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The Board Of Supervisors

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Priday, üct. 22, 1875. Board met pursuttnt to adjournuient. Culled to order by the chairiuan. iloll called; prosent a quorum. Mr. Brown moved that the Prosecutiug Attorney be asked his legal opinión in regard to the Utxatiou of church schools. Carried. Mr. Brown moved that the resolution of Mr. Krapf in regard to insuring county buildings be taken trom the table. Carried. Mr. Leitch moved to strike out froru the resolution the court house, jail, and county offices. Lost. Mr. Leitch moved to increaso the insurance on the Couuty House three thousand dollars, and make the insurance twelve thousand doliars iustuad of $9,000. Carried. Mr. Shurtloff moved that the amount allowed the Sheriff of Washtenaw county for boarding prisoners be the same as allowed last year, the same being 70 cents per day. Carried. Mr. Wheeler, froui the committee on criminal claims, presented the following claims, and reoommeudud their allowanco as reported : Claimed. Allowed. Chas. M. Jackson, 2 50 2 60 Thomas Wilkmaon, 85 86 Nathan H. Drake, 60 50 Srnitli Wilbur, 60 60 Abram W allace, 60 50 Wm. Terry, 5(1 50 Frank Cliuate, 60 50 Ghancy Branch, 50 50 üliver Bird, 60 60 Chas. Halliday, 50 60 Luke Coyle, 50 60 Theodore Taylor, 60 50 E. B. üidlev" H 40 61 O. N. Allyn, 123 69 11160 J. S. Case, 19 00 19 00 C. S. Bilby, 26 16 23 57 On motiou of Mr. Leitch, the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Wheeler, froin the committee on criminul claims, presontod a bilí of J. H. Bortle of Saline, and asked for instructions on the matter. Mr. Leitch moved that the bill of J. H. Bortle be allowed. Mr. Bobison moved to. lay the matter on the table for the present. Carried. Board adjourned until 1 1-2 o'clock p. M. AFTEKNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjouruinent. Called to order by the chairman. Koll called, present a quorum. Mr. LeBaron, froin the committee on small pox claims, presented a bill from Mis. L. E. Robison, usking for instruction from the Board. Mr. Shurtleff moved that the committee on small pox claims allow Mrs. L. E. liobiaon's bill at what sum to them seeins just and proper. Carried. Mr. Galpiu otfüred the followiug resolution : Resolved, That the Supervisor of the township ot Salem, aasesa upou the taxable property of Fractional School District No. 4, the sura of elevon dollars and ten cents, being the delinquent tax from the year 1874 of said Fractioaal District of Salem Carried. The time for the special order for the election of a superintendent of the poor having arrived, Mr. Kobison presented the name of Aaron Peldkamp, ot Saline, as a fit and proper person for the office of Superintendent of the poor. Mr. Batchelder presentad the name of F. K. Rexford, of Ypsilanti. The Board proceeded to vote by ballot for Superintendent of the poor, Mr Wheeler and Mr. Leitch beiug appointed tellers. The whole number of votes cast was 24, of which Mr. F. K. Rexford received 12, and Mr. Aaron Feldkamp received 12. Mr. Eobison moved that Mr. Feldkamp be declarad elected. The chair refused to entertain the motion. No choice having been made, the Board proceeded to a secoud bailot. The whole number of votes cast was 24, of which F. K. Rexford received IJ, Aaron Feldkamp 11. Mr. F. K. Rexford having received a inajority of' all the votes cast was declared elected Superintendent of the Poor for the next 3 years, ensuing. Mr. Leitch movecfthat the resolution in regard to the support of the poor be taken from the table. Carried. Mr. Olcott moved that the report be adopted. Mr. Brown presented a minority report from said committee, as follows : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Gentlemen : Your commif tee, to whom was retened the following resolution '. ' Resolved, That the chairman of the Board of Supervisors appoiut a coinmittee oi' three Supervisors, whose duty shall be to investígate and, if possible, to suggest sorae meaus by whish the cost of maintaining the poor of the coimty may be lessened," have had the same under consideration, and a ïnajority of your committee have made a partial report thereon, and iustead of reporting some way of lessening the expense oí supportiug the poor, have recomniended a change in the mannor of doitig it, and they propose as a remedy, that each township shaü support its own poor: To this I object, tor the reasou that it is unjust. It is placing upon our already oppressively taxed cities a burden that does uot, legitiinately, belong to thexn. A large per cent of our paupers are tramps, vagabonds, coming froin nowhere and bouud to the same place. The expense of taking care of these, I ao not think auy reasonable man would say, in justice, belongs to the cities alone. Then, tliere is auother class that a superficial observer inight say belougs to your cities and viüages, and that they ought to take care of them. Is this true ? Do they come to the cities of their own accord 'f or, are they compelled to it 't Some of them are our owu citizens that have been laboriug men, poor managers, eatmg and drinking to-day and takiug no thought of to-inorrow ; who, wheu winter sets in, or sickuess comes upou them, are compelled to cali upon the towu or couuty for relief. More of them are the widows and orphans of this same class of men. Then there is another class of our'owu native bom citizens that are compelled to come to our cities for a shelter, - íor a place to cover their heads. They are men without Uuancial ability, ignoraut and indolent. Let them apply to a farmer for a house or a home, the invariable reply is, " we do iiot want you ! ' Have you a house tliat we eau live in '(" The auswer is " uo ;" and ii they liave, tliey choose not to let that class of nitm occupy ït. Wliat is the result 't They gather in the cheap teuement houses oi our cities, and often wheu asked the questlou : " VVhy did you come here t" the reply is, " we were compelled to, we could uut lind a place to live in the country ! we know we ahould fare better and would be glad to live there ; but we cminot got a house to live in !" But the largest class of thoso whom we are callcd upon to support, as our statistics show, are not our own citizens. They are the foreign population wlio are poor labormg men, and uaturally settle in our cities. Thuy have no ineans ol support but tlieir daily labor, and ouly uuderstaud tne most coininon kinds oí work ; and, wheu employnient íails, or sickness comes upou them, they aro thrown either upou the charity of the people, or the towu, for support. Is It right, or just to throw at least uiuety per cent ol this burdeu of tax upou our cities, seventy-üve per cent of which does not legitimately belong to them 'i It certainly does uot, in any way, lessen the expense, but ratner adds to it, and DUÜC08 the buamuss more comlicated aud diiritult. The majority of your committee offer uo reasou lol the change. They would sunply take the burden trom the many and bind it ou the few whü are already overburdened with taxes. We say it is not just, and most respect! uily enter our proiest agaiust the measure, asking the members of this Board to weigh the mattor caretully before they bind this heavy burdeu upon our cities. B. Bkown. Mr. Loitch movad that thu report of Mr. Brown bo placad ou tilo in tlie Olerk's officB and publishtd with the proceoding8 oí' the Buurd of