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BAILROAUS. _ lll '11ÖA3N CEXTRAL KAILROA1). 8UMMER TIME TABLE. OOINQ WE8T. i p. i ■ i i "x STATIONS. -Í Wr5Lt? L a - 3 P O rt A.H. A. M P .M. P. M. p. M. p.M Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 60 3 00, 4 00 5 40 9 5 Wnyue, 7 55 10 36 3 39 4 52 6 37; 8 42 Ypsilanti, : 8 32 11 00 4 13 5 27' 7 10Í11 00 AnnArbor, S 53 11 15 4 Ml 5 45! 7 45 11 17 Dexter, 9 20 5 00 S 118 8 10 Chelsoa, 9 40 '_ 6 23: 8 30 Grass Lake, 10 04 6 49 9 00 ! P. M P. M A. M. Jackson, lli 3; 12 33 5 30. 7 15; 9 30 12 45 A.M. Kalamazoo, 1 45 2 55 12 Í6 2 54 Chicago arrive, 7 35 1 8 PO 6 30 8 00 going east. 1 f Wip A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Chicago, leave, 5 00; 9 00 5 Ib i 00ï P.M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 40 10 30 ; 2 M P.M. A. M. a.M. ! Jackson, 2 12 4 05 7 U0 12 47 4 55 9 40 Graas Lake, Í 2 46: 7 32, 5 23! Chelsea, 3 10 8 00 5 50 Dextei, 3 25 8 18' 6 08 Aun Arbor, 3 52 6 10: 8 37 2 22, 6 28 10 4( Ypsilanti, 4 ÏÜ 5 27 ' 8 nï 2 42 6 48 11 00 Wayne, 4 45 l 43: 9 23: 3 02, 7 10 il 30 Detroit, arrive, 6 4B 6 45 10 15! 3 50 8 00 12 00 D ETBOIT,"HÏLLSDALË & IÑDIANA RAILEOAD GOING WEST. -1875 - GOING EABT. stations. Mai:. Exp. stations. Bxp. Muil. Detroit, dep... 7:0o' 6:40 M Ml Ypsilanti.... 8:32 7:15 Bankers 6:20 2:30 Saline 9:35 7:45 1 Hillsdale ... 5:46 2:40 Bridgewater.. 10:00 8:03 I Manchester.. 8.40 4:16 Manchester. 10:30 8:22 Í Bridgewater 9:16 4:!; 5 P.M. j Saline 9:35 4:52 Hillsdale 1:13 10:05 Ypailanti.. . . 11:00 5:27 Bankers. .. 1:30 10:15 1 Detroit 12:06 6:30 Trains run by Chicago time. To take effect July 11, 1875. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. FOB. 21E2TT. House on the Fair ground. FOR SALE.- Horse and Platform Spring Wagons, Skeleton Wagim-s, Single Harneas and a quantity of Lamber. 15-51 w8 C. H. KICHMOND. Ann Arbor, Oetober 8, 1875, Heal Estáte for Sale THE UNDKRSIONED ofifers for sale the eiRhty acres of land lately occupied by Fatrick Cavanauerh, deceased. Alsothe forty acres of VALUABLE WOOD LAND on section thirty-one, in Northfleld. belonging to the estáte ot said deceased. A rare opportunity is atforded to puichasers. September 29, 1875. 1560- 3m] HIBAM J. BBAKES, Attorney. THËGrRBA'FcAUSE 3 HUMAN MISERY. Just PvbHzhed, in a Sealed Envelope. Price six cents ALectureou the IYat u rv+ Treatment, and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or riperiniitorrhoöii, induced by Self-Abuse, ïnvoluntary Emiasions, Impoteucy, Nervous Debihty and Impedimenta to Marringe; ConBuii-ption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental aud Physical Incupacity, &e - By RO BERT J. CUXVERWELL, M. D.( author of the" Green Book," &c. The world-renowned author, in thÍB admirable Lecture, clearly provea from his own experience that the awful consequences of Selt-Abuse may be eöectually removed without medicine, and without darigerous aurgical operation, bougieB, instrumenta, ringd or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may curehimaelf cheaply, privately and radicallj. 4 This Lecture wilt prove a boon to thousandt and ihousands, Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addreaa, posi-paid, on receipt of yix cents or two postage stampa. Addrese the Publishers CHAS. J. C. KLTXE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York ; Post Office Box 4586. Comstock's 36 SPRING, BED. 18 GUARAfïTEED TO BE ABPOLUTELY NOIKlSLErtS. Warranted not to fng or form a trough, and to be the easiest, best and MOST DURMf BED IH MARKET. Springs being doublé, are self-supporting, and h ving upper and lower springs, the bed is equally 'or light or heavy persona. Same bed ie readily adjusted to flt bedslcads oi different widthbAddresa all orders to COMSTOCK BROS., Manufaoturers. Adriun, Mich. IlluBtrated circulare and price list furnished on application to the manufacturen. J 1 !M itAl, I.AIV ANU BCUWEM KOOT He (iEANOEU, having secured the exolulOOT'S ABSTRACT RECORD BOOKS or the county of Wushtenaw, which tbey huve arefully reviüed, pofited and perlected, and havng, with an exteneive ana reliable correspondence, pened a General Business Agency t No. 6 West Huron Street, in the city of Ann Arbor, will attend promptly to the sale, purchaae nd leasing of real estáte, the loaning ot' money, ollectionti,negotiations, contracting and conveyncing, Life and Fire Insurances, and to the pracïce of L(tw in the vhtÍoub Courts of this State. Ann Arbur, May l, 1476. ' TRACY W. ROOT, B. 9. GRANGBK. r INSEY & HÜABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - ANDFLOUK & FliKl) STORE. We keep constantly ou nand, BREAD CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and TRADE. