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W'ilhoft's Feveis akd Agüe Tonic. - j Tbia medicine is ueed by conutruction mos for tho benefit of their employés, wheu ' gaged in malarial district. The íiighest testimoniáis have been given by coiitractora aud by the Presidenta oí some of the leading raüroads ( u tho South and West. When men are regated in large mimbers in tho neighborhood_ of swanips and rivcrs, Wilhoft's 'ïouic wilí i srovo a valuable addition to the stook of medicines, aud wil] amply reward the company in he saving of time, labor and mouey. We rocommrnd it to all. Wheelock, Finlaï & Co., ( 'roprietore, New Orleans. For salk by all Dküooists. j We cali attention to tlie card of Messrs. 3ackwalter & Co., baukers and brokers, 10 Wall ütreet. N. Y., wliom we are infonned are a moet reliable firm, and that any business ' rusted to them will be promptly executed. Tbey are largo dealers in raüroad stocks, joikIh, gold and utock privilegcH, and can give ■ ;he best of references; and tliey solicit corresjondenco with any who may wiah investnieut nade in Wall street. Send for their circiüar. The New York papers annormee that ibe Young Mon'a Ohristian Association of Now York have leased Gilmore's Garden, aud that Moody andSaukey will commenoe a serios of revival meetings Nov. 1, which are expected to continue Ünxraghont the winter months. To have good health the liver must be kept in order. Hanford's Liver Incigoralor kas become a staple family medicine, piirely vegetable - Cathartifí and Tonic- for all derangements of Liver. Stomach #nd Bowel. Will clear the complexion, cure eick headachc, etc. See advertiüeruent. There is no disease flesh is heir to more troublesomoto manage than rheumatiHm. It comes when you least expect it, and generally remains tül it gels ready to go away. Tlie mout couspicuons remedy fcr this complaint ib Johnson' s Anodyiw Liniment. Mystery Solved. - The great secret of the wonderfnl success of Vegp.tine. It strikes at the root of ditease by purifying the blood, restoring tho liver and kidueys to healthy action, invigorating the nervous systom. - ('om. Two ORthree doses of SheHdan's Cavalry Condilion Powúers will cure a horae of aiiy common cough or cold, and the very worut caaes may be cured ia a few weeks. We know tliia from experieuce. The atttmtioiï of Agents aud Canvassera i directed to the odvcrtisement headed ■ Listen." It afforela au opportunity for you to secure a combiuatiou that Btandauuequalled. Fikst Ghand Exposition of tiie Tradesmen's Industrial Instituto, Pitteburgh, Ta., opens Oct. 7, cloees Nov. 6. Address A. J. Nellifl, President. How to Geï a Home. 8ee advertía ement. CO9TSU9IPTION CAN BE CUUED, Schenck's Pulmonic Strtjp, Schenck'8 Sea Wekd Tonio, Schenck's Mandhake PrLLS, Are the nnly medicines that wHl cure Pulmonary Consaraption. Frequently medicines that will top a coupíh will occasion the (laatliüf tho patiënt; they lock up tiio livor, stop tiie eire u lat ion uf tiio bloud, hemorrhage follows, and, in fact, they clog the aciiun of the very organs that caused the cough. Liver Oomplíiínt and Dyspepsia are the causes of twotliiniti of the cases of Consumption. Many pereons complüin of a dull piiin in the Bide, constipation, coated toiiffuo.pain in the ahoulder-blade.feelings of drowKinesa and restlessnfsss, the food JyiiiR heavily on the