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The District AUoruoy of Brooklyn dcsircs to withdnnv the libel unit instituU-d by Bocoher against Moulton; but tho latter will not consent to withdrawaj of tho caso and insiste npongolng on with the trial . . . .Two members of the New Havcu (CL) professional base-ball olnb have been arrested for t!icft.j committcd on ono of ' their recent tours. ... In New York, last week, wbile a number of rnen wow experimenting with Mrs. Uda's aerial ladder, a terrible accident occurred. Tho Ladder had been raised, and abont a dozen men wero on ifc, some ata heiglit of 100 feet, when the ladder suddcnly snapped in two, procipitatiog the men to tho ground. Tho Chief of tho Aerial Bittaliou and I '.■wo othermen were instantly killed, and the ] "Vanee seriously iujnred, Bome fataliy. Tuk horses in Bnffalo, N. Y., are snfferiug , from a mild form of the eplzcotic. TbreefourtliB of the horsen in tho city aro affected ; with it. The great BoHton dry goods houso of Jordán, Marsh í Co., h&i been partially destroyed by lire. The loss is estimated at f200,000. Tuk elimineer, tireman, aud two brakemon of a coal train on the Lchigh Valley railroad were killed by the explosión of a locomotivo at Stony Crcek, Pa., a few days ago. Tue famons caso of Tilton vf . Beeeher was ' called iu the City Coort of Urooklyu last week, but van, by consent of counsel, put over until the next lorra of the court. Tiltou's libel uit against the lïrooklyn Sagte alm) went over until tho next term, by consent .... In tho case of Weatervelt, who has for some tituc been on trial at Philadelphia midcr an indictmeut for complicity in the Charley Koss abduction affair, he bas bcenfound gnilty on three eounts of tho indictment. But tho trial bas failed to reveal the fato or wbereabouts of the lost boy The epizpotio has broken out again iu New York. It is cslimatcd that at least 10,000 norsos are at pretont sick with it in that city. THE WEST. A PISrATon from Red Cloud Agency Baya Ulero will be no difflculty in treating with tbc Indhuus for the purchaso of the Black Hills country. Tiicy aro perfeCtly willing to sell, and will take whatcver in offereil them, as thoy say. that the white men aro going to occupy that country anyivay. It is thonght that tho Commissiou will not offer tho Indians mucli money, but will provide for their suatenance for a long term of yeara, which arrangement would be preferable for all partiês; as the govermnent must support them auyway. Kiv. Jonn II. H. Brown. of Cohocs, N. Y., bas been elccted Bishop of tho Diocese of Fond du Lac, Wis. Tho dispute over the Episcopa Bishoprie of Illinois lias olso been settled by the olcctien of thoJiev. Dr. McLaren, of Cleveland, to succeed the late Bishop Whitehouso. Dr. McLaren was uutil very rccently a Presbyterian minister, llis leanings are toward the High Cliurch wing of tho Churcb. A MAX named Kctchum, who lias pont fiftcon year) among tho Missouri Kiver ludíaos, srrived at Sioux City, tho other day. He saya there is very great dissatisfaction among them in regard to the Wnrk Iüüh matter. Many of the Indians at Standing IXock mul othcr agcUcics refnso to attend the lied Cloud eouncil, and oponly avow their intontion ol goidg on the. war path if the Jlills are oponed to the whites .... Another great banking institutioi is abont to bc establiahed in Han Franoisöo, by tbo Lazard üritliera. . . . A shocking casualty is roportod from Tetro llanto, Iud. Tho boiler of a threshing machine engine explodod, and the utraw muTounding the machine otttcLing fire, threc men were consumod in tho llamos. The deadly kerosene lamp has piled up live more victims, in Otoc county, Neb. At a farm house out there, tho evening, a Mrs. Black