri'sulecl, was foroman of tho last graud-jnry of Oreen county, w;i: dea on of a church and snperintendent oï a Sabbath school. TnERE are mutterings of a national convention of dry gpöds doalors, to protest against the present sty Ie of cliuging dresses worn by womon. The haberdasfiers sigh for the good old days of hoops, when iifty to sixty yards of oloth ■went in to a skirt, and declare that thrse tight drèssés aro actually taking tho bread out of thcir mouths. Tin: reoent sale of Lord Dttamoro's hord of short-horns in Soot'and shows tliat the days of fancy prioea have not yet goiie by. Thirty-nine head of cnttle were sold at au av&raa price per head of $3,361, the total amoimt realized being $131,115 One buil, the " Duke of Connaught," brought $25,000. Au agent of tho Viceroy of Egypt paid 15,000 fr ono animal. Aocorpino to Prazer's Magazine the nvnilal'lo torce -which Great Britainhas to commcuce a cainpaign abroad or to defond tho shorcs of England, Ireland, and Seotlajid consists of only 5,250 eavalry, 30,272 iufantry, and 120 guns, an army just about oqual in ïmmbers to onc of the sixbeen .irmy corps into which the limd orces of Germany aic at this moment divided. Tiiky have, ;i natural cm-iosity in ( Ireenburg, Ind. It is a small mapio tree uxurialing in tho stonc work noar the top of tho Court-Houso tower, which is 140 feet high. This verdant waif, I less sprang from a soed dropped by a passing bied. In spito of its'precarious efttration, the troe lias reacbod a height of cight foot., and iis tnmk is two and a half iachofi in diameter. Tiie extraordinary lengt-b to wMoh a liobtty Avill earry a rider, so soon as it reaches the proportions of a manía is ü- lustrated in the case of a noted leader of woman's rights in Chicago. This woman writes a commimication to the Tribune, of that city, seriously advocating a systematie slaughter of allchildrenborn out of wedloek. As the Tribune rcroarks, hei proposition is one which, in tho days of King Hei-od, miyl t havtí popularized fe malo suffrage ; butr King Ilcrod is not ihiw regarded as a model Bovereign. He died hard, too. Thomas Jones, alias John Wagster, a Tenneaaee white desperado, was to have been exocutetl at New Madrid, Mo., last weck, l'or the murder of au old colored man namcd Frank Shmmon, but a stay "of pTofeceflings wis granted until the Supremo Court can pass npon the case. While the Bcaffold -was being erected Wíigster got drunk and uttcred the most vile and profane lauguage imaginable, the workmen on tlie gallows coming in for a share of tuiseemly abuse. lie is said to be a Bdn of a once prominent Baptist preachor. It is now Btaied, on what seema to bc good authdmy1, that General Joscph E. Johnston tus it last acoapted the appointtuent of Commandor-in-Cbief of the Khedive'e army - an oflico which tiio, General ia said to havo heretoforo cleclinod. Probably this appointment is duo to the suggestion of General Stone, who is in the Khedivo's and otlier American officers in Egypt no doubt strongly rocommended it. The bonus of .5100,000 f or "outfit" and an umiual salary of $25,000 in gold are stroiig inducements for any General. The Postoffice Department at Washington has iust received a copy of the report of the Chinese Postónico for the year 187-1. It is bnt soven years sinee the postal System was established in China, but the progresa is yery promiii'iig, and niTangements bave been made for a lajfgfl extensieD of this system duriug the coming year. The mail röütës in ojicration at the cIoro of the year aggregated 25,217 English miles, an increase durrag the year of 87 0-10 per cent.; number of Postoflices 3,214, of which 1,741 hal boen establislied during the year. There wero olso 476 street letterboxes, of wMoh all but 1G5 had been oroote-1. during the year. Anothbb shocking story of brutality in a lunatic anylum ha3 been brought to light in New York. Nelsou Magee, a comeniasion merchant and a reputable citizrn, na flie other day relcased from tho Kinga County Asylam, upon tlic t'ireat of lega] pïp( ilings by his wifo He iras in just 50 days, hflving been thrown in tmder the temporary delirium of sun-Ktrukc. To make a long story short, he was constantly revilecl and abnscd, and snw other patients similarly troatoa. His wife. was coupled with the mósi opprobrious opithets to hisfaoe, and, wheu he roeented wsh treatment, he was put in a atrftü-jaoket by bruto] Germán keepers and pounded nearly to death, and threatened with death itself . All tlii- miglit be the fiction of a lunatic, but scaw and welts upon BLr. Magcc's liody eau hardly be a product of the imagination. A criuors dispute lias avisen between the ludían Bureau and the Goreraor i' Kansa, growing out of the kill'ng of foux Oíiage Indiana by the Kansas militia dm ing tin: Kuimn.T of 1871. The Secretarv of the 1 1 1 1 ■ i ■ i t i - claims (50,000 as in denwity for tho death of hia oopper-ool-' ored wwdí) and has made a formal demond u])!n Gov. Qsbor&a te that imonnt. The lattcr íails bü icv tlie matte in thafc ', and refuses vory pointcdly to pay (lm sum aaked, or any other sam. He suys that do reparation is due from the Btato of Kansas, and none needbe expocted ; tha) She Imliana wero ia Kansas in violaöon of th' . tivo orders of the go vernmont, and therefore their kUling was justiflable and prol)"]'. Ho Bays it is the duty of the gonoral governtuont to keep the savagos in their resorvations, and that if it does not thny must accept thö cohsetjuenöes; that -wlu 11 (hrv get Iheii feet on thesaoredBoüof KaBsas they will bo treatod as public enemiè's, and dispoüetl of as apidly and thoroughlyoasiblo. "People living 011 the frontdor?, and cxposed to Indian depredations," sayn Uig (inviTimr, " cannot always be relied npon to instituto judicial examiuation roepecting the status of Indians found roaming in (heiv midut. 'J'lio complete separation of the white Bettlers and the Indians is the only roasonablo guanmty of saicty to oitlioi'.


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