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BALTIHOUB &OHIÓ RAILROAD. THE GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE washietoiTbaltímdre, poíiadelpoia, sew yo1ik, The East and Northeast. ALL TRAINS VIA. WASHINGTON CITY, Among the oharacteristies of this favonte Route, are Doublé Tracks, Stee! Rails, Magniitceut Iron ISridges, Gorgeous Mountaiu Scenery, Uurivaleñ Equiqmont, Loiishrldge Air Brakes, Unsurpassed Eatlng House, (Owned and Operatea by the Oompany,) ADd in faot all the Modern Appliun,ues that cou■ conduce to SPEED, SAFETY und COMFORT. PULLMANPALACËCAES UUN TEROÜÖH Without Change BETWEEN THE PRINCIPAL ' ïesJliEasMities For Through Tickets, liagKage Checlts, Movement of Mraina, Sloepini; Car Accommodationa, etc., apply at Ticket Offices at all Principal Points. N0RTH,80UW, EASTOR WEST. E. R. DORSEY, lTmTÖÖLE, Aüs't Gen'l Ticket Agent, Gen'l Ticket Ag't. THO8. P. BARR, R. SHARP, Western Passenger Ag't. Maater fo.Transp'D. iFXjOTJisrr ïhe Quality of our Flour MADE A SPJBCIAIXV J. M. SWÏÉFT & CO., of the late flrm of Deubel, Bwift & Co., ofier to the 'ublio a Ürat ülaas braad ot1 Flour. Orders iur ELOUK AND F E El)! may be leftat the Post Office, in our Box. tuarked . M. Swift & Co., or at the mili, wüioli will be made a apecialy. DELIVERT FREE-TERMS CA8H. i536m6 f. ja. win & co. OINSEY & SKABOLT'S BAIÍERY, GROCËRY - AND - FLOIR & FKE1 MORKWe keep constantly on nand, BREAD, CKACKEK8, CAKES, ETC, FUR WHOLESALE akd KETAIL TKADE. "We shall aleo keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. 8WIFT & Ct BEST WHITE TVHEA1' FLOÜR, RYJS ÏLOUK, BTJCK WWBEAT FLOUR, COKH MKAL, FEED, At Wholesale and rttail. A general stock of GROCEK1ES AND PROVISIOXS constantly on fea-nd, Trhkh wxll be sold on as reason ible terntó a at any other houae iu th ia city. Cash paid #or Bntter, "Egga, and Country Produce generally.. SiF Gooös delirered to any part of the city without extra charge. KI1VSEY & SEABOLT. nn Arbhr, Jan. 1. 1875. 1514tf THE ANIf ARBOR SÜVINGS BAIVTK A.nTí Arbor, Michigan. ' "Receives depoaits of One Dollar and upwards anc allows Five percent.interestoa all depositsreiiiiiining three montha or longer. Interest Conipounded Semi-Annually. Also buya and sells U. S. Bonds. Gold, Silver and Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit alid Chicago Exchaniítí. Also sells Sight Dratts on Great Ekitain, Ireland, Gkkmany, or any other part of the European Continent. Tbis Bank is organized onder the General Banking Law of this State. The Stoekholders are individually liable to tho ainount of their stock, and ihc whole capital is stfeurity for dcpositors, while with Banks of issue, the capital isinvested for the security uf bill-holders. This fact niakes this Institution a very safe depository of monies. Marricd Woruen eau deuoslt subject to their own drafts only. iTIoney to Loan on Approved Securltles. DIRECTORS: S. Smitu, r. Mack, W. W. Wines, H. A. Bkal, W. D. Harriman. D. HisiOCK, W. Dkubkl. OFFICERS; R. S. Smitk, Pres't. C. Mack, Viee-Pres't. C. ü Hiscock, TeHer. Tíotice. The Animal Meeting of the Waahtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the ('ourt House in the city oí' Aun Arbur, on SATURDAY, ÜCTOBEK 2d, 1875, at 11 o'cloek a. mm for the purpose of the election of officers, and also to aiueud ; ;he charter ofsaid company. A general atleiulaiK.- ' tí memben is esneeiaüy desired. Dated, Aug. 26, ÍS75. N. SHELBON, Secrctary. j WLLUKEi IIOUSKS FOK. ÜAlË. Alargeand very well built bricfc houae, with two or niuve Iota. Two large framed housea. Also a good sized brick. house and frurae ; aud. j a wiii:üi triiiii house on a good lot, intended for ad ding airont. For aale on fairterma and a reattonubie credit. Also other buildings, lot, and property. ItlOJEY lAiVTlf;0---tío mauy wisliing Ic burrow luoney appij tu mu thut I can readily obtainfor tenders good satisfactory investnieD.ts at , ten per cent. intereist. E. W. MORöAJi. Ann Arbor, Aoril 23, 1873. 14231Í $%. t itOAPer day at home. Ternis free. Ad O l0 9vdriii .StmsonACo., PortlftndE, M.ö ( "O pi E fc QC g f ft ü w J h - M iH_ Cosïistocls's 36SPRÏNC, BSD. IS GD'ARANTEED TO BE AB8OL0TELT N0ISHLE98. Wnrranted not to af or form a trougb, and to be the eumest, best aud MOST BUMBLE BED IX MARKET. Spring benig1 doublé, are self-BUpportinff, and li ving upur.and lower spnnyw, the bed ia equally JE A.S Y for Hght i heavy persons. Same btd íh ruudily udj uotciï to flt bedsteiwls oí ditteruut widthsAddresa all orders to COMSTOCK BKOS., Manufacturera. Adrijin, Mich. Illustrated circulara and price liat furuiahed on applioation to the nuuiufaottireri. For Sale Gheap. i The subweriber offers for sale his i HOUSE A.K"I3 LOTS n West Hu ron streef, next west of S. P. Jewett's , -esidence The house is oue of the Lest, aud pleasintwt, for tlie size, in the city. Will bu sold for L00 lesa tiiíin cost. lor particulars app)y to John N. t% LARCE ARKIVAL OF F ALL AND WINTER CLOTHINfi. AT W. WAGNER'S Who Sell Clothing ? Cheap thiit liO OEFIES ALL COMPETITiON. 