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The President Has Designated The

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last Thursday in November, the 25th, tta Thanksgiviug day, of which tbe people, young and old, as well as the turkeys aud chickens, will.take due notiee. A DE8TBUCTTVE lire visited Virginia City, Nevada, on the 20th inst., burning uiuch the larger and better part of the city. Keports put the loases at over $;i,000,000, ond say that 10,000 people are rendered hooieless, 3 000 being in a state of destitution. Several deaths occurred froin exposure. WhEN old Zack, then Senator Chandler, spoke nis little piwce at the Opera House in this city, preceding the last general election, he said, speaking of President Grant, of oourse, " We can elect him a third time if we wantto, and we muke up our niinds to want to." And that is why old Zack is now Secretary of the Interior. Ex-Senator Sprague, of llhode Island, is an inflationist of the first water. His political foreaight, business tact and qualincation8, and great statesuiauship, make him a great acquisition to the greenback ranks; or would if he had not long ago lost, with hÍ8 wealth, both that position and influence which suppleniented his lack of brains and made him a valuablc political leader. Contrary to Republican prodictions the Oregon election, held on Monday last, rosulted in the election of Lane, Democrat, to Congress, vice LaDow, deceased. At the recent election in Colorado for meuiber of a Constitutional Convention the Democrats let all go by default and the Eepublicans are unnecessarily jubilant. A Democratie victory would only, it was feared, keep Colorado from being admitted as a State. The New York Evening Post makes a serious blunder in its brief item (see issue of the 22d) counerniug the recent decisión of the Supreine Court of this State, holding the liquor tax law constitutional. The Post says : " There is a prohibitory law in the State, but it has been long a dead letter, and its only eifect is to render contracts for the sale of liquor in the State void." There was a prohibitory liquor law, which was a "dead letter," but it was repealed by the tax act just held constitutional. The constitutional clause which was relied upon by the opponents of the tax law and under which they sought to have it held void, siraply prohibits the enactmeiit of any law " authorizing the grant of license for the sale of ardent spirits or other intoxicating liquors." The court hold that this clause does not prohibit the sale ; that without a statute of prohibitiou the traffic is as legal u.8 any other business ; and that the tax is in no way a license, but is legitimately iuiposed and for legitimate purposes. Elections are to be held on Tuetday next, November 2d, in Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Marvland, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Mississippi. In all the States, except New York and Mississippi, Governors are t- be elected. State officers are to be elected in New York and members of Congress in Mississippi ; Legislatures in all the States. The greatest interest centers on Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania. In the former State the Republicans hope to beat Gaston ; in New York the canal policy of Tilden is on trial ; and in Pennsylvania the Democrats are weighted by a heavy financial plank. We predict a Democratie majority of 75,000 in New York, the re election of Gaston in Massachusetts, and a close shave in Pennsylvania. Befoee the Detroit Tribune takes any great amount of stock in the proposition of the Board of Auditors of Wayne County to repudíate the action of the Board of Supervisors in redistricting the county, it will do well to put on its corporate or editorial apees, we dou't care which, and read the following extract from the Constitution, art. IV., eect. 3 : "In every county entitled to more than one Representativo, the board of supervisors shall assemble at such time and place as the Legislature shall prescribe, and divide the same into representative districts, equal to the number of Representativas to which ech county is entitled," etc. The legislative acts the Tribune cites can scarcely nullify so plain a provisión, and the Legislature certainly did not mean to so stultify itself as to give the Auditors jurisdiction or duties assigned by the Constitution to the Supervisors. Thompson (with a p), or Alderman Thompson, was nomiuated for Mayor by the Republicans of Detroit, on Thursday afternoon of last week. He is the leader of that portion of the Council who has perBistently attempted to give the saloons a legal right to dispense drinks on Sunday afterncon and evening, and who declared that " the must enjoyment " he took on a beautiful Sabbath day " was to sit of an afternoon out in God's " free air, under God's green trees, " drinking his (God's) glasses of lager " beer," a personal right no one will choose to deny him, differing altogether from the right or privilege of running a saloon and dispensiug intoxicating diinks during the hoursof Sunday when all other branches of branches of business are closed by both custom and law. We fail to see anything in the nature of the saloon business entitling it to special privileges. In fact all, saloons, if allowed or licensed to do business six days in the week, should be hermetically sealed on Sunday, for the proteotion of young and old who through idlenesB may be the more easily led into teinptation on that day thau on any other. - A very large meeting was held at the Opera House on Monday evening, composed mostly of leading Republicans, and resolutions adopted repudiating Thompson and pledging support to Lewis, the Democratie candidate. The Pust and Tribune also both support LewU. The issue being what it is, Detroit will be disgraced by the election of Thompson. Ex-Secretary McCulloch asks these pertinent questions : " Does any Bañe ( man snppose if the circulation of legal , tender notes were increased, as souie are desiroua that it should be, to two thouSftnd millions, that there would be any more real money in the country by reason of the increase ? Kuppose Congress should change our standard of measure and enact that 30 pounds insteivl of 60 pounds should be a bushei of wheat - would wheat thereby be advanced in value, or would the farmer get any more for his crops than he would get under the olii measure 'i Is a man any rioher by having $100 of the legal tender notes in his pocket than he would be if he had $85 in gold ?M Let every advocate of inflation, that is every advocate of making an unlimited issue of jromises to pay, mere notes of hand, substitutes for money, and even legal tenders, answer these questions, and then spout iuflatiouisui if he cuu. The New York Evming Post doesn't take kindly to the appointmeut of Mr. Chaudler to be Secretary of the Interior. Before his acceptanoe was announced it said : " The country is at the niercy of ex-Senator Chandler. That is to say, it is for him to decide whether the country shall suffer the annoyanue and reproach of his entry into the Cabiuet. There was a time when the tender of a portfolio to Mr. Chandler would have occasioned wide excitemcnt rnd lively indignation. It is a curious illustration of the low tone of the federal administration, so f ar as its appointments are coucerned, aB well as proof of the popular despair of its immediate elevation, that the report of the President's ohoice provokes so little remark. It would be easy to show why Chandler is unflt for Secretary of the Interior, but we shall not undertake to do so for sever&l reasous - among others, because any informatiou upon that subject would fail to influence the President. Wa prefer to appeal directly to Chandler and beg him to spare the country by declining the appointment.' The Post appealed in vain. The ex-Senator has a hankering after office, and the opportunity was not to be let slip


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