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A Call For A North--western Liberty Convention: At Chicago

A Call For A North--western Liberty Convention: At Chicago image
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Tho friemlg of Universal Liberty n the NorthWc8t, aftcr ducdelibcrntion, nml constiltation, as far as practicable, with thoso living in different States nnd Territorios, have detormined on the oxpedioncy nnd propricty ol holding n General Convention of all persona vrhrt nre in favor ofTAKINO I1UMKP1ATK KOU TUK rv.ACKKUI. OVKKthrow ok A.MK.KirAN Si.wnï, nnd that 8uch Convention be et y led the NORTH-WESTF.RN CONVEÑTIOÑ, o bc held in tho City of Chicago, on Wcdncsday. tlic 24lh diiy of Juno r.rxt, to commcncc at lOo'clock, A. M. Thip invtation it extended to nll who belicve ■hcy are cnllod upon to ubc the best tnoans in their power lur the retnoval of tho sin and tho curso of Slavery; who bclieve that it is the groat moral question of the day involving the purity and prospcrity of tho Cliurch ;rthe great politica! question of ihn day, invorving the pennanoncy of Donioc.acy and iruc Uepublieanism in our Govornmont, and ihe pcace and proaporlty of the ;ition ; wlii. wdiild liy ponchadle ond coiisiitulionél ineans ovcrihrov that oligarchy cnlkd the aiavé l'ower, which has pervertid our professedly ftea Gofernmepl to the nnlnillowcd purpo3C8of detpötwtn - all sncli areinvilcd to cooperanwiih us in t!io (Ifühcrations and procecdings ol ilio Convention. Thosc who are not preporod lo asauinc t!ic?c positioi.g; nnd llioac wlio as inquirors are ntcrestcd n ihc mornl and poliiic:il qucstions of ihc day, -togclher with ihe jicopic generalij', without roference to sex, class, or con diiion, nrc inviicd tn cuine, heor, ;md judyo or ihcmsclvcs. Cuarum V. DïK.n, ÜAttni Daviksom, Z. Eastman, V. vShhth, Wit.i.ioi I!. irifABon CopDnto, Limit-ii Rossktsb, John M. Vii.imn, WlLl.lAM ']%HUU)S, )VN LoyJUOTjÜutniir.ttcc.