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The Michigan Argus

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PUBLISHED EVEEY FRIDAY MORNING. Ia the t li j r cl storv of tlie brie blook corner of Main and Huroa f-treets, INM AliliOR, - - MICHIGAN. Katrance on Huron Btroet, opposite the Gregory House. 0 Al R R & Gr O II E T EDITORS AND PUBLTSHERS. Terms, $l.5O a Year in Advance. RATK8 OP1 ADVERTI8ING. [Twelve linos or less considered a square.] Kpack. 1 w. Ü w. 3 w. 6 w. 3 in. ü in. 1 year 1 square 75 $1 25 $1 50 $2 75 4 O0j$G 00 f9 00 2 square. 1 50 2 00 2 60 3 50 8 00 1 H 00 12 00 Spquaroe.. 2 00 2 50 3 60 6 W 7 50 10 00 15 00 1-5 column SM 4 on 4 ro n oo 10 oo is oo 2500 ?4 colnmui 4 00' 5 001 6 (X) 8 00 12 00 20 00 30 00 i. colnmii' 0 00 1 7 00 8 00 10 W 15 00 "24 00 3S 00 .i column 7 00! 10 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 30 00 55 00 i column., in oo w oo ts oo m pojas oojeo oo ioo_oo Carda in Directory, not to exceed fowr Unes, f4.00 a year. Local editorial nolices 20 cents a liue. Baeiucsw noticee 12 ceuts a line for the first insertion, and 6 cents for each subsequent ineertion. Marriage and deatb uotices f ree; obituary noticep 5 cents a line. Yearly advertiKers liavo tbc privilege of cbangiDg t beir ad vertisemen t e t taree times. Additioual cbauginfi will be oh&rged for. ITcAdvertisementM unaccompauied by written or verbal directions will be publlsbed tbree moutlis, and cbarpred accordingly. Legal advertisementp, first insertion, 70 cents por folio : Sfl cents per folio for each subsequent J titn. Wben apostpowcmeut is added to au ; ment, the wbolc will be cbarped the sanie as the first I iusertiou. To be paid for vrben affidavit ie made. JOB PRINTING. Pamphlets, Pogtern, Handbills, Circulara, Cards. Hall Tickets, Labels, Blanks, lüll-Heads and otber varietïcB of Plain aud Fancy -Tob Printing executed with proraptness, and in the best posfible style.


Old News
Michigan Argus