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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS yi IUND- IN THI8 CITY, a few daya since, a 8ILVEE WATCH, which Uie owner ;nn have by callinji at mv store and provinf? property. ). h, SCHT'H. Ann Arbor, September 30th. 1873. Fasliionable Dress-Making. MRS. WOOD would announct to the Ladies of Ann Arbor and viciuity that she has opeued Dreas-Making Room over Mr. A. Bell's store on "Washington street, where she will be happy to receive culis. A full line oí new and lateBt styles of patterns constantly on hard. wS. Real Estáte for Sale THE UNDKRSIGNED offers for sale the eihty acroe oí laúd lutely oecapied by Patnck Caviiimmrli , ileceased. Alao the forty acres of VALUABLE WOOD LAND on section thirty-one. in Northfield. beloninf? to the estáte ot eaid deceased. A rare opportunity i.s afforded 10 purchasers. September 29, 1876. 1550- 8inl HIRAM J. BEAKBS. Attorney. LOTS AT AüCTlOS. Will le sold at auction, on the premises, Tuesday, Ootober 12th, 187S, at 10 o'ciock, lots on Pontiac, Apple, Peach, Pear, Plum and Traver streets. Above lots are beautifully situated, healthiest part of the city and good improvements going on, and pure water on the premisos. This will be a prime chance to invest money, get a home at little cost, and save rent. Torms,fone-third cash, two-thirds on one and two years credit, 7 per cent interest. For iniormat ion apply to CHAS. BOYLAN, Auc, or A. H. PARTRIDÜE. rand Millinery Opening AT THE KMP0R1ÜM OF FASTTtONT. Will exhlblt our Fall and Winter Stylcs OF MILLINERY AM FA1VCÏ GOODS, VVeduesdaj and i'liursdiiy. Oct. & 1. All are respectfully invited tocall. MES. A. B. CEAIKE, Ope ra House ltlock, Ann Arlior. Hsil's Opera House TWO NI6HTS ONLY. TuesiayiWeflnesflay OCTOBER 6th AND 7tli. EVENING PRICKS: Adniissiiiii. 50 cents. Cliildren, - - 25 " tij Frank MacEvoy's tij Bei hibernicoIM PROGRAMME-PART FIRST. ntroductory Overture, Uibemlan Minstrels ïeautiful Gfrl of K. i Ma re, Mise Hayos rimln Drew, Mr. Nash rapping at the Garden Gate, Mis Byrnea )ear Little. Shamrock, Mr. Lawler ïvlaud is the Place for Me, Mr. Ames dulduon, the Solid Man Mr, Lawlor Chorus by the Conipany. Scenh 1 - New York at sunset ; The steamer Hicmia lea ving New York lor Ireland ; Ter ritte ïtorm ; thuiider and lightning ; storm tmbsides ; nomina; dawns as the vessel entera Dublin Bay ; he hilJ of Howth ; Dublin lighthouse; village of 'lontarf; Dublin City ; sunrise on the Liffey ; the Justum House ; Carluíe Bridge ; Sackville street ; Selson's Pillar ; anecdotes; view of the Four Courts; Dublin Castle ; Koyal Exchange, Dame street; Trint y College j thelriah Parllamant House; 111 u minacd view ot 8t. Patrick's Cathedral ; grand processiou of the clergy to celébrate divine service at niidlighl on ('hristiiias eve, Chorus- "THE CHRISÏMA.SAN'l HEM." PART SECOND. Song - Jim, the Carter Lad, Mr. Laylor View of Kingston City and harhor; Killiny Hill and Bay; the town of Bry : view of the Gieu of the Downs; view of Luggela ; th Devil's Uien; tln Beven churchea of Glendalough the meeting of the watera and rale f Avoco; tour ofKildare; view of the Currogh of Kildare duriug races. Soug - Regular Army, oh ! Mr. Laylor Ruina of St. Bridget's Abbey; grand lllumlncted picture of the interior of