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l'.ibK FOP THK AHUUS. - Mr. Michaei Devine died in the village of JJexter ou the lüth iust., aged 86 years. - The Manclieater Enterprise quotes potatoea slow at from 20 to 20 cunta n bushel. , The Supervisors have voted to adjourn sine die to-rnorrow afternoou. Perhaps they will do so.. T. A. Haviliiml, Ml old resident of thi citv, and well knovvn in hustness oircles-, diei !,,, fuesday afternoon. is giviug leotures toa very Jarse Bible cbss, in the M. E. Churcb, immeafter mormng service. _ Mrs. R. G. SmiÜi 01 this city wus kicked ,s a horse on Fiiduy last, lier tei'th knocked uiit umi injurie Lufhoted upou her iace and ïitck. - An idjourned meeting of tlio Washtenaw Mutual Fue Insurance Compauy is to be held ui the Court House to-dny, to consider proposeil cliarttr ameudluenU. - John Beahan boa buen arrestad on susjiiC..U1 ot robbiug the mouey drawei' oí G. F. liwinnur on Tuis. ay, and is tobo exanimec liffore Justice Clark to-morrow: _ In the United Stutes Court ut Detroit, telore ltegister in Banruptoy, the account of Col. Graat, aLai#nee of li. F Rice, was alluwed, and assignee discharsreil. TH Freeporl [U. Watoh Factory, in yhich 90mQ of vuï cittzun.s were interested to tlie tune of $.30,000, was burnttd ou Thursday uight of last week, with a loss ou building and stock of $160,006. - Subject of discourse on Suad&y next of jiev. O. H. Brigham at Uuitarian Church: Jtorning- Tiie Ci iterian ot Truth. pjvening - ïlie Eeligion of Zoroaster and Aiuúeiit Persia. gtudsuta' class ut :; i'. m. The Manchester Bnterpritt says that the sheriff works ' dirt cheap " ïf he doeáu't charle tut $3 tor woortmg the Supervisors to the Can Cau. And so we thougbt, but, then, the Ijeaky fellows didn't allow it. - Jiufies Fulton, hailiny from Uecatur, Mich., was arrestad at Y psilanti on Saturday eveuiug last, charged with stealxng a pair of iiauta from VVortley's clothiiiK store, and sent to the House of correctiou for 90 days. - George Brown, a lad of 10 or 12 years old, iell from a luniber pile near the railroad stock yard Sunduy atteruoon last, and broke both fcones of the right arm above the wrist. The liactured hiub was set by Dr. W. B. Snuth. - Byron Cooper, John Andrus, nd Henry Eiikeiman, beys, were arrested yesterday, charj;eti stealing money frora the cash tlmwer of Ferdou &, Co., at the depot. Examitiation before Justice XcMahon to-morrow. - The Dexter Leader intimatea, in a very unbrotherly way, that the Chelsea Herald does uut value the truth verv highly, ' and just because the Herald iigures up 3:i,000 bbls. of apjiies as purchased and to bepuichased ;it Ohellaa. - The Ypsilauü School Board is cousidenng a [iruposition to cut the lurge chapel luto School Boomi. Tlie School Board of this city bave for sumu time Iwen discuasing tlie getting of more needed room lor tlie High School in the same wiy. - Wines & Wonlen have jut in a fine stock of goods, iucludiug a large line of carpets and oil cloths of latest styles and patterns and of wst qualities, bouglit cheap and will be sold at [trices tlnit cauuot be beateu by any other iiuuse in the state. - Prof. Ford gave a lecture before the DeIroit Scientitic Aasooiation on Wednesday eveBing. Subject-" The human hand and its modification in tlie lower animáis.'' The Detroit papera say the audience was a good oue and the lecture exceedingly iuteresting. - O. F. Gwinnei had Ï8ó stolen from hls ca&h drawer, en Tuesday forenoon, during a temporary absence trom bis vneat market, Eterybody should keep a sharp lookout for neak thieves, also keep their eash-drawers locked, or their money in their pockets. - We don't see auy 3iguiftcauce in a Redfceffer inyenting au egg-beuter in connection with a chura, hut it is appropriate that Chick Co. should engage in the manufacture of the " maslieen. " Ghicks are generully