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Finance And Trade

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The money market was quiet, orders being lees numerous, and the general trade of the merchandise markets lesa activo. Money ia plenty at 6@10 per ceut., accordiug to time and the clase of security offered. Government bonds firm and in fair demand. BREAD STUFF8. The grain markets have been quite active daring the past week, but at the samo time a very unsettled feeling prevailed, and values were irregular and subject to both frequent and quite severo fluctnationa. At times prices for wheat were higher and also lower, but the cloaing quotatious for futuren do not show any chango as eompared with the opening, although the premium for cash wheat has been lost. The coru market was active, butunsettUd, although averagiug, and closing 2@3c higher. Demand mainly on speculative account. Oatn wero rathcr qniet, but very firm tbroughout, and higher. The roceipta of all kinds of gram were lighter, and fair shipments were reported. ! New York and Liverpool advices were rathcr favorable for corn aud oats, but not encouraging on wheat. Eye and barloy steady, and without any important cbange for the week's average. The markets all closed quito firm. The following table show the prices currout at the opening and at the close of the past woek : Opening. Closing. No. 2 sp'g wheat, cash $ @1.12 ai.O9 No. 2 seller October. . @1.0S. @1.09 No. 2 BellorNoveniber (Sl.071-, (dl 07V No. 2 corn, cash 56 @ .66!n .WJÜ .87% No. 2 corn, Octobor.. @ .B58 ( .67 v No. 2 com,8eller Nov. @ .51 @ .ii No. 2 oats, cash @ .32 ,33;-L@ .34 No. 2 oats, B. Oot @ .32í @ .34 No. 2oate, b. Nov.... @ .31. MH ■Wi No. a rye, oah. 72 O.72},; .72Vfa .72V No. 2 rye, Beller Oct.. .72 @ .72", i .VVA No. 2 ryt', Beller Nov. .73 (4 73K No. 2 barley, cash 00 @ .93; .97 .97 J No. 2 barloy, a. Oct . . . O .99 @ 98 No. 2 barley, b. Nov. . . .93X0.04 @ 95 No.3barley, cash.... (o, .65 .63 @ .66 PEOVIalONS. Iïather au unsettled feeling prevailed in thw market during tho past week, and a marked falling off waa uoticiable in the amount of business transacted. The fluetuations in prices were quite froquent, but not severe, they being confined to rather a smaJl range. The market for mess pork closed at $22.75 for cash, $22.45 peller October, and $19.15(0)19.20 seller the year. Cash lard closed at $13.87J(S!13.40, seller the year at 'íl2.05(a12.27L, and'seller Febraary at f 11.05. KEBD3 AND HIOHWINES. The market closed at .42.00(5)2.35 for eommon to prime timothy, .f6.00@6.50 for medium clover; $l.üO@1.3O for flax, and light sales of fair Hungarian were made at 42}L@45c. Prime quotable at about 50c. Highwines were quiet. COOPFKAOE, LUMBER AND WOOD. Quotatious range at $1.00@1.05 for pork barrels, and $1. 25()1. 30 for lard tierces; $1.90 @2.10 for whisky barrels, and 45@ 55o for flour barrels. The offeringe of lumber were quite liberal, and thero boing a good demand tho market ruled fairly active, and prices were steady. Salea ranged at $8.50@14.00 for common to ohoice boardsand strip, $8.75 for joists and scanUing. 1.50 for lath. and $2.30@ 2. 