11 who are nressed with the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUÏT Can flnd it at WAGNEE'S. A fine stook of Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings always kept aud Sviits Made to Order. A Large stock of FUHFISHINQ GOODS. W. WAC1TEB., 1496 21 Souïh Maii áT. Ann Arbor. ;3g A Lecture $&!? TO YOUNG MEN. Just Puhlished. in a Sealed Smelope, Prive, six cznli A ïectureon ilir Naturo.TreutmeiU, und Radical cure uí Seminal Weukness, or Spermaturrhoea, induced by Self-Abuse, ïnvoluntary ËmissioDS, Impotenry, Nervous Dobihiy and Impedimut to Marriajíe ; ('onuiuition, Epilepsy aud Kits; Mental and Pbysictri, &c - By BOBËB t J. TTLVERW tíl,L, M. U., autbor ut tKe " Ureen Hooit," &e. The world-renowiied author, in this admirable Lectura, olenrly prtive L rom au owh expenenee that the awful conMeiiufnces of Selt-Abuse maj be ettectunlly removed witbout medicine, anc without dn; geroua surgical operation, bougies, in Btraxnents, nnga or oorai&ls ; pointmg out h mude of cure at once certain and effectual, by which evry sufferer, 110 matter whut hia oonditioo may bu raay curehimaelf cheaply,privately and radicall tté'ikis Lecture wiUprove a boon to thousands i7ii thtnuuiidê, J . ■ aiBiií ikh l 1 Ci f ■ iluili i ui i'iili ii"u 4 (i uil i ■ il dress, post -paid, on rttceipt of six cents oi twu put age tttHinps. ' Addre the Publifhers, CHAS. J. C. KLINK & IXm 127 Bowery, New York ; Poat Office Box 4586 UMüAt. LAW AND KI ■ 1M:ss ROOT & GRANGER, secured tlie exclu sive use of KOOT'S ABSTRACT KECOKI) BOOKS lor the county of Wutjhteimw, wliich tliey hav c:irefully revised, posted and pcriccted, itnd hav i;itr, with au extensive anu reliable correspondtmce opeiied u General Business Agency at No. 5 West Huron Street, in the city of Ar Arbor, will üttend promptly to the sale, puichati and leasing ol rel estáte, the loaning of mone; t:ollections,negotiations, coutraeting and conve; ancing, Lite and Fire Insurunees, and to tbe prac tice of Law in the vurious Courtsof this State. Ana Albor, May l, 147T.. TRAOY W. ROOT, B. F. GRAXGKB Ordiuance No. 92. RE it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, an Alderman ui' the city ui' Ann Arbor: Bectio 1.- That tt sliall beunlawlul for an hack, carriage or omnibus driver, or any uther pe-i son soliciting passengere ur traveleis at the Jlich gan Central Railroad depot iu the city of Au Arbor, to solicit passengere or travi Iers, except a the steps of their respective vehicles, located at th suutli sideot' the doek adjolning the Michigan Cei tral l'redght depot in said city, at wliich lucation a persons so solieiting are hereliy reqnired to be a their backs on tbc arrival of piasengel trains, an thore to remaiu during the stay of said passenge traint at said depot and for the period of two mini les after thedeparture of said passenger trains froi said depot. Sec. .- It shall be unlawful for any person o persons driviug a baggage wagon or any nw a companying the sanie to solicit passengen or trave ers, when at said passenger depot or where uaasei ger trains niay le standing. Sec. 3.- It shall be unlawful for any penen o persous solieiting passengers or travelers , to do s ín a boisterous or noisy marnier or treat theni i any other way than civilly and gcntlemanly. Sec. 4.- Any violation of the provislons of th ordinance síiall be punished by a tine not less tha live dollars, nor more (ban. twen ty dolían ; and i default of the payment thereof by ünprisonmenl i the Washtenaw" county jail for a period not les than teu days nor for a period over tliirty days, 5.- Ordinance No. Hl. relativa to regulatin hacks, carriages and omnibusea, passed in Coinnio C'ouncil, Oet. 24, A. D. 187U, and ordinance No. 7 beingan ordinance amendatory of ordinance No. 6 passed in Common Coancil, June 4, A. D, Iö73, am ordinance No. 8u, being an ordinance amenduto: of ordinanees Nos. 61 and 7, made and passed i Common Councll, May 4, A. D. l!(74, are hereby re pealed. Sec. 6.- This ordinance shall take imuiedlate e fi-ct Ironi and after h'al publlcation. Made and passed in Common Council this twei tieth day of September, A. 1). 