supposed to ' have to do " with eggs. And wliy tot at Ypsilanti as elsewhere, - At the convention of the Patrons ot Huslnudry held on Tuesday, J. Webster Childs presided aud John J. Kobison officiated as Secretary. The following deleeate to the State (ruige were elected : David O. Rose, Samson Parker, Andrew Campbell, Haskall Laraway. There are 19 Grranges in the county. - The Ypsilanti papers are indulging in a bragging match over the prosperity of their city, their faetones, and shops and buay streets, ind their own plethoric advertising coljinns. Well, keep on, porhaps your braga ill prove the thorns in the sides of Aun Artor cupitalists which we have failed to insert. - Eev. Frederick T. Browu was installed pastor of the Presbyterian Church of this city on Thursday evenin of last week. The sermón was preached by the Eev. Mr. Laidlaw, of Detroit, and the other parta were taken by the Kev. Mr. Parsous, of Salme, and the Revs. Uelston and Elwood, of this city. - If the uew Chief of Pólice is to be a " terror to evil doere," in the language of the Evemng Netos reporter (himself), there should be no such ül-maunered and rowdy gatheriogs as that in front of the Opera House last Saturay evemug, blocking up the sidewalks and eutrance, and bandying rude jokes as ladies ilbowöd their way through. -C. H. Millen & Son have f uil faith that aomebody has raoney and is going to expend itfor goods. So believiog they have opened a lugo and aeasouable stock, which iucludes everytliing that is wanted in a family, and is especially rich in ladies' dress goods. They are to be sold at bottom prices. Read their advertisement and go and see them. - A Mis. Jordou, of Detroit, carne to this city yesterday in search oi her son-in-law, William Jpcob Sta ley, who leit Detroit on Saturday last to deliver groceries in this city, and take furthor orders fer his employer, D. W. Beraer. He was a Freewill Baptist preacher ud was to have returned and preached Sanlay in Detroit, but has not been heard frora. Is 42 years old, tall and spare, with black hiar "prinkled with gray. He brought with about $200. Information ia desired at pólice teadqnarters in the Oounml roorn. - Dr. Rexford, of Ypsilanti, was re-elected Suiierintendeut of the Poor on Fnday last, by Mote of 13 to 11 for Aaron Feldkamp, a sturiy tariaer of Saline, who reoeived the Democratie vote plus ttmt of Supervisor Krapf of this city. The "independent" meraber, Mr. Lsitch, of Ypsilauti, voted for Mr. Rexford. "' Fel.lcamp's election would have been a credit to the Demoerats, and would have gratiW hia large number of tremían fellow-citi■WM uud friendo, but the Kepublican members Ore uot ready for the new deal for which they were so extremely auxious laet year. - On the evening ot the 19th ínst. the barn ' Mre. Stellwagen, at or near Wayne, was fired by au iuceudiary tramp, who duriug the wiifusion enteved the house and stole about 1.000 in money besides some jewelry. A líttle Ínter the sanie tramp, probably, was deteoted in an attempt to fire the Junctiou Hotel, wned by Philip Stellwagen.pursued, and eap'ured. He was saved trom hanging by the intoroearion ol Mr. Stellwagen, and after exam'latiou committed to jail in Detroit. He trove to be the man who fired the baru of Jacob Aprü, in Scio, the nijíht before, Mr. April naviug identifled some silver ooin found iu his PoiBesaiou as that stolan from him, and also tte man M having been hangirig arouud his ÍMiaüei bfor th flr. - After an abseuoe oí ovar live years from bis " native land," Mr. J. B. Steere, of th class of 1868, durmg wliich he has visited v. uiost every known and uuknown iaud, reactie this city on Thursday evening last, and ha since been the guest of K. A. Beal. Mr Steere says that duriug his entire absence th rii-st familiar or known face he saw wae tba of Charlie Kintner, whom he met after leav ing Detroit