75 for shingles. There was no chango noticeable in the market for wood ; priees remain nominally the same as previously quoted. PRODUCE. Butter wus quotable at 26@33c for extras, 19 @25c iirsts, 17@18o for seconds, and 14@16o for thirds. There was a fair trado reported in broom corn, but tho arrivals of new were somewbat largor, and this cauned rathor an oasier feeling to prevail. Quotable at 10@11c for No. 2 to No. 1 buil, 7@8c for good stalk braid, 5}@6}c for inferior brush, and 4c for crooked. There was nothing of cousequenco done in beoswax. Quotable at 26@28c for prime yellow. Tlie offerings of beans were light, and prices for this reason ruled steady. Quotablo at $1.80 for prime Eastc-rn medium, and $1.25@1.75 for Western, according to quality. There was a good demand for eider at $6.00@7.00 per brl, and #2.75@3.25 for kogs. Tho supply was only moderate. Cheeso was firm, and somewhat higher, owing to an improved demaud and more favorable reports from Eastern markets. Prime aold freely at lli@12o, and good at 10K@llc. Common grades, however, wero rather dull, and these ranged at 4@8c. Driod peas were slowat$1.60 for green, and $1.25@1.40 for yellcw, accordüig to quality. Dried fruit was in good demand and higher, with the offerings of all kinds light. Apples quotable at 10@103c for Eaetern, and 81L@9c for Southern. Peachea steady at 12@13c for halves, and 10c for quarters. Feathers were firm at 53@55c for E rime live geese, 25@27c for turey tai!, and 3@5c for chicken. Green fruits were faü'ly active, and for most descriptions prices were Crm. Apples sold at $2.50@3.25 for common to choice in lots. Peaches closed at 90c@Y1.25 for largo boxes, and 75@9Uc for %-bu baskets. Grapes sold at 20@40c for Michigan baskets; $1.00 1.25 for 20-lb baskets of Ohio Concorda, and $2.50 for 36-lb cases. Dolaware quotable at 1.75@2.00 for largo baskets, and Í3.50 for cases. Catawbas sold for about the same prices as Delaware. There was a good demand for all deacriptions of game, and prices were firm. Prairie chickens closed at #4.00(34.25 per doz. Mallard duck at Í3.00, and sinall ducks at ai.50@2.00. Snipe aold at 1.00@1.25. Hops were steady, though the market was dull, and but few salea were made. Quotations range at 4@13c for poor to prime. Hidos remain steady and firm at 8Jc for green salted and dxa for damaged. Honey remains quiet at 20(23o per Ib for comb and 10(Èl2c for strainedT Potatoes sold slowly at 25@35c per bu, and sweet potatoes at $2.00 for yellow Illinois, and $3.50@4.00 for Jerseys. There was a fair demand for salt at $1.50' for Onondaga and Sagiuaw fine ; tl. 70 for ordinary fine without baga. There was but little demand for vegetables, and tho market ruled dull at 30@40c per bn for tomatoeB, 5@6c per doz for oom, 75c per brl for ouious. Telegrapiilc Jlarkcl Report. NEW ÏOKK. Beeves 11 13 Hoos- Dreesed 8 @ 10 OOTTON 134@ Hi Floüb - Superfino Western 5 10 @ 5 40 Wheat- No. 2 CWoago 1 23 (4 1 25 Corn 74 @ 77 Oats 44 @ 48 Rye 88 90 Pobk- New Mess 22 '25 @22 .10 Labd- Steam 13 (d H 8T. LOUIS. Wheat- No. 2 Red 1 S7 1 60 OOHK- No. 2 57 @ 58 Oats- No. 2 3 37 Rye-No.2 72 74 Pobk- Mese 23 00 ; 23 Labd 13 @ 14 Hoos 7 6 @ 8 00 OATTLB (M % 6 10 MILWAÜKK1S. Wheat- No. 1 118 J 20 No 2 108 @ 1 10 OOBU- No. 2 57 (ft, 69 Oats- No.2 33 @ 80 Rye 73 IS 75 Babley- No.2 1 09 @ 1 11 0INCINNAT1. WHKAT- New 1 90 @ 1 50 Cobh 58 % 62 Oats 30 ia Rye 78 % 80 Pobk- MeBB 22 75 @23 00 Labd 1 @ 14 TOLEDO. Wheat- Extra 1 82 @ 1 34 Amber 1 22 1 24 Corn 59 @ 62 OATS 35 té 8 DETEOIT. WHEAT-Extra 1 34 @ 1 86 No. 1 White 124 @ 1 25 No.2WhiW' 1 18 @ 1 19 Amber 1 23 @ 1 25 Cobn 64 67 OAT9 3 Bahley- No. 3 1 20 @ 1 25 Pobk- Mess 23 60 @24 00 CLEVELAND. Wheat- No. 1 Red @ 1 35 No.2Red @ 1 20 OOHK ... 60 64 Oaih... 40 @ 43


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