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An effort is boing made to organiza au agrioulttu society in Charlcvoix couuty. Kiïv. M. DoDGHBRry, for several yeara agent of lli(! Albiou College, will boou move to Texas. Sctjteb Bi:os., cignr inanufncturers of Detroit, have oontractod for the labor of fifty convicts for flve years at sixty cents per day. Wim, C. Turner, of Fenton, has ibceived an appointtnent as one of the Board of Instruction of the Philadelphia Iustitution for the De;iL and ütimb, at Philadelphia. JoiIK HüGGARD, OÍ SoloU, Oll trial 111 the Circuit Court at Grand lïapids, last week, charged with the murder of his wifo by potsbn, was fonnd not guilty by the jury. Tom Lynch was recently arreetcd at Hastings and brought to Grand Eapida to answer a charge of nianplaughter in capsizing the boat in Reed's lake, by which Jeremiah Sebring was drowned. The Michigan Farmers' Instituto, inaugiirated by the Michigan State Board of Agriculture to dissipate the prejiidico of farmers against the State Agricultural College, will open at Armada on the lOth of January. Dick Davidson has been arrested at Lockport, N, Y. , on a charge of forgiog drafts on the Jackson County Bank, of this State, and word has been received by the Sheriff that he is in jail there Bwaiting his orders. Tom Lynch, who was arrested at Grond Bapids, oharged with manslaugbter of young Söbring, by upsetting a boat in which Lynch, Sebriag, and twü others were riding, was discharged from custody, the evidence against hún amounting to nothing. Maub Stuaiít, aged 19, who left East Saginaw tliree years ago to enter xipon a life of prostitution, was accidentally killed in a Chicago saloon last week during an affray between two rowdiea. Be fore her death the girl stated that her right name was Nellie Hawkius, and ex pressed a wish to be taken home for Wurial. The machine shop and blacksmith shop of the Bay City Iron Company at Bay City were destroyed by flre last Friday. The fire originated in the engine room. The pattern roem was saved. The damage to tools and nmchinery is not deünitely known, but the loss will be .$5,000 or $6,000, covcred by insnrance. A Dktboit man, name unnknow,while riding through the streets at Kalamazoo one day last week, dropped from his pocket a package of money containing $4,500. A boy driving an express wagon saw it, followed and restored it to the owner. Half an hour afterward the gentleman bought and presented the boy with a horse costing 175. One night last week a daring and succefsf ui burglary was committed at the Mowbray brewery in East Saginaw. Some time during tho night the door to the office was pried open and a hole drilled through the safe door, which was then blown open with a charge of gunpowder. The thieves made a good haul, securing $450 in cash. They did not disfcurb the papers or books at all, nor did they molest a quantity of small chango lying in tho money drawer of the desk. The twenty-seventh animal fair ot' the Michigan State Agricultural Society at East Saginaw was not a complete success ñnancially, owing to unfavorable weather. The total receipts aggregato 10,280, while the premiums aud expenses foot up $21,000, lcaving a deflciency of $5,000 to be paid from ball anees on preceding fairs. With the exception of one or two departments the display was far ahead of any similar exhibition ever held in the State. While three young men of Batüe Creek were hunting at Wall Lake, about twenty miles north of that city, one day last week, one of the party, namcd Geo. Rockwell, was seriously injiired by the accidental discharge of a shot-gun iu hia own hands. The thumb and lingers of his right hand were so badly matüated that amputation was rendered necessary. His face and eyes were also terribly bruised by shot. althongh it is believed that lus sight will not be destroyed The yomig man walked to Prairievilïe, a distance of three miles, to have his wounds dressed, and was then brought home by his companions. It was a very narrow escape for him. Thebe is an independent woman at the Grand River House, Jackson, einployed as a cook, Mrs. Grosvenor, whose husband- Benj. S.- left Dowagiac flvo years ago to seek work as a buteher. He did not come back, and during all that time she never heard from him, and believed herself to be a widow. But recently Mr. Grosvenor carne baok from Missouri, as poor as when he went away, andMrs. G.intimatedthatasshegotalong very well while he was absent, she could keep on doing so, the more especially as he had left a sick family when he went away, one of whom, aboy, diedsoon after. He says he did write, but that Ms letters niiscarried. He was somewhat disconoerted at Lis cool reception, and left for Saginaw, where he has a brother living. About four years ago a family naaied Wymans, consisting of the husband, wife and three children, took up a homestead near Baldwiu, Lake county, :m,l up to some fonr weeks ago pursued the even tenor of their way, iuno nimmer oding aught to attract public attention. They had not prosperad at tlicir home, ar d moved to Baldwin, whero tho husband went to work for one Jamos Tinney, cutting logs, etc, whilo tho wifo tcok in -washing. After a timo ïïnney bocumo unduly famüiar with Mis. A ymans, and the injured husband, despairing of again securiug Sis wif e's affectionií, proposed a meeting oí di partios, whenanundorstandingwaSíirriv.Hl at, tho conversation rnding in a document boing drawu up M"J signod which specifled tuut, lor and in considoration uf $50 in hand paid, Wymans conveyed to Tiimey tho womau, his wifo, his three children, and ilso a oow and one cali'. The woman was doscribod by name and a po wit li alniost as muoh particularity r.G the oow and calf. Tiiis bilí oí sa?e in record d in the Township Clerk's office iu the towaahip of Pkiisant Plaius, Lakü by. TJDl'.ry mid ?I,s Wymauis aio üflw livjnf! tVgmHi


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