was carrying a small child up stairs, with a lamp in her hand, when shc was run iuto by a boy coming rapidly downv The lamp was knocked from her graap and exploded, setting lire to everything combustible. The husband soizod his wife and throw ber in a pool of water, and in stiiviug to rescue the remainder of tbc famüy, was badly burned and crippled for life. Tho mother and two childron died before morning. Stilson Hutchins has eold tho controlling interest in tho St. Louis JJlspatch to W. 1. Allison, for twenty-flve yeara tbc editor of the Steubenvillo (O.) Hrtwhl. Tho price paid was f 40,000 .... Terrible storms have lately prevailed throughout New Mexico. The town of Las Cruces was destroyed by the bureting of a waterspout. 'rnK south. Gariu-.t D. Smitu, Coshier of tbc Louisville fias Company, íh a defaulter to a largo amount, varioubly e.htimate.1 at from Y80,000 to $60,000. The Gnlf coivst o' Texs bas had a terrible gale. The Avater swept in npon the city of (ialvcston in huge mjvsses, innndating much of tho town. Great damage to raihoads, b'uildings, etc, is reportad. A party of thirty workmen engaged on the government works being conslructed in the harbor, woro cut olT from the power of rescue and perishcd The Navy Department at Washington bas received the following dispatch from the Navy Yard at Pcnsacola, Florida: "Tbc ycllow fever is epidemie ut Howell'8 Station, on Pensacola bay, 25 miles aboye the Navy Yard. The propio have neithcr food, medicine nor attendance. Ticy are crying, in tbc ramo of God, for relief." Lateb reporta f rom Gal veston, Texas, fitlly coníirm tho iutelligence previously reoeived an to tlic dostructivouess of the storm Uiat recently ewept over Uiat city. Tlie galo raged with unp&ralleled fury for ovar forty-eight honra, and tlio tratera of tlio gulf, wbiob. rollcd in wavos monntain high, wcrc swept over the island, lanndatíng the entíre city to a depth.of from oiio to throe feet. ín the cutiré rear caat and west end of the city the water roño to a siifticient deptb to flont larje wooden ed;(icoH, innny of w'.iich are very valuable. The resldenoe portion of the city was niont affected. Frora Troniont trect, where thia acction liegias. and fot a distanoe of at leaat one rnile and a lialf weat, evory garden and every fi nudatiou vu destroyod. Domioiles were scattored promiaoususly in thc ceüter of thoroughi mauy of themboing jammed togother. Further to the vest, lo the neighborhood of Oleander Park, whero there are mitny ttylish reaidencoe, tho water is reportad to have rcachcd a dopth of from six to niuc feet. A Himilar Btory Ia told of thc ( intern end of the inland, whjch extends trom Center street at least ono milo andalialf in the btulness seotion of the city. Largc stocks of goods were kept ou the groand lloors, and heneo thc damago niust have been enormoua. It h estimated tliat the earnings of thc cntiri; yciir nill be exhaosted in repairiag the (hmiacH. VegetatiOD hts bees tttteriy destroyed. Upward of 15') lüüldiugu were Hwopt awny, more than iO lives loet, and abeul ■ diiven tahore iutoüie heart of the cií.y . . . .Liitlo Hor'r. Ark., was visited last weeS by a destructivo oonflagration, wbicb doHtroyed KI ontire block of buildings and Mie Anthony TTouöc. Tho loss on tiio liutcl i:j $30,000 ; 110 insuraiKV. WASHINGTON. Tu:: Secretar? of the Treasury gires notioe that Uio interest on tho bond ppoeillod bolow will bc paid at tbc Treaeury on and nfter tho 17th oí December nct, on wliich day tlioy oeaBe to draw interest. ÖI the act of Juno 80, 1864l Coupon bondn, Í50, No 2,501 to3,300, botb int hwivo; ïlOO, No f,001 tú 10,!)00, both inclusive; #500, Nö. 10,1(10 to 15.30(1, L-otb inclastVe; #1,000, No. 49,801 io 50.7(10. botb inclilsivo. . . .It bas been ancortaincd tliat UiD pÖVcrumcnt ii payibg behveta Í3,000,000 to $4,000,000 atinuatlyfor pensions to fraadulent olumaiits. 