1S75. EDWAR1) D. KINNE, Mayor. WlLLIAM A. LOVEJOY, RecOrdci. STATE Or MICHIGAN, 1 County of Washtexaw. J City Recorder's Office, Ann Arbur, öeptembev -1, 1878. I, William A. Lovejoy, Eccorder of the city o Aun Arbor, do hereby certify that I have coiu pared the foregoing copy of an ordinance wit!] tl original ordiuance passed by the Common Counc oí' said city, on the twentieth day of September 1 D. 1873; and that it isa correct transcript there from, and of the whole of such orginal. I alsj certify that at the sanie time the followin nioiion wasadopted: Moved that tbe Coumiitti-e o General Fund he direeted to cause the foregoinf ordinance to be publislii-d, and that the Genen Fund Committee direeted that the above uamed or diiianue be jmblislied two weeks successivcly in tl1 MroHIOAX ARUUS and Peninsular Vourier anti Vis laid, liie two newspapers published in this city. WILLIAM A. LOVKJOY, Recorder. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waslitenaw,s O lu the matter of the estáte oí Richard Flan uery, deeeased. uotice is hereby giveu, thftt in pu suancc of au order granted Lo the undersigued . at miniHtraiOt of tbe estáte of said deeeased, by tl Honorable Judge of Probate tor the county o Washtenaw, on the 58th day ol September, A. D 1875, there will be sold at public vendue to th highest biduer, at the south door of the Coui House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county o Washtenaw, in aid State, on Tuesday, the six teentli day of Xovtmber, A. D. 1875, at ten o'cloc in the forenoon of that day (Bubjeet to all incum üranc's by niortgage or otherwif-e existmg at th time of the sale, and ulso subject to the ritrht o: dower of the widow of said deeeased therein) th following described real estáte, to wit : Commenc ing on the west siüe of Maiu strest, iu the city o Anu Arbor, in the state oí Michigan, accordiní; t( therecorded plat tliereol, tweuty-iour feec nortii o the southeat corner of lot nuinber ñve, in bloc number uvo, north of Kuron streel, range three thence north on the east line of said lot twenty tuur leet ; thence west, at right angles with tirs line, four roda ; theuce south tweuty-four teet thenee eust four iodb, to the place of begirning Subject to the right of the owner of the atijoinin building to use tue hall stanway to the upper stur of said building. Llated September 28th, A. 11. 1876. LVliE COYLE, 155U] Administrator. Mortgtige 8alu. WHEREAS, Isaac L. Clarkson and Mary A Claikson, oí Manchester, in the couuty o Washteuaw, Michigan, on the thirty-nrst day o Januuiy, iu the year of our Lord one thouaaud eight hundred and oeventy-toui, ext-cuted anioit gage to Audrew J. Shively, of the city of Brook cyu, in the State of Xew York, to secure the pay ment of ceitain principal and interest money there in mentioned, winch mortgage waa reeorded in the oüice of thu Register "f DeedB in the county o Washtenaw, on the iitst day of Januury, A 1) 1874, iu llber 49 of mortgages, on pagt L14: And wheieas.detaull has been mude lor more than thir ty days iu tbe puyineut of au inatalment of interest money whfih became due on the ülstiiayof July A. IJ. 1875, by reasou whereof and pursuant to tlie terms of eaid mortgage said niortgagee lierebj eleots that ao much of said principal is remains unpaid with all amaragee ol interest thereon shall become due and payable immediately. And whereas thtre is daimed to be due and unpaid on said moitgage at the date oí this notiee thiiieeu hundred and mnety-mne dollaih and twclve cents lor principal and iutereat, aUo an iittorney fee or thirty-tíve dollars sbouid any proceedings be taken to toreelu&e the eame in aüdition i.o all other legal costa, and no suit or proceedings having been instituted elther iu law or equity "to recover the same or any part thereof, nolice is tliciefore hereby üiveu tlmtonthe thirty tlrst day of December next, at two o'clock iu the afternoou ot said day, at the rout dooi ol tbe Coui t Kítuse, iu tht cit j of Anu Arbor, county aioresaid (that being the place in which the Circnit (iourt for said county is held), and by virtue uf the power of sale contained in said mortguge, I shull seil at public auction, to the highest bidder, ihe premises deseribed in said mort gage to satisly tbe 'aniount of principal and interest with the charges ol sale and the aUorney tees of thirty-flve doilars : All that oertain niéoe or parcel oí land sitúate and beiug in the villageof ilan chester, in th county of Washtenaw, and State jf ilichigan, and lieseribed as iollows 10 wit : Be nir twenty feet iu width oif Iroru the east aide of ot number seven (7), in bloek numbei twenty-two 32), accorcliiiu toarecoidtd plat ol the villiige of Maiicl-ualer, frontín.; tweníy-tv" feet lnwldlhon Exchnnge Place Street, iu the vil. age of Manche;er atorcsaiQ. UatedOctoberUM875.Ewj sHivELy_ Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Attoiuc) tor aid ilortttg. L155l). % Chattel Mortgage Sttle. BV VIKTUE uf a chattel mortgatre mad by WilliHia W. Huwk anu wifelo David Prton and .lobn L Harper, ot