stomach, accoinpnnitid witli aoidity and belening up of wind. These symptoms usually originatfi from a disordored conditinn yf tho stomiicli or a torpid liver. Persons so uffocted.if theytuke one or two heavy colds, and Ü tlu; coufili in these cases be suddenly choclcod, will flnd the stomaoh and liver clogged, remaininif torpid aud iiiiictive, and almost bofore thoy are aware tho luns ar a maas of erea and ulcerated, the reault of which ia de,!th. Sclii'iick'a Pulmonic Syrup is nn expectorant which does not contü.in opium oranytliing calculuted to check a cough snddenly. Schenck's Sea Woed Tonic dissolves tho food,mlxes with tho Riistric juicos of tlie stoinach, aifls digestión, añil oreatea n ravenous appetite. Whon ÜH bowels aro oosttre, skin sallow, or the symptom oiherwisoof a bllioaa tendency, Schenck's Mandrake PiHfl iiie reqnirc!. These medicines are al):irftd only by Wíl. SCHEKCK & SOSf, . N. E. corner Sirth and Arch Streets, Phila. And are for saiy by all di uggists and dealers. KfflgfeiJffliaaaagiraHaBa Through t)iekn(sthandbreadt-h BL ■f'fiSWaf thtiland the ceïebrated Slli(UfMM VKU T1PPIÜD Booti and t? 3 B rtfl gj ï 9 J HJuos ar sold by the milliou, for li!r3fWiJP?(PHP1!B P;iriinta know they last tvvioe as ■Lí5 ÏLvjt ?!■ long as those without Tips. pWBTlMBnWnrrrfl AIso try Wire Quüted .Soles. Havo you been tlie fj" Tfl'Sru'lftWgr CABLE 8GREW WIRE BSWM lïiKjts and Shocs? Milliuns are HLOf ê M 3t 'i A boing worn : all Bay they are the ÍWVPJEffSt easiost and Viest Shoe ever mude. IWlljlMjlAStB Also try Wire (uilted Soles. iBmOStStmammm L)( PA.VCY CARDS, 7 styles, with name, 11)0, LlJ postpaid, by J. B. HUSTKD, Nassan, N. Y. OJÍ SAL.ARY only. Agent wantod, UU ami female. Address, G. B. OhrisMan, Marlon, Ohio. AP +tOfla day at nome. Samplra worth $1 sent !J0 10 ïpZU free. Stinsos c Co., Portland, Me. E VERY FAMIL.Y WANTS IT, ïlonr In t. Sold by AKeot. Addieis M. N. LOVFI.I,. Krle. P! ff 1 f o P f) C por day Send for Chromo Ca talogua. 4 1 U ■" 4 ivJ. 1'. Bcffokd's öu.vs, Boston, Masa. ton per AVrel Salary. Male or Female. ClrcuWJJ farfree. Address Crvstal Co., Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED AGE1ÏTS, 5am,ï and Outfit frM. BttUr han Gold. A. OOULTKR CO.. Chloao. m . Catalogue Free. RnKJ="B Tl Tt C31 rtolpli . Co., 1018 K. -J3ST 4-A. ■ B g 5th sV Louis, Mo. A íl'P'VniQ ÍÍ0 Elegant OU CUromos mounte d, Iza AVlJCíJX 1 Ö Oxll for $ 1 . NovelUes and Chromos qf every deseription. National Chromo Co., Phila-, Pa. TT"VAT lot'innu, To make Frames, Easels, XX KJ T Paase, Picture Booka,ete. Send2 3tamps tor bnok and designs. J. JAY GOÜLD, Boston, Maas. W A N I AN AGKNT in every county. Pioture and V. I Frame Business. SIOO a Month. Geo. E. TED. I Peiuse, Pub., GfiTteade St„ New York. TrVOKCES l(gally obtained for Incompatibility, etc. ; JLJ residenee unnecess.iry ; fee after decree. Address V. O. boi 11)37, Chicago, 111. ƒ. jt ■ 1 A 1ÏÏOXTH- Agentawanteíi everywhpre. U "lnll Business honorable and first clas PartfSll!l tlouUra eent free. Aidress WORTH i. üaUV pp., st. Mo. ífl I'WÜT A MONTH .inil HXPKNSES to all. Articlesl "jRlMli'".5i-i)l!.'osi]our. Ramplesfree. ('. I.1N-I '.(jHiul! IMJTOX, rfBW YORK or cniüAGO. GO O AMD! C ETDCC and llis Pilj ti Mdl DU wMtfilLL rntt.miII'Vniuloevorywhera AddretsTaiT ÜNION PITb. CO., Nawark, N.J. CLARK'SBOÖirKEEPTNG iSK: Prior fl.yO pnst-pnid. Send for circular. V. S. I.AIIIÍ CO., 165 Plnm street, Cincinnatl, Ohlo. rSWlll WIIAT IS IT.