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TuiiHE was a largo reunión of Uniou and I Confedérate soldiere at Elizabeth, N. J., last week. Speeches were made by Gens. Kilpalrick, Pcmberton and Pryor The first building in tlie country, erected exclusively for the order of the Soveroigus of IndiiBtry," was rtedicated last week at Springüeld. Mass. " A national convention of Universalista was in sesaion at Lynn, Mass., laat week. The I statistics of the church show a steady incroaso throughont the country.. . .Butterick Co., I the nell-known dealers in fashion-plates. dress paíteme, etc., of New York, have failed On the lOth of December last Jacob Standemian killed Louisa Siedenwald, in New York city, because she refused to marry him. Jacob has jast been tried for the crime and sentenced to death. Fredf.rick Hudsox, for many years managing editor of the New York Herald, was killed by a railroad accident at Coucord, Mass., laat week. Hudson was the author of a work called " The History of Journalism," and was one of tho ablest journalistti in the country. The District Attorney of Brooklyn has entered nolle prosequis in all the suite growing out of the Beecher-Tilton scandal, and thero is little probability that tho great Bcandal will ever come promiuently beforo the public again Damaging evidence has been discovered against La Page, the Freneh Canadian aiTested at Pembroke, N. H.. for the horrible ranrder of Miss Josie Longmaid. A sap fate befell Mr. and Mrs. Murray, a newly-married couple, at Cheshire, Ct., the other day. The house inwhich thoy had taken rooms was destroyed by fire, and they perished in the llames A shocking domestic tragedy is reported from Mercer, Me. Greenleaf Tracy murdered the divoreed wife of Hiram Walton, who had been living with Tracy, but who had been pardoned and returned 'to Walton, by shooting her with a shot-guu. He tlien ried to the woods and took his own Ufe. 'Cause, jettlousy. W. J. Andeesox, iirjtil recently business manager and Treasurer of the Hartford (Ct.) Spening Post, has been discovered to be a defaulter to the concern 'o the amount of $20,000 The large dry gooJs house of Morgan Bros., in Montreal, was entered by burglars, a few nighta ago, and robbed of $20,000 worth of goode A disease similar to the epizootic ia making sad havoc with the cattle of several counties on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware river. THE WJ5ST. ïwo BKOTHEits named Courtwright, wlio were implicated in the murder of the Sheriff of Portage county, Wis., were taken from the jail at Stevens Point by a party of about forty masked men, and hanged, a few nights ago. Both of the victima were old men, aged respeetively 50 and CO years Mts. liapp, of St. Paul, Minn., for the murder of Ulrica Lick, bas been sentenced to the Penitentiary for life, twelve days of eaob year to be paesed in solitary confinement. Her husband had already received a similar sente-ice, and her brother wil] be hung for participación in the same crime It is reported that Gen. Crook, the great Indian fighter, is preparing lor au active winter campaign against the fractious savages of the Upper Missouri. Chicago elevators contain 822,935 bushels of wheat ; 1,022,524 bushels of corn ; 346,975 bushels of oats ; 99,361 bushels of rye, and 250, 141 bushels of barley, making a grapd total of 2,541,936 bushels, against 2.908,997 bushels at tliie period laat year. Gkn. Sol. Meekdith, one of Indiana'a most prominent Generáis dnring the late war, died last week. at Riclirnond, Ind.. from cáncer of the stomach, caused from injuries received in 1862, at the battle of Gainesville, Va., where he was erushed beneath a horse Denver, Col , is reveling in a iirst-class sensation. The people of that city were horrifled a few dnys ago, at the discovery of the mangled bodies of four persons in ihe cellar of a building, their throata cut from ear to ear. The bodies were thoBe of an old Italian, his two sons and a nephew, and they had evidently been murdered some days. Tlie whole matter is involved in a deep mystery The people of Williamson county, 111., show a determination to make murder odious in that locality. A short time ago two assassins were sentenced to long terms in the Penitentiary, now Marshall Crain, one. of the worst outlaws in the county, has been sentenced to death for the murder of William Spenee A youug Germán, Fritz Kaiser, eommitted suicide, in Chicago, the other day, by jumping from the top of the water-works tower, a distanco of 187 feet. The election of a Bishop for the diocese of Iowa is vet in an uueettled condition. It was at one time thought that Dr. Eccleton was to I be chosen, as a number of Btanding ! tees had voted in his favor ; but nw the delegates from Heventeen of the thirty-three pariahes in Iowa solemuly protest 'against the election of Dr. Eccleston, stating that upon the sixteenth ballot in the Oedar Rapids Convention they voted for Dr. Knickerbocker. Tor the present, therefore, Iowa will be without a Bishop. Elmek Washburn, Chief of the United States Detective Service Bureau, has succeeded in breaking up a formidable band of counterfeiters whose headquartcrs were at Centralia, 111. Six boxes of the quecr were unearthod in the woods, aggregating some 150.000 in.nftycont