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Wllhoft's Fevkb aüd Aguk Tontc- Tliia medicine i uöed by oontstruction compames for the benefit of their employés, wben engaged in mJarial diatricta. The highest toHtimoniala have been given by oontractora and by i the rresidouta of ome of the leading railroada in the South and Went. Wheu men aio congregated in largo uumberfi inthoneighborhood of Bwamps and rivera, Wilhoft' Tonic will prove a valiiable addiüon to the etock of mociicineü, and will amply reward the company in the eaving of time, labor and mouey. We rooommcndït to all. Wdeklock, IYslay & Co., Proprietors, New Orleans. Fok SAIJ5 by aix DniKKii?ia. OharIjES Kbade exprcasf liis contompt for "little Jnwyers " after tho following blnnt style : " Thé greatest asses God has ever mado are little Liw vers. Yonr little luw.yer is a man who tas parted with tho good aense of the laymau, and hos not atlvanced one inoli to'ward the scienee of a Manstield pi a Story." Pabsons' Purgativr, Pilis will grontly relieve, if not entirely cure, dypepia whea everythmg else fails. They havo been tried in &ome desperate caaee, aud have given more relief than any other medicine. Theodobb Tu,ton lecturos before Baylie'a Great Mercantile College, at Keoknk, lowa, in November. Other eminent npeakem folio w. FmsT Grand Exposítion of the Tradeemca'a Indubtrial Ineütufce, I'itttburgh, Pa., opene Oot. 7, closea Not. fl, Addreas A. J. NeUis, President. I The Masón & Hamlin Oigan Co. have obtained another triumph over all their comietitors, and won new Lonors for Amerioa. Tliey have just been awarded the grand medal of honor for the beat cabinet or parlor organs, at tho World's Exposition in Linz, the capital of Upper Austria. Many valuable horses die from the effecte of colic. Tlie best tliing to do in a case of tliia kind is to pour a bottle of JohnHorig Anodyne, Liniment iiito a long-necked junk bottle, acid half pint of moliuwe aud water, thon pour the whole down the horde' b throat. Iu teu miuutes the horse will begiu to eat. Mïhtery Solved. - The great secret of the wondorful success of Vegetine. It strike at the root of diüeaae by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy aotion, in vigorating tlie nervona syatem. - Com. How to Gkt a Home. 8ee adverÜBement. SOUD BUSIXES.S MEN OF NEW YORK. The New York Commercial PaChfiruJer, which has gained a most reliable reputation during the last quarter of a cenhiry in giving prominence tlirongh its columns to the Leading Wholesale business firma in New York, has lately propared a list of some of the business firma in that city, who are recognized aa standing at the had of their respective line of trade, aud are knowu for great extent of trade. largo capital, and straightforward, honorable dealing. The advantages, among others, wbich the I finder claims for distant merchanta dealing wiLh I these hoiusea are the certainty of being fairlr dealt witli. and securing their goods at the lowest market ratcs. The following