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'ï) BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKW WUEAT FLOUR, COENMEAL, FEED, &c &a. At Wholesale and retall. A general stook of GROCER1ES A5ÍD PROVISIONS constantly on haüd, whioh will be sold on as rea8m ible terms ns at any other house in thiscity. Casli paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce genemlly. Bi1 Gooda delivered to any part of the city without extra obasge, ItlIVSKV & 8EABOLT. Ann Arbhr. Jan. 1. 1875. 151UÍ BALTIMORË &OHÍÜ THE GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE TO WASHINGTON BALTIMIE, PII[ÜPELPIIIA,1]EW YORK, The East and Northeast. ALL TRAINS VIA WASHINGTON CIT?, Ainong the charaoteristios oí tbis favunte Boute are Doublé Tracks, Steel Rails, Maguiflceiit Iron Itrides, Gorgeous Mouiitain cenery, Uurivaleri Eqniqment Louhriilge Krakes, rilsin nas-icd K:i! ini? Houses, (Owned and Operated by the Compnny.J AÍd in fact all the Modern Appli:incea that conconduce to SPEED. SAPETY and COMFORT. PULLMAN PALACE CARS RUN THROUÖH "With-i.'Ut Change BETWEEN THE PRINCIPAL ffesfn&Easi'nCiiies For Throngh Tickets, liapgage Oheoks, Movement of Mrains, fcíleeping Car AccommodationB, stc, apply at Ticket Offices at all Principal Pointe, NORTH, SOUTH. EASTOR WEST. E. E. DOBSEY, L. M. COLE, Ass't Uen'l Ticket Agent, öen'l Ticket Ag't. THO8. P. BARRY, H. SHARP, Western Pasnauger Ag't. Master to.Transp'n I IVP: UJSKSE FEATHüiltB ! PIRSTQUALITY 'ojikI wuLly ou tiand andforöajebv BACHfr ABEL. J Ordinance No. 92. BE it ordaiued by the ;Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen of the city of Anu Arbor : Öection 1. - That it shall be unlawful for any hack, carriage or omnibus driver, or any other person suliriting passenger a or travelers at the Michigan Ceutral Railroad depot in the city of Ann Arbor, to aolicit passengers or travelers, except at the steps of their respective vehicles, located at the south side of the doek adjoining the Michigan Central freight depot in said city, at which location alt persons so solicitïng are hereby required to be at their hacks on the arrival of passenger trains, and there to remaiu during the stay oí' said passenger , trains at said depot and for the period of two minutes aft er the departure of said passenger trains trom sftid depot. Sec. 2. - It shall be unlawful for any person or persons dríving a baggage wagon or any one aceorapanying tlie saine to solicit p assengers or travelers, when at fiaid passenger depot or where passenger trainsmay be standing. Sec. 3. - It shall be unlawful for any person or persons soliciting passengers or travelers, to do so in a boisterous or noisy inanner or treat them in any other way than civilly and geutlenianïy. Sec. 4.- Any violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not less thau tive dollars, nor more than twenty dollars ; and in default of the payment thereof by imprisoument in the Washtenaw eount.y jail for a period not less than ten days nor for a" period over thirty days, Sec 5.- Ordinance No. 61, relative to regulating hacks, carriages and omnibuses, passed in Oommon Councfi, Oct. 24, A. D. 1870, and ordinance No. 78, beingan ordioance aniendiitory of ordinance No. 61, passed in Commou Council, June 4, A. D, 1873, and onünance No, 80, beingan ordinance amendatorj' of ordinances Nos. 61 and 78, made and passed in Common Coaooil, May 4, A. D. 1874, are hereby repeaJed. Sec. tï. - This ordinance shall take immediate effect from and ufier legal publieation. Made und posaed in Commoo ('ouncil this twentiet h day of September, A. I). 