-Somethlng new. Sells at I Bight. Big mducement.B to Agents. Samples, Si5 ceTits iintl Bt&inp. Ayeüts wanted. Send for (Jjitalogue. U. S. SPECIALTY CO.. 11 OentraUt. , Boston. CINCINNATI DO1URWEEKLT STAR. An Independent Family Kewspaper. S PaKs 48 Columns ot Rcading. L-] Per YEAR. Specimen ('opy FltKK. CPJ_ Free of postaga Adiress T!c " SgAB?' CO., cilioinnati, Ohfo. tilD CAIC Ohic.M-o Suhurhan Lots at $100 each, lUn OHLtalSló down nnd $5inonthly for balanoe, within a short distance of City Limits, with hourly tralns and chaap fare. Send for circulan. ISA BKOWN, 142 LSaU t.. Oblctgo. 11L .,_-. PIÍR WF.EK GUARANTEKD to Agent. fl"7"7 Male and Female, in' their own locality. ?h f f Term nnd OUTFIT FBBE. Address i I I p. o. VICKERY CO., Angiuta, Maine. THIS Paper is printed with Ink made by G. B. Kan A Co., 121 Dearborn Street, Chicago, and ior sala by us in large or small quantiti.''3. OHICAGO NKWüPAPER UNION, 114 Monroa Street, Chicago, UL MATRIMONIA!.. IÍVFEL.ICITY. Speedy re. li'f t- :ill in Probate Courts of Utah. RealaeDM there Dot requirod ; all pubücity nvoidel. Incompatibility sumcient causo. Divorces valid. Addrt'RS W. CD8HINP, Aii..ine.v, Oortnne. Utah. big Prof. O. Sleeker. P. O. Bol 475, Laporte, Ind "Hl T "V 4 CTI 'SI Broadwat, New York. X" . J . llAnilt manufnoturerof 801 cd Gold J KVV1S1.UY of evers deacj utiun. Tiie stock Ib large, Tery ohoioe, and taoffered n rrüiHat trade prloea lo keep onr woikmen going. llills under gl.'j, P.O. order in advnnce. 0verS15, l-'.O.D. privileKO to oxamine. ('ataloKuesiree. _ _ mm on want to mjtke H5 j&b. IHI!P Larcc P1SOK1T I III Inul Srllinthobetartlcl S Ja mJS BW I ever oifned to Aents. B# 0 ■ W ■ One Agent inadu $15 In three bours. Tiy H. Addres,. HOOI) A JOÜKFH, lndlacapoll, tod. MAPS ól CHARTS Ln test, most Ornamental and Correct. Special Agent wantt'ii Ín eai-li township. Seml for free l',it;ili;iii mul T.Tins to E. C. BRIBGMAN, 5 Baroliï St.N.Y., or 171 W. 4th St., Cincinnali, O. Riirc C'liance. With 100 Oitrtridgos, $3.i) ;20,000stild ; everyonowarruntedisatisfactionBUManteed. Itluttrated Catalogue lYea. VÏEST1SKN GUM WORKS, Chioago, III., G9 Duarborn-st, (McCormick JilockJ. 3j0 ra EiS'Bï A:KX';'S FOU tuk 15 Fjnvoiopits, Óolden Pen, Pen Holder, Pencil, Patent Yitr.l MeaeunB, and a Piece of Jewelry. Single Package, with elegant Prtze, pORt-paid, Íi5 cents. Circular fre. BRIDE CO., 7(0 Broadway. New York. ■ngaggHBS KM) pago Rook and samples ot ■ Rubber Kooíliifí. Complete ShiKit.rials for new roof, 4c. s ft. NBSRnnSK9H Flro-proot'.ilurable,rlicap. Euslly BBllMiMlIjiii'lifil with positit ■ Siitisfactlon. ut once and Havo rnonoy. ■ ffiBBCS N. Y. Slate Roofing Co. IP VOl WANT toknowabout the standing of intaranoe eotnpnnies, 6ubscrilfi for fl Uil Geo. I. Yeager, SOS La Sallo st,, Jliicao. JU., at $--'M per annam. payuhle in aüvance. önd tf cents for sample copy. jüMEoBjisinBssjnreictory. ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. JIUCAdO SCRAPER 4 DITC'HER 00., M LaSalla. JUCTION AND SALE ROOMS OF HO'RSES, CARRIAGES AND HARNESS. gntSTOÜ t CO. 