St. Bridget's Abbey. Fritz.our Germán Friend, Einilie Ames PART THIRD. Views of Kilkenny City and Castle: Waterford Limerick; Thomond Bridge; Oaotle of Limerick: st, Mm y'h Cathedral ; The Koelt oí babbel; Silendic Kinw. Song, Character Changas and Bag Pipe Imitatioua - Dau Nash. Cork City ; Grand Parade and Club House; View of Patriek Street and k'ather Muthew' Statue The Kiver Lee and Vtllage of Black Koek; The City of Uueenstown and Cork Hnrbor ; The Lake of Killarney; The LowerLake; Rosa Castle, lnui tullen ; Middle or Tore Lake ; The Upper Lake and Tunnel ; Londonderry ; THE GIANT'H CAUö WAY : Larne, Islund Magee and (Juatle of Older iield ; View of Carreekferg uu Caatle and Bay ; View of Btli'ast'Locb and City Arragh ; View of Hoth evor ; View of Loeh Erne and Davedesh Ielaud Ballina, Clew and Wolport; City oí Galwny anc öulway Huy. THE FUTURE OF IKELAND. M'td'uKt Wetlncsday. Doouk Opkn ax 1.30. - Cubtain Riökh ít 2.80 Matinee Prïces : Adulis, 25 Cents. Children, 1U Cents CONTINENTAL UFE INSURANCE GO. Annual Statement, JANTJARY li 18T5. Actumiilated Assets, - $0,555,828 Uabllities, includlng reserve 5,843,846 Surplus belouglng to Pullcy hold'rs 711,982 Animal Inrome, - 2,820,313 t mmini of Insurance iu forcé, 54,98,941 Tllrly ilaya of srrace alloived on l'it intuí of Iti'iicivnli. No restriction on Travel. Prompt nd liberal in piiyment of claims. Claims paid in 1874, $600,000. Total death clmms paid in Ust eight years,,ooo. C.A.WAXK1NS, l538 Nu. 10 Bank Block, Detroit, Manager for Michigan. JOHN 8EAKS, Dist. Ag't, Aun Arbor, Mich. $20,000 in Prizes! 12th Aiinunl Gift of Premiums To i lic subscriben of t Ue DETEOIT Commercial Advertíser Will poslttrely take iluee at tbe DETROIT OPERA HOUSE WedaesAay, gept. 29 1875 BUB8CRIPTION l'KICK : (Including particlp&Uon ín pui Premium Award (6 mos) - - S 1 .5( Olie year - 2.54 WM. H. TtVHIi. ■ ■ublislier, Detroit, ITIicli. FOR SALE. AUKNIH4BI.K COXTAÍiK willi vm ftnelyshaddd nounds, Dr the Dnlyersity now vjiint and vifibe sukl very luw. Enquire o A. K. PBE8COTT. RAILROADS. UI HIUAK CEHTRAL BAILROAO. SÜMMRR TIME TABLE. .ii.l.MI WEST. ' n i " L■ ' n -t l _a ; g . j te , w HTATIONB. -! W PS H ' gi ! ft -_ I -b" í& .M i C o s ,Ph n . . , "■ A. M V . M. P. M. f. M. P. M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 60 a 00 4 00 S 4" 9 50 ayne, V 55 10 36 3 3i) 4 52 6 3" 8 42 Ypmlanti, (t :; 11 ou 4 1:) 5 27 7 10 11 00 AnnArbor, 8 5? II lf, 4 30 5 45 7 45 11 17 Dexter, , ,,„ f, IXI 6 n8 8 10 ._ Olielsea, 9 40 6 23 8 30 Graas I.ake, ! 10 04 6 49 9 00 Jackson, K, :;; 12' 33 5 , 15 9 30 f " Kalamazoo, 1 45 2 55 12 " 2 54 OhfoagoarriT, _ M 6 w j 6 30 8 w GOING EAST. I o_ ■ ó A.M. A. M.' P.H. P.H. A.M. Gmoago, lenve, ó 00 9 00 , 5 15 S 00 „ , ' P.M.! A. M.i Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 40 1030 2 35 _ . PM. A.M. A.M. I ■Trtckson, 2 12 4 05 7 00 12 47 4 55 9 40 Urass I,ake, ' 2 45 , 7 32 6 23 Ohelsea, 8 LO i 8 00 6 50 DexteIt :; J5 g 1S 6 08! Ann Albor, j 3 52 5 10 8 37 2 22 i 6 28 10 40 Ypsüanti, , 4 20 5 27 8 55 2 42 6 48 11 „0 Wuyne, 4 45 f, 43 9 23 8 OJ 7 10 11 S0 Jetroit.ariive, r, U 5 46 10 lí S 51) 8 00 12 00 DETROIT, HILL8DALE & INDIANA RA1LEOAD. goinq west. _ -1876- oomn eart. STATIONS. Mail. Exp.l" ITATI0H8. Exp. Muil A. M. P. M. letroit, dep...7:0(J 5:40 " MYpRilanti.... 