ia the list aa preaented in tlie Pathfinder: AGRICULTURAL TOOLS, SKKDS, 4c. R. H. Allen Oo., 189 and 191 Water trt. BILLIARD TABLES, to.. H. W. Collender, T38 Broadw&y. BELTING, PACK1NG, HOSK, 4c, New York Bclting and Facktag Co., Park Row. BOOK PUBLISHERS, I. Appleton A Co., &49 and 531 Broadw. BASKETS, WÍLLOW.WARE, Ac, Churlo Zinn i. Co., 406 Broadway. BOOTS AND SHOKS, Porter, Day 4 Co., 896 Broadway. OARPET8, Olt, OLOTHK, Ac, Hemphill Uamlta, M2 Broadway. CARRIAGE LINIKGH AND TRIMMING8, K. S. Limr, 99 Chanibers Btroet, corner Oaurch. OLOCKS, American Olock Oo., 581 Broadwaj. CXOTHINU (MEN'S), Henry 4 John Paret, Ï76 and 738 Broadwar. CLOTH1NG (BOYS'), Wliite A Runt, 498 and 500 Broadwiy. CLOTHIKRS' TRIÏIMLNGS, Lesber, Whitman & Co , 444 Broadwaj. CHINA, PORCELAIN, GLASSWARE, Ac. John Voet 4 Oo., 35 and 37 Park Placa. CORDAGE AND BAGGING, Henry I.awience 4 fions, 192 Front. DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, Barrott, NepUewa 4 Oo., G and 7 John Btreet, DRY GOODS, H. B. Clafiïn 4 Oo., oor. Church and Worthsts. DRAM PIPE, TERRA OOTTA WARE, Ac, West lSth and Office, Nu. 283 Perl. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, W. H. Scl-.lctfrlin 4 Co., cor. Wm. 4 Beekman. DRUGG1STS' GLASSWARE, Hagerty. Brotliera 4 Co., 10 Platt treet. ENVELCFES AND WRITING PAPERS, Samuel Raynor 4 ÜO-, 115 WUliam Btreet. FANCY GOODS. BRONZEK, WATCHES, 4c, Ve. J. Magnin, Onedin 4 Oo., 662 Broadwar. FANCY GOODS AND YANKEE NOTIONS, Howard. Sanger 4 Co., 106 Chambers Btreet. FISHING TACKLE, HOOKS, LINES, Ao.F Thos. Bate Mills, 7 Warren Street. FLAGS, BANNER.S, 4o.. E. J. Annin, 14 Cortlandt Street, FURNACES, RANGES. STOVKS, 4c, John Q. A. Butler. 92 Beekman Btreet. I'URS, FOKE1UN AND DOMKST10, 0 G. GunMier'R SonB, 502 Broadway. FRUIT fSlRLTP, BITTERS. WINK AND LIQUOHS, I. Ualvin Sha-fer, 76 Cortlandt Street. GAS, CHANDFLIERS AND LAMP FiXTÜRKS, Mitcliell. Vanee A Co., 597 Broadway. GLUE, (JELATIÑE AND NEATSFOOT OILS, Peter Cooper, 17 Burllng Slip. GBOCERIKS, H. K. 4 F. B. Thuvbr 4 Co., Hudson atrMt HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, 4c. Jehiai ReiwJ 4 Co., K)6 Broadway. HOUSE-FURNISHING HARDWARiS. J. M. Falconer, 42 Barcia}' Street. INDIA KUBBKR COMBS, Ac, India Ruhber Comb Co., 9 and 11 Mercer-st. INDIA RITHBKR GOODS, Goodyear Rubber Glove Co., 205 Broadway. HOME INSüilANGE OO.j J3S BROADWAY. Capitul and Assuts, SS.Ï54 .214.86. JKWELRI. DIAMONDB AND FANGY GOODS, Tiiïany 4 Co., Union Square, corner löih Btreet. LOOKING-CLASSKS, FRAMES, Ac, B W. Merriam 4 Co.. 577 Broadway. MILITARY. MASON1C AND FANCY GOODS, Schuyler, Hartley A Grabara, 19 Maiden Lane. MIIUNERY, KÍBBOX8 AND STRAW GOODS, Andrewe 4 Sanford, óóci Bruadway. MUSICAL BUXES, FANCY OOOOS, 4c, II. J. Palllard A Co., 680 Broadway. PHOTOGKAPH1O MATERIAL, E. 4 H. T. Anthony A Co., 691 Broadway. PAINTS, OILS, OOLORS, Ac, b. F. ïWann 4 Co., 16 Park Place. Chrisij, Shepherd 4 Garrett, 610 23d Btreet. PLUMBERS' MATERIALS AND FLOOR TILES, Miller t ( !oates, 279 Pearl street