1875. EDWARDD. KINNE, Mayor. William A. Lovejov, Kecordei. STATE OF MICHIGAN, co("nty uf w ahhtknaw. ƒ City Recordeh's Ofpicx, Ann Arbor, September 21, 1875. I, William A. .Lovejoy, Recorder of the city of Ann Arbor, do hereby eertiiy that I have compa red the fomroing copy of an ordinance with the original ordinance passed by the Cimimon Council of said city, on the twentletn day of September A. D. 187ö ; and that it is a correct' transcript therefrom, and of the whole ofnioh orginal. I also certify that at the same lime the f olio ving motion wasadopted : Moved that the Committee on General Fund bc dlreeted to cause the foregoing ordiuance to be published, and that the General Fund Committee directed that the above named or - dinanci1 be publlshed two weeks suceessively in the Michigan Aruus and Peninsular Courier and Visitant, the two atiWffPaMTfl puhlished in this city. WILLÍAM A. LOVEJOY, Recorder. Real Estáte for Sale. sTATE OF MlCHIiAN,county oí Waehtenaw,38. O In the inattftr uf the estáte of Richard Flannery. deueased, notice ís hereby given, that in pursmmuc oí an order granted to the undersigned administra tor of the estáte of stiid deceaaed, by the Honorable Judpre oí' l'robute ior the county oí Wuahtenaw, on the 28th day of September, A. D. 1875, there will be sold at public vendue to tho hipheat bidder, at the soutn door of the Court House, iu the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in eaid State, on Tutaday, the aixteenth day of November, A. I. 1S7Í, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon of thnt day (subject to all incumDrunoü.- by mortage or otherwise exiating at the time of the sale, and also aubject to the ritrhtof dower of the widow of aaid deceaaed therein) the lollowing described real eatate, to wit : Commencïug on the weet side of Main atroet, in the city oí Aun Arbor, in the State of Michigan, according to ;herecorded plat thereof, tweuty-iour feet north oí the üoutheast corner of lot nuinber live, in block number two, north of Huron stret?tT range three ; thenci north on the east line of said lot twenty four feet; thenee weet, at right anglea with tirst line, four roda ; thence south tweuty-lour ieet; thence eat lour rods, to the place of begirning Subjoct to the right of the owner of the atljoiniug to use the hall nuwrwtiy to the upper stury of aaid building. Dated September 28th, A. D. 1875. LUKE COYLE, 155"] Adminiatrator. Fashionable Dress-Making. MH8. WOOD would announoí to the Ladics of Ann Arbor aud vitmity thitt sïie has opeiied ft DresB-Makiog Koom over Mr. A. Bell's Btore üu Washington street, where she will be happy to re;eivo calis. A full Une ol uow and latest stylea t patterns constantly on har d. 15Í w3 . 'ZiTL 42fcPer day at home. Terms free. Ad pUt0 !)■- "drew ü. StimíosICo., Portland, Ma Chattel Mortgage Sale. BY VIKTXJB of u chattel mortgRe made by Williiim W. Hawk anu wifeto David Prestou and John L Harper, ol the.fumiturn, ciockery, glaasware and potsonal property in ('ook'd Hotel, inore described in aid inortpage, on tile in the office of the liecorder of the city 01 Ann Arbor, the undt;rsÍKned will otter such mortitred íuiniturp and property for sule at public luction, at said hotel, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Mouday, thti eitrtitpf nth day oí October, 1875, iiommenoing at ten o'clock in the foienoon. Uftted Sept) mb -r :it)th, lS7.-. H. J. Beakï.s, ttoraey for MortgHKee CriARLEH BOYUN. 16ftft] OoMtnWe. Estáte of John Donnelly. STATE OPMIOHI AN, Oonaty o Waahtenaw, öh. Ata stissioii of the Probate Court ior the cuunty of Wtttthtenftw, holden at the Probit&e ottice in tli'1 eity of nn Arbor, on Saturday, the twentyhftli dy of September, in the year one thoiisnnd eigrít hundred and seventy-üvu. rrennt, Noafa W. CJheever, Judire of Probate. Lu the mat,ter of the estáte ol John Donnelly, deceaaed. Bilward Dnffy, executor ot th; last will nd te-stameiit of Putrick Douuellj, decaaed, comes into court and represenU tliat lu: ik huw prepared to render the final account of said Patrick Donnelly, ai administrutor of the estáte of said John Donuelly dece;is!d. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Weduesday, the twentieth day of October next. at ten o'clock ín the ior.'iioon, be )Uai(?ned for exitminin and :illowinp such account, (ind tliat tiie heirs at lw of said dyceased, and all other perMons inttretted in said eetate, areroquired to a]pear at a hiísmíoii of aaid court. Uien to be holden ut the Probate OtBce, In thfl city of Arin Arbor in said county, and liow cause, if any thcre be, why the said account should allowed: And it to fnrther ordered that aaid Edward Duily ?ive not'ce to the persons intereated in Hiiid entate, of the pendency of said account, 'ind the hearina thereof, by causing a eopy oi thiw order to be published in the Michigan Argui, a newapaper printed and circulatinfr in said county three aucces-sive we'k previnu? to aaid day of "fUTrue copy.) N ( AH W. CHEEV ER, 1SS0w3 Tudg' of Probate. Estáte of Patrick Wí:lsh. OTATE OF MICHIUAN, county uf Washtenaw, O sa. At a seaaion of the Probate Court for tht ■ county of Vanhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the oity oí Ann Arbor, on Saturdny. the , titth day of September, in the year one thou. , and eight hundred and aeventy-nve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Patriek Welsh, deceased. JJohn Clancy, executor of aaid estáte, cornos into court and represenst that he is now prepared to render his account as such execuloi. Thereupon it is ordered that Wednesiav, tht twentieth day of Üctober next, at ten o't ■■ ck in thE forenoon, beaasigcïd for exunining and allowing Huch account, and that the deviseea, legateea and hei fit law of said deceased, and til othei per8in- nterested in said estáte, arerequircd to tippear atawMÓon Of aaid court, thon to bt holden at the Probate Office, in the city oí Aun Arbor, in snid county - and show cause, ïf any there le. why the saic) account should not be allowed: And it is farther ordered that said executor grive notice to the persons interesteed in said estáte, of the pendency ot aaid account and the hearing thoreof, by causinj a copy of this ordei to be pulished in the Michigan Aryu,n newspaper priuted and circulatinti in aaid county, two aucoessive weeks previous to said day oí hearing. (Atruecopy.j NOaH W. CHEEVKR, 1545w4 of Probate Estáte of David W. Porter. . TATK UF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a aeaaion of the Probate Court foi the county of Wasbteuaw, holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the thir tieth day of September, in the year one thousaud eight hundred and seventy-tive. Present, Noah W. Cheever, rfudge of Probate. Tn the matter of the estáte of David W. Porter, deceased. On readingand flling the petition. duly veritied, of Cornelia Porter, praying that an Administrator may beappointed on theeBtate ot said deceased. Thereupon it ia ordered.that Monöfty,tbE twentyflfth day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at luw of saiL deceased, and all other persons interested in said estafe, art required to appear at a aession of said court, then te be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and bhow.cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordertd, that aaid petitioner give notice to the persons interented in aaid estáte, ot the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by aanging a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Aryus, a uew+papt-r printed and circulated in aaid county, tiiree auccessive weeks previoup to said day of hearirg. (A truecopy.) NOAH W. CHSBVKK, !5r0 Jud.oof Probate. Estáte oí' Ludwig C. Killer. C3TATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 3 ss. At a session ot the Prol ate Court for the county of Waahtenaw, holden ut the Probate Office, in he city ot Aud Arbor, on fhursday, the 30th day of September, in the year one thousand e ight hundred and aeventy-tive. Present, Noah W. Oheever, Judf?e of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Lutïwig C. Miller, deceased. On reading and fllint? the petition duly verifled, of Henry Paul, adminihtrator, piayiug1 that he may be licenaed to aell the real eeta'-e whereof said deceased died seiztd. Thereuponit ia ordered, that Tusday, the second day of November next, at ten o'cïock in the foronoon, be as.sif-ned tor the htarii % of said petition, and that theheirs at law oí said deceased.and all oiher persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court then to De holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any theie be, why the prayer of the petitionet should nc.fc be granted: And it is further ordered, that said iwtitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearingthoreof , by causing a copy ot this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper prjnted and circulated in said county, lour au ocesnive weeks previous to eaid day of hearing CAtrue copy.) NOAH CETEEVER, 1550 of Probate. Estáte of William Ciuigley. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O sa. At a session of the Probate Ccurt ior the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probata Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monttay the fourth day of October, in the year one thousand ei#nt hundred hundred and aeventy-üve. Present, Noah W. (Jheever, Judge of Probate. In tne matter of the estáte of William Quigley, deceased. Patrick Wall, ndminintrator, with the will annexed of said estáte, come into conrt and represent that he is now prepared to reuter hiafiual ac count aa uch adminiutrator. Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the first day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigrned for examining und allowing such account and that the devisees, legal ees, and heirs at law of said dtceased, and all other perdona interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any theie be, why the sai d account should not be allowed : Andii ia iurther ordered that said admmiatrator give notice to the persons intereated in aid es: ate of the pendency of aaid account, and the earing thereof, by cauaing a copy of this order to be publiahedin the Michigan Argus, a nowspaper printed and circulating in said county, three succeseive weeks pievious to said day of hearing. (A true copy) NOAH W. CHBEVKR, Judge of ï'robate. Estáte of Peter Brehm. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county ot Washtenaw, sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenuw, holden at the Probate Office in4;he city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the sixth day of October, in the year one thousund eight hundred und aeventy flve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Peter Btehm, deceased. Louise Brehm and Leonhard GruneL', adrainistrators, with the wil! annexed, of said cstíite, come into court und reprewent that they are now prepared to render their account ae sucn adrniniatrators Thereupon ït isordered, that Thumlay, tht' 28th day of October 1875, at ten o'clockin the foreuoon, bo assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the devisees, leñatees, and ïieirs at law of ssid deceased, and all other perdona ínterested in said estáte, are required to appeur at a aesaion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it ia further ordered that said adniinistrators give notice to the persons intercsted in 8id estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof , by causing a copy of this order to be publiahed in the Michigan Argus, a newspapar printed and ciieulating- in Raid county. two sueceaeive wteks previous to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.j XOAH W. CHEEVRR, 15Mw2 Judge f Probate. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a eer tuin zaortgage made and execated by Jhon V. L'owan and Dorcaa M. Cowan, nis wife, ot" Manchester, Michigan, to Elmira P. Howe of the city ot' Ann Arbor, (..'ounty of Washtenaw und State ;ilnif.said, on the thirty-ñrst ilíiy of Maren, A. D. one thousand eight hundrtd and sjventy-three, and recentad in the office of the Register f Deeda for said ('ounty of Washtenaw, ou the second day at April, A. 1). 1S7:í, in líber 40 of murtgages, on page 376, and that there is now claim, d to be due and unpaid ot) said mortgage and the hond aeeompanyiug the same, two hundred and sixty-two dollars, also an attorney'a fee of thirty-five, dolían in addition to UI other legal costo, aa often as any proceediog is taken to forecloee thís mortgage, and also BubjCttO the further sum of twenty-fuur hundnd dollar and interest to become due on said tuortgagc, and do proceedings in law or in eqoity having been had to recover said sum oí' money or any pan thereof : Therefore noticeis hereby giviüi, that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, I shall aell at public auction to the blghest bidder on the eighth day ef January next, al two n'c-locK in the afternoou of that day, fit the front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arhor. in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan (thatbeing the building in wbich the ( 'irciut Court tor said county is held} the premlset described in s;iid mortgage ai betng uil tfaal certain pteee or parcel of lund utuate and beiug in the town of Manchester, in t ti ■ County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and descrloed as fbllows, u wit: Being the north liaifci' the Dortheast fraetiooal quarter of secüon number two (2), In towBJihlp number (uur, BOUth of range numlicr throe easi, containing ninety-three acres of land, accordiug to the C7nitea States Burvey. Dated October 7th, 1875. 