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Ex-Senator Henry S. Clubb has been appointed steuographic reporter of thü tweutieth circuit. Heisa brother-iulaw ot' I)ou Heuderson, and Don comuiends the Governor's " usual good sense" shown in making the aupuiut ment. Two specimens of specular ore are being taken out ot the Cleveland mine at Ishpeming tor exhibition at the oenten nial. The largor piece weigus about 12 tons and the smaller five tons. They are to be inclosed iu solid frames f heavy tiiuber, with castora at each corner, aud sent to Philadelphia the midd;e of this month. Tlu-y are said to be the largest knowu pieoes of ore, and that specially high positioas await thew at the expositiou. Valuable dei)osits of rock ealt havo been found in the bed of the Graud Eapids Piaster company. Many pieces of pure salt as large as hen' eggs have been taken out. The contractors have commouced excavating for the new State prisou, at i Ionia, the woik upuu which is to be pushed forward as iar as possible this fa.ll. A special school meeting held at Kalainazoo on Friday lust, voted to reooneider the vote cast at the last anuual meeting in regard to issuiug bonds to the ainouut of $10,000 and selectiug the site for another school house. The Oakland (Jounty Board of Supervisors last week fixed the salaries of county officors, ftR follows : Probate Judge, $1,500; Probate Clerk, $400 ; County Clerk, $1,100; Treasurer, $1,100; Prosecuting Attorney, $1,100. Dr. W. C. Wyatt, a prominent phyBÏcian of South Bay City, died a few days ago, froin the effeots of blood poison He assisted at a post mortem examination very recently and the virus was commuuicated to his system through a small sore or scratch on his hand. The failure of the Northwestern Gas aud Water Pipe Company, at Bay City is reported, with liabilities of $130,000 The Tawas Mili Company, East Tawas, have made an assignraeut. Liabilities are placed at $195,000; assets $280,000. The Wicks Bros., foundrymen ani machinists, of East Saginaw, have assigned ; liabilities, $60,000 ; assets esti mated at $115,000. Thos. Bennett has been arrested a Lenawee Junction charged with com mitting rape upon Mrs. Joannette Mal loy, at the same place, now the widow of the late Philip Malloy. Both partie in the case have always been regardec as belonging to the respectable portioi of the cominunity. Beuuett, the de fendant has for years been in the etn ploy of the Michigan Southern Rail road Company as section boss. Hè has given bail in $2,000 for his appearance


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