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SUBBOEtBK FOR THE AEOUS. - Young Burkhardt, sent to Jaokson for the zuurder of Millor, has been assigned to the sllud shop. -Prof. Jas. C. Wntsou will lecture to-night at Uuiversity Hall. Subject, " Chiua and Ja,nn." Aüinission iree. -James Fogarty and Harrey D. Kclley, ot liiis city, had letters in the Jaokson postofllee mi the ltith- held tor postage. - The Patrons of Husbaudry (GranRers) are to hold a County Couveution, at the Court House ui tlas city, on Tuesduy next, the 2üth lust. - Kev. S. P. Murch has been appoiuted Supi-rmteudent of Schools of the towu of Sharon ,,,t Michael 1. AlcAIahou resigned- to "go West." - Dor Kellogg ftrrivsd home frotu his visit to California a lew days ugo, and is lookiug in halter healtli thau wnen he journeyed toward the setting sim. -The Vpsiianti Musical Union will give the opera ol " ilartha" about i'hauksgiviug. Seviily singt-rs, assisted by the Opura House kind, will ït. - Mack & tjchiuid have made a sale of 10,000 ibs. of dried upplea at Mauchestar. Add the nöcessury amount of water and what a zwelling there will uo. - i'he dweiling ox F. V'n Etten, half a mile wi;st ot Ypsilanti, was buruud un the 14th. Loss about l,0OÜ, partially insured. Suppused to be au ïucendiary ñru. - Subjects ol diseourse of Kev. C. H. lirighaui in the Uuitariau Uhurch uext Suuday : Aloiniug - "Aloiai Kxceptions ;" Kvuning - "The Kehgion of Anoient Egypt." - Win. McUreery aud daguhter returned on Kuday evening last, from tlieir visit to üuroje. Mac reports a good time with bit liisli frieuds, and also witn Raus. Kogers in ICume. - The weather has been capital for a few days. But don't say a word tor fear of a clnmge, aud a coutiuuauce is wanted uutil Thanksgiving, or better, until Christmas. -Au unoccupied house on the farm of Justice McMahon, just uorth of the city, was burued Tuesday eveuing. Inceudiary, of courae. Loss put at $600, with no inaurauce - The Tweuty-secoud United States Infautry Band are to give a concert at Ypsilanti, on Mouday evening uext, atLight (ïtiard Hall, for the benent of the (Jornwell Fire Company. - Nathan Follett, ot Ypsilanti, iather of the late Ben]. Follett, so well knowu to all the oJuer resideuts and business men of this city aud county, died on the 14th iu.-t., uged 82 years. - M. M. Barker, of Philadelphia, traveling correspondent of the Foreat and Streum, a New Y.ork sporting Journal, bas been in our city this week, visitmg his brother, J. I. Barker. - Dr. Angelí says in his receut animal report to the Board of Kegents, that " only two preparatory schools iu the United States now seud as large classes to college as the High School of Anu Arbor." - Hiram 'Burnham, a commission merchant of Detroit, and foruier resident ol Saline, met with a quite serious accident at the latter place ou Mouday, falliug from the platform upon the railroad track, injuring his back, and, it was ieared, inflicting iuternal injuries. - Henry Paul, admínistrator of the estáte of L. C. Miller, otters tor sale the farm belougiiig to said estáte, in the towuship of Scio, containing 236 acres. It. will be sold wliole or in pareéis of 80, 'ib, 80 or 90 acres, to suit purcliasers. The buildings are suitable for two lanas. - There was a hrilliaut gathering at the resideuce ot I3. Bach, Esq., ou Wednesday eveuing, which a marriage notice va another oolumD explains. The good wishes and blessinga bestowud upuu the bride and grooiu were nuinerous and hearty, aud the occasion was indeed a joyful oue. -Quite a uumber of the stockholders of the Ann Arbor Trading Assuciation have accupted the situation, and permitted judgments to be taken against thein to the umount of their stock, paying which will entitle them to a dis:harge. Tiie others hang flre a.nd wait au adjourued day of jucigmont. -The junior meinber of the firin of C. H. Milieu & Son wiü return from New York tomorrow, and the goods he has purchased are already arriving. O. H. says that goods are "awful cheap" in the metrópolis; and oí 3OUTS6 their customers will get the bt:neñt oí tlie depression ïu prices. - At the recent sessjon of the Woinau's Board of Home Miasions, held in Detroit, iu üomiection with the auuual meeting of the State Couventiou of Buptists, Mrs. A. Teu