for Ann Arbor. Mr. Steere's en thusiasm as a naturalist made him perwovere under every obstacle. - A Sunday School meeting or instituí i to commonce its session at the M. E. Church il this city to-morrow evening and continue during Suuday, conducted by Rev. J. B. AUhin8011, Detroit Conference Sunday School Agent assisted by Kev. VV. J. MoCune, H. Hitchcock, Esq., and M. A. Billings. Saturday evening there will be " conversation " and a review of Sunday's lesson ; Sunday morning, an address by the pastor; at 3 f. m„ ohüdren'a meeting ; in the evening Praise service. An iuvitation to attend is extended to the public. - Juat before thehour of 11 o'clock Tuesday evenin, Policemang Johnson discovered smoke issuing from the front third story window over Watts' jewelry store, and immediately gave the alarm to night-watchman Clark. Iuvestigatiou developed the fact that a fire had been kiudled, ït ia supposed purposely, uuder a lounge which was burning lively. The wind was blowing strong and in a briet space longer a destructivo tire would have been started, the store being in the center of one of the umin business blocks of the city. The room was occupied by a colored woman, cook at the Leonard House. There ought to be a close investigation of the circumstances of the fire auii the guilty party brought to justice. At a recent meeting of the Youug People's Association of the Presbyterian Church, the following officers were elected for the ensuing six months : President, Don. A. Matthews ; lst Vice President, D. J. Higley ; 2d Vice President, Miss Mollie Markham ; Secretary, Miss Elia Ladd; Treasurer, W. J. Warner. This association has compíeted its second year, and during that time has been a means of muoh good among the young people of the church and congregation. Two prayer meetings weekly are sustaiued ; one on Sunday evening in the lecture room of the church ; the other, a cottage meeting, on Saturday evening in difterent parts of the city. Sociil entertaiuments of a varied nature, afïording much interest, are also held at stated intervals. - The Courier last week commended the report of the Superintendente of the Poor, as being nearly as the law intonds it should be made, and adds : " Superintendent Rexford said at the close of At report that, if any one wished to ask questions, or were not satisfied, he should like to hear from them. No one responded. All seemed satisfied. This honeat, straightforward, upright conduct will secure his re-nomination at some future day." At the risk of making the Coutier crawnah 'uow that Mr. Rexford hrs been re-elected) we rise to rernark that that report was made and read by Supt. Duft'y, and that Mr. Rexford simply reviewed some pointa in answer to a cali for explanations. The Covrier ; should give credit where credit is due. A small but appreciative audience gathered at the Opera House on Saturday eveniug ast, to hear Mrs. Aun Eliza Youug, the'lDth 'ractional wife oí Brigham Young. If any went to hear souiething eitherofthe sensational or Woodhull type tliey were terribly disapoiiited. Mrs. Young bore hersolf like a modest and unassuming lady, put on no tragic airs either in marnier or speech, but told a plaiu unvarnished tale in a natural and unaf:ected manner. She had sornething to say, something from the heart, something pulsating with life and earnestneBS, in which 8he differed from uiany lecturers who talk to fill an hour or two tor which they are enormously overpaid. The story of her hie could not be old without laying bare dainning enormities oi' polgamous inormonism, and it is safe o ay that she won the sympathy aud respect of every hearer, with their best wishes for her peedy success in laying the exact root of the ax at the root of the foul tree. Her closing appeal was very eft'ective. Prof. J. C. Watson gave the opening lecure iu the course of the