1 Halloci mul Brown, the Treaanry tbleveB, have bron linally cominiitod for trial in dcfault of iiO.OOObaiload). A's lshinoton dispatchos Btato that thore will be nö Bori of compromisO with tho whisky ring, raid (hst the illicit dlsütlera will be prosccutod with tlio utmost rigor. G&mSRAVj It íb reportod tdittt a ric.b BÜver'boaring dintrict- ono of tbc rlchost in tbc World in natural iniUcations - ba been disoovorod tn Ala.ska, A. teller in tbo Bank of Commcrce, of Montreal, haa absoondod wih 150,000 of lbo banli's fonds Prtsidont !rant baH retürned to Washington.,,.. Cari BohtttS bas arrived bonic froiu Ëurope , . . . The National Associa' litn of Lumbermen niet in Chicago lat weok, J. (}. Thorpe, of Wíhcoiihíu, proaidcd... .The great Htallion race for the champioitahip of tho Unitcd States and Canada and a pureo of $10,000, at Mystic Park, Bostun, was won by Tilomas Jeffereon. Time, 2:2G ; 2:25}; 2:26. Tui: Society of tlio Aimy oí Ihe ('umberland liad their annual ronnion at Utica, N. Y., last wech. There waa a largo attendance, iiicluding President Grant, Geus. Bhcrman, Hooker and other notables. roüTioNS of Canada wero viaited by a twelvciiich r:inv storm o;i the 14th of September. A VSW montlin ugo tlicre was an iiiBurrection against the govcnimcnt of Ilayti lod by ono Canuote, whioh was prompUy Buppressed. I Canncte and a few of his followcrs fled lor life through the streets of rort-au-Prince, and took refuge in tho building ocenpied by the American Minister. A uiob threateued to burn the building, in their iierce anxiety to get at OBnnota and his men. Tho Haytien govorn' ment protocted the Logation, but have aubaocraeatly demandedthe refugces, aud the American Minii.tcr ha refused to give thom up, knowing they woald bo butchered upon the Instaat Tho Amerionn government bas now sent a ian-of-war to irotect our Miniatcr. . . . The Craud Lodge of Odd Fellowa of the United i Statoa held its annual scaaion at Iudianapolis last week. POL1TICAL. A DIXBOATION df Minainaippi liepublicans viaitcd Washington hwt week, for the purpoac of involung Federal nid to snrjpresa dixturbancea in that State. Upon the subject of die turbantes at the present time, the delogatiqn wns united in the ndmisaion that noue existcd. Wbat they representod waa, that tliere waa alwaya (langer of Berious difliculties imlesa the Stat: government, which ii utterly unable to j givo them protection, shall have the aasist! auce of the general government. In fact, tho Stat 3 goveramout couJd not bc carried on without die aid of the United States. C.i.'.iu.E.s Francih Adams haa wrilten a letter ! in whieh he positively declines to becomo a : candidate for the Presidency next year. The Demócrata of New York held their State Convention at Syraouse, Sopt. 17. The follow■ ng ticket waa nominated : John Bigelow, by acclamation, for Secretary of State ; Lucius robinson, for Comptroller ; Charles S. Fairchild, for Attorney-Genoral ; Charlea N. Koas, for [State Treaaurer ; John D. Van Buren, for Stato Engineer ; Christopher H. Wolrath, for Canal Commissioner ; llodney 1Í. Crowley, for Stato Prison lnapector. Tho platform uouiices against a furlhor incroaso of the curroncy, and in favor of steady steps toward specie payments. . . .The Nobraska Democratie ConvGntion was held at Fremont on the 17th of September. E. A. Thomas wae nominated for Judge of tlic Supremo Court. Tho platform declares " in favor of a HOiind cnrrency, ccin or ifas equivalent, as cssential to stability n business, and a restoration of prosperity ; steps toward s]iecio payments, and uo stop backward.".. . .In tho Alabama