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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOB. REKT. House on the Fair ground. FOR 8 ALK.- Horae and Platform Spring Wagons, ikeleton Wagons and Single Ha rness. [551W8 C. H. UICHMOND. Ann Arbor, October 8, 1878, Estáte of William Quigley. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw J as. At a sesaion of the Probate Ccurt for the ounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probata Office n the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday the fourth ay of October, in the year one thousand eight ïundred hundred and Heventy-flve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In tde matter of the estáte of Willium Quigley, eceased. Piitrlck "Wall, administrator, with the will anexed of said entate, comes into court and repreents thtit he in now prepared to renderhis final acount as ttuch adminiBtrator. Thereupou it. is ordered that Monday, the first ay of November next, at ten o'clock in the foreoon be assignod for examining and allowingsuch cfiount. and that the deviseea, legateer, and heirs t law of Biiid deceased, and al) other persons interted in naid estáte, are required to appear at a seson of fftid Court, then to be holden at the Proate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, od show cause, if any tlieie be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is furtherorered that said administrator give notice to the ersons interested in .said esiate of the pendency ' snid account, and the hearing thereof, by causg a copy of this order to be publishedin the Michan Aryus, a newspaper printed and circulating in aid county, three successive weeks previous to lid day of hearing. (A ferue copy) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1 Ji " 1 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Peter Brehm. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wauntenaw, O sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the ounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office n the city oí Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the sixth ay of October, in the year one thousand eight ïundred and seventy ftve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judfje of Probate. In the matter of theestate of Peter Biehm, deeaeed. Louise Brehm and Leonhard Gruner, administra;ors, with the will annexed.of said estáte, come ito court and represent that they are now prepared ,o render their account ne suon adrainistratora. Thereupon it is ordered, that Thuraday, the 28th ay oí October, 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, e assigned for exaraïning and ailowing auch acount, and that thedevisees, legatees, and heirs at uw of sfiid deceased, and all other persons ïntereetd in said eslate, are required to appear at a eession f eaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate ffice, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, nd show cause, if any there be, why the said acount should not be allowed : And it is further rdered that said ad ministra tors give notice to the )ersons intereated in said estáte, of the pendency f said account, and the hearing thereof, by causng a copy of thie order to be published in the Hchigan Argus, a newRpapar printed and circulaing in siiid county, two auccessive weeka previou? ;o said dity of hearing. {A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 15A1W-2 Judge of Probate. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditïon of a certain morteage made and executed by hoD W. Cowmi and Dorcas If. Cbwan, Ms wife, f Eancbester, Michigan, to Elinira 1'. Howe of the it of Ann Arbor, County oí' Waslitonaw and State foresaïd, on the thirty-first day of Maren, A. B. ue tbomsand eight hundred and Beventy-three, nd recerded in the offtce of the Iteffister oi Deeds or said ( ouiity of Washtenaw, on the second day f April A. D. 1878, In liber i; of mortgages, on agc 76, anti that there Is now claimed to be dtie nd unpaid on id mortgage and the bond accomtanying the same, two linndred and sixty-two dolars, also :in attorney's fee of thirt y-tive dollars in ddition to all other lugal costs, as often as any proeeding la taken to florecióse thís mortgage, and also ubject to the furtheraum of twenty-four hundred ollars and interest to become dut' on said mort;uge, and no proceodlna in law or in equity haviny een had to recover said sum of moncy or any part bereof : Therefore notice ia hereby glven, that by Irtue of the power of sale in said mortgage conalned, I shall sell at public auction to the highest ridder on the eightj! day ef January nxt, at two 'doek in the affernoon of that day, at the front oor of the Court House in the city of Aun Arbor,n the County of Waahtcnaw and state of Michigan (hui being the building in whieh the Circuit Oou ri ör aaid oounty Is held) the premises deacribed in aid morteage as being all that certaln liece or par.1 i.t land sitúate and bding in the town of Manhester, in the County of washtenaw and State of Cichlgaa, and descrlbed as follows, towit: Being iie north half of the northeast Gráctlonal quarter f aection munber two (2), in township nuuiber our, soutb of range number three east, containing iinety-three acres of land, according to ttie EJnlted itatefl m vry. Dated October 7th, 1875. 1551 Jokk N. üoït, FXMIRA P. HOWE, Att'y fox Morttiagee. .Mdilgagee. Coxnstock's S6 SPRING, BSD. S GUAKANTEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY VOIHELÜSÖ. Warranted not to sag or form a xough, and to be the easiest, best and HOST DCRABLB BID IK MAIKIT. Sprints being doublé, are aelf-supporting, and i vint upp6f und lower sjirings, the bed ík equully at light or henvy persons. Sume bed is readily kdjusted to IK bedsteads ot different widthsAddresB all orders to COMSTOCK BROS., Manufacturers. Adrián, Mich. Illustrated circulars and price liBt furniahed on applicKtion to the manufacturers. Haal Est ata for Sale rpHE UtfDKRSIGNED offers for sale the eighty JL aeren of land lately occupied by l'atrick Cavanautrh, deceased. Also the forty acres of VALUABLE WOOD LAND on section thirty-one, in NorthfleM. belonginp to the estáte ot aaid deceaBed. A rare pportuuity is ifforded to purchasers. September 2!), 1876. 