theffnrnilur?, crockery, ' glamware and petaonal property in Cook'4 Hotel. ! more partioulariy described iu said mortKage. on 1 tile 111 tbr otUct1 of tht Recorder ot the city 01 Adti Vihor, the nri'i--!;i -u-n wil] orti-i uch morttfnjKed tumiture anfl property for ;le ut publiu nuction. ;il s;iid hot?l, in the city of Arm Arbor, oh Monday, thu eightcf nth dflyof Ootober, l75, commonoinp at ben u'tlock in the foren ooa. Dated Septembtri üOth, 1h7.. n.J. Jïkaki-, .ittorney fur MortgAffee. CriAltLEö BOYLAN, 1650] Constable. Eatate of John Donnelly. UTAXE OF MICHI AX, Uouiity oí Wuslitennw, CT a. At ;t sesion of the Probate Court tur (h cuuntyof Wnshtexkftir. holdpn ut the Frobaic utiict ïTi t,ht; city of nn Arnor, on Saturday, the t.wentytlff-it dy of September, in the yeur oue tliousana eight hundred and seventy-flve. Piwentt, Nouh W. Cbeerer, -lude of Probate. In tlie matter oi' the estáte oí -John Donnelly, decenHed. Kdwturd Duffy. executor of the last will and testami] t of l'ntiiflí Domiellj, deceawed, oomefl uno court aua representa utat a ís now preparea to render the final account üí' hhíü. Patrioï Donnelly, as administrator ot theestate of sa id John Uoiit'Ily deoetiKd. Therenpon ït is ordered, that WcdnendHy, the wentieth day ol October next, at ten o'clock in the oivnoou, be assigned for examining and iillowing uch account, and tliat the heirw al law of said ueBMod, and all othfr persons intertt?ted in said wtatti, ure vequired to appear at a aiíssion oí snid mrt, then to be holden ut the Probate Office, n the city of Ana Arbor in said county, nutl ibÖW ause, if :my thure be, why thesnid nccount Bliould lotbc allowed : And it ia further ordei ed that said idward Duffy give noli ce to thepersonainterested n suiil estáte, oí' tlie pendency ai stiid oocount, nd i he huarioM iheieof, by cauinfí a oopy ol thiö rder to be publish-;l in the Michigan ArffU, a ewdpaper priuteü and circtilatiut? in naid eounty hiee duccea.-ive we ka pieviou to snid d:iy of CA truecopy.) XOAH W.OHEEVER, l.'iñOwO Judgf of Probate. Estáte of Paírick Welsh. TATE Oh" MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenaw, ss. At a dession of the Probate Court for tht oounty of WfwhtenHW, holden at the Probate (iítice, m the city oí Aun Arbor, un Saturdiiy, the twentyfifth duy of September, in the year one thoustmd eit?ht hundred and aeventy-íive. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Jude of Probate. In the matter of he eatate ol Jf atrick Welsh, deoeased. -.Juliu Clancy, executor of Haid estáte, comes in to court aud repreaenst tliat he in now prepared to ronder his account as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered that Wednea lnv, tht twentieth day of October next, at ten o'c ■ ck Ín tht forenoon. beassigfid for extminin and allowing 8uch nccount, and that the dovisees, Leñatees imd heirs at law oí said decejied, and all othei perrj mí ntereste-d m said estáte, arerequired to nppear atanefsion ofsaid court. tlien to bc holden at tlie Probate Oííice, in the city ot Anu Arbor, in aid county . and show cause, if aiiy there be, why the said acoouni should not be alluwed: And it t'urther ordertd that said executor give notice to the persons interestetï in said estáte, of the pendency oi said account and the hearing thereof , by cauint; a copy of this ordoi to be published in the Michig-'i, Aryut, a nowüpapev printed and circulattog in said county, two succe.ssive weeks previnu to said day 01 hearing. IA truecopy.) NOaH W. CHEEVKR, ir4;)w4 Judire of Probate. Estáte of David W. Porter. „ TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wanhtenaw, m, At a nfTwiíTn of tïie Probate Court tor the county of VVaahtenaw, holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, ou Thursdny, the thir tieth day of September, in the yeur one thouaaud eight hundred and seventy-tive. Present, Noah W. Cheevei, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of David W. Porter, deceaaed. On reading and iiling the petition, duly verified, of Cornelia Pprter, praying that au Adininist rator may be appointed on the estáte of aaid deceased. Thereupou it is ordered.that Mona uy, the twentyÜfth day of October next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoou, be 'assigned for the hearing of suid petition, and tbat the heira at luw of aaid dece;ieed, and all nther persons intereted in aaid erftate, art required to appear ut a eession of uid court, then te be holden at the Probate OÖice, in the eity of Ann Arbor, and hhow.cauae, il any there be, why the prayer of the petitinner should not be granted : And it ia further ordertd, tbat said petitioner give iioiicetothe peiaons intorested in tsaid estáte, ot the pendt-uey of aid petition, and the hearing thftreof, by