1551 JoHM N.üini KLM.IBA P. HOWE, Att'y for Mortgagee. Mortgagee. For Sale Gheap. t The subscrlber offers for sale Ms ■ 22OUSE A1TD LOTS on West Huron street, neit west of S. P. Jewett's residence. The house ia one of the be9t, and A antest, for the size, In the city. Will be sold for a SSOOlessthan cost. For particular applv to John N. Gott, or 138U ' A.. D. BESIMER. Mortgage Sale. lirHEHEASPatrick Fallen, of the townhi„ . VI Lyndon, Whten con,,,).. State 01 fe' Kan, dVl ex-ent, and Silivei to Thonuw Y „ .11 ïndenluieol morrgage r]nte ttn, 11" eentb dayof Noteu.Wr A. 1). 114, on Dr?, heieiu dcscribed as all ot thoMï certain Die, , audkm.wn and dci i!.. -i .... lolita, m,niiv L'he weet half of the northeapt qntirter and 1h met hall' of the souttiwent qUHrter and th Kathwet quarter of Ihe northwest 7. lectïon number twenty-se en, and the puri of the northeast quarter of the omh east quarter oí section thirty-four, uil it ale in towuship nurober one sontl. oí' ranee th eiwit, in the State of Michigra, conuinint „f, two hnndrcd and even acres of land, more or e' which sald nmrtpraiie wiia iluly recordcd in the R ' lster's oftioe Tor the coulity of Wnalitenaw Bt„ aaid, in libel number Hlty-one of morttraKeft t patie four huudieti and fifty-Bix, on the Rit,t of Februnry, A. 1). 1875, at S ' o'clock 7, ! that duy. And wheroas default has been 'm ï in the eondition of ad mortgage by non-o mentB of moneys thereby secured to be pau] whe' by the power of yule tlierein contitined hha'beco operativa, and there i now, r.t the date of tv' notice, claimed to be due on Haid mortaie the su of flve hundredand seventy-four dollars am] tnn. ty-onecentB,bepidesan attorneyl' o of tMrtT-flvednl' lars, in aaid mortgaife cxpressly agreed to be Mili as of ten as any proceedinijs should be taken tn forecloae the name, or any part thoreof , and no Dn ceedingr at law or in equity having been institnM to recover thu same or any part thereof : Kotice , therefore ifiven, tb at on the twenty thirdday of Urt ber.A.D lBö.atteno'clockin the forenoonof sid day, at the sonth door o. the ('ourt, llouae in ts city of Ann Arbor, (thut Iwinii the place fo'r hola. inji the (Jircuit Coun forMaiti coimty of WaBhtf" iiüw), I shall stil al public Huction, to the hi&h' i bidder, the premiaea decribt d in suul lüurtgaae k above set forth, or such iart oi parts ihereof aa sbiill be neceBtíary to latisij amouut with in terest, costa and expenden illowed by iaw Dated Ann Arbor July 19,1875. TilOMAS YOVXO, Mortifaircp Koot & Ubanokb, i64(; Att'ya for Mortgagee. Morterage Öale. DEFAULT havinfi been mml' in the conditi0ns ofa certain mortKge whcreby the power thorein dontuined to sell ii-is beooma uperutive, executed by Williiim Plimly and Jane Pliialy, hi wife 0( the city 01 Ann Arbor, in the county of Washte naw and State oí Michigan, to John McCormick uf rtivlem, in said county and State, duted thenintb dayof January, A D.eihteenhundred arnl aUty. eight, and recordad on the tenth day of JaDuatv A D. 1H68, at nine and one half o'clock a. m., j,J tJie oifice of the Register oi JJeet'.s foi tht coiinty erf Wrjliten;iw, in tlie of Michigan, iii iiber 33 of mortgages, on pae 224, whi;h aaid morteage was duly assigued by naid John MciJyrmiek to Uiichel McOorraick, by deed of asaignment, dated the seventh day of Februnry, A. D. eighteen hun. dred nd seventy-one, which assignment was duk recordcd in the oit-ce of the Haid Register of Deedi on the uinth day of May, A. Ü. 1871, at eleven ud one half o'clock a. m., in liber threu of assignment of mortííHgft, on page 119, upon which aiidmorl guife there ia olaimtid to be due, at thn , noüce, the aum of four hundred and thirtj j larsandflfty centa, and all suite or prottediu which have here tof ore been intrtitated r there U'ivoij ui iiiic uom. Dtvuitvi uj aam uiuiigHKQ D&V( been discontinue, and no snit or procptjdingsal law or in chancery having beeu inatituttd aince Siiid iliscüntiuuance to recover any part thereofNotice is re hereby given . that by vittiu-oi the power of sale eontivineu ín said mortiíage, I shall, on Haturday the twenty-third day of Ueto ber, A !). 