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A member of the Order of United Irishmen liaa been tried by a court-martial of bis fellowa, at New York. for betraying the secreta of the order, and sentenced to die the deatb of a traitor. John Dolan, who waa arroBted at New York, about two weeke ago, on suspieion of mnrdering Mr. James H. Noe in hia store lont immer haa just been triod, convicted of murder in the flrst degree, and seutenced to death. The evidence waa pnrely circumstantial, but very atrong. Wiluam Thompson and Wüliam Ellis, botb colored, have been aentenced to death at New York, for the murder of Abram Wclsburg, a jew peddler, near that city in September last. Amasa Walker, a distinguiahed American political eoononiist and formerly Professor of j . that science iu Amherat College, died at Boston, last week, aged 76 years A. sad accident h reported from Unadilia, N. Y. While a party of six peraons wero boatiug on the j quehauna river the boat upaet, and all were precipitated iuto the water. Manrice Goodrich and his wife, of Worcester, N. Y., and Mr. j Morehouae and his wife, of Unadilla, were drowned. The Goodriches were on their wedding trip. The Winthrop (Me.) National Bank has nego' tiated with the burglars who robbed the bank 1 f our montha ago and recovered föO, 000 iu I ties on payment of $10,000 iu cash . . . . Le Page, the Frenchman indicted for tlie murder of Josie Longmaid, at Petnbroko, N. H., has been identiflod as the man seen in the busues noar the road the girl passed over. There is no doubt of bis giult. Thebe are five murderers in the jail of New York city unc er sentence of death A locomotive boiler on the Lehigh Valley railrc ad exploded near Bouud Brook, N. J., the other day, with frightful effect. Five persons wcre killed and al out twenty wounded, several of whoin will probablj die. THE WEST. Virginia City, Nev., has been visited by a most disastrous conflagration, which laid waate a largo portion of the most important part of the city. The 6ro began at daylight on the morning of Oct. 26, in a privato dwelling on A street, and iu a very short time extended to C street, destroying the county building, the International Hotel, and several other prominent structures in its course, and aoon the whole business portion of O street from the Odd Fellowa' building north was a masa of flamea, with no adequate means at hand for checking the fire. The offices of the Territorial Enterprise, the Kctuing Chronicle, and the ïootlight were totally destroyed. From C street the fire spread acroaa to Piper's Opera-House and tLo adjoining buildings on D etreot to the railroad depot and the Consolidated Virginia mine. The depot succmnbed, and in a few minutes tne hoiating wort of the Consolidated Virginia, together with the large 60-atamp mili and the stamp department of the California mine were derttroyed. The Ophir mine works, which had just been completed, were the ünent on the Oometock lode, and were totally destroyed. Both the Ophir and the Consolidated Virginia shaftB were bulkheaded, so that tho fire was kept out of the turnee. The tire continued to rage during the entLre morning, all efforts to stop its course proving futile. There was a poorsupply of water andtheiire-engines seemod to have no effect on the driviug element. Street after street was swept away, and families renderod houseless, huddled in the streets, hivcrmg with cold and terror. Houses on every bide of the burning diatrict wero blown up with giant powder, tlio authoritiea Uoping to arrest the tlames in this marnier, but a piercing Octoberwind, whatthey cali in that country "a 'Waahoe zephyr," was blowiug. and iiamiug embera wero carried rods away, lightingon the !iouses which had not already been affacked. It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon bef ore the fire was fiually eubdued. At that time the diatrict burned over was three-quartera of a milo long by one-half a mile wide, embracing the fineat part of Virginia City. Ten thousand persons were rendered homeJess, and upward of Y3,000,000 wortb. of property ha been deBtroyed. A shocking tragcdy is ïeportod f rom St. Liouis. A youug man named Itobert Fogg shot hls betrothed, Míbs Pauline Plochman, a beautifnl girl of 17, infücting a dangeroua wound, and tben plunged a lmife threo time into bis breast, and died in a few minuten. BotU belonged to wealthy and refipectable families. . . . Mrfi. Btoddard, of Eaton covmty, Mioh., roccutly gave birth to fivo children at one time. Oncebefore she bad three of a kind. Mot her and cliildren