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- Tlio Board of Supervisors adjournod sinc die ou baturday aitemoou laat. - The wenther is fine, by spells ; and, by spells, what the Englishman would cali nasty. - Phil. Baob. departed for New York 011 Monday, in cousecjueuce of which the store of Uacli A Abel will soon offer superior attractious to goods-buyors. - A shooting-match, swoopstakes, will take place in this city uext Wedno.-day. A large sopply of birds have been secured, aud the "ahootidti" oL the county invited. -Subject of discoilIM of ltev. C. H. Brighsm, ut UniUriun Churcli on Sunday next : moruins. "Tratisient and J'erinauent," a inon for the season ; evening, " The Religión ol the BrahmmB." Studeuts' class at 9.3Ü A M. - ïiLick & Solmiid have in thoir now goods and a new advertisemeut in the Aeous. Of oourse thuy have a lnrge and choice stock, and the fact that they advertise is evidence Üiat tlmy wish to sull thetn, and will make the very lirst of terina to buyers. - üctober Ü6th was accident day out in Freedom, Gao. Vogel reeeived soveve injuries on the hcad by the collapsing oi the second story liin of apples in his cidur milt, and Fred Vogel feli from a barrel which lje had loadod into ü wagon, and was considerably bruised - On Friday last lightning struck a house belonging to C. C. Church in the Sixth ward, and also a house buiongmg to Mri. Euphamia Haley, Mrs. H. and danghter beiug knocked down by the shock, but not aeriously mjured. Dr. W. B. Smit h met witli a mrrow escipe, a tree being shattared and thrown into the road just in front of hiin. -.Petar M. Eaton, a gradúate of the lawdopnrtmunt of tho Univorsity, class of ISo'O, and iuï sonie ycars a practicing htwyer at Saline, died at Detroit on WcdnesJay of last week. His funeral took place at Suiinu on Friday, his masonic brethren taking charge of the cerememomea. Mr. Eaton had been in very poor hcalth for mauy years. - John Beahan, whose arrest was annouuced last we(-kf charged with extracting $85 froin the cash drawer ot G. F. Gwiuuor, was discliarged, because the deaf mute, D. C. Holden, whoso testimouy waa relied upou by the prosecutiou, could not give assurance that he understood tho nature of an oath or the penalty attaclied to false swearmg. - Bev. Benj. Parsou, of the Presbyterian Church, Saline, has projoctcd a course of lectures which promisee both entertainment and ïu.struction. Next Friduy evtning Dr. Angelí, President of the University, will open the course with " Alone, or with the Majority," aiul will be followed at future dates by other able and popular ltcturers. - Enkerman, oue ot the ladB reported arrested lor "going through" the money drawer of Feriiou & Co., was diseharged tor want of any tvidence against him. He was .the "pöor Tray " of that trio. The other two, Audrus aud Cooper, wertí let olf on ref unding the money, payiug the costs, and protnuing to abstain from the use of lituors and tobáceo. -A woinau named Belle Dorsey was arrestad on Sunday, and ís now in jail as a vagraut, who is supposed to know something about tlie disappearud Staley, advortised in last week's Augits. She has a ring in her possession claimed by Htaley's wife and mother-in-law to have been his, and also had a note, without siguature, in Staley'a, "hand write." Was íitaley a free luver as well as a Free Will Baptist. - We are credibly infoimed that Dr. D. B. Kellogg has returued to his oíd home in the 6tb Ward orthiscity. He states that the water, aud cold damp air of Detrott was detriruontal toliis hsalth, and for a few dayi n f ter his returu he was quite lll. We understand he is now convelescent and will at once conimeuco practico in his oíd office at No. o, Btoadway. His many friends and oíd time patiënte will lio pleased to learn that lie is again im their mulst. - Durinpthe thonderstorm of Fiïday inorning last a barn on the íann of Judge Lawrence, about two aud a half miles south of this city, was struck by lightning and burned. The fin was communieated to a second baru about iwuuly feet distant, whicli was also burned The barns contained betwecn 400 and 500 busheis of wheat, 500 bushels of oats, and some 20 tons of hay. Loss frora $1,200 to 1,600. íjottlieb Ilutsui, who worked tíie farm, owned half the graín and hay, and was insurud for 1100. Juílge Lawrenco had no insurauce. The Judge has ordered a new barn. Conceding the wisdom, justice, or economy of the recent action of the Supurvisor3 in re6torin; the distiuction between county aud towupoor, which we are not inclined to do, it WU certainly uutimely so far as both Aun Arljor and Ypsilauti ars conceiaed. This city has, neither by general statute nor charter provísíob, any authoríty to raise or dispensa raouiy for the relief of the poor. And we uuderstaiid that Ypsilanti is iu the same fix. The Couucil has referred the matter to a special cominittee, and the necessities of the case require careful consideration as well as prompt The needy and suffering must be cared for law or no law, but the able-bodied indolent, tramps, and vagabonds, must bü thrown upon their owu resources. And with proper watchtulness on the part of our officers the towns WlB uot puuish the city us much as they hope, or escape all the burdeus they imagine. The Ann Abboe Scientifio Association.- Asto-morrow night, the time ol the regular medtíug of the association, will be ocoupied by a lecture in Uuiversity Hall, a special meeting was held last Saturday night. ïho principal feature of the evening's exercisea waa a paper read by Dr. Cocker, on Tho Nature of Life. This paper was prepared by Dr. Ij. S. Beale, of Londou. A fiuely carved ludían pip bowl waa exhibiteu tothe associatiou, whicli had boen found few miles west of this city by David Alniautlinger. Arrangements were initiated wheroby the public are to be feasted with a series of popular scientific lectures, to be delivered monthly Ol thereabouts, in some appropriate place. I'rof. Wataon, for one, has kindly couseuted to give a lecture on the Transit of Venus. These 'entures are to be giveu without expense to tliose who attend. Ureat tlianks are duo the associatiou for this inovement. The followuuj uew (nembers were added at tliis raooting, makiug the total membership uow upwards of eighty: D. M. Finley, U. E Nichols, Rev. I. X. Elwood, Dr. Will J Herdmau. Eer. F T. Brow, Dr. A. B. Palmer, S. Prof A. V. E. ïouug, F. H. Kimball, Prof. J U Watson, l'rof. E. ülney, Proï. W. S Perrv Miss Luoy A. Ghitteuden, Dr. C. Romineeï Miss Octavia W. Batas, Dr. Samuel A. Jutlcs' "t. John O. Morgan, and Dr. E. S. Dunster. ' List of Juboks.- The followiiig jurors have been drawn to serve at the next term of the Ciicuit Court, which communccs Ou Monday, Nov. 29th : Ann Armr City- Frederick ürosR, Lowis f iitz, Joliu Gateo, Thuuiaa [lotclikius, Samuel . House. l'riily, ir„ir-Caah Brown. Véxter- Wm. H. Arnold, E. H. Carponter. treedom- John F. Schuyberger. Lima- Tliüs. F. Muist). '-":'' - Joliu F. Steuor. Ujndm- Charlea üanlield, Thomas Clark, Owen Muilen. NortiJteM -James Benwick. PUtsfield- John 1'. Uook, F. E Mills 6em- Uaoiya Van icKie. ocio Ahids Phelp Wfe&ter-WooiterBlodget, John Divino, T ' stauton. Kori All,crt B. Hansoii j, '""""li Bashbeo, John Cady, Vreorge Kishler, Simeón U. Kowley.


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