fractional currency and .f 5 national bank notes, and fl,000 in $50 national bank notes. The ?5 notes wtre on the Traders' National Bank of Chicago, First National Banks of Peru and Aurora, and the Paxtou and Cantón National Banks of Illinois. Several of the counterfeiters were anested. They had been living a quiet lifo in Centralia, haviug excited no atteution or auspicion from the citizeim. The biggest blow which the whisky ring has received was struck the other day, at St. Louis, in the conviction of Col. John A. Joyce, late Revenue Agent, upon an indictment for frauda in the Revenue Department. Tho verdict feil upon Joyce and bis íiieudn like a thunderbolt, ! and bas eaused the utmost consternation ! amoug the members of the ring all over the West In a quarrel, near Clearwater, Wright county, Minn., last week, Nathan Laughton I shot and iiistantjy killed his brother Oniu I Six colored persons wero drowned at St. Louis, a few days ago, by the capslziug of a boat j The St. Louis Journal, of a recent date, says ! that the great bridge scroBs the MisDissippi at that place, from which tho people expected bo much in breakiug down opprcssive monopolies, is not only a grinding monopoly itself, but is in league with other great inonopolieH for oppref - ' Bing the people. Kecently the Bridge 1 pauy refused to give permisión to the Atlantic and Paeilic Telegrapli Company to croBs the bridge with thek wires. The telegraph company, however, believing themselvea right, la;d i their wires, which were tüiu town by Uie bridge monopoastf, and the Journal thinku the Bridge ! Oompany ia working ia tlie interests of the ■ Western Union Telegraph Companv to prevent ! ehoaper telegraph rates. THK SOUTII. Joijn Rbnuk, a former resident of Monmouth, 111., in a recent affray in Phillips county. Ark., i shot and killod thrce hrothers namol ! non, anl waHhimaelf mortallj woundod. The i members of the St. Louis " ring wl.o j were indicted by the grand jury have neaiiy all ! ilead guili y A man named John House and I his sou were shot and killed by one Griflin, in a:i affray at Fianklin, Tenu., ast weok A most neudish murder wim perjjetrated noar Marión. Ark., the other day. Dr. L. Ballard. whüe lidiug with a lady, fcaa wayluid Dy a man named AuOtews, rbo Ulied oue hanel of a Kun ut the doctwr, tlio ,liurge taking efftct in i lis ïieck and face, and knocking him off his ! hoixe. Alter falling. Ballard askel Andrews to rame hun. which he did, into a sitting posture, ana then. plaoing the gun near his head, dweharged tho other barrel, literally blowing Bailara h licad off. (eorue C. Pickkti. a prominent General in the rebol army. dieet recently at hia home in ! Norfolk, Va.. . .Louis vil lc i„ making it hot for the gsmblers tThich hare uo long peaWred the oity. Utosïs 1'. Hxnot nrt Chirlts J, Jonsa, lat Of the eáltori! staff of the New York Ti-ibur". and James II. Beale, Jr., late of the BoBton J', have purrhnsed the Riclimond (Vn.1 Enquirer. WASHINGTON. Ex-Senator Chandijïu, of Michigan, has accepted the appointmeut of Secrotary of the Interior, made vacRnt by tho resignation of Delano, and entered npon the duües of the office. It is atated that the recent rednotion of 54-100 of a cont por pound in the drawbaek on refined augarH exported haa completely atopped the exportation of reSned silgare 'from the United States. Ir is st&ted that the uew Interior Secretary is in favor of turning the Indian Bureau over to the War Department Au effort íh being made to collect the facta in regard to the medical and sanitary bistory of Audersonville priaon. Qov. Amks lias written a letter to AttornoyGeneral Pierrepont congratulating him for hia aucccsHfiil efforts in bringing about a peacoable condition of affaira in Missinsippi. . . .The Commiaeioner of Infernal lievenue haa decided that weiss beor ia taxable like any otlior fermented liquor. . . .A shawl valuod at 61.000 was stolen from Mrs. ltobeson, wifeof the Secretary of the Navy, wbile on a viait to Baltimore, tlie other day The Postoftice Department haa decided to order the railway postal-car service between the citiea of Pittsbnrgh and 8t. Louis, via the Pan-Handle and Vandalia route, passing through Iudianapoüs. By tuis means it is calcnlated that the present postal facilities of a very large portion of the Ohio and Mississippi Kiver Valleys will be greatly augmented and improved. Tme Commissioner of Pensions has concluded his annual report. The invalid ai-my-roll is 105,478, at au annual oost of $10,961,218. Tho invalid navy-roll is 1,636, at a total annual rate of 183,613. The roll of army widowa is 104,885. at an annual cost of $12,835,579. The anrvivorsof the war of 1812 number 15,875, at a yearly rate of #1.524,000. The widows of the war of 1812 number 5,163, at a total annual coat of $455, 648. .. .Washington dispatches deny the reporta of disaenBiona in the Cabinet on account of the appointment of Chandler as Secretary cf the interior President Grant, accompanied by some membera of the Cabinet and othor iriends, visited Baltimore the other day. and were entertained by John W. Garrett, President of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. GENEBAL; Tue fii'e-flend ia on the rampage again. In Polish Kuaaia, the towu of Widsy haii been i vaatated by