1875, ftt ten o'clock in the forenoon. aell at public ductiou to the higheat bidder Cthesalete take place ii the houth door ot the Court Hou( ir the city of Aim Arhor, in said county, bhíí Couit House being tlie place ot holding the Cir euit Court for s:iirï couniy er Washtenawj thepre mises described in suid niortgnge, or ao muct thereof as shall be necensary to aatisfy the araouni due on such mort trage and lega) cobta and charges of such aale, together with an attorney fee of thirty dollars, covensiuted for therein ; thftt tato ia; tin fohowinff deecribed piere or pareel of land, beinii lot. numbr fifleeii, b) in block nuiaber fout, ie l'artridge1 additiou to the ciiy of Ann Albor, 'according to thO cecorded plat thereof. Dated ihis27thduy ui July, A. D. 1875. 1XAP.KING, Admimstiator ot Assiynee W. D. Harkiman. 1541 Att'y for Administratur. Mortgage Sale. Default having been made in the condition of certain mortgage executd by Witliam Ryan on the eleventh day of April A. D. 1874, to MarUo Ryan, exccutor of the laat will and testumeot o( Edward Kyan, deoeased, which -aid mor l gage wu given to secure the purchase money of the premie therein deecribed , and recorded on day ut 5:Ü0 o'clock f. ss.., in the office ot the .Register of Deedn in the county oí Wasbtmtti Michigau, in Líber 5(' oi' KwÉiyM, on pjijje Ï9, and wnich said mortguge was on the secnnd day t November A . 1) 1874,assigned by said Marti) fi] I to Leonhard üiuner, and on the same day reoud ; iu the ottiue oí the register oí Deeils íd t:t county of Washtenaw, in liber 4 oí nflripTHH of mortgages, on pdge 4-J7, and on the24th day A December A i. 1874, Leonhurd (iruuer asaigni-t aforesiüd, assigned the same toWiHiatt which aesignmtiut was recordeti on utmie dij ■ the office of Register of Deeds in ihe county of Washtenaw, in liber 4, of auiepmenta ui mrpages, on page 4ti;ï, by which delault the powti ol sale contained in siitl Daortgage has bicorne operative, on whioh mortgnge thpreisclaimed to be dn at the time of tfiil notice. for interest, sixty-two dollars and sixteen cents, and alsothe lui ther Ruraof thirty dol hm f o n attorney'e fee u providedin eaid mortgage, aud no snit orproceeding at law or in equity havisg been iostituted te recover the amount due on said mortgafre or any part thereof: Notice is, therofore, hereby given, that by virtue of the power of s:ile contained il suid mortgape, I shaii sell at public iiuction, jt the Bouth front door oí the (,'ourt House, in tbi city of Ann Arbor, (that bting the building ii which the Circuit Court for said County oi Wttfitl nawis beldjon thetwenty-sííveutli day oí A. T 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ofthd day, the following premises described in said mengage viz: Allo village lots uumberfive andsii ' in block nuinber forty-iive in the villuge of Manchester, in said county and State, aeconling to the recorded plat thereot, or v much or Biieh part o r parte thertoi' as shall be neceBsary to aatisfy the amount due Qpou &i mortgage. Dated September 3d, 1875, WILLIAM F. USIUS. Frkdkrick Pistobius, Asdignee. Att'y for Assignee. Mortgage Sale. WHEBEAS, Iaaao L. Ularkson and Mari A. Clarkson, of Maucheoter, in the county oí VViishteuuw, Michigan, on the thirty-nlït day at Janutiiy, iu the yeur of our Lord one tbouwua eight hundred and seventy-four, executed a mot!' gage to Andrew J. Shively, of the city ui JJiiMcyu,in the State of New York, to Becun ÜMP7ment of certain principal and interest niüneytliereinmenlioued, whicb mortgage was recoriied in tte office of the Kegister of Deeds iu the county! Washtenaw, on the 3ist day of, A 1). 1874, íd liber 19 of mozttfages, on page Si J wheieas.delault hat been made tor more than tlj:r ty days in the paymeut of on iustalment of into; est money which becanie due on the övstflayit July A. 1). 