1550- 3in) HIBAM J. BK AKES, Attorney. pENURAI, I.AW AND IIISIMW AQBlSrCY. ROOT &GRANÖER, having seoured the excluROOT'S ABSTRACT RECOSO B00KS for the county of Wa-shtenaw, which they have carefully revised, poated and perfected, and having, with m extensive anu reliable correspondence, opened a General Business Agency at No, 5 West Huron Street, in the city of Ann Arbor, will attend promptly to the sale, purohaat and leasing of real estáte, the loaning of money, coUectionH,nefiotiationB, contract ing and convoyuncing, Life and Pire Insuraucea, and to the prae.tice of Lhw in the varioua Court of tliis stnif. Ann Arbor. May 1, I47o. TRACY W. ROOT, B. F. GKANGBR. For Sale Gheap. The lutaerlber gftn Hor Ue nis SOT7SS Ü1TD LOTS on West Huron street, uext west of S. P. Jewett's reaidence. The house is one of the best, and pleasantest, for the slae, In the city. Will be sold for - 1 ian coat. Bor particulara apply to John N. Gott, or 1530 A. D. BEBIMER. FOR SALE. AIUIUAKI.i: rol I Ai. I with veiy ftnely ihaded noundi, near tlie DnlTeraltj duw vacant and wiube lola ?ery low. Bnquire u: A. a PEBSJCOTT. CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Annnal Statement, JANITARY 1, 1ST5. Accuiuulatcd Assels, - MillMtf Mabilitiee, includiniar reseñe 5,843,846 Surplus belonging to PolKy holil'rs 711,982 lniiiiiil Income, - 2,840,818 Anionnt oflnsmanfe in iorce. $51,998,911 TilrtT ly of B'ce allowed on PayniCDt of Benewals. No reetriction on Travel. Prompt and liberal in pnyment ot' claimB. Claims paid in 1874, $600,000. Total death claims paid in last eight yeara, 3,ÜOÜ,OOÜ, a WATK1NS iVig No. 10 Bank Block, Detroit, Manager for Michigan. JOHN SEAKS, Dist. Ag't, Aun Arbor, Mieh. ■ si ■ W O P3 u M. tí B 1 S LARCE ARRIVAL OF . FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. AT W. WAGNER'S Who Sells Clotliing so Cheap that he DEFIES ALL COMPETITION, All who are pressed with the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNER'S. A fine stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings alwaya kept and Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FURFISHING GOODS. W. WAG1TEB., 496 21 South Main St. Ann ArborEDWARD DUFFY HAS JUST RECEIVED AN Entire New Stock Of goods consisting of Teas, (toffees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW YORK from first hands FOR CASH, and is ontering them at a VBRY UT ADVAKGB over New York Oost. AIbo a full line of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR in BOOTS & SHOES, All of which he is offering ' VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya everybody to buy their gooda for CaBh, Cali fiíul examine oods and priceB, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTON Ooods delivered to any part of the City free of charge. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynard'8 Block, cor. Main and Ano streets 153-1 Ann Arbor, Mich. C. BLISS & SOIT are now ready for the SPRING TRADE with an Elegant Stock OF New Goods eonsiating of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Silver & Platefl Ware anda erins; them at pricea never before offered in the market. tíomething new m TEA SETS and at a great reduction from former pricee. ■STKemeiHbur we bave Ilie I.artrn Stock in Hiu cit)'. Cali umi see for yourselve. REPAIRÏNG NEATLÏ AND PR0MPTL7 DONE. C. BLISS & SON. 1522 THE NEYTÉÑGLAND RANGE with Elevated Hot Closet, combining all the latest, most valuable and economical iinprovements in Cooking Rant;es. ïhe new MORNING GLORY beautifolly mounted, and acknowledged tobe one of the leaaing ftrst class Cook Stoves. THE WOODLAND 000K A new first. class Wood Store; for a priced stove it caunot be bt-at. It has all the modern iinprovenients. The above stoves all have the new Patent Ditlusive Oven Flues, by which the oven is sure lo he evenly hoateil at all times, making them the tnot perfect Bakers in the niarket. The LEVER CL.OTHES WRINGER Is a perfect success. Every lady who use a wringer should get one at Pelse's. Those 40 reasons for getting Weed's Carpet Sweeper are yet good ones. Galvanized iron Toilkt Sets, are certainly the most durable. My Portable iiath Tuba are the best and cheapi-st umi slioukl tM Indispensable. Those metal Water Filtert every t'aiiiilv should get one at G. J. PEASIÏ'S. 46 Soul li Main Street. OITIZENS of ANNIlËBÖR l havf iist reoelred a torga itackof BOOTS AND SHOES AU Gradea ! All Widths ! All Sizes I And Low Prices! I have now the larged stock t Ladlffi, IAIhm and ChildreD8 fine shoea in Ann Arbor. Mi-srs' and ( hilihvn's School Shoes made a spccinlty. Au entirel; new ttaing, a Ladlea', Mises' and Child'a i :ili Buttoned Shoe, whlch will eertainly outwear all others. PleamglTe aoall beforegoli elsewhere and satisfv youraelf as to shoca and piii-es. JOHN BURG. N... laaonth Mali Stwfc iS47mö vi:i.i,i-v; hoi m fok sale. Alarj-eand very WU built bnek house, with two ir moie loU. Two lürge frnmed houses. Also h good sized brick and frame boueü ; and a small frame house on a good lot, intended for adding front. Por sale on fairterms and a reasonnble credit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property. MONEY W1NTED- So many wihing to borroio money apply to me that I can readily ubtainfor lendtri good satisf actory investments at ten per cent. intcreat. E. W. MORUAN. Ann Arbor, Anril 23, 1873. 1423tf gR%Wm a day gnaranteed uiing our Weli Si?'Jp% Auger 4. Orllls. IOO a moutii THM Bpaiil to .)Od Agents. Auger book rBm 0 ii'i-u. Jüi Auger Co., Bt. l.ouU, Mu.


Old News
Michigan Argus