Brook, of this city, was re-elected lJresideut and Miss C. A. Wilkinson, Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. Wells Buit, of Ypsilanti, was luade Kecording Seceretary. -Of last year'i Freshmau class, numbering 110, Dr. Angelí says 70 carne from the High Schools of the State ou diplomas, a8 followa : Jackson, 1 ; Adrián, 1 ; ( í ra ml Bapids, 3 ; Coldwater, 4 ; Flint, 4 ; Pontiac, tí ; Detroit, tí; Aun Arbor, 42; wlnch simple statement of iaíít ís sufHcient tribute to' our school and its alile and hard-working corps of teachers. - Robison & Baxter have rented the M Monitor " barn and will run two establishment hereafter. ïheir livery business proper will be done at the Fourth street barn, while their backs will run froin the " Monitor," where they will also opérate a boardiug atable. Citi.üiiü and countrymeu can have their horses "taken in and done for" in good style and at ruasonable prices. - W. W. Bliss is making his little store near the corner very attractive with the display of goods in the Windows. He has a fine stock ot bows, ties, collar, handkercluefs, gloves, gentlemeu's underwear, and í'ancy articles, which he is sellmg at low prices. He also keeps tobáceo aud cigars, which are pronounced by judges of the"filthy wead" to be A No. 1. Drop in and try them. -The Toledo folks would be foohsh to buikl a nanow gauge road to Jackson, via. Petersburg and Tecumseh, when.tliey can buy the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Baitroad tranchises and roadbed, complete a narrow gauge to tliif city, and thence to Owosso (or Lansing, ii that is where they are " piuting' for), for less nioney than will build the pro poeed "ramshorn" from Toledo to Jackaon. - It hos beeu a daily source of amuseraen to a few citizeus dunng the week, to look in upon the pending session of the Board of Su pervisors, and see some gentleman cahuly ris to hia feet and delibrately remind his asso ciates tliat " we uxpect to get through th week." The sanie astouishiug piece oi mlo Mation may be heaitl alinost any day trom tuis to Tlianksgiving : errors and accidenta excepted. - Prof Watson is at hia old tricks again, and scarcely gets his couch warmed since his return, beiore he goes to peering into the hes vens wheu hu ought to be in bed, and up and discovers another planet, wliich Peters and the other observen had left "lying arouud loost;." This one, he saya, " is like a star oí the tentli magnitude ; its right ascensión is Uiteen degrees and sixteen minutes, and its decliuation suveu degrees aud thiee minute "orth. It is movinf; weat and soutli :" perhaps liound for a mild Tezan winter. If Watson Jon 't hold up, students of astronomy will have to get Congress to pass au act enlarging both their memory and capacity. Congrew can do most anythiug. -The Ypsilanti Commercial permits i correspondent to make wry faces at Ann Arbor, because she has " hardly breweries enough to tuiüish their own beer," and to compliment Ypsilauti enterprise ui having " a íull complenient of breweries." Did those Ypsilanti breweries grow up, thrive, and fatten under the administraron of the late Mayor Snjder, or are they thb fruits of the liquor tax law, in which Republican legislat.ors flahed for the Germán vote by discriminating in favor of beer ' That's the great moral question waitiug an answer from " Fat." Mrs. Ann Eliza Young, whose narratives of her experienees as the nineteeth and exwife of the Mormon prophet, will lecture at the Opera House to-morrow evening. Of the lecture the Springfield (Mass.) Republiean says : " No lecturer ever had closer attention. She comes down near to her audience sowefiow, and talks rather than lectures at them. She recites the trial of her married lite witli Brigham, indeed, much as a woman of ome strength of mind would teil a group of her in:imates a similar tale of material abuse. She sketched her Mormon bringing up, her marriage with the prophet, because with lier light - or rather darkuess - that seemed quite the thiug to do, and the subsequent neglect, desertion and humilatiug indifferenc of her husband that opened her eyes, and led her to apostacy ; tilled in the sketch with interestiug incidents of the polygamous Mormon Ufe."


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