PRISTING, STATUJNERY, Ac, Fruncis 4 Loutrel, 45 Maiden Lane. PEINTING 1NKS, J G. Ijghtbody 4 Co., 24 Beekman Btreet. PRINTING PRfiSSES, Geo. P. Gordou, 17 Beokman fitreet. ASBESTOS, ROOFING PAINTS, 4c, H. W. Johna. S7 Maiden Lane. SAFES, IÍRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF, Herring 4 Oo.. 2ól Broadway. BTANDARD SCALES. Fairbanks & Oo., 311 Broadway. STABCH AND MAIilENA, Glen Coye Starch Manufact'ng Co., Park Place. STATION'KRS' SUPPUES, WUly Wallach, Park Row and Beekman etreet. 8UPER-CARB. SODA, John Dv.ight 4 Co., 11 Old Slip. TINWARES, FURNISHING GOODS, 4c. Benhams 4 Stoutenboroustn. 270 Pearl Btreet. TOYS. GLASSWAKE, FANCY ÖOODS. 4c. U. F. A. Hinrichs, 29, 81 and R3 Park Place. Strasburger, Pfeifter 4 Co., 394 Broadway. TIN PLATH SHEET IRON, COi'PICR AND ZINC, Plielo Dudire A Co., 19 and 21 CUiï Btreet. TTPB FOUNDRY, JiLmes Uonner'a Sons, cor. Ronde and Center. WHITE LEAD, RED LF.AD, LITHARGE, 4c, Brooklyn White Lead Co., 89 Maiden Lane. WKITING INKS, Ac, l'uaddens Davids 4 Co., 127 WiUiam treet. CONSUMPTIOÑ CAtTBECURED. SCHENCK'S PCLMONIO SïEUP, SOHENOK'8 SïA WEED TOSIO, SOHENCK'S MANDBAKE PlLLS, Are the only medicines that will cure Puhnonary Connunption. Frequently medicines that will stop a cough wlU occaaion the death of the patiënt ; they lock up the liver, stop tlin rirculntion of ihn blood, houiorrhage follows, and, in iiLct, they cjpg the action of the veiy orxans tint caused tho contri. Livor Complaint and Dyapepsia arej-he causea of twothirda of the cases of O)nsumption. Mnny persons complain of il dtill pain in the side, constipatlon, coatnd tonque, pain in the shoulder-blade, feelings of drowsiness and restiessneas, tie food lyins heavily on the stomacü, accompanied with acidity and bolching up of wind. These symptoms usually origínate Trom a disordered oondition oí the stomach or a torpid liver. Persona so affot:tod,if thoy tnke oneor two heavy oolds, and if tho oough in those oases be suddenly checked, wilt find the Btomach and Hver oloRged, r(;m.iining torpid and Inactivo, aud almost bofore they are nware the longs are a mi ís of sores and ulcerated, the roault of whioh is death. Schenclí'á Piilmonic Syrup is nu expectorant which does not contatn npium or anything CAlculated to check a cough suddenly. Schonck's Soa Weod Tonic dlsaolveB the food, roïxes with th') Kiöiric juices of the stomaeh, aids digestión, ttná crp.ites a ravenoua iippetite. When (ho bowei3 are coative, gkin sallow, or the symptoma otherwise of a büious tendeucy, Schenck'B Mandrake PiUs are reuutred. These medicinen aro preparad only by J. II. SOHENCK 4 SOS, N. E. corner SixtJl and Aroll Streetfl, Phila. And are for pale by all di'it7st .inri rlcnlers. ■BwamHIl There ia uotUin like leather fc IMJ 31 i 4 Shoes with a EfrafraH siLVER tip niToVnHM or t-'hildrüii. They nevor woaï PJllilna throiLgh at tlie toes. pAHHMMi Also try Wire (.luilted Soles. Do you want üie best fihoe ever mnBMBBH made that will not rip or leak, and n fvttV m% r% "Pi ls'easier than any machine-setved fipS9nrVST11 or pegged Shoe, buy the WH"J Om h 'M 'Aiiij3 stitiiiw vvinr, HTn'fnnl Bittke. wBollüB f W& JJ Also try Wire Quilted Solen. IBMhWWHMiM EVERY FAMII.V WAMTS IT. Monev lalt. Sold by Agenta. Addresa M. N. LOVKIX, BrleTP. WA.NTHD AOEIÏT8. RampUt mul OaUUftt. Better than OotcT A. OOULTKR & OO., Ohlcao. $O O A A MONTII. 