's, ii aii'l 198 B. Wuhlngtal, everj Toetday, Tuurttduy and Suturday, at lü a. in. AWNINGS, TENTS. TWINES AND CORDAGE. U.UKIIT, HU M5ARD A EO., 202 to 208 South Water. I BAKING POWOER AMD EXTRACTS. )n. PRIOE'8, Stele 4 Price M'f'rs.. 801 A 203 S. Water, Chicago, 204 N. 2d, St. Louis, 244 Main, Cincinnatl. BANNERS AND GLASS SHCW-CARD WRITERS. UNN 4 DRUM, 215 W. Madtaon. JOOTS AND SHOES-AUCTION AND COMMISSION. TAS. P. McNAMARA 4 CO., 27 Ii. Washington. CANNED FRUITS AND CRYSTAL LAKE PICKELS. F. A. WAIDN15R, 46 and 47 Rivet. COWINGS DRIVE AND WEU. PUMPS, C. DOWNER 4 WOOLNER, 98 and 100 Franklin. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. ABRAM FRENCH 4 CO., 101 and 103 Wabash-aT. ENGRAVER, SEALS, PRESSES, STEEL AND BRASS STAMPS, STENCIL TOOLS AND STOCK. O. II. 11ANSON, 38 South Clark. ENGRAVERS. S. D. CHILD3, JR., 4 CO., 115 Fnuiklln. ENGRAVER, DIE SINKER & MANFR. OF STENCILS. L. BOCHK, Hl E. Randolph. FLOWERS AND STRAW GOODS-SPECIALTY. DALY, HENROTM 4 CO., 144 and 146 Wabash-aT. FURNITURE. A. L. HALE 4 BRO., 200, 2ü2. 204 and 206 Randolph. ÜKASS SEED5. ALBERT DICKINSON, 117 Kinzie. GUN3-CUTLERY MANUFACTURERS. W. B. SPENCER 4 CO., 64 State. Send for price-lit HARDWARE AHD CUTLERY- WHOLESALE. EDWIN UUNT 4 SONS, 68 and 60 Lake. " HEAVY HARDWARE-WHOLESALE. KIMBAP.K BROS. 4 CO., 80 to 84 Mictügan-aT. HOTELS. WOOD'S HOTEL, 116 4 118 Fifth-nv. Enoch Wood, prop., late proprletor of Wood's Hotel, State-st. BRKVOORT HOUSK, 143 and 145 E. Madlson. On the Kurupiin plan. H. M. Thompson, projrietor. METROPOLITAN HOTKL- $2.50 per day. Cor. State & Wash'n.sitoof old St. James, opp. Field, Leitor 4 Co. OGDEM HOUSE-First-claea in every particular. Barï)er A Forrey, prop'rs. í'or. Washington and Franklin. WOOD'S HOTEL, 34 4 36 Washington. O. Sands.prop. Prlco $2 per day. tí. S. Palmer (late City Hotel), clerk. LUMBER. THE PESIITIGO CO.- (reen Bay Lumbor. North Pier. W. K. Strong, Pres't ; G. C. Hempstead, Seo'y. MNFRS. OF WARWICKSHIRE AND COLUMBIA SAUCES.IMPORTEDCATSUPS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS. LEWIS 4 CO., 163 E. Kinzie. Send for prioo-llst. REAL ESTÁTE. JAS. B. GOODMAN 4 CO., 73 Dearbom. SAW MANUFACTURERS. HENRY D1SSTON & SON.N.W.cor.Randolph 4 Market SEWING MACHINE COMPANIES. HOME S. M. CO., Johnson, Clark 4 Co., 141 State. WASHING MACHINES. For Circulare, etc.. addresü C-iLKINS CHAMPION Washer Co-, 207 Clark. Agents wanted everywhere. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND JEWELERS' SUPPLIES. COOSWELL, WEBER 4 CO , 106 and 107 State. AiOa clay at home. Agents wanted. Outfitand termi V I C freo. Address TRUE 4 CO., AuguBta, Maine. THE$5ÖOO"BONANZA, VfiJ P" %D # Full particular sent f ree. LISXEJNT!!! Subscribe now to "The IUustrated Weokly," $3.00 a year, and your choiee of one of thret; niaRniticent 27 oil color oliromos, size 2ix%), entitlod " GoM Slsh, Fruit iind Flowere," " Boatrice de Genei," and " The Snuw Storni," or all threc for $6.5(1, ind the papor tiro years. Send 3 cent stamp for postale on sample copy, with full partictriars. Kxperience.l canvatcrj winted everywbere. Address "The lllustrated Weekly," H4 MonroeSt, Chicao. huw 81O to -"OH invcatídUJ I in Sock Piivillgis, '"'"(Diall ProfUs. Railroad Stocks, TITlTTn Bonds and Ciold bougbt onAnnn LULU Margin. Interest SixU'U 1 pnpp Per tent. nllowe.l un depc-(] II II 1 llLlJJ Bits rabject to sight drafts. Vj U U U i Bl'CKWALTEK & CO., Bunkers and Brokers, Xo. lü "Wall Street, New Vork. ACENTS! 