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The Michigan Argus

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PUBLISHED EVEHY FRIDAY M0RN1NG. in the third rtory of the brlo blook oornor of Main nd Huroo stweis, ANN AKBOK, - - MICHIGAN. Entrence on Uuron stro-t, opposite the. Bmgoty Home. CARR & G-OTT LET EDITORS AND FÜMJSHERB. Terms, $I.5O a Year in Advance. KATES OF ADVEBTISING. [Twelvo linee or !css cousidered a Bqnnre.] S.v.K. 1 w. íi :iw. Bw. :im. 6jn.'ïyear rrlT iW rTö tl 80 $-775 4 00 $C 00 $9 00 óanuares 1 50 2 00 2 5(1 8 50 0 00 8 00 12 0 SS ■8ÍÍSÍ8J38S8 u column i 00 6 00 6 00 8 00 12 00 30 00 0 00 3 rolumn 5 00 7 00 8 00 10 OU 15 0(1 24 0(1 .IK IK) SSÍS 7 W 10 00 W 00 IS 00 00 80 00 00 lcolmnn..l0 00 U 00 18 00 M OojM M M 00 K) 00 Cards iu Directory, not to exceed f our lines, $4.00 a Ï1 editorial notioes 20 cents a line. Business notices 12 cents a Une for the flrst inscrtiou, and fi oenta for eacb subseqnent inscrtion. Marriage and death notices f ree; obituai? uotices Yesrlr ■dverttaon havo the privilege of cbangirR theiradvertisementatbree times. Additional changiDK wiU be charged for. 8"Advertisement8 miarcompanied uy witten or verbal directions will be imblished tbree montbs, and chareed accordingly. Legal advertisementp, flrst ineertion, 70 cents per folio; 35 cents per folio for cacb subsequent niBertion Wbeu a postronement is added to au advertisemeut, the whole will be cbarged tho same as tbe flrst iuscrtion. To be paid for wheo allUl:ivit is made. .TOB PEINTING. rjmphlets, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards. Ball Tickets. Labels, Blauks, Bill-Heads and other varieties of Plain aud Fancy Job Printing executed witb proujptness, and iu the best joseibie style.


Old News
Michigan Argus