Supervisors. (Jarried. Mr. Shurtleft' moved that the Board adjourn until Moiiday uiorniug, ut tea o'clock. Lost. Mr. Kobison moved that the reaolution in regard to the support of the poor bu adoptud, which uiotiuu pruvaiied by yeas tmd uays, as follows : Yeas - Mossrs. Ball, Berdan, Breining, Burch, Depeu, Flemiug, tialpiu, Harper, LiuBaron, Lielaad, Ulcott, Pieroe Kobison, Shurtloü', Waiuur, Wlieulor' Young, and Uhairman. Naya - Messrs. Batchelder, Brown, Eisele, Johnson, Krapf, and Leitch. Yeas, 18 ; nayB, 6. Mr. Robisou moved that the Board adjourn uutil to-morrow morning, at 9 o'clock Mr. Shurtleff moved as itn amendment that the Board adjourn unlil Monday morning, at ten o'olook. The auieudment was caviied Monday. Oct. 25, 1875. Board niet pursuant to adjourument. Called to order by the chairinan. Roll called ; present a quorum. M. Leitch otfered the following reïülution : Resolved, That the County Treasurer be instructed to procuro the binding ot the tax rolls for the townships and cities ior the year 1876, and that the expenso thereof be tuken trom the contingent iuiul. Carried. Mr. Robison movod to take from the table the bill of J. H. Bortel and have the samo allowod. Claimed. Allowed. J H Bortel, Í20 30 f20 30 Mr. Leitch moved that the report of the coiumittse on equalization be taken from the table and recoininitted to said cominittee. A división of the question having been called for, the quastion of taking the report froui the table was carried. TLe question of rocorumitting said report back to tho committue was then submitted to the Board. The yeas and nays were catled for. Yeas - Messrs. Fleraing, Leitoh, Leland, Pierce, Robisou, Shurtleff, Young, and Chairman. Nays - Messrs. Buil, Batohelder, Brown, Depew, Eisele, Galpin, John son, Olcott, and Whoeler. Yeas 8; nays, 9. Lost. Mr. Brown moved to lay the report on the table until 2 o'clock P. M. Caried. Mr. Leitch moved to adjourn until half past one o'clock P. M. Carried. AïTEKNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the chair. Roll called; present a quorum. Mr. LeBaron, from the committee on small-pox claims, presented the following accounts, and recommended their allowauce at sums stated : Claimed. Allowed. Thomas Walker, '28 00 - 28 00 Cole & Thomas, 18 29 18 29 Baoh & Abel, 10 13 10 13 Cole & Thomas, 33 45 33 45 W. B. Smith, M. D-, 57 00 57 00 J. B. McCollough, 40 00 40 00 E.Stilvojf, r4 06 134 06 J. Schuniachar, 19 55 19 $6 W. A. Clark, 5 73 5 73 Wm. Rayer, 4 77 4 77 Jennie Holliday, 7 00 7 00 L. S. Lerch, 6 95 6 95 On motion of Mr. Leitch, the report was accepted and adopted. The hour at which the special order for taking the report of the committee on equalization from the table having arrived, Mr. Robison moved to take the same from the table. Carried. Mr. Leitoh moved that the report be adopted. Mr. Wheeler moved to amend the report by substituting certain figures in the equalization column. Mr. Robison moved that the report of the committee and the substitute be referred back to the committea. The yeas and nays were called for. Yeas - Messrs. Batchelder. Brown, Fleming, LeBaron, Leitch, Pierce, Robison, Shurtleff, and Young. Nays - Ball, Berdan, Breining, Burch, Depew, Eisele, Galpin, Harper, Krapf, Leiand, Olcott, Warner, Wheeler and Chairman. Yeas, 9; nays, 14. Lost. Mr. Pierce moved that the report of the equalization committee and amendments be laid on the table until tomorrow moruing at tn o'clook. The yeas and nays were called for. Yeas - Messrs. Batchelder, Berdan, Breining, Eisele, Fleming, Galpin, Harper, Johnson, Krapf, LeBaron, Lelund, Leitch, Pierce, Robison, Shurtleff, Warner, Young, and Chairman. Nays - Ball, Brown, Burch, Depew, Olcott, and Wheeler. Yeas, 18 ; nays, 6 The motion was carried. Mr. Breininsr ninimH tn ..ajourn until to-morrow morning at half pust nine o'clock. Carrieci. Tuesday, Oot. 26, 1875. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the chairnian. Eoll oalled ; present a quorum. Mr. Fleming presented a petition signed by citizens of Dexter and Lyndon, as follows : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : The undersigned, freeholders of the township of Lyndon, in said county, do hereby make application to you to alter tho line of the state road, known a the Grand Rápida and Monroe State Koad, so that the line of said road shall run as follows on seetiou twêntyfive in the townnhip of Lyndou, viz : Commencing on the township line between the town8hips of Lyndon and Dexter, at the interseotion of the-said state road with the baid township line road, and running thence north along said township line road, forty rods, moos or less, tothe nortlieast corner of said section twenty-flve, thence west along the south side of the north line of section twenty, one hundred rods,more or less, and uutil it intersects with the road running west and a road running north ; and that upon the changing of the line of said State road that part of the state road running diagonally across the northeast corner of said section twenty-five and into section tweutyfour to its intersectiou of the north and south road, be discoutinued. Your petitioners believe that such change win De Deneheial to all perssus mterested in the travel oi said road. PETITIONEBS Oï THE TOWNSHIP OF LYNDON. O. A. Willsey, Guining Dule, Phillip Keusch, Frank Stefforn, F. E. Sullivan, Heury W. Twamley, F. A. Burkhart, Wm. Buikhart, Walter L. Webb, Johu üoulau, Johu G. Schinidt. PETITIONEES OF THE T0WN6HIP OF DKXTEB. P. Hiudelang, W. Stevensou, Frederick H Snyder, Wm. H. Glenii, R. C. Glenn, Wm! Wood, Charles Glenn, (Jhris. Metruire W Wheeler, W. H. Wílsey, H. B. Jones, and Geortre Bause. Dated October 23d, 1875. Mr. Fleming uioved that the petition be accepted and referred to a cominittee of three. Carried. The Chair appointed as such coinmittee Messrs. Fleming, Young, and Ball. Mr. Krapf, from the committee on civil claims, presented the following a counts and recommended their allow anoe at sums stated : Claimed. Allowe Tnpp & Pnce, $8 31 $68 3 J W Lawson, 27 00 27 0 Wm H Mclutyre, 7 80 CO J F Ferdou 5s Co, 12 61 12 6 II Otto, 7 (,o 70 J Keek & Co, 7 3,-, 7 3 E G Schatter, Rop; of Deeils, 2 25 2 26 Hoifstetter & Hum, 30 70 jj(; - C F Ashley. i(j üo 10 00 E J Kearns, y 00 8 00 J U Wntts & Hro, 4 75 4 7f C C Billy, 07 so 57 80 H A Tremaiiie & Co, 1 55 1 55 H A Trumaine ifc Coö lü 6 16 3 Pettiboue, 12 00 12 00 Mr. Leitch moved that the report be acoeptod and adopted. Carried. Mr. Wheeler, i'rom the committee on criimual claims, presented the rollowiug accounts, and moved their allowance ai the suma stated : Cluimed. Allowed A H Herrón, city raaashaj, ifri 78 #; 78 H M Euton, i (5 i (jr, Johu tï Johnson 12 50 12 50 Kdward Clark, 66 87 5G 97 Edward Stílní, ;,, 68 32 48 Wm II Dell, 2 43 2 43 A i Bood, 2 8Ü 2 54 Mr. Leitch moved to ndopt the report, excopt so nitioh as relatos to witnesses and jurors i'oos. Carried. Mr. Leitch moved to ndopt tho report of the committoe on witness and jurors fees. Lost. The hour having arrived for which a special order had boeu made for the ac:ion of the Board on equalization, Mr. Leitch movud to take the report of the cotuiuittee trom the tuble. Carried. Mr. Olcott presented a substitute for the report oí the uoiumittee aud auiendtnents thereto. Mr. Pierce moved to amend the substitute by substituting the report of the couiuiittee on equalizatiou of last year. The Chair declarad the ahiendmeut of Mr. Pierce madmissible. Mr. Pierce moved to take $5 