150 NEW BOOKS ARE MOST COMPLETELY BEPKE&ENïED IN" OUR GRAND COAIBIiVATIO? PROSPECTUS by sample íates, btadings, iUustrationSj etc. All rs pickerf, popular works on ñvery tubject. "W hy risk alï on one doubtínl book, when ysn can mabft snoeeSB-Atr by otforhiK eustomers ehuice of 1,30 ï Our Asenta have the insitie track, and are dolfgnted wlth thair quick sales. Fat'! not to aend for partieulars at on- to F, A. HUTCHINSON & CO.. CHICAGO, IlLS. HÖWTO GËT A HOME. f O WA LANDS, HO'MKJO ACRES. Rleh Soil, good Cliraate, ezcelifint Water, (rrowing Settlment, goed ScUomIs. "We iffer the Latida of the SIotu City and St. Paul It. R. and the McGregor and Miaaourl Ui var R. K. at SI to $S per acre, on easy payment Two years rent wiïl buy a íarm. Applr to DAVIDSOTV ét : CAfKIWS, Jt. B. Land Office. SlbUr. Osceola Co.. Iow. a m Siaid SiRcynoldn, Norvie. jfJ ■tfi!r f't. ,".'' - "We have sold and used tJTyJyKMH jour Sun Foain for severa) yearsand Hai-ïïjSS ingïy rec&nnnend it ;is tho ir5SC& '■t'i;' Baküig ÏTïwder In ihem.-uLtjr." I (ffgprj I miro'.vn diniliesiind believe it tobe K vHA' A decidedly the best linkins; Powdcr." IV&rfVB Its eoonomy f s wonderful ; it malees 1241 40lba iiiorelirendtoftbirrelof flODT. TJtfíWwilF M il]i' 'ns oi ''illls s"' iiruI nut a -i"'6 L&Jt?JÍF LrUiPT ■-■ni)lint. Send for circular toíiKO. JULSStód-'. í-iANTZJtCo ,lT8DuaneSt.,N.Y KANUFACTORY AND SALESROOM, 23 A 25 RAW DOLPH St., CHICAGO. éf(j3: "-%k wich perfect comfort night ÉÊlrr a n - ■ r+ vttwL and dtiy. Adapta tself to Kj& EL ASTIC ■fflpvtM-ymoticm of the body, mB f F US fi MM retaining rupture under the 5=r hrdestexereiseorEeverest wlliEELr%íLQrsjHS Blroin until permanently &5ë&dÊ&'j curad. Sold cheap by the Vu Elastic Truss Co., NO. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Sent by mali. Cal' or send for Circular andbe cured. CAGEnTsWANTËdTÖR TH E ENTEN AllAl HISTQRYoftheU.S. The greAl Bieeresl ïntaefin-uJinsrhisloTyof ourcountry makes thla the fMtest BtflUnffbook evar publiahed. It contains over 4U0 line hlstorioal engr&vnlgfl and 900 pages, with a fall account of tho apnro:u-hini; Hi;ind Centennial celebration. Send for a full desorlptíon and extra term to Agents. IÍAH0NAL Publishino Co., CWcago, IH-, or St. Louis, Mq, THE OLDEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA! TH SATURDAY EVENIKG POST. KVERY Vt'EF.K COKTAISB Cmitinued Storiea by the Bost Wrttew, Short Sketches, UistorioiU Items, CentenniaJ New, ]iriht Picture, Fashion ï'l ite and Letter, Scinnce, News. Humor, Litórntuie. B '.vs and Oirls Ueti.-irttTn.-nr, BrtmftH of ood things. Snïondid Chromo, !8ï25, to every Snbscrfber. Tbroe doilara a ye;tr, pohipaid. On fmir months, l. Goed Ajrenta warted eerjnhere. AdriressKICIïD, WJOKKRSHAM A CO., 726 Sansom et.. Puiladelph TQlfM MPKME RFMr:KED ÜSEtESS! . VV " V'Wri VoLTA'BELBrrrttoBEi.TSftoa Cv í r l i, Bands aru lodursed by tbe N Ar ni"51 crïnni'nt pliysicians in ."x J N theworlofortbecurpoirbeu ihr sr niHtisin, nouralffia.Hvel 27iSL tr ï1'-11111' (1 sifps1a, kiilnty Öi aHHt'ilSfli!lt''i('s-llll'"s'tll'n'rl!SI''3' JlfÊËËh-rüil'TniplaiJ.ti V iÜÜfiv -norvons and giiifTHlfU-bimy. Aittr "1 t Iéot clirotiic dis'-itses A -5- th.Hhfst,h'i.l,livcr,slMinitlj IS LIFE MjSSSSañmfñma Vot.M ISHIKffiNÜAL Of Parliamentary Practico. Ruien of proceeding and debate in delibnrative bBes, Thiata tbe standard aathority in all the United otates, and 'ia au indispensable Hand-Book tor every member oí' a delibratlve body, as a roady reíerence upon tbe foruiiility and keglity of ;my proceodingor debate. "The most .nthoritative cxp:under of Amurlcan parHnmuntary Uw."