1OO AllTlCLES! üi)U AddresaR. N.RAMSEY, Detroit, Mlch. QA FANCY CARDS, 7 atyles, with name, 10a, i" postpaid, by J. B. HUSTJSD, NaBBau, N. Y. (tC +% itOfl a day at nome. Samples worth $1 sent PO bO vPU f,ee. STIN6ON A üü. Portland, Me. (C4irioCOKri!r(la}' Send for Chroino Catlga. 4 1U 4 L ü'J. II. Büffosd'b Bons, Bosten, il as. qn per Week Saïaiy. Male or Female. CitcuPOU ferfnw. Address Crvstal Co., Indianapolto, Ind. j L1 O ilay at home. Agenta wantod. Outfit and term V I C freo. Aildiosa TRUE 4 CO., Aneuata, Matne. What to To Do & Wby. New Book. Ag'ts want ed. 16portealtoiree. Gay 4 OO.,NwHaveD, Ot. A ITiXTTa ' Elegant 011 ChromoB mounted, lze B. VütJN 1 B f txl 1. tor S . Novelties and Curemos Hf cteru dtnripüon. National Ghromo Co., Pulla., P. ÜO SAWlLh rKtfcandFemaloe'very'whare! Address T SE UNION PCB. OO.. Newark, N. J. CLARKrS iBOÖlTKÊÊPiNirir'rth iïl.00 post-pald. Send for circular. IV. 9. CLARK Si CO.. 165 Plum streot. Clnoinnatl. Ohio. THE WHAT IS IT.-Something new. Sells t ■ight. Big inducemente to Aent. Samples, i onta and stumn. Agenta wanted. Send for Catalogue. U. S. SPECIALTY CO.. 11 Central-st., Boston. PATflRDUIFr' i-tal ljolllc of te.Lancs' UA I MnlinlOatarrh Cnre gien away wifll tnsUmony niinr n Ito wonderful cures performed. Sejiü u bUKt U .'henbï Rki:d 4CV43 BV,. Y. I t "Bvmrs"ïSï and Morphlne hnbit absolutely and llUflflin Bpepdly enred. Painlt-ss; no puWcit.y. JIH pend stanjp for particular. Dr. Car). Mí AUilA to„i 1SI wHhinKt.m St„ Chicagojni. ,.. A Agent wurted evenwhere. I Ir'flKll Businesi honorablo and first dasfl i Tli'Ml tlcniars sent freo. AddreiB WORTH 4 'VtltfV CQ.. St. LoulB. Mo. fVrrTirviw rnTTínTIIxPKÑ'sÉstoaír1 ArtíoleJ ?,"-( ''il i ni' . slaplo is Hoiv. Sairmie free. V. l.IN-l 1 'Pt JU I r;TiS. yE"y Y0. or CHICAGO. THIS Ppr is prlnted with Ink made by G. B. Kan 4 Oo., 121 Dearborr. Street, Chicago, and for sal6 by UB In large or biiihH quftnütiea. CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION. 114 Monro Street, Ohlcago, Dl. AGËNTS WANTED„ ëg cheapest and fastost solling Book ever pubBBhed nend for circulara and our eitra teims to Agent. X Al IOHAI. PUBL18HING CO., Chicago, III., or St. Lonls, Mo. THE jUfc' HORSEtMJI Scicni üiriilly oplainod. . liow to judjze and Bm 9P:' .Sv'-."' fnr hira. Tno rmjuisitO _BB nntnta for hpivkI and en -tflÉSB durajice iuJly djminV;K711 Qy wKf íti-íitod. A work of k rp.-i t -jWI Wm interest to horeeowtieríívYS .