000 from the township of Sylvan and add tüe same to the township of Salem. The yeas and nays having been called for the vote stood as follows : Yeas - Mesgrs. Batchelder, Hatch, Leitch, Pierce, Shurtleff, and Young. Nays - Messrs. Ball, Bardan, Breining, Brown, Burch, Depew, Eisele, Fleming, Galpin, Harpor, Johnson, Krapf, LeBron, Leiand, Olcott, Robison, Warren, Wheeler, and the Chairnian. Yeas, 6 ; nays, 19. Lost. Mr. Leitch moved that $5,000 be taken from the 2d district of the city of Ypsilanty and placed on the township of Superior. A motion to adjourn having been made, the yeas and nays were called for. Yeas - Mesars. Batchelder, Breining, Galpin, Hatch, Johnson, Krapf, LeBaron, Leiand, Leitch, Pierce, Robison, Shurtleff, and Youug. Nays - Messrs. Ball, Bordan, Brow, Burch, Depew, Eisele, Fleming, Harper Olcott, Warner. Wheeler, aud Chairinnn. Yeas, 13 ; nays, 12. Carried. Whereupon the Board adjourned until 9 1-2 o'clock to-morrow morning. Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1875. Boaid met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the ohairuian. Roll called ; present a quorm. Proceedings of yesterday read and approvod. Mr. Burch, from the committee on civil olaims, proseuted the following accounts, and recomtueuded their allowance at suins sttitud. Claimui. Allowed. J A Polhomus, 3 07 3 07 F Sorg, 1 85 1 85 B A Beal, 9 60 9 50 A Burke, 1 2o 1 25 C George, Mll, 3 60 3 50 D A Post, 1 10 1 10 Philo Ferier, 1 10 1 10 George Perry, 1 10 1 10 J McCorinick, 1 10 1 1U C M Havens, 1 10 1 10 W Martiu, 1 10 1 10 F Ashley, 1 10 1 10 L M Scnbuer, 1 10 1 10 Isaac ürane, 1 10 1 10 G McElckerau, 1 10 1 10 A S Yost, 1 10 1 10 ï Whitford, 1 10 1 10 RA Beal, 180 :0 180 30 E Duliy, 2 10 2 10 Kobisou & Baxtor, 15 00 ló 00 Geo E Frothiugham, 19 00 lö 00 Conrad Krapf. 108 61 108 51 EdwardDuffy.juror, 2 00 2 00 George (Jropsey, 2 00 2 00 Beuj'mu Martin, juror, 2 uO 2 00 Emanuel Manu, " 2 00 2 00 Wm H Mclutyre, ' 2 00 2 00 Patriok Gallagher, " 2 00 2 00 Godfrey Beek, " 2 12 2 12 Stephen Klingman, " 2 12 2 12 D Laubeugayer, " 2 12 2 12 F Laubengayer, " 2 12 2 12 Michael Stabler, " 2 18 2 18 Jacob Richards, " 2(Ki 2 00 Horace L Ash, " 1 00 1 00 Walter Keudall, 1 00 1 00 Frank HanLon, 1 00 1 00 C Snyder, 1 00 1 00 Richard Alexander, 1 00 1 00 John Kellaud, 1 00 1 00 Mr. Galpin moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Cariied. Mr. Wheeler from the committee on criminal claims, presented the following accounts and moved their adoption. Claimed. Allowed. J G Johnson, S.i ü) $3 20 R Beahan, 138 Tt 13S 80 Johu McUoveran, 2 85 2 8S A M Noble, 85 85 Wm B Marsh, 47 47 AQuick, 1 15 1 15 F H Cutler, 47 47 A Hagau, 47 47 B F Foster, 85 85 H II Martin, 47 47 C Thompson, 47 47 E Mosher, 47 47 D HcAfertT, 47 47 W uobnetz. 85 88 L Wint. 88 85 J Schoir, 88 85 Wit Gobnltx, 85 8 Minuie Qobnitz, 86 85 J M Palmer, 1 90 I UU J 1). Palmer, , 1 90 1 90 E Murray, 1 90 1 90 FCntler, 17 47 1 UlIMtll, 1 'JU ■ I Hll .1 Comer; S5 85 J II HUI, 88 88 Wm Cazey, 85 83 (i Green, 86 85 .1 II llill, 47 47 Wm Cazey, 47 47 .1 ( "omer, 47 47 S II Deniriek, . 17 47 S Patterson, 47 47 C Wiloox, 47 47 llimm Diiy, 47 47 A Toliver, 47 47 II Morton, 47 47 M (ireen, 47 47 M. A Saundcra, 86 85 Jocde Saimdern, 85 88 P A Hinohey, ■ 47 47 Wm Beaeh, 47 47 J ()a.tney, B7 i;7 J M Forsyth, 47 47 i W Parsons, 47 47 S W PftTSODS, 47 4ti J M Cornwull, 47 47 Hattie DikU, 47 47 F Eider, 85 85 A Ainbrose, 47 47 W Walsh, 47 47 G Perry, 47 47 C BleOoriuiek, 47 47 M A Thompson, 88 nr N Ri'ilmi-. .17 47 A iíuckUn, 47 47 I' Schaft, 17 47 M A Whiting, 47 47 .1 Johuson, 47 47 S ('ramui, 47 47 (' Cramm, 17 47 F Alenttor, ."; 50 Jos Newell, 66 M B llittchiuson, 56 56 LAmbros, .)t; 5(; O L Stodasrd, M su S Borgman, .rii 5c A Aniliiüsc, 5t 5(j 8 Borgman, 5 flü Fred butler, 56 (;c J Newell, 68 50 B Hntchinaon, m 50 GLStoddart, 56 S6 ' Iuh Ferrlar, 56 5y .' Sigmond, 56 56 HD Martin, 56 50 U IC Forsyth, 56 BH Dow Taylor, 56 . 