- CSAB. Sumnkh. Price, 05 cent. Sent by mail on receipt of nrice. Addresa THÚMPSOW, 1ÍHOAV S ói ('O., Üoston, Jtlaxs. Smith Organ Co., BOSTON, MASS. These Standard Instruments Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. r AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. Sold throughout tbe Utiited States on the INSTALLMENT PLAN: That Is, on a System of M-jDtbly PaymenlA Piirchtoer shoald ask for the SMITH AMEBIOAW OnOUL Catalogues and full partícula on apptlcatlon. 1,200,000 ACRES Missouri Lands. HO GSASSHOPPEES, NO DSOUaHT. Tht Atlantic anl Pacific ltallroji'1 oiXcr for sli ouloniï time and iow prloes, splt'nilcilfariuiniïlHuds In Southwest Missouri, wltieh possega all the reñuiremeuts or good and hraltliy cliniato, plenty of mberaiul pure Water, lonana cool summers, and ■bortand mild winrurs. Kree trausportation froin St, Louis for land-buycirenlarscontalntnn map and gnldcs, ftee to any address. Hctlonal maii s Elaowlng landa md ani imrü 1-1, 2ö cents. Ad'' A. L. DEA NE, Land Commiatlouer, 2ft Sonth Fourtii Streati St, Louis, Mo. Fhe Wonders of ModernChemistry, Sarsaïarlang_lts Associates. ' l'hangcg a.i Scen and Feit ag Thcy Ball Occur after XJsing a Few Doses of DR. EADWAY'S SarsapariSIian Resolvent, THE GREAT BLOOB PURIFIER, 1. Oood epirite, disappeainnce of wcafeness i, melancholy; increase and hardnesB of flesh iw?1 cles, etc. mal 2. StrenRth increases, appeüte improves relUfc t more sour eructatlons or waterbraah baaÍ gestión, calm and undiaturbed eleep, uwaken f'rf iï, vigorous. wn W1 3. Disappearance of spots, blotchea, pimnies ■ thn u looks clear and healthy. Uw urine changed fnm 5$ bid and cloudy appearance to a clear aherry ornv color, water passes frt-ely from the i.laddei throuph urethra without pain or scalding , Uttle or no fledirn,8 no pata or weakness. ent; 4. Marked diminution of quantity and íreonen j Lnvoluntary wnnkening discharges (if afflicted thitm with ct-.rtainty oí permanent cure. Increaeed luM exhibited in the Becreting glands, and functloiiaih mruiy reetored to the several organs. "' 5. Yollow tinge on the white of the eyes, and theaw thy.saffron nnpearnnco of tho ekin cbanged to#W ÜTtily and healthy color. eieir6 Those miffering frora weak or nlcerated lunmi n tubercles will realizo great benefit in erptctfiratb freeJy the touph pblegm ot mucous from the lanm iS ctill, bronchi or wíndpipe, tbront or head; dimi.'ibhin of tho f requfmey of cougb ; general íncreaae of etrf-nm througbout the systera; Btoppage of night sweata Mrf pajnft and feeling of weakness aronnd the ankleg odBhouldera, etc. ; cessation of cold and cbilU, seiiseoi su ff oca t ion ; hard breathing and paroiysmsof coyirhffli lying down or arisinK Ín the morn ing. All these distrejj. ing symutoms radually an.l surely difiappear 7. Asday after day the SARSAPARILLïlV i. fük'-n, new sinB of returning boalth wül appearastha blood improves in etrengtb and purity, diseoeeVilldl minish, and all foreign and irapure deposits, node tumors, cancera, bardlumps, etc., e resolved awayaM the unsound raade souna and healthy ; ulcers ferpr sores, syphilitic eores, chronio skin diseases gradiudií disappear. 