ÊTmMÊP Ing CrtforEpi. LS%eËg& Addr..? P. vixCESTTBoïsTcille" go, IU. "Trnth is Migtty, añil will Pre?ail!1 1 VECETINE PÜRIFIES THE BLOOD AND STORES THE HEALTH. SEVENTY-ONEYEAKS OF AGE. I Hást MABemfiELD, Aug. 22, 1870. Mr. H. R. Stevenb : Defix fiir- I ani eeventy-ona years of ago; have suffered inany ynars with Kidnoy Complaínt, wealtness in my back and stomnrh. I was inducód Ly friends to try yur Vfíkiint,, mul T think it the bc.fst medicine for 1 weakiioss ol tho Kidnoys I erer used. T havo triwd many Temadles for this complaint, and íound so much í relief as from the Vf.of.tjxk. It atrengthen and lnvi(torati8 the vrhole systein, Many of my ncquaintances have taken It, and I bellcve it to be good for all the I plntntn for vvhích it 1 retío mmendod. Yours tnily, JOSIAk H. SHERMAN. i EXPERIENOE OF YEAES. ! Oiubuestowk, Man., March I?, 1869. Mr. H. R. Stetens : This la ro ovtütf thftt T have ned yonr " Bloíxl Prepa; ratluii1' (VeQETIHE) in niy fainily for soveral years. and ; tmnk ttótt ffir Rcrofala Or Cankerous Humors, or Rheu matic ivftftrtion, ir cannot. be eicelled ; and ab a hlood puriíW and Kurinir mwlicino, it Is thü bost thinjf I havo ver uHd;nd I htive aeed. íilmost efrjtiüiig. I eau theerfnlly recommend it t any in need of auch a ! i medicine. Yuuis respect t'nllj, MRS. A. A. DÏNSMORE, 19 Ruseell Street. WHAT IS NEEDED. Boston, Feb. 13, 187L Mr. H. R. Stjcvens: ïear Sir- About one year trince I found myself in a feuble condition from general debilité'. VEGETINE was stroiiRly recommended to me by a írlond who iuul been mucu benetited by its use. I procurad tbe article and, aí'ter usinjt eeveral bottles, was restoren to liealth, and dÍ3Cjntinii(i its u&e. 1 feul quíU) confident tlat there Ís no medicine enpexíor to it for those oomplaist for which it U espci'iJly preparad, and would cheerfully recommend ií to trióse wko fefil that thpy need something to restore tbom U perfect benltli. Kespectfully yours, Finnof S.M. Pettingill AUo., lü Btato-st., Bostun. í Vkoetine extendí its influence Into every part of tbe ! human orítauiem, uommencUiK witJi its foundation, corI: itictiuK diseased octton and restoring vital powers, creatlng n. healthy í'ormatioa ar.d puiincatuiM of the blood, . düvüiíf out diae-ae, and leavmj; Nature to porfurm íte í Uottod taak. 'lgetinf ís sold by all druggisU. TIÏE AMERICA X FARMKÜS nORSE HOff HariDg pal-i $10,000 AiU-r.i Hoyuity on ihls sUndaidl lli work.mnd bow titig rnyaltT Trc?, I I ve rpdtcd thc prircM llm rrixn3.fi0toiao0 Aatfif wanttd. ñen-1 r.rcirciilurs.ll w. ritfi-, pifn, ciivcirvNATt, o.' m m [Geo. p. Rowell & Co:1 j. __ PKK WEKK OUAEANTKED to Agenta. ÍF'l'l Mala, an.l I'emalu, in thoir own JocalHy. 7t% i i Tenas :u)d OUTFIT FHKR. AddreM Wl I P. O. VICKF.RY 4 OO., Augusta, Maine. CINCINNATI DOLLARWEEKLT STAR. An Independent FamiJy Newspanor. 8 Pagea. 4K Column of Headinu. ifl-] Per YEAR Specimen Oony ÏKKK. CBX Froe of pota AMress Tile SÍAK" (O., C'iiM-imiat i, Oltfo. CnD GAIC Ohicjo Snhurban Lot t $109 eaoh, P Uil O H LC 1 1 15 down and $ómonthly for balance, wlthln a ihort dlstanoe of Oity LimiU, with hourly train and chnp fara. Send for circulara. IRA BROWN, 112 LaSailMt.. Okicifo, dnr árwrce n naK IriArflrinn taimmg aciuci.ks. ; VíUXl 114JWM Oirculare free. Oís. Dlmock & WetheriU, BufTalo, . T. 0- ...... a_Habit Curt'd At Hoinr. D I llSNopubliclty. Time short. Terms finí lnfmodruUi. l.UUU testimoniáis. 