onuñilg a cipy of thi order to be pub liahed in the Mirhiijin Arguê, h utíwpaper prinitd and circuluted in said uounty, three succeasivc weeks nreviouf to suid day of heuring, (A true copy.j NOAH W. CH BEVER, ÖO Smdue of Probate. Estáte of Ludwig C. Miller. STATE OF MK UIU-AN, County of Wahtenaw, sa. At a session of the Prob;ite Court for the couüty of Waslitenaw, holden at the Probate OrKct-, in i he city oí Anii Arbor, on Thursday, the 3Oth day of September, in the yeur one houtmand e i glit hu'uiri-n Büd =cventy-tive. iJresent,No ib W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. Id the uiatttr of the eatate of Ludwig O. JJiller, deceated. C)n reading and fllint; the petition duh veritied, of Hem y Paul, adniinistrwtor, priiyiii that he may be lic-ensed to sell (he rtal eatate wlitreof aid deceased dicd aeiaed. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuf sday, the aecond day of November next, at ten o'ciock in the forononn, be assipned tor tlie htarinir of said petition, and that the heira at law ol amd deceaaed.and all o' lier perponh interested in said eatatc, are requiivd to appear at h aeasion of aid court then to beholdfin at the irobate Office, in the city of AnD Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitionei ebould not be ;ranted: Anaü is furlher orèared, that aaid petitioner give notiee to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said petition, und the hearing tliereof , by oaueiag a oopy vt this order to be publiahed in the Michigan Argutt a newapaper printed trnd eirculateil in uaid eounty,iöur sueceaaive weekö prcviou3 to üaid day ot hearing CA true copy.) NOAH CHEEVER, 1550 Judge of Probate. ïjjstate of Charles Behr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. At a aession of the Prooate Oourt lor the county of Washteuaw, holden it the l'robjite Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twentyfím day of Septtmber, in the year one thouaaud eiffht hundred and sevmity-lhe. Preseut, Noah W. Choever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charles Behr, deceased. Philip Bach, administrator of said átate, comee into court and representa that he is now prepared to rende r his account hs aueh admini&trator. Tlureupon it is ordered that Tuesday, the twelfth day of üctober uext, at ten oclock iu the forenoon, be iiasigned for examiniug and allowmiï Buch ü'l that thehein, at lawof said deoeased, and all other persona interest ed in said estale, are required to appear at n session of aflid court, then to be hok'en at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said countj , and ñhow cause, if any there be, wny the naid account should uot be allowed : And it ie further ordered thnt saiil udinmibtrutor give notice to the persons mtereated in aaid eatate, of the pendeocy of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thia order to be publi&hed in the Michigan Anjas, a newspapei printed and circulating in snid county, two succesaive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A trueaopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVRR, 1541w3 Judge if Probate. Mortgage Sle. DEFAULT huvintj bean nade in the conditions of a certain mortgage made and executed by Kobert C. Lindaey and .Jeiueh J. Lindsey, oí Haline, Michigan, to Charlea H. Wallace, of the same place, dated December niuth. 162, and recorded in the office of the Üegister of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw, Michigan, in Liber thirty ol mortgagea, on pae U4, ou the nineteenth day of De cember, A. D. 18G2, at 11 a. m. of aaid day, which morrgage was duly assigned by the said Charles H. Wailace to t'omatock Hill, of Lodi, Washtenaw Conntv, Michigan, which aaainment was duly executedon the twenty-sixth day of July, A. D. 187Í, and recorded in the oüice ot the said Register oi Deeds on the 8th day ot September, A. D. 1Ö7.), on whioh moilgage and tne note accompanyintf the same, there ia ciaimed to be due two hundred and sixty-MX dollars and ten cent, at the date f thi notice, for principal and intereat, and thirty-nve dollara aa an attorney fee, provided for in aaid mortgnge, by which default the power of nale contained in Huid mortgage has becomeoerative, and nc ptocedingsin luw or in chancery havmg been commenced to recover the debt aecured hy said mortgage or auy part thereof: Notice ia herebj giveu tliat aaid mortffage will be foreclosed by the sale of the raintgaged premises, to wit : All that b-act or panel of land situated ia the township of Saline, Washtenaw Couaty, Miohigi'O, known, bounded and dencribed hs follows, to wit: Bemg the northeast quarter of soutliweat quartcr of aec tion 0), in towtiahip numbrr four (4), south ot rauwe five f5i,east, and containiuff forty aerea of land. 6;tid siiie will take place at the íront door ot the Court Housie, in the city of Ann Arbor, ín uid Coanty, (that being the piace where the Circuit Court ior the County ia held) on the tourth day of December, A. T). 