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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. GEO. II. CLABK, M. I., Homeopathie Pbysician. Office and reBidence over C. Blies & Son'B jewelry 6torc, Aun Arbor, Micb. "117" n. JACKSON", Dentist, succ.wsor to C. B. TT Porter. Oflice corner Maiu and WmMny. ton-stK., over the atoro of Back & Abel, Anu Arbor, Mich. Aneatüetics admiuistered if required. COTCORO, M. I)., PhyBician and BtBWCon. Oflice and reaidence No. 7 Washington street, four doora eaat of Main, Anu Arbor. Midi. EUOKNE K. FKUEAUFF, Attorroy at LW, Nitary Pablic. and OommiBBloner nf Deede for l'cuupyivaDia. ConPuitationB in thr. Oerman or Eneliah language. Olïu-o, Hill's Opera-IIouBe, Ann Arbor, M'cb. E CLARK, JiiBticc of the Peac?, Notary Pub lic and Conveyancer. Will loan nioney for otht ra on real estáte Kccurity. Oilicc over No. 8, Huron Btreot", Aun Arbor, SLioh. WIN3ES A WOKDEIf, 20 Soutb Main atreet, Ann Arbor, Mich., wholesale anil reta:l dcalcra in Dry Gotula, Carpeta anti Oroceries. MACK & SCIIMII), dealers in Dry öoods Groceries, Crockcry, &c, No. 51 South Maiu Street. BACIÏ ABEL, dealers in Dry Goods, Grcccries, &c, &c, No. 26 South Maiu street, Auu Arbor. "ÏTTSI. WAGMBR, daler iu Ecady-Made ClothTT iuff, Cloths, Caasimeres, Vestlngfl, Truuks, Carpet Bags, &c, 21 South Maiu Btreet. JFKEDEKICK SCHAKRKRLfc, tracher of . (lie PIANO, V1OLIN AND (iUITAIÏ. Itesidence Bouünveet corner Maiu and Liberty Btreets, Ann Aruor. NOAH W. CHEEVEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Probate Office, Arm Arbor. MRS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON Office and liesidence No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. WOffice hours 8 lo 10 a. m., and 2 to 4 p. m. licfcrenccs- Prof. Sagor, Prof. Talmer. J. FRED. JBEOSS, Manufacturer of CARRIACES, BUCCIES, Lumber Wagons, Spring Wagons, Cuttcrs, Sleighs, &c. All work warranted of tbe best material. Kepairiuü doue prompU]' and reaaonaUy. All work warrantrd to Rive perfect satisfactiou. 68 Soulh Main street. CKOCKEKY, GLASSWABE AND GKOCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY Have in store a largo stock of Crockcry, Glassware, Platea Ware, Ontlery, Groceriee, &c, &c, all to be eold at iinuHuxlly low prices. No. 11 Bast Huron-sl, , Ann Arbor. HENRY MATTHEVVS, Dealer iu RESH AND SALT MEATS, Smoked Ham, Sausage, Lard, etc. Huron Street, neet to Leonard House. Orders loft by cuetonurs promptly filled. HENRY MUliPHY, Dealer iu CROCERIES, HOSIERY, CLOVES, And Notions, No. 9 Norlh Main Streel, Ann Arbor. Produce taken iu exchange. EVER YB ÜD Y ÖAYS1ThXt REVENAUCH IS TUE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 East Hurón Street, upslairs. General Law and Business Agency. Root & Granger, Having eecured the oselutive use of EOOT'S ABSTRACT RECORD BOOKS for the county of Washtenaw, wJrch they have carrliilly revised, posted and perfected, and liaviug with n eitenslve and reltable correspondence, oyened a M.NERAL BUSINESS AGENCY at No. 5 West Huri'ii utrret, iu tho city of Aun Arbor, will attend ITinpUyto tbc sa'r, purebaec and Irasing of real (ale, tbc loaning of money, collectionp, uettotiatwus, cOLtractinii and conveyaucing, life and flre mnrances, and to tbe practice of law in the variouB courts of this State. TRACY W. I'.OO t _ Ann Arbor, May 1, 1875. B. F. GRANOEIt. W. A, LÖVËJÖY, Tobacconist ! DEALS IN BOTH FINE-CUT AND SMOKING Tobacco, ÖNUFF, PIPES, Seo., At No. 7 East Huron-st., Next to tbe Express Office, ANNARBOR, - - - MICHIGAN. New Bakery ! E. STILINQ 1 " u bJ ■' C. WatMD & Co„ üh Bwt llnrou-st., as a Bakery M Confectionery Store, AM bo,os by a stn.t attenUon to buin, n io merit 'ce Cream Department. fd?SÍS 1lan'1". all kinds of F.uiU'akcs iort notSe U'"'h"} f"'' ot partles oii Uiouh ;;-k!i JtuiIb and Qonfeottonery I"ri'árto, u;,,!;;;';'s ieÜTered freeof 5h REMEMBER THE PLACE, No. 28 East Huron St.. ANN AKBOIÍ,


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