5th ■ "yor of unnamlleled success. Decribeoase. Addread Dr. F. K. Marah, Quincy, Mich. ■ttMMHMta Toutlíamn Elegantlr PrintIK ll' J iw ed on 12 Thanspajient isitixg fciPBr CaRP. Ítr25 Ceuta. Kach cardcontaim a cene vhich is not visible until held towarde tho light NoüiinTlílcethemeverbeforeofTtredin America. Bigiortucementf to Agenta. NüïtLiï i'maiiso Co., Ashland, Mim. "bSVCHOMAKCT, or Soul Charmlng." W How ciíhtír aex laaj fascínate RDd guio tht love aud atTecdon nf any perHoti theT choose, instiuitly. Thi. f::: nll cae poítíM-HS, free. bv mail, 2a ceDls; toRether with an ECTpÜSU Onola, Drasns, Hint to Ladie, ka. 1,W,000 solrl. A qar bfok. Addrea T. WILLIAMS h. Cü., Publiühors, Phllndelphia, ST "XT A CTT 7S1 Bkoadwat. NewYork. , tf . 11 ilLÍAJi-e minufacturerot SOI.ID ÜOLD WELBYof evory d-soriptiop. The stock inlarge.very cholee, and is offered at reUilat tradn prices to keep out 1 workmen fpmc. Bills under $15, P.O. order in advance. Over SI 5. C.O.D. privilege to examine. Catalogues free. fFfemiHBA rtüBPSf" The most sncceseii iWl I BI Í 1 entday.SendforFa VI IVieiyVïILi Ver on Opium Eat ing. Prof. D. Scckcr, P. O. Box 475, Laporta, Ind 50 white or Unted Briatol, 80 ots. ; 50 J Snowilake, Marble, Rep, or Damask, 33 ets. : 50 Cflass, 4tO cta. ; with your name beautifally pi-inted on thtim, and 60 samples of type, afeuts1 price-list. etc., sent by return mail on receipt of price. Discount to Club. Bestofwork. W. C. &ANN0N, 46 Kneeland Btreet. Boston, Refers to S. M. Petienuill 4 Oo. - m You want to make %i BkB ■■■" i'itoh'ir ■ BH b Selling the best article fötteee hOTrs. Tvy H. ABBiesB, HOOD 4 JOSKFI1, lndlanapolls, Ind. MAPS & CHARTS La trtít. most Ornamental and Correct. Special Agent wanted in each Uiwnship. Sid for frê Catalogue and Terms to K. C. BRIÜGMAX. 3 Barclay St.N.Y-, or 179 W. 4th St., Cincinnati, O. Rare Chance FIRE AHO WATERPROOF! L.iiïglty's Patent Slate Pu i ut Stops the leaks in an old Shingle Roof and maites a new ace last twice as long ; is aJso the most dnrable paint made ror Tin and Iron. Send for pamphJet. Agenta wanted. WILLIS G. JACKiWN, Goneral Aeat, l& Washington street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. EEViMS .:; S2.50 With lOOCartridgee, $3.00 :2000sold ; every one-warranted ; naiisfact4m punrünted. PJuntrated Catalogus Vfe. WESTERN W& WOHKK, Chicago, 111., 09 Ioarborn-st., (McCormick filock). IP YOU WA!fT to know about the standing of insuraooeopanies, eubgcriïwyor II llALD. PubUshedby Geo. I. Teager, 203 La S.illest., Chicago. UI., ut 82.00 per annum, paynbla in advance. Sencf 25 cents ror sample copy. èlO to 4-QO InvcïtedUJ NT nald and will Y ■■'"' r"ioíils. Riijlroaü Híocka, TTHTITI Bond ítnd Cld bouht onKpnO LULU Murgius. Intntst SixtPlJ P 11 P P Per Vent. nUowed on deLKj-(f II I 1 lLÜlJ Bits ubjovt to Bieht drul'ts. yUUUi BDCKWAI.TER Sf CO., Bunker nil Brokers, lío. 10 WuU Sij fet, New York. gfc ' ■ i ia Smitli tl H ynolrts, ,v ■ u . jéfStSOfK í"'.,íí: - We ii.ave sold and used yCTM3R Joa your St'a Foani forfleverul years and VCfZtSf3BB linht'sitatingly veeuïnnend it aa we í ■QESvXf liest IïfikiUBPowüer inthemarket." i f$fS7!