8. In cases where the system has been Falivated and Morcury, Quioksilver, (Jorrosive SnbUmate, (the prted pal constituent in tho ndvertised SfirsüparUIas, obsocUied in gome cases with Hyd. of Potassa) nave acenmokt ed and becorae deposited in the bones, joints etc ausing caries of the bones, rickets, spinal curvatura cont)ftionR, white ewelllnps, varicose veinn, eti iSc' SAltSAPAR.ILl.lAlV will resolve away theB 'S posits and extermínate the viras of the disease from tt BysteaL 9. Tf those whonre taking these medicineafottbecnn of Ghronic, Scrofulous or Syphilitic diseaseB, horrer elow raay be the cure "feel better,"and ünd tb ■- eral heaïth iinprovhig, their Üesh and weight inciewiat or even Keeping ita own, it, is a uure Bign that tbe cuñfi Erogresaing. In these diseaees the patiënt eithweeu etter or worse- tho virus of tho diseaec is not iiiactiia if not arrested and driven frora the blood, it will Bpraüi and continuo to undermine the constitutton. As som as the SAJR.SAPAiML.LIAN makes the paüeTt "feel better," every hour you wiU grow better and io. trease in health, strength and flesb. Tho great pxwer of thia remedy is in diseuet Uut threnten death- as in Consumption of the Lungs ud Tubcrculous Phthisis, Scrofula, Sypbiloid Diteasei Wasting, Degeneration, and Ulceration of tbe Kidnen! Diabetes, Ktnppage of Water (in6tntaneom reiieí tí. fordod where cathetera have to be used, thas doingaij with the palnful operatjon of aaing these instrumento) díssolving stono in the bladder, and in all caaes oí Inflammation of the Bladder and Kidneys, In Cbronlf capes of Leucorrhea and Uterine diBeases. ïn tumors, nodes, hard lumps and eyphiloid ulcers; fc dropsy and venerea.1 eore throat. ulcers, and in tubercle of tho lungs ; in gout, dyspepsia, rheomatism, ricketa In mercurial deposita - it is in these terrible forau a disease, where the human body has become a complet wreek, and where every hour of existonce ia tartarí wherein this great remedy challenges the astonishraerr and admiration of the sick. It is in such cases, whurt all the pleasuros of eiistence appear cut off frían the unfortunate, and by its wonderful, almuBt aupenabaal restores the hopelesato a new Üfe andnew ejtistence where this great remedy Btands alono in tts might and power. In t-he ordinary skin diseasea that every oneismowor less troubled with, a few doses will in mosteases aní few bottles in the more aggravated forma, work a patnanpnt cure. Those afflictod with chronic diseases shoold pnrchise a packogH contalning one dozen lottles. Pricfi Í1B per dozen, or $■" per half dozen bottles, or Si perbottlo. Sold by druggists. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL APFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION OF TUK BOWEIS, OONGKSTION Oí" TUF, I.UNGS, SORR THROAT, DIFFIOULT BREATHING, PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTEIÍIOS. CROUP. MPHTHERU, OATARRH, INFLUENZA, tlEAOAOUE. TOOTHACHE, MÜMPS, NEURALGIA, RHRUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUÍ1 CHIIAS. The appllcation of theREADÏ RELIEF toto part or parta where the pain or difficulty exiats Til] afford easo and comfort. Twenty drops in half a turabler of water wül, ra afw momento, rara (JRAMPS. SPASMS, SOUR STOJ. ACH, HEARTBURN, SICK HBADACHE. DU RHEA, DY.SKNTERY, COLIO, WIND IS THE BOWF.LS, and all INTERNAL PAINS, Travelers should nlways carry a bottle of RAI VVAY'S RELIEF with them. A few drops in nta will prevent sickness or paina from chango of water. IT 18 BETTER