186, by reatioii whereot and punto the terms of said mortgage said nurtgg hereby electa that go much of said prin mams unpaid with all arrearuges of in on shall become due and payable immHt)' And whereas there is claiined to be due and uup on said mortgage at the dnta ot lliis BOticetBM hundred and muety-nine dollars and iwelveo for principal and intereat, also au attorne; W thirty-live dollars should any proiieediiig De taie" to foreclose the t-anie in aUciition to aü other leg costs, anduoauitor proceedings having p"' stituted either in law or equity to recover .T or any part thereof, notice is theiefore tem) Eiven that on the thirty Hrst day of DecemMrneii. at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at wc front door of the Court House, in the cilyot "H Arbor, county aforesaid (thal benig the pl which the Circuit Court lor said county 18 and by virtue of the power of sale conUio J said mortgage, I ibU sll at public auction.tow his;ne8t bidder, ihe premises described m saiam gage to satisfy the amount of principal amn" est with the charges ot sale and the atloroey Ie thirty-Bve doilars : All that certain pie orpar ot land sitúate and being in the village ol chester, in the couaty oí Washtenaw, "T of Michigan, and describcd as follows to ing twenty feet in width utt from the east " lot numberseven f7), in block numberwentr-i (■2-2), uccording to a recordtd plat ol the '"uKm Mancliester. frontín-; twuntv-twn feet lc"'„tol. Exchange Place Street, in the vil.nge ot a1" ter aforcsaiu. Dated Uctober lt. 1875. v AN'DKEW J. SñVi EL. ilortitf1 John N. Gott, nf)in Attomuyfor said Mortagee. l___ Mortgage Sule. DEFAULT having been nade in the 'ïï' of a cerlain mortgage made and eso . Kobert J. Liudsey and Jerush J. Liudsey. '' e Michigan, to Charles H. W allace, ot "".-ju place, dated December ninth. 1M2 ano rf "[."Lp the office of the Heelster of jletds tor tlietorl1. of Washtenaw, Michigan, in Liber thirty ol m unges, on page 114, ou tne nineteemu ■■ - . . j, cember, A. 1. 18Ü2, atll a. M. of wiid W; , % mortgage was duly assigned by the ?'d "h ,,., Walluceto ('onutock HUI, of I-oJi, T. Couuty, Michigan, which aasignment waa ou i ecuted on the twenty-sixth day of .1 uly, L ■teI0( and recurded in the office ot the said "'". „, Deeds on the 8th day of Septena lx r, A. "■ "'' whloh mortgage and the note Mi)ini)aí5 mj aame, there is claimed to be due twu nu"rf tjs sixty-six doll,tr8 and ten cents, at the at . five notice, lor principal and interest, "",' j. jd dollars au an aitorney fee, provided l"r mortgnge, by -hich default the power of sie wJ tamed in said mortgafïe has uecoiue r , !'bn no procedingBinlnw or in ohanceiy na:'b6 slJd commeuced to recover the debt BeonW ' b, mortgage or any part thernof: NoliceJ given that sid mortiruge will be fort closea ) sale of themiltgared prenus.-s, to Wttj j,,., ,, trnct or parcel of land situnted ia the tow ï„j,tn. -aline, Washtenaw C'ounty, MiobigW, gjj bounded and describid as follows, to ■ ■.,(,.. thenortheast quarter of nuthwest 9""" y, of tiou (20), in township numtirr four (), ,,f range flvef5),east, and containi it ir ' , , or „i land. Said nnle will take place at the froni " y the Court House, iu the city of Ann Ar.D.T' pircu"' County, (that being the place where tbe . ■ íjurt for the County i heldj on the nDecember, A.T. la"5, at eleven u'clock in noon of said. Datcd September 9th. 18T5. „,. COMSTOCK HII.L, D. Ohamkr, Agae ot Mrtí; Attorney for Assignee. Cominissioners JNotice. CTATE OF MICHIGAN. Oountyof 2JJaW sa. The underais.'iied hsving been al' ï.' ,„„,!■- he Probate Court for said oounty, co """"nd ir :o receive, examine and adjust all ""ijnJitC. nandsofill persons SRainst the estilteülJ' jTf Uiller. late of aaic eounty deceased, by lotice thatsix months from date arlr. l0 preirderofsaid Probate i.ourt. for i'U itra d de. ,ent claims against the estáte oí K81. eased, and that they will meet ,' íc0, io lence of said deceased. in tne townf mp " ber ani aid county, on the twentieth day of "„ck m the twentieth day of Mareh next, 't lt! mili, .. m., of each of said days, to receivo, nd adjust said claims, Dated September 20th, A. ' ,'.,;, nmi„iünerFREDERICK STABLEB, ( Coüibum JACCB JEDELE,


Old News
Michigan Argus