are said to be doing well....A dispatch from Virginia City, Nev., dated Oet. 27, naya: "At present it is impossible to state the loss of life bv the late me. Two men were killed on C street by a falling wall. Thero are numberlesa rumora of other casnaltieK. Hundrods.of families are homeless aud hungry. The school houses, the ouly public buildings left, are open to them, but ii' imoiodiate relief in not extended great suffering will ensuo. j CJtter demoralization reigus in the city. .Alen. I women and chïidren wander abóut thf; desolate streets seeking shelter. The vurroundiug hills are dotted with camp fires. Few saloons remaiu, but the Huppliea of liqnCr have not been lacking, and the sti'eets are küvo with a drunken mob. Tho military is patrolüig the city for the protection of property. The best business men estímate the loss at f7,500,000, one-third being iiumred in forcign companies and tlie rest in local companies. A largo number of wcmeu and childreu havo been sent to CiTHOn, Gold Bill, Heno, aud California. There are fully 3,000 people without food, beds, roofs, or money. Of thcHc fully 500 are without ueecrtsary eloUie3. Should harsh weather soon eet in much snffering must ensue. Tlie people are in good ppiritB, and, hilo terribly alllicted, are the pluckiest, bravest lot I ever had to do with. HundredH are too proud to say thoy jieod help, and lndies go out and lind women and children needing food but ishamed to beg it. The feeling is relaxiiiL-, liowevt-r, under the kind omoea of the lielief ("ommittee, which is already partly organizad. Homo shautieü are already benig put up." At a State oratorical contest at Des Moiue, Iowa, ast week, the firat prize was won by a womau - Miss Evelyn 51. Chapman, of Simpsou College New and rich gold diggingw havo been iübcovered in the Begre do Christo Mountains, in Colorado, and minera are ilockiug thither ím great numbers....A severe ñght betweeu United States troops aud Cueyenne IudiauH íh reported to have recently took place uear Fort Hayes. The troops twice attacked the Indiana and were eacli timo repulsed with berious lot. A large section oí the Northwest was visited by a seveve Btorm on tho 29th uit. It was aucompanied by wind, hail, rain, lightuing, and iu some sections by snow. und played havoc with buildings, fenees añil foresta.. . .Mi. Abraham Lincoln has recovured from her late aberratiou of inind, aud is now considered entirely free from her affliction. She is living with her Bister, in Springlield, lil The murder of au old ltahan and three boys iu Denver, Col., and the tindiug of the dead bodies, in au advauced state of putrefactiou, iu the cellar qf a dilapidated shanty, has been meutioned in these columns. A Den f er dinpatch annouuces the arrest of three of the participant in the butchery, who have made a confession, but claim that they were unwilliug acceasoriea to the horrid deod. Tney sa.y that one Galliod, a Mexican, was the murderer, and ;hat tho killing wan done in broad daylight. ; Their atory, if tnie, stampa it as one o( tho moet ilendiah and inhuman butcheriea of I the age. Two of tho murderciB and victims I wero playinR carde, and the old man was deal1UK, when Galliod calne np behind him, drew lúa liead back and cut hia throat, the blood apurting over the carda and table. The boya i reaisted and were cut and stabbcd. Galliod liniahed the old man, and aoon made an end to the boya. The murderera drank the blood of their Victima, and tried to mako the boy, wbom they had forced to play the harp for them while their butchery was going ou, to drluk likowise, but he was too aick at the awf til nighl. After the firat victims were dcad and had been robbed, the two other boya carne in and were kille 1 in tho same manuer. The robbera got #1,200 or $1,400, priucipaily in gold, for the murder. News ha reached Lawreuce, Kansaa, of an upriaing of the Oaage Indiana to rexiet tho authority of Agent Gibaon. Tbo latter'8 lifo waa in danger, and troopa have been ordered to the Agency for hia protectiou .... Ilon. Jamca Otis, Mayor of San Francisco, died laat week Chas. Patteraon killed K. W. Porter, a herder, near Siduey, Neb., last week, for which act he was taken out of jail by a party of lynchen and hanged on a telegraph pole. Fattci'Hon waa cut down by the Sheriff in time toaave hia life ; but tlio mob were determined, and in a second attempt were more aucceasful, aa his corpso was found one mornmg on a rude scaffold. The National Gold Bank and Truat Company, of San Francisco, has suspended. The officers claim that the bank can pay