1H75, at eleven o'clock in !he ioieiifiuii of aaid, DaUd September Bth, 1875. COMÖTOCKHirX, D. Ckimer, AtMíigneo of .MürfgHge. Attorney for AwigBOe. 1547 Mortgage Sale. WEFAULT having been made in the con3ition tf a ücrtain indenttite ot mortyaife, beuring date the thiriith day of December, A. O. 1873, ex eeuted by Jaiuea Ooieman of the city Of vun Arbor, county of Wunhtenaw, State of Michigan, te Luiutm K. Sluwhon ot the a&id city üt' Anu Arbor, and recorded iu the office ot the Regisier of Deed fot óaid county of Wushrenaw, on the 2fith cay oí January, A. 1. 1874, at 3 1-4 o'clock r m., in libel 49 of morttruges, on page 2i(,and is due and unpaid on ftiid mortage, at the date oí thia notice, ;he suia of thirty-eeven dollars and forty-three cents, log et lier with thirty-tive doMars as a solicioror aliorney tw, in oase pruceedinvs should be .aken to mtid mortgage. And no proeeedug- in law or in equity has been iaatitutod to recover the debt secuied by said mortga ge or ftny part heieol. Notice ia, thoiefuie. hertby gtven, that y virtue of the power ut unie in aaid mortgage ontfüned. I on Suturday, the niath day oí Octobr, A. D. 18Ï5, at ten o'clock iu tlie forenoou of eaid day, sell at public auction tv the iiigJieat )idder, thü piemiscs deyribed in saïd niortage, to atisfy the amount of priucipal and interest with he ehaww of wtle ;vud attorney fee of thirty-flre ollarn, the premises hereinafter described, at. the outh door of tbe Court House in aaid City of Ann Arbor (sai'l Conrt ilouse beiog the pi; ce of holdng theCireuit (Jonrt withins:iid counly of Wrashte uw) all those rerttiin pieoafl or piue-lf? of land ebcribed as foliows: li ing1 Iota uumber eleven nd twelve in block nurnber three, norlli of Uuruc treet, in range numbei foxir enit, acotffdisg toa eoordaá plat ot the villaje (uuw city) of Ann Arbor. Dated, Aii - Arbor, July ïfith, 1H7S. LpÜA.N K. bLaWSON, Mi.rtfcjagee. Kuwahd H. Slawöon, Attoruey for Moitgiigüe 1VE (fcüiSSK FiÜATJi5tt8 PIBBT dUALITT ODetsntlyonhand andforealebv BACH& ABEL. Jlortgage Sale. WÏ1EREA8 Pal riek Fallen, of the town.k; . Lyndon, W,,,l,tf„„„ „.„y.VJ' 'fc' igao, dirt exeeute and dtlivei tu f humus v„,' ui imleiituii-oi mortage bein-iiisr date th .ï ? toenth day of No%embtr. A. I). 1.74, on J?"" Iheiein dpsenbed as all ot thoce eertain nicce huid knowu and demnibwl a lolio, Dlii!;, ' The wt half of the aorthmwl Murt'r and 5 aast h.ilf ut Iho oottawest ounitai and t?e outhwel rjimrt.T of the nürlhe!,t quartoi . seciion Dumbet twenty-siMi., ai.d ;he pnrl of the nortlieii&t quarler ƒ the i0.,?i" east qunlter of aection thirtj-four, ill ., i: in towuship niimt-er one sontb of ranne th east, in the State of Mtehigan, contamine; in i twu hundred and soven acres of laúd, more orí which aaid mortgatfe duly n-coidtd in the p ïwtei's olliee for the eouiity of Washtenaw at( aaid, iu libel numbei tllty-one of mortifaíes t pi!-fe tour hundred and flfty-nix, on the aixth'" of Febmary, A. 1). 1876, at 8a o'olock "Ij that day. And wheveas default has been mía in the of said niortgaye by non-ti ment of moneys thereby seeured to bepaid w"he" by the power of sule tberein contaiiied Ims'becorn openttlVe, and therp in oow, at the date of th'6 notice, olaimed to be due on gaid moj-taethe sul of ttve hundredand seventy-four dollars anösevcn11 ty-one cents, beaidenan attorncj I. -uil ' thirty-Bvedol" iurs, in saia morrgiute fcxprcssiy ;igreed to be uairt as of ten &b nny pruceedings should be taken u forecluae the name, or auy part thereof, and u0 np ceedings at law or in equity having been instituí i to recover thi same or auy part tliereof : Notitc tberefore gtven, th at on the t wenty third day of Ueta! ber, A. D 1875, at teno'clock in thetorenoonof aa day, (tt the BOuth door o the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, (thut the place forhold ing the Circuit Uourt forsaid connty ot' Waant Duw), L 6h:vll hé 11 at public auction, to the hiaWt bidder, the premian describid in aid mortgage u ubove aet forth, or uch purt 01 parts thereof hn shall be neceasaiy to satisiy suid aniount with in torest, coKis und expendes allowed by law Duted Ann Arbor July 19,1875. T.iOMAS TpUKO, MortffSMa 1ÍOOT& (iBANOEB, ]S4( Att'ys for Mortgagee. Mortgfige Sale. WHERKAB detault ha b en made in the OünditioiiM of a cerLain indentuie ot mortgage bent mg date the secondday of January, A. IJ, iö72 ex ecuted by 'amus Colemuii, of the city of Ann Arbor, County of Waahtenaw, State of Michigan to Luther Jamen of Lima. county and