8:32 7:15 i Bunker 5-20 2-30 "line 9:35 7:45 Hillsdale ... 5:45 2:4U indgewnter.. 10:00 8:03 Manchester. 8.40 4-u Manchester. 10:30 8:22 ! Bridgewater 9:15 4::;5 „.„ . ■ M. I Haline 9:35 t:32 Hl4nle 1:13 10:05 Ypsilnnti.. . 11-00 !,--, Bttnkrs 1:30 10:16 Detroit 12: S:30 Traine run by Chicago tiie. To takeeñeclJuly 11, 1876. W. i'. PARKER, Sup't, Ypeilanti. EDWARDbUFFY II AS JUST RECEIVED AN Entire Iffew Stock "I ïoodl consistlng of Teas, Coff ees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW YORK from first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at a VERI SLIGHT ADVANCH over New York Cost. AIso a full line of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S WKAE in BOOTS & SHOES, All of which he is offering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It pays everybody to buy their goods for Cash. (Jall and examine goods and pricea, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACT ON GoocIh delivered to any part of the City free of charge. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynard'H Blouk cor. Main and Ann streeta 1WM Ann Arbor, Mich. C. BLISS & SOIT are now reudy for the SPRING TRADE with an Elegant Stock OF New Goods consisting of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELKY, Silver& Platefl Ware anda erinsr them at prices never before offered in the inarket. Somethiog oew m TEl SETS and at a great reduction from former priee. K7"Remember we have tlie Ifu-geiit Stock in tlie cit) . Cali umi ■■ for yourselvek. REFAIRING NEATLY AND FR0MFTL7 . DONE. C. BLISS & SOX. 1522 THE NEW EN GL AND RANGE with Elevated Tlot Closet, combining all the latest, most valuable and economical iinprovements iu Cookiug Kanges. The new MORNING CLORY beautifully mounted, and aeknowlertgni to be one oi' the leaoing ttrat class Cook Stoves. THE WOODLAND COOK A new class Wood Stove; for a low priced gtove ii luiinoi bebeat. Ii has all the modern improvetnents. The above stoves all have the uew Patent Dirt'usive Oven I-'lues, hy which the oven is sure tü be evenly heated at. all times, niaking them the most perfect. Bakers iti the market. The LEVER CLOTHES WRINGER Is a perfect success. Everj lady who use a wringer should get one :it Pëase's. Those 40 reasoni forgetUng Weed's Ckrpet BweepretgOOd one-. (íai.vaNIZRD JRON TOILBT Skts. are certalnly the most durable. My Portable Bath ïllbs are llie' b8i and eheapest and should be Indispensable. Those metal Watei Filters every familv Should get one at f PEASE,S. 46 Sou tu Main Street. OITIZENS"of ANN ARBOR _a.3St:d viciasriT'S'. 1 have usj meived a large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES All Grades ! All Widths ! All Sizes ! And Low Prioes! I have now t"he largeat stock of Lidie', Missee and Chlldrena line si, In Ann frbor. Miases' and Children'i School shoes made a speelalty. n entircly new tbing, a Laches', Misses and ('hild's Calí' Bnttoned Shoe, which will certainlv outwear all others. . Please glve me a cali beforegoing elsewtaere nd 11 ;i t" shoes uut ]. JOHN BUIiö. So. c; s.iuth Main Slieet. lS47mS TO BE LET. Col. O. B. Graut's ld residence, now being euUrged and thoronghly repaired. Knquire at the shoe store of CYKUS. A LEWI8, o :', liusi lluruu Street.


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