Students' Lecture Asociation, on Friday evcniug last, in Universiy Hall. The audience was the largest ever convened in the hall siuce the openiug exercises, - Coramencement days not excepted, and numbered full 3,000 people. The subject choseu for the eveuiug was " China and Japan," and in the discussion the speaker treated of country and chínate and people, as seen. experienced, and viewed by him during his recent ourueyins therein. He also narrated briefly his observations in other lands, India, Egypt, Palestine, etc. The lecture was mteresting in lts matter, aud gave evidence that ;he Professor kept hls eyes open wherever he was. We cannct give even a brief synopsis of his talk. One .ncident we refer to merely to show the arbitrary character of Chinese rule : When Prof. W. discovered his new plauet, while waiting the transit of Venus, he was requested by the royal astronomical board to transmit intelligence of the discovery to the 3inperor through them, before publishing it to the world, as otherwise thoy might lose their heads. It would not do for a barbarían to coma into his raajesty's realms and accomplish whaf lus own astronomers could not. To the :ransit was also attributed the small pox, of whioh the Emperor fortunatelydid not die uu;il after Prof. W. and purty had gotten aafely out of China. Students' Leotuee Association.- The folowing is the iull course of lectures and enterainnieuts, at Uuiversity Hall, this season to be given under the auspices of the Students' lecture Association : 1. The Theodore Thomas Concert, Oct. 8. 2. Lecture by Prof. J. C. Watson, üct. 22. 3. Lecture by James T. Fields, Oct, 27. 4. Lecture by Moncure D. Conway, Nov. 6. 5. Lecture by Edward Everett Hale, date not fixed. 6. Lecture by Bobert Collver, date not fixed. 7. Concert by Baruabee ïroupe, Nov. 30. 8. Lecture Charles Bradlaugh, Jan. 6. 9 Lecture by Henry Vincent, Jan. 18. 10. Lecture by Cari Schurz, date uot fixed. 11. Lecture by Mrs. Mary Livermore, January 27. 12. Beadings by Mrs. Helen Potter, Feb. - . 13. Concert by Boston Phüharmonic Club, Feb. 28. 14. Lecture by John B. Gough, Mareh 18. Accident.- On Wedneeday evenin8, about 7 o'clock, as Mr. Thomas Dolan, of the towiiship of Dexter, was leaving the village, it being quite darle, he drove his team off the emti mkmeut opposite Evarts & Co.'s mili, and the veliiclo was overturned His daughter, Miss Rosa Dolan, and Miss Coffield, were with him, and were both coosiderably iujured by beiiii thrown out. Mr. Dolan was only slightly iujured. The horses were steady animáis and did uot run away, which prevented further duinage. - Dezter Leader. SoME Quinces.- R. (i. Smith, nurseryman of tin city, has showu us a quiuce limb ten inches long, liaving on it seveu large and wellripened quinces, weighing 3 1-2 pounds. He says ïf anybody eau beat it he will leave for Camida at once. Xow is the time for growers to get rid of a troublesome competition. Nkw B00K8. - The following new bookB have been added to tho Ladies' Library : American State Universities and the Dnlvernity of Michigan, Prof. Ten Bruok ; The Geológica] Story briefty told, Dana; EfohtCousins, Mws Ajoott; Constantinople, Gautier; InMCtiToroai Planto, Iarwin; Southworth's Kuur Tlionsand Milta of Alrican Travel ; White Lailies, Mrs. Oliphant; Young t'olk's Hlstory of tbc United States, Hlgglnuon ; NordBoff's Politics tor Vowng Anicricans ; Second Wlfe, from the Germán: Gold Klsie, tröva the Germán; uw Mam'Bellee Secret, from the GermaD ; Llttle Movi'land Prlncsn, from the Germán; Thelda, T. Pewald ; One Slimmer; Nancv, Mri Bougtiton ; Thwurted, or Duek'i lCüjjsin a Hen's Nest, Florence Montgomery ; Thiown Together, Florence llunlgomery; Withln the Sea Walls or How the Dutch Keep tbe Faith, Chiiplet of Pearls. Min Jonge Air. Suutti, L. B. Walford.


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