& iSmit!,,Gcer, Jlvï á flUrfmu faniilie jmd believe it tobe i JMcZvyfl Iteeoonomy is u':xlerful ; itjiiakes ! SVTsuv allllinnof eansHoidnndno'tasingle Tt"rJrgtfr ■ Jim id'. i. Sí nd íor circular t") Geo i Br' '"-#■ ;..?: z.'.(!o,17SDunneSt..N.y MÍLLERS i Viditinrf Cincínnatl during the Kxposition, or a. any time, aro mvited to oall at. the STRAVB MILI. WUHKS Corner oï Front and John-sts., whert thry will see one (f tlio largeet and most complete Bl'RH 8TOSK FACTOltllfiS in the country _ alo, the mst completo MAVliKACTORÏ OV ItUl,IA{i JHIIIIIÏEIIÏ AM MU1.KKS' SUPPLIKS. Write for Pamphlet i i ________ 8TRA1ÍB MÏLL 00. AGE5VTS ! 150 NEW B00K8 ARK MOST OOSIPLKTKLY HgJrt-EKKXTED IN OUR GUA!VO COAIBIIVATION PItOSPEíTt'S by B&mpln patíos, binding, ifluttrationa, otc. All are yícked, pvpulnr wurks on rVerj , Whyrisk all od one doubtful book, ivhöii you can muko suoeess surt bj offoriniï c'iïitomers choioe of 1901 Our Acents have 1 th in.-ridf track, and jltü üeïinhted with tbejr Quick sales. Ptíttnot to f nd tor pariii:nlnrs Oí onc to F. A. ' Hütchikson & Co.. Chicago, i lijs. W.A.BEOWN&GQS UMBBELLAS. PIIIJLAJDE1-FHIA and NEW YOHK.-The qualitkv) maxkod vtith their namoaro confidently recomtoended. r flimni SeWftr, oor b-a-mul Onining ETlVer. 6itMoneofthebe.t ! of Snnday School Song Books. oong ivaunarcn, y adapted to in. lereKt Slnumg Classes. For Deentiortal Meelingg (juat pnbiithfl), Living Waters. gf-áSgüH rich treasury of the sweeteat Hymne and Tun. 1 For Ohonutl, Coumitloiit and C'lioirt, The Leader. &Antbm Chorus Choir. a 0_í_eT.8OSind Perkin's Anthem Book. 1.30. Kasj' Anllieme. Trial Kif Iuru Si-oo. jut pubiished. I lldl Dy JUry. A most mirUiprovoldng j Operetta, with fine music. Sent , poetpaid, for retaü price. liberal dlsconnts to Sodeties and Convent lons. OLIVER DITSON & CO., CHAS. H. DITSON A CO., i Botton. 711 Broadwiy, N. Y. j SAFE AND RELIABLP Have You Weak L,ungs ? Have You a Congh or Cnid? Have You Pain in Yonr Breaste Have You any Throat Disease? Have Yon G'oiisnmption ? USE Db. L. Q. C. WISHARn PINB TREE TAR COBM Are You "YVcak and Dcbilitatcrii Do You Suffer f rom Indigestión1) Do You require a Tonir i Have You y o Appetite ? Do You nced Building Un? Io You wlsli to be Strong and Healthv? USE Da. L. Q. C. WISHARH PINE TREE TAR CORDIjl Soldby all Prusgists. Principal Depot, ! 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MAHTTM Of arliamentary Piactice. KuIöb of procoediníf and debate ín deliberativo &sm I bbes. Thifl is the standard authority in all the Ünltrt í States, and ia an indiapanaablö Hand-iicxik for ewi j member of a deliberativo body, as a '"e.idyreferenceupji the formality and leítality of any proceain{i or debita. "' Tho moRt authoritativo expounder of American piti Uaruentary Ohab. SUMSF.ii. Price, 65 cents. Sent by mail on receipt of prk. 1 Address THOMPSON, UUOW ?