THAN FRENCH BRANDÏ 01 BITTERS AS A STIMULA1ÍT. Prlce 50 Cents. Sold by Druggists. DR. RADWAY'S RESÜLATÏ1PI11S Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet m, purge. regúlate, purify, cleanse and strengtben RADWAY'S PIËLS, for the cure of all disorders ol th Storaach, Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, Kladder, NerroM Disejses, Headache, Constipation, Oostivcness, uidJi tlon, Dyspepsla, Pillousnesa, Biüous Fever, InflamfM1 tion of the Bowels, PileB and all DerangemeDts of tw Intemal Viscera. Warrantud to effect a poáUrecra Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, mineraia, of deleterious drugs. . f'Observe the foüowing symptoms resulta ira Disorders of the Digestive Organs : Oonstipation Inward Piles, Fulkiess of the BI the Head, Acidity of the Stom.ich, Nausea, HesiWiiJ, Disgust of Food, Fullnesa or Weight in the Stouw. Sour Eructations, Sinkin or Flutteiw at the ritw Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurrled and ficult Broathing. Fluttering at the Hoart, CboBM Suffocating Sensations when in a Lj-ing Posture, m nesof Vision, Dota or Webs before the Sinht.1 and Dull Pain in the Head, Dcficiency of Perapir Yellowness of th Skin and Kyc, Pain in the Si Ohosts, Lirnba, and Sudden Flashes of Heat, BtwilJíi ' A few doses of R.WWAÏ'S PILLS rg'""!! systom from all the above named disorders, rncc Cents per Box. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Rcafl " FALSE AXO TKCE." Send one letter-stamp to RAD A Y & jCOj J 3a Warren Street, New York. Informa worth thoqsands will be sentyou. BEST IN THE WÖRIP Any Shads RE1BÏ Dusirad. Sftr. - .MP' -ïtf Serdfor Adapted to%È$kW ?aJ!'uS All Classes lS!Jl# Card' of Work. Hrv&V Circulara. Bi'surc tlmt our TBADE-MABK ( ftC"11" whlch is glvcn aiove) la on every pactase. BiíANin OfFicEa .uu FaotoïIB506 Weet Street, New York. No. 210 SoiUli !íd St., St. touisi0' No. 83 West Vaa Buren tCUSf; LIVER ZNVZGOBAIOJ1Compountleil entlrely froB "" „Bll,e . These CMSk.1 o Per.'" move all morbid ■ fut l"Idfr (nor bd matter ffi dose to I rromthesystem, cxj W ;di W1 '' , (hel a ÏT teaspooi ift1 healthy flow " ft H 'n t"blí?1Tlo'bile ; $% ld'"?,l.fIng the stoinach, ' _ J fect. i rausine food to tjj J feetion ' " rtlgest well! W p MVKB, i'J'fP BLOO, giviiig A aeli nn' „j. tone andhealtfiT W llsonse"r'L(d to th whole U rk ent on or r eUinery, remov-l " V) iby "I , iSl1" hiar tHe canse of t- 3 . ■ ment "_„ htc thS rfiscases, P M attaeks-Wp, Vc tlnft n radical 1 ness. t n„ pepere. 1. a . 1 "■tll,1ll" KI, and is AI,-' S2 ÏTnesseS; ■ , WAÏS SAFE. HTPooi;fl'1,cícK ut comiiiencement ofan nttacK ol 4'jj. FITJ by 1 bottle. TBÏ IT ! For p'" „l (ontniiiins usefnl inforinntion „p, about the llver, addresa !! ZÍislS' WÍFE NO.J The onlv complete Ev,.oc of 11 Ijw SEKm,iSÍ pubUAcd. lO.OÖO mor. AgenlJ men n4 Jff ALL iiovcemployme'taml nialu fruTn Ï5 to 5 IO ' , -cirtt" IUktkokd, OtCiiicaoo.'11 ■or Ttle IIiiinaiiTclegrapli. 'i! .""thfsfo"; I mopented l'.vthet.raro;butHt tlwwW , i ór of the syetem. id ' tlie n.-rv„„ organittoa Is purtiallyslwHe"0 '""■'■A Kii.vvT's iumMj5S{ worki wonden in cses of nervous dota ty ,,,„ dynwpria, b restoring tiG .tonjach to ts" d.ni8B tion nd koeping the bowels free. boiu i. - " " No. ' ü. N. V. ... jj -nrllKN VVIUTIMÏ TIJ AU) Kcu'' pi say jou sa tnf " In UU 1 ■


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