everytbiug, aud will resume shortly. THE SOÜTH. Nobth Ifississippi and West TcnnesBee experienccd a severo earthquake shock, accompanied by a nimbling noiee, on the eveniug of Oct. 27. " Font men were killed in a coal mino nea Richmond, Va., last week, by 8n explosión of fire-damp .... Fivo persono v ere killed and several severely injured, at Lomax, Ark., laat week, by the explosión of the boiler of a aaw mili. A i,AnoE part of the buainoaa center of Sber man, Texas, bas been deatroyed by fire. WASHINGTON. Deputy Shehiff James Kinnehan, a maH well kuown by the sporting fraternity throughout the South and West, was last week shot and killed by a dosperato man named Frank Flynn, at Hot Springs, Ark. Kinnehan, after he was shot, managed to rise and put ouo ball iuto Flyun. The tronble arose out of an trticle tl i at appoared in a dinreputable Chicago paper about Flynn's ytite, he thinking 41iat Kiunehan was reBponsiblo for it. The goverument appeal from the decisión of the Court of Claims in the Union Pacific railroad case was argued in the Supreire Court last week, Attorney-General Fierrepont eonducting the caso for the govormnent. . . .The President has issued his proclamation dcsignating the 25th day of November as a day of thanksgiving and prayer throughout the United States. The Postoftice Department ia making arrangements for a fast mail from Washiugton to New Orleans .... The Assistant Treasurer at New York has been instructed by the Secretary of tho Treasury to sell $2,060,000 of gold coin during the month of November as follows : $500,000 each Thursday. The Secretary of tho Treasury has issued a cali for the redemption of $5,000,000 coupon and $5,000,000 registered bonds- total, $10,000.00C- of the 5.20 bonds of 18C1. Tlie lendB included in this cali are of tho actbf Jnne 8U, 18C4 A delegation of local preachera called upon President Grant, the other day, and urged him not to abandon the Indian peace policy. The President informed them that he did nöt propose changing his Indian policy, but that he does propose in future to make the army responsible f or the distribution of Indian suppliee. The i'resident also took occasion to speak a good word for Cornmissioner Smith, whom he regarás aa a muoh-abufled man. The following statement shows the condition of the public debt at the close of October : Sii per cent. bonds $1,043,292,650 Five per cent. bonds 657,282,750 Total coin bonds $1,700,575 3G0 Lawful moncy debt $ 14,000,000 Matured debt 22,865,180 Legal tendere 373,305,951 Certificates of deposit 50,880,000 Fractional currency 40,687,629 Ooin certificates 15,645,100 Total without interest 480,512,681 Total debt $2,217,953,161 Total interest 34,844,100 Total debt and interest $2,252,797,261 Cash in Trcasury: Coin $73,783,439 Currency 9,736,671 Special deposite held for redemption of certincates ofdepoBit 50,880,000 Total in Treasury $ 134,400,110 Debt less cash in the Treasury $2,J18,3i)7,211 Decrease of debt durinR September. . . . 4,0G9,015 Decrease since June 30, 1875 10,291,514 Bonds issued to the Pacific Railway Companies, interest payable lnlawful money : Principal ovtstanding 64,603,512 Iaterest accrued and not yet paid 1,292,470 Interest paid by the Ui ited States 28,202,807 Interest repaid by Uansportation of niails, etc 6,422,701 Balance of interest puid by United States 21,780,1 6 GENKKAL,. Theee is general complaint throughout the country of the want of currency of tho denomination of fifty cents. None has been printed for more thau se veo months, and the supply in the Treasury and throughout the country is entirely exhausted. It will be several montbs bef ore orders can be filled During the last fiecal ycar Chicago sold postage stamps to the vajuo of $003,000, and St. Louis to the value of f440, Ü00 Á Montreal dispatch says Ouibord is to buried on the 18th of November. Having died on that day, six years ago, the menibcrs of the Iusütute Canadienne have rhoson the anniversary of his death for the day of bis burial. The Agricultural Department erop returns for October show that the wheat erop of tho preeent year íb a Bhort ono, and that there is a marked deterioration in the quality. The av erage thus far reported is about 80 per cent. of I latst year's production. If thia indicates the total depreciation, it amounts to neorly 000 bushels, and givcs the erop at 246,000.000 bushela. In quality the erop averages 14 per cent, below a sound conditkm. The eoncUtion of the corn erop is exeeptioDally high. The product reported thia year falls short of 1874 about 4 per cent. The oats