Stnte aforesáiri and reoorded in the oititse of the Register of Deed? oí sttid county oi Wawhtenaw, at lü;l, o'elock a. u ou the !8th day of January, a. d. 1872., in liberé of mortiiges, on page 37, which said raoitgage waduly assiued by unid Luther James to Luman b iSlawHon, ou the tenth day of October, A, D.lJ' mid the instrument of aaBigument thereof recoïd'aj in saict liegiater's ottice. on the 21at day of Üctober A. D. 1874, iuliber 4 oí' assinmentö q mortga?ti on page 417, and there, ia due and unpaid on aaid mortgage, at the dftte ot this notie-, the sum oi three humlred and tifty dollars and forty-sij cents, together with tlnrty dollars ai asohcitor'soi attorney lee, in caae pioceedinga should be takeu to foreclobe Maiil mortugt, ttiid no prouetding ie law or in equity has been mstituted to recover tbt debt secured by aaid mortg;ige,oranyjwrt thereof Notice la therelore hereby given that by virtue oí the power oí sale in aaid mortgage contained J shall, on Suturday the ninth day of October, A.D 187ó, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ot aaid day, gei] at public auotioo to the higbest bidder th prém es desi'-ribed in said mort gage tosatúfy theamouai of prineipii and interest with the charges of mt and attorney fee of Ihirty doUai-n, the premim hertinafter described at the ?oulh door or tb Conrt House, in said city ot Ann Arbor, f-aid Court House being t)ie ])lace of holding the Circuit Court withín aiü couuty ot WuHhtenaw), allthow; Éertaii pieces or p;ircelsof land deecrlbed aa tollows: Be ing lotBnuinber eleven and twelve. in blocknum bar ihree sortfa of Hurou street, in range mtmbei four eaat, ucoordiug to a reeorded plitt oí tina viflu, Cnowcity) oí Arm Arbor. Dated Aiiu Arbor, July lóth, lb"5. LUMAN R.SLAWSON, AsBignee. Kdward R. Slawson, Attorney for Assignee. 1339, Morterage Sale. DEFAT'fr having been made in the conditior of a certain mortgage whereby the pon in contnined to nell has become operative, eiMntaJ by Williiim Pliinly and June Flinily, his wite. ui the city oi Ann Arbor, in the county of Waahtenaw and State ot Michigan, to John McCoraict of Salera, in Bftid county and Ktnte, dated thenioth dtiy of January, A D. eighteen hundred and sixtyeight, and recorded on the tenth day of January, A. D, 13(i8, at nine and oue half o'clock a, it„m the office of the Register oí DeeoH ter the countert Waahtenuw, in the State of Michigan, in liber 3S ot mortgagea, on paj-'e 224, which said mortgage was duly aaigned by aaid John McOonniek t Rachel McCormiek, by deed of aBsignnient, dated the seventh day of February, A. D. eighteeo hundred and aeventy-one, which aasignment was duly recorded in the ortice of the said Register of Deed on the ninth day ot May, A. I). 1871, a1 one half o'clock a. m., in liber three of asaignmnli of mortgage, on page 119, upon trhicfa saidmfltt gage there is olaimed to be due, ut the date ot Úk notice, thesum of four hundred and tliirty-six dollrs and tiïty cents, and all snits or proceedin which have heretofore been inwütuted for tt.trcovery of the debt secured by snid mortgage Uk been dincontinued, aml no suit or procewtngari law or in chancery huving been instituted niñee aiiiddiscontiuuance to recover aoy purt tiicreul Notice ia theref' re herely giveu. that by virtucui the power oí sale contaiued in aaid morttíiige, L shall, ou Siftturday tlie twenty-thnd day of Uütober, A D. 1875, at ten felook in the foreiioon, wil at public auutioa to the highest bidder (the sak tu take place at the MMth door of the Court House ir the city of Ann Arbor, in s:iid county, NÜ Uouit House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for s;dd county ot Washtenaw] thepwmises described in said tuortgage, or m mutb thereof as uluill be necetary to saiisff the amotut due on Buoh mortgage and legaJ costa und cliargei of sucli aale, together wlth ni utorney fee of thiity dollars, cov.nanted for therein ; tliat ïsto aay the toliowing described pier e or parcel of land, beiw lot niimber ftfteen, [15] in blook number foiir, w l'artridgeö aridition to the eiiy ot Ann Albor, ! cordiner to the recorded plat thereuf. Dated thin7thday oí July, A. I). 