a conflagration, several hundred dwellings being deatroyed ; the town of Iquique, in Peru, bats been almost literally wiped out of existence by a Bimilar visitation ; and the I ing town of Fairview, Col., has auffered by fire to the amount of $100,000, scarcely a house being lef t standing. .. .A new mixed Commiasion ia ahortly to assemble at Halifax, N. 8., to arrange for a final aettlement of the Canadian fiaheries qucation. Ex-Skcuetaby McCulloch ha publiahed bis plan of reaumptiou. He would have the Secretary of the Treasure redeem such greenbacks aa were offered him in 1% per cent. gold bonda. The tenders received in exchange for the bonda would be destroyed. Jay Gould wants to control a through road from New York to San Francisco. Some time ago ho obtained possession of the Union Pacific, and since then haa been steadily wovkiug ' to attain bis object. He now bokls the Kanaaa Pacific, and the Chicago and Northwestern, and all he needa is a lino from Chicago and Bt. I Lonia to New York, which will be eupplied by a new road to be called the Erie and Chicago railroad. The natives of Porto Iiieo in New York have organized themselves into an association, after themanner of the Cuban patriota, to aaeist their fellow-countrymen at home in casting off the Spanish yoke There are rumora at Washington that the f4,000,000 to be distributed among Americans nnder the Geneva award ia being unfairly divided. Of thia aum f3,000,000 ia aaid to have passed into the hands of a ring of lawyera. The matter will be brought np when Congreaa meeta A circulr of one of the New York commercial agencies states that during the first nine months of 1875 there were 5,334 commercial failures in all the States and Territories of the United States, with aggregate liabilitias of $131.171,503. The greatest number in any ono State was in Massachusetts, viz., i 227. In New York city alone there were 546 ' failures, with liabilitiea amoun'iug to I 000,000. Hai.f a dozen failures are reported in New York, on Saturday of last week, the principal one being Hoffman & Co., dry goods dealers, liabilitiea amounting to $200,000. The Ames Plow Company, at Chickopee, Masa., and Eobert Tilton, woolen manufacturer, of Cavendiah, Vt., have alao auapended, the liabilities of the former being $218,247 and the latter $140,000. McDonald & Co., manufacturera of agricultura! implementa, Wooater, Ohio, made an asaignment the same day. Tbeir liabilitiea are $500,000; and 200 men are thrown out of employment The President of the Boston and Al Dañy P.ailroad has notified the PostotHce Department that from the lst of December next until apring he will wiUidraw the train from Boston which makes connection with the fast mail train west of Albany, on the ground Ihat it does not pay. FOKEION. Stiix another destructivo inundation 8 reported throughout Lancashtre, Warwickshire and elsewhere iu England TheTurkish government have declared their williugness to give tho great powera any guarautee compatible with the natiou's dignity for the fultillment ! of lier financial programme .... The Supremo Court of Prussia have heard tho appeal of Count Von Arnim, and refused to reverse the verdict of the lower eourt. The English Foreign Office has received a telegram from Minister Wade, dated Shanghai, 18th inst. , in which it is said that the guaranteea obtained from the Chinese by the British in the recent negotiationa include the dispatch of a miaaion to England, beariug an apology for the Yuunan outrage, and safe conduct to Burmah for the Commissioners of Iuquiry. . Prehminary work upon tho English channel tunnel bas been commenced. Tbk recent gale on the Engliah coaat provee to have been mort. deatructive than first reporta iadicated. Many véasela were wrecked, and upward of a hnndred lives lost Tlie Loudon Times, in chronicling the fact that a Manchester firm bas begun to import ca'icoes from the United States, says: The faet is significant, and, aa importera 'say that thegoods aro of much better quality and appearaiice than ours, Manchester, it appears, has" found a competitor at last, but that must depend upon the price.'' Kaiser Wii,liam, who bas been hobnobbing with Victor Emanuel at Milan, Italy, haa retnrned to Beilin It ia again rumored that I Bismarek coutemplates retiring from official ! lile, in conaequence of ill-health. The Mark Lane Express, in a review of tlie grain trade, says of the European erop : "The more we know of the erop of 1875, the leas sacisfaclion it gives." A new Miniatry is to ! be formed in Spain, and King Alfonso ia to join t ie Northern army. So says a Madrid telegram. .. The Extent of tlie destniction on land and sea oauaed by the recent storme in England and : Scotland is even now but partially known, , though the lates t advieos teil a fearful tale of ! ■ flood and shipwreok. The tloods in Lincoln í i couuty, England, are the moet destructivo I known for yoars, the Eiver Trent having ' üowed ita banlca, washing away the railroad at ' ] that point and doing much other damage. ] Nineteen livea are known to have been lost by inundation at Kottiugham and other towna in ' t'ie Valley of the Tieut, and it is feareJ that ! the worst has not been told. Over fifty lives I were lost on the Scottiöli coast.


Old News
Michigan Argus