Constitutional Couvention, at Jlontgomcry, last week, the followirig section of the ncw Bil! of llights wns uuanlmously adopted: "The poople of tl:is State accept as a final and establisbcd faot that trom the Federal Union thcre can be no eeec.isioa of any State." ard C. Toiíey has been appointed Tostmastcr at Boston in place of ÏSmt, removed. Fl'ü returns of tho voto of California for Governor givc Irwin, Dum., 61,525; Phelps, Rep., 30,922; BidweU, Ind., 20,030 Roturas havo been roceivcd of tho Maino olcction from ül the towne in the State cxeept 31, which last year gave Dingley, Dom., 77 majority. Tho vote stands: Connor, lïcp. , 57,852 ; EobertB, Dem., 53,077 ; Connor's majority, 4,775. The Kenate Htands 19 Republicana and 11 Demócrata : House, 85 Republicana, C3 Demócrata Dd i Independente. FORKIGN. ïit: ronapartiat movoment in Franco is rapidly preading, and copies oí the Poye and Ordre and M. Dnval's recent spoech are being cireulated in the Paris barracks. Tho Freuch govornmeut is considera bly alanncd . . . . It ia not improbable that Servia will particípate in the Turkish revolt. A portion of the Servían Chamber aro in favor of au inmediato dcclaration of var against the Porte. A nnmber of distinguishod Servían ofiieers have gone to Bosnia A. cable dispatoh saya G12 men and 158 wonieu havo been indicted in RuHsia for partioipating in the Socialist movement. Ii li;e diapatchea from Constautinoplo are to bo belieyed, the Herzegoviuian insurrection agaiisi Turkey is praetieally ended. A few banda of rebel stil] maintain theii poaitions in the momitain raetnossoa, and make oceaBioual incurhioua iuto the surrounding territory. They are ahvays hotly pursuod by the Turks, howevor, and suffer aevere looses by each raid. accounts from the Fiji Islands teil of the awf ui epidemie of measles whioh has raged with unabated 'fury for the past four months. It is cstimated that tho diseaso ha already carriod off one-third of tho popnlation, and that uulcB ; che. ,;ed it will in a short time wipo out tho .ïative element. A h. at diapatoh annouuces the death of Cardinal Graseellini, in tho 'JOth year of his age . . . . Hpnr.ish adviecs state that the familicH of ],h moet influontinJ partisiiis aro endeavoring to induce Don Carlos to con elude peace. 'j i ; Emperor of fiermany will sliortly pav a viail do the Emperor of Italy. Bismarok will accompany him. . . .Mr. Jamen Cairo, whom tho London Times considere high authority, ostiiiiatiH that Great Britalu will have to export 8M, 000. 000 biiHliels of whoat tliia year. . . . Thcre ia great oxoltement in England over the investigatk.n of the recent oollision betwecu the royai Bteaa jacht Alberta and the flailing vacht Mistletco. Th.e Queen wás on the former when the lateer na rank. with the loss of at least tno.i.e.. The tetitimony lakl before the jury nec!.is tú show that the disaster waa cauüed by a viola-.ion of the maritime nilefl on tho part of the Liberta. The jury diugreed, hut eleven ui' the tUirtaen mambera voted for a verdict of mai (ii r. DonKEOABAÏ liaK been prometed to the positioa of t'hief of tho Oarliai anii . , in Spain. Ileretoforo l)n C'arlOB ha reeerved that distinction to himsclf. but his followere are getting into protty eloso qnarmd ho is ciustrüiied, from motiven of personal safety, to givo the honor to hisgsliant C cneral A dispatoh from Bt. Thomas, AV. Li eays : ■ An expedition Avas sneceeslull .■ landed In Cuba by the ITraguay, late the Octavia. At tLo wiitic time. en. Aguilera 1 Jamaica. 'í'lie Octavia tended two batí ■:'■'■!■. ' S00 stand ai anmi, and 600,000 oar tridjúB. i party of lumen and offoers had the mui! in oharge, and wore recoived by the Oabftn iorcsB."


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