1875. ZINA P. KÏNG, Adminiötiator ot Assignee. W. D. Haruiman, 15il Att'y for Administrator. Mortgage Sale. Defautt having been made in the eowll cerlain morignge executed by William KyaooE the eleventh day of April A. D. Iö74, to Mmluj Ryan, executor of the last will and testament ui Edward Ryun, deceased, which aid martgagfl ■ given to Beeure the purchase money of the paoÉM therein deöcribed, and recorded 011 the && day at 5:2ü o'clock t. n., in the oüice of tin Register of Deed in the county oi WaehiecüS Michigan, iu Liber 50 of Mortgagea, onpafti tfl and wiiich said mortgage waa on the second day oí November A. I) 1 874, assigned by aaid Marti' flyan to Leonhard Oruner, aud on the same day recoritd iu the otn'ce of the register of Deed iu tla county of Waahtenaw, in liber 4 oí tiüpinnient oL mortgatjes, on page 4-27, and oa the24tii (Uj ' Decemter A D.1874, Leonhard U-runer assigneew aforesaid, aasigned the dame to William F.'Owft which assignment was recorded 011 thj same day m the otiice of Register of JJeeds in the county Washtenaw, in libur 4, of aasignnients of mortgagea, ou patfe 4t3, by which deiault tlie poi oí sale coutained in aaid mortgage lias tocóme operative, on which mortgage there is claim ed to be due at tht time of tuis notice. for interwt, sixty-two dollars and aixteen cents, and alsothefurther sum of thirty dollai for un attorney'efM m provided in aaid mortguge, and no Buit or proceedm? at law or in equity having been institutea to recover the amouut'due on said mortae or anï part thereof: Notice ia, therefore, hereoy PBi that by virtue of the power of sale cuntaiDeö m aaid mortgage, I shall sell at public auction, the South front door oi the Court House, ie t city ot Ann Arbor, (that btiDg tho bnildiBK which the Circuit Court for said County oí w-wwtnawia iieldjon thetwenLy-aeveuthday of Novanwr, A. D 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon olt day, tlie lollowinp prenüsea described in said mo"gage viz: Allo villaje Iota uumbcrfive andr in block number forty-flve in the village v Manchester, in aaid couuty and álate, cording to the recorded plat thereot, or J much or stich part or parts thenof aa shtUJ necessary to satisfy the amount due upon saw movtgage. Dated September 3d, 1875. rI,, WILLIAM F. O8IU8, Fbedebick Pistobius, ■!W1i'i Att'y for Asaignee. Mortgage bale. DEFATTLT having been made in the cit10" of a certain iudenture of inortgtige, twanje date the seventh day of Muy, A. D. 1SÖ7, exfcuirtj fiotlob Beiaerand Anna Maria lieiser, hw the city of Ann Arbor, (Jounty of Wfttór State of Michignn, to John Daniel Kemnch, oiw srtid city of Ann Arbor, and recorded in tlie ow uf the Register of üceda of said County ot "■ tenaw,onthe8th day of May, A. D. l"'1 o'clock a.m. oí said day, in liber 37 ofmnrig, page 471. which auid raortgage duly hsé-k by said John Daniel Heinrich to John O. ütU, oj the 2.fth day oí May, A. D. 1871, and the ügtgS of aasignment thereof, recorded in aaid . office on the 13th day of July, A. D. ]?lllJLt o'clock p m. oí said day, in liber 3 of a11 of mortgages, on page 173, and wlucli morwje was dulv assigned by said John G GaH on v- dayot Slarch,A.D. 874, and the i-M--JH assignment thereof recorded in said ef . office on the 7th day of March, A. 1. o'clock p. m. of aaid day, in liber 4 of un&rTL of mortga-zes, on page 243, nnd there ia due aiw jKiid on suid mortgage, at thü date of thlá"dH[. the sum of tour hundred and Beven ao"" - ,t t.y six cents, tugíther willi thilty dolíais M torney fee, in case proceeding should be l "rV, t'oreclose snid mortlfase. and uo proceemngs M or In equily has been instituted to recove' tn (. secured bysaid mortgage, or any p' ' f Notice is therefore hereby giren, that by vin the power ot sale contaiued in aid B"f (i ahall, on Saturluy the nmth dny o{ Oc. ' j , d„y, ü. 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenuou of " (hi Kilst publio iiuctiou to the hiithest "ia. V' tue premises described in said nioruntfe to m h,irges nmount of principal and interest, vith tliec ot sule and attorney fee of thirtj üolh'rh'oor il" f" (lliJ ot the Court House in said city of Ann Aiii, C'oiirt House beinj? the pl.-ice of liolawd l", , cuit Court withiu aid (uuuty of Waal "'ZLb, that pnrt of lot numberfour. block '""„t ranpre six eaat, that lies uorthwesttny o' ,j. Btreet in the cily of Ann Arbor afore6aiil, a iutr to the vecorded plat thereof. JJated Ann Arbor, July 15th, 1875. nK oí Moitg"íeEdwakd R. Blavion, Attorney for Assignee. ____, Commi8sioners ilotioe. LÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, Counly ot Was m ; ï as. The undersiïned having been pp " „ the Probate Court for said county. ?"?ï- to receive, examine and adjust all cliuuia " ■ c, raands of 'lll persona againsl the 01 i ,e ililler, late of saic county deoeased, "j1 ' ■. by notice that six months from date "'." 'lo prtorder of said Probate Oonrt, lor cifd e. aent their claims against the estale o ei. oaMBd, and that thiy will meet t tne u" ü denceoisaid deceasfd, in the townsmp ' .„„d said county, on the twentinth day ot ueoi ." oct on the twentieth day of Maren next, at w „,„ a. m., of each of said daya, to reeene, and adjust said claims, Dated September 20th, A. 1). „,iaBÍ0I1er. Í-REDERICK STABLEtt. I Luuliuuslon JACCB JEDELE, )


Old News
Michigan Argus