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Fifty-two thousand State bonds were redoemed at tho State Treasury ono day last week. Genesee covmty lias a wild boy in its poor-house. When let loóse lio frats for tho woods and r;lmbn a tree. E. G. WilIiIAMs, a lumber merchant of Flint, has failed, with liabilities of $40,000, aud assets at $20,000. F. A. Kennedy Las been elected Superintendent of the. Poor for Jackson county, vice Barnard, deceased. Patbk:k Fitzpatrick, a resident of Grand, Kapids, disappeared six weeks since, aud it is fearod has met with foul play. The Sniiremc Court has affirmed the conviction of Andreas Keator, lately sent to State Prison f rom the Ingham Circuit for seven years, for perjiiry. Tnis earnings of the Lake Shore and Rfichigftñ Southern railroad for the n ion Ui of September this year were $1,2;-2,700; same mouth last yeai-, $1,532,G02. A Saginaw school teacher whipped a pupil, and the pupil's father whipped the school teacher. Now the school teacher is trying to get some one towhip the iuther. The woiks of the Mástic Boofing Company at Kalamazoo were almost totally destroyed by fire on Wednesday of laat week. Loss $10,000. The origin of the fire is unknown. Postm aster Seaton, of Jackson, has a $2 bilí upoii which is written the legend, " Taken out of the moccasin of a dead squaw belonging to Black Kettle's baad, January 17, 1869- Allen Wetzlor." Cait. a W. Hill, of Iele Boyal, found in September last a gold arrowpoint, two inches long and a half an inch wide, supposed to have been made by the race which formerly inhabited tlic island. A special school meeting at Kaiamazoo, last week, voted to reconsider the vote cast at the last animal meeting in regard to issuing bonds to the amount of $10,000, and selecting the site for anothcr school-house. The firm of Weicks Bros., macliinists, ind the Tawas Mili Company, of East Tawas, havo failed. The total liabilities we $245, 000. Also the Northwestern Gas and Water Pipe Company, of Bay City, with liabilities at f 130,000. Dr. V. C. Wyatt, a prominent physician of Bay City, died last week from the effect of blood poisou. He assisted in a post-mortem examination a few days since, and the virus was communicated to his systcm tlirough a scratch on his hand. Mits. Wmama Tttbs, of Battle Creek, has recently completed a large book on the life of the well-known and venerable colored woman, Sojourner Truth. It is ready for tho press, and 200 copies of the book wül be issued at once by tho Adventista' publishing-house. Onh million three liunciied and sixtyfive thousand dollars is the aggregate appropriatioa for building the new Capítol, and tkere has been expended $574, 200.18, leaving $790,799.82 of the appro. priation unexpended. The amount expended the present fiscal year is $217,927.56. The trial of Enury Nye, charged witb the murder of Kobert Mblineaux, will take place at Marshall, Nov. 8. Nye's mother, who is very wealthy, has secured for his comisel ex-Gov. Blair, of this State ; Johu Van Arman, the celebrated criminal lawyer of Chicago, and Henry H. Brown, of Battle Creek. A COT.ORED boy, aged 11 years, was killed near Marshall, the other day, by the kick of a musket which he and some other boys were firing. The boy held the weapon in his hands a few inches trom his stomach. When it was discharged, it kicked back and struck him in the stomach, injtiring him so severely that he died in about half an hour. Whilb John Roas, of Kalamazoo, was :iro-tms a. woll aa Üui farm OÍ E. S. Vicks, in Cooper township, one day ast week, the earth caved in, burying ïim to the depth of 22 feet. The alarm ras givcn, and Boon a large number of jersons were gathered, and squads as iarge as could work advantageously alternated until the body was reached at 3 o'clock next moming. Life had been extinct for several hours. At Grand Ledge resides a fanaily in whicli there are two daughters and one granddaughter; tliree sons, two: grandsons, and one great grandson; two fathers and one grandfather; three mothers, two grandmothers, and one great-grandmother; two sons-in-law and one daughter-in-law; four brothers-iu-law and two sisters-in-law; two mieles and one greatnnele; yet the whole family consista of but nine persons, without any inter marriage. "WiiLiAM Stewabt, a wholesalo uquor dealer, and one of the prominent citizens of Au Sable, was found dead in that village, one morning last week, opposite tho American House, with four deep wounds in bis head, nd nis skull smashed in, evidently causing instant death. Stew.irt left bis store at 9 p. m. the nilit before, with $1 ,000 on his person, and was not seen af ter. He leaves a wife and four children. Intenso excitement prevailed. On Friday evening of last week David Wilson feil amoug thieves. He ran off from the bridge at Ludington, justnorth of Ward's North Mili and feil mto the river and probably would have been drowned had üe not úeen aetumefi "i" "j two men, who afterward took him into a saloon and undressed him and put him to bed, ürst giving him a drink or two. They tlien left hirn, taking all of nis clothes and his pocketbook, contaimng $i or 85 in money. His entirc wardrobo consisted only of a bedquilt. A YOUNa Detroit girl behaved rudely to soine of the yonnger pupils at one ol the public school the other day, tor tvhich badconduct slie was kept in one of the rooms some time af ter school was dismissed. When the girl's mother heard of the eircumstanees she ran to the school and forcibly released lier daughter, after which both feil upon th e teacher and beat her so savagely that she went into hysterics. Tho .ssu Umte were arrested, and the motl-r MP and coats, with the alternative of thirty days in the House of Correction. Judge Harbaugh ia VS rn ence said the only circumstance wlnch mduced h-mtowithhold exemplnry punishment was 'he faet that the detendant is a widow with a family dependent upon her for support ; that the eomunimty must Be siven to und.u-Bfcuul that teachois in the public schools, bcing responsible for the iustrnction, government aud discipline of largo numbers of childreu must be protected and sustained in the Iawfnl ! discharge of their ttutieS ; :nul müt persons committing as.-aultH upon them wonld be most rigorously dealt with.


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