66 C Culver, 56 ' 56 Frwi A ('utler, f,5 gg ■I Nw,ll, 56 50 I! llutctunson, 56 56 S Boruiau, 56 56 G Studdard, 56 56 A, 56 55 WHGurle, M 56 It C Swect, 56 u A II Smith, 06 Ík A Ambros, :,; r)6 Cha N Horn, 75 7" Peter abultara, 1 OG 1 "oü Jobo Nowland, 1 111; oc A 8 Polhemus. j % j ((S John A Nicholaa, 1 00 1 no Ktbcrt Cilazier, 1 oo 1 oü Phllaiider C'ampbell, 1 ih; j t)(; Lewte Laniburu, 2 fij Lewis Lainburn, 2 51 2 'rl Frank Lowia, 2 21 Win Lewitt, 2 '1 2 2! ADSoylL-r, 1 M , 0(; A Gwlnner, 1 1,,; , (,,; Henry J. Davnltor, 1 w; , M Leonhard liruner, I m oc Kmanuel Manu, 1 oti 1 Jacob Haller, 1 00 1 ,„' tíatherine BolIiiiKer, 1 71 1 71 I Mary Vogel 1 7 1 J i Madalfna Layliar, 1 71 I 71 I Mary Voml, :i 21 3 o, brcderick Layhar, ;i 01 a J, Fredi-rick Vogl :, j, a 2! uury vaiiaoger, 2 40 41; chas H Richmond, 1 1,1; 1 nm Eui'iuij, IS } "l; E J Johnson, 1 (hj j ' C ?ran';h. 1 IW 1 M .I0I111 Keenan, 1 i„; j y Philandor CuupbeU 1 m 1 06 Johu W Babbitt 117: 100 00 Mr. Leitoh moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Mr. LeBaron, from the coimnittee on small-pox claiius, made the Jollowing report : CiainieJ. Alloweil. Edwin B Gidley 48 00 18 0Ü LEltobiaon, U7 23 100 UU On Motion of Mr. ShurtlefF the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Fleiuiug, trom the eommittee to whom waa rei'erred the discontinuauce of a portion of the State Kond in the ownship of Lyndon and Doxter, aubnittod the following report : 'o the Hunorable Board of Supervisors of Wushtenaw Votmty : Your eommittee to whom was referred the etition of Peter Hiudelang and twenty-four thers in relatiou to the altenu of a portion of ïu State Koail, known aa the (Jraud Hiipuls 1 id Mouroe Stute Uoad, have had thu same mier consideration, and reoommend that tho , rayer of the jietitionars be pranted. ' i'. Flkmino, ) T. Youno, C Com 1 h. D. Ball, 5 I Mr. Fleming, from said comiuittoe, offered the followiug resolution : Resolved, By the Board ot Supervisors oí VVashtenaw county that the Oommissioners of highways oí the towuships oi Lyurlon and Dcxtcr nre hereby authorizud to alter a portio of the Uno of the Stute Road km vn as the Grand Rápida nd Uoaroe Stute Koad, aecording to a peütion prtsüiited to this Board by resioenta witliiu the towiishipa ot Lyndrjn and IJextui-, and report their doings to tiiis Board. Ou motion tho resolutiou was accapted and adopted. Mr. Wheeler, from oomimttee on criminal claims, mudo the iollowiug report : Itichaid U-auntlott 236 ? H0 96 On motion, tlie report was acoepted and adopted. Mr. Wheeler moved to tuke up tlie subject of equalization. O.irrieil. Mr. Luituh's motion, that $.3,000 be takeu from the 2d diatriet of Ypsilanti and placed on the the townsliip of Superior, being fhst iu order, was voted on by the yeas and nays as follows : Yeas - MeHsrs. Biitchelder, Huteh, Leitch, Piercc - 4. Nays- Messrs. Bal!, Burdan, BreinBbowu, Burch, l)opew, Kisele, Fleuiing, (ialpin, Harpor Johnson, Erapf, LeBaron, Lelaud, Olcott, Robison, Shurtleff, Winner, Wheeler, Young, and the Ohaiman - 21. Lost. Mr.iShuitlcjff presented the following reBolutiou : Resolved, That wo amend the substituto by striking out the columu ot tiurts as pqu'tülzatioii, and insertiug the qualuaitioo o! last year, wilh a reduction oi teu pur cent, to bring it to tho basis of inuc mü.iou dollars. The yeas aud nttys buiiig aalled for, the resolution to uiiiüud was lost by the following voto : Yeas - Messrs. Batobelder, Brown, Hatch, LuBarou, Leitch, Piurce, liobison, Shurtleft', and Young - 9. Nays - Messrs. Ball, Berdan, Brein ing, Burch, Depew, Eisele, Fleming, Galpiii, Harper, Johnson, Krapf, Leland, Olcott, Warner, Wheelor, and the Chairman. Yeas, 9 ; nays 16. Mr. Wheeler cailed for tho previous question, whicli was carried by the yeas aud nays as follows : Yeas - Messrs. Buil, Berdan, Broiuing, Brown, Buiuh, Depew, Ëisele, Fleming, Galpin, Harp. r, Johnson, Krapf, Loland, Oicott, Pierce, Bhurtelff, Warner, Wheeler, aud tho Chairmau - 19. . Nays - Messrs. Batcheldor, Hatch, LeBarou, Leitch, Kobisou, and Youug 6. Carried. Mr. Pierce moved that the substitute be indeünitely postpoued. Motiou lost by yoas, 7 ; nays, 18. Mr. Pierce moved to adjourn until to-morrow uaoruiug at half past uiue o'clock. Lost by yeas, 4 ; nays, 20. Mr. Pieroe moved that the substitute be voted on by townships, whieh motion was lost by the yeas and nays, as follows : Yeas, 7 , nays, 1". Mr. Pierce moved to adjourn until half past oue o'clock this afternoon. Lost by yeaa and nays. Yeas 5; nays 17. Mr. Pierce moved to lay the substitute on the table. Motion lost by yeas, 7; nays, 17. Mr. Olcott moved the adoption of tke substitute. The yeas and nays being culled for, the substituto was adopted by the following vote : Yeas- Messrs. Ball, Berdan, Breining, Brown, Burch, Depow, Eisele, Fleming, Galpin, Harper, Johnson, Krapf, Leland, Olcott, Warner, Wheelor, and the Chairnian. Nays- Messrs. Batchnlder, Hatch, LeBuron, Leitoh, Pierce, Kobison, 8hurtleff, aud Young. Yoas, 17; nays, 8. I u 6 ToWNSHIPS. g g M Oh H W Augusta 97,600 S 32,840; $ 230,Moíla7,000 Aon Arbor towD 100,060 52,8á0 452950 386000 A. A. City 1,4 2 w. 661.BO5 '2rj:'S(l 874,085 717':!OO A. 844, 871,488 66,281 437,719 888,'40ü A. A. 8A6T. 171,268 'Jll,0(i5 'Ji;7 ■- 225900 Bridgewater, i ::i7,830 43,iil)S 89320 299000 Dexter, 27:),ol5 23s'o00 reeduin, 261,440 32.47S 2Aill8 280ÜI) "".a, 327,0!lü iL'.Mf, ;si,ii.: ;i,:miiim Ullli ?18'785 fi8.70 ?-485 S75000 y1"11,'". 179,610 34,270 213,880 170.mii Manchester, 477,500 108,:H) . S85 S00 4.50000 f;."1"!";11. ' 2r,,17U 2!IMW lís-!'o,m, Pittsfleld, 497,555 53,450 551,000 442000 S:l1"". 339,405 62,430 401 85 S46000 t":1. 498,120 121,(iio 614,130 546'000 Superior, 418.780 :7,iil0 456,390 35l'o00 J e' 194,360 78,640 578,000 I68ÍOO0 Wlvan, M2.935 100 :,. i:::;.im :;.,;:',„„, JlKinin, 29(1,670 51,840 342,510 298,300 Welwter. :;is,,;ill, r,;,470 402K10 :i-ii;oo(i JOlt, 388,780 43,260 432040 34SOO0 ïps laati tówn, 1 1 1 ....o 69.2Í0 B20 880 392 000 " city 1 dis. 480,776 204,800 IX, r,::, 541 900 ' 2 " ■.'75,11.1o 74,1100 850,550 288,200 Total, __91(M,L'1S 1884,924 10,929,1429000,000 On motion of Mr. Leitoh the Board djourned until half past ono o'cloek tliis ufternoon. AFÏERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournmeut. Oalled to order by the chairman. Koll called ; present a quorum. Mr. Robisou, from the comraittee to purehase the surveyor's field notes, etc., moved thut Mr. Wilbur and Mr. Pettibone be invited to niake a statement to the Board in reference to couuty property in their hands. Carried. Mr. Wheeler moved that tho Clerk be mstructed to telegrapk the AuditorGeneral and ascertaiu the amoiint of State tax apportionod to Washtonaw oonnty. Carried. Mr. Burch moved thatnll newspapers outside the city of Aun Arbor have their time extended four weeks whorein to pubiiah the proceedings of this Board. Carried. Mr. Leiand offerod the followingresolution : Resolved, That the County Treasnrer le raquested to preseut to this Board the umoiuit of ñiie muuey iu his liands, and fioin whoin received. The resolution was accepted and adopted. On motion of Mr. Leitoh the Board adjourned until to-morrow morning ut half pust nine o'clock.


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