í A CO., Boston, M;is. WIFË N0.I9 BY ANN EU2A YOUNG, Grisham Voung's Hcbelllous Wife. Tho only mmnlftc Eipoie of nll the SECRiTSil BRICHAM'é HAREM ever -ritlen. Ilorn inJ f moniflm, AMfJ CLIZ A nív fxjioe w the wnrld. Ai NO OTH6R WOHAU CAN,"' SECRET). MVSTERlgsandè Rl ME of tHe Korrïbl; ' of Polycamy. trom the very bfginr.iti. NcarlypO"1 llIuNtrattona hcaiuify the wtii. It s titt bet wlline m t publinhed. I0i060nlnre Agcnts, mrn and havo cmplormn't on Jmak froni SS t.i $ I O lüly. A.L LIVE ACEUTS ure writing lir IlTiutnted Cmmm ) ith LARC6 TERMS. Sent fn. lknotddi;,hJ I addrehu once DUSTÍN, CILMAN & CO.. llARTrOKD, CT-, ClIICAaO,TLL.,Or ClNO!KKlT!,0HJft THe HuiuanTcieüranli. Thenervesm 1 grapliic fiberB operated by tho brain ; bur if the BUimfcffl. ' toe great vitttlizor of tbe syateiu.ts disordered.tjipw , nervous organizatiou Í iartislly shvtwred iortwn 'KittRAVT'S SELTZEK APEBIBJT worlts wondors in cuses of norvonsdebíHtyarisiaí WJ dyepepsia, by rest:rinj[ thpetomachtoitsnorauliMJ' üon and keeping the bowols free. Sold by all dnw ; "pÖOOÖÖAdES Missouri Lands. HO SSASSHOPPERS, NO BS0U32T. The AtJantlcand Pacido Rallroail offer '' 'i' on long time and low prtces. splended farmln?1" ' In Soutliwest Mlssomi, whlch possei 11 ' ": qnlrements or good and healthy cllmate, pleni! I tlmberandpure wuter, long and cool eummen, w hort and mild winters. , .„ Free transportatloa ITom St, Louis for tao- circulara contalnlng map and gnldei, free to "! ! address. tiectional rnaps, elsowlng laiids solí u ', nnscld, 26 cents, vlddrees, A. L. DEANE, Land Commlsslouer, 25 south Fourth Street, St. LoulO BESÏTÏN TH[E WORLD ! Any Shade #k W ; Desired. Êf }li of Work. J3rc5L' Circula"Besure that oar TBABE-MABK ( ftc-si'1'0 ( whlch iy glvcn auovo ) la on cvery packaS6Bhaxch Offices .is Fíotosi1 506 West Street, New York. No. 210 Seutb 3d St., St. W"'' No. 83 West Van Buren SU, ftj rtn PhthHU PuImotmUi H tho dirl rnl( of wr M?[iDiiJ8' boweü. svküh,!ironic Jiarrhcra. ttcrr PulJr thuidu1 .J1 jrffln. Even tbt loMeflt fliK' or to. (1b a"T 'y-1;n7VDi'1 prnii-n. I procure j-i-asions and bounücs vlvre dPf' r , rit-ir dbobWM (■((ailii'.l ' ■ ior lost. . wj(j'' I FfLI. !ÜLNTi;si).ID'HiAILwK1'Mhntíi?;!irV.iw. "" I woun.lï, lieinim, liuptori-, or accident! Uyurict uoder W" „i ■ rom incral. Sl.iro than boif dow drttioi r01"'?',. n I undet ucw lsws. A!l pwwni dir. n? a pcü'i.m on dfaW . corawiv lo ihi:rd]Rl.ült. var jiiiJ fren S11- ftw I monlb. ■ . :nd .o tiw untll c'inw I wjfc h f I mretitMtiUed fpy, pu1oti, and boxint LutdT n'-T' „i ,tn'1 ■ I ■iMcdlñdr llbmC TuU pirtlculiira andÓLTCuM T1 ,tí(rt I Srennldkr -'.liiWto, It cnuirw sll ü ff '-"""„,1' I AIJr5 {triü. aiiny) JX f. Pritcfcard, tfO W. ytubfZ I Hsaffüm' ÖS_Ü JH 9 a-HEX VVKITUVG TO AUVlyliiV plernsc üny you ev (herí '"""


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