product is 5 per eent. greater than laat year. The potato erop promises to be extraordinary, both iu yield and quality. Tobacco is 2 per cent. above the average. Barley is 87 per cent of last year'a erop, and buekwheat not far from the average. Tuk Oetober report of the Department of Agriciüture contains accounts from New Jersey, Wisconsin and MinneBOta, showing a large decrease in the cranberry erop by insects and frost. The rice erop of the South is larger than usual. The sugar cane erop promises a poor yield. The sorghum erop ia representod aa generalij' fine. The hop erop is quite good. The hemp erop is very fine. The number of fattening cattle in the country is somewhat greater than last year The greatest loss by the Virginia City tire will bo the Btoppage of work. The destroyed machinery for cmshiug ore and separating dross from the preciouu metal cannot be replaced in leas thau four ïnonths. The gold product will bo lessened thereby $1,000,000 per month, and the silver product él, 500,000 per month.... News bas reached Uoston tliat the orewi of two vesse's which left that city last aummcr have been killed and eaten by canuibals in tho Sontli Pacific Oceau. According to the story, the ill-fated véasela - the barks Jewess and Delia 11. Lo)ig - becamc becalmed in the Auckland Islauds, were boarded at night by hordes of cannibals, who overiowered the crowa, plundered the ships, scuttled them, earried the prisoners sshore and had a big feast off them. POUUCALi The official vote oí Oliio at the Oetober elcction, as returned to tho Secretary of State, shows tho following resulta for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor : Governor - Hayes, 297.813; Allen, 292,264. Hayes' majority, 5,549. Lieutenant-Goyernor - Young. 297.93Í ; Cary, 287,968. Young's majority, 9,963. Tue official canvaea of the votes of Nebraska at the recent electiou shows 40,000 cast. The new Conaütution carrieB by nearly 25,000. The coupon leaviiag to the people the power of locatiug the capital hsa 7,500 majority. The coupon giving the people power of expressing preference for United Statoa Senator has 18,000 majority. The Republicana elect everything excepting two District Judges and ono District lUtoruey. FOKKIQN. The Prince of Wales embarked at Suez on the 26th of Oetober, and immediately aailed for India. ...The Servinn Parhameut bas paSBed, by a vote of 61 to 42, a motiou for war with Tnrkey. Advioes from Madrid deny the story of the love affair and aesasHinatiou in wbich the Kiug of Hpain was representcd as tho principal actor .... A council of physiciaus bas deelared that Count Vou Aruim is unable to bear tho prolonged imprisonment to which he has been senteneed.. . .Smperor William, in a ajïeech to the Germán Parliament the other day, aaidthat " Ho far hh human jiulgment candiscern, peaco is more ai-wnred thau at any time during the twf nty years pieeediug tho reconstruction of the empire." A Londok paper, in au article on the otttle plague, saya the mlnibeï of caaes in Eugland for the quartor ending on the lGth of October was as folloWs : In Somersetshirc, 83,000 ; Cheshire, 50,000 ; Dorsotshire, 48,000 ; Glonceatershire, 44.000 ; Oxfordshire, 3Ü.0OO ; Warwickshire, 33,000; Norfolk. 31,000 ; Cumberland, 23,000. Throughout England and Walen there were for aome time over 500,000 cases. The monoy dainago is estimated at 1,000,000. The Carliat committeo in Londou claims to have nows of a great Carlist victory in the Province of Navarro, Spaia A dispatch from Borlin reports that Ardibiahop Ledochowski will be expeiled from Germany as soou as bis term of imprinonment expiren. . . . Kni;lRnd, the Ilong Koug diapatuhea Biato, ntill persirtts in her demandn, wliich tho Cliineao govornment characterize aa " unj aatitiablo auu indecent." A Cairo diapatch says the Egyptian army has entered Abysainia. and that the AbyasiniuuH are retreating, offering no resistance.. . .News has been received of the British expedition to punish piratical natives on the Congo river. in África, for mnrdering Engliah Baüors. Tne en tiro squadron on tho coast of África was engaged, and sent boats up the river. Many vilíages were destroyed aud a largo Marter of natives killed. Tüo British lost oue man killtd and six wouiided. A forcé of 1,800 Turks has beeu badly routed by insurgents in Herzogoviua.. . .A b.ittlo was recently fought between Liberian troops and a large body of native savages in África, in which the foniipr wcre totally ronted, with the Ioeb o? their aitillery.


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