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After Forty-five Days The Ward Will

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case was given to the jury by Judge Patchin, of the Wayne Circuit, on Wodnesday. The official vote of Pensylvania gives Hartranft a majority of 14,550. ín 1872 he had a majority of 35,627. And yet the Republicana crow as lustily as a pullet over its first egg, or a banta over a mÍ8plaoed turkey's egg. It is well to be thankful for very small favors. The Bepublicans cackled prematurely over their great successes in the Colorado eleotion for a Legislature. That body stands : Republicans, 19; Demócrata, 19; independent, 1. The Democrats have a majority in the Council, and the Republicans in the House. The complete and official returns from the late Masaachuaetts election give Rice : Rice, 83,253 ; Gaston, 78,246; Baker (prob.), 8,965 ; Adams, 1,744; i'hilipg, 301. Majority for Rice over Gaston, 5,008; all over Rice, 6,033. Not a big thing for a State so uniformly and largely Republican. Bo8S Hessing (up in Chicago) threat(3U8 that the Germán element that soine time ago forsook the Republicans for the Democratie fold will return to their first love. And juat because the Demoorats were fortunately unable to elect the " Boaa " County Treasurer. We shall wish the Republicana joy in the return of all such prodigal sons. The Pullman Palace Car Company doesu't propose to be " switched off " by the VVagner Company without a struggle, and has therefore commenced suit against the latter for an infriiigenient of patenta, retaining Hon. Boscoe Conkling, of New York ; Ashley Pond, of Detroit ; and D. Darwin Hughes, of Grand Rápida. And so Detroit will have another judicial sensation. The New York Serald, a journal which certainly has no honest or reliable Democratie leaningg, has been forecasting the Presidential election of next year, based on the recent elections and the present condition and position of the two contending political parties. It gives the Democracjr 19 States and 188 electoral votes, and the Republicans 19 States (including the to be new State of Colorado) and 181 votes. According to this it is to be a " sMn and shin fight," with the chances in favor of the Deinocracy ; espeoially so as the Eerald gives New Jersey, North Carolina, and Oregon to the Republicans. In A RECENT liquor suit in Ingham county, brought under act No. 231 of last session, prohibiting the sale of liquor to minors, drunken persons, etc, Judge Crane held that giving away did not come within the provisions of the statute, and that when one person not a minor ordered the liquor and paid for it, treating the minor, there was no sale to the minor. And the saloon-keeper was acquitted. We don't believe the Suprema Court will take so narrow a view of the atatute, and yet there seems to be a very big knot hole at about that point in the law. Aud we fear that it ia not the only hole through which a shrewd dealer can find means of escape. The steainer Pacific, running between Portland, Oregon, and San Francisco, and which sailed frorn Victoria at 9 o'clock a. M. of the 4th inst., foundered ot about 8 o'clock p. m. of the same day, about 40 miles south of Cape Flattery, with the Bupposed loss of all on board, exoept one passenger and one of the crew. The crew and passeiigers numbered aome 200. - The steamer Waco, from New York to Ualveston, was burned to the water's edge while lying outside of Galveston harbor, at 1 o'clock a. m., of the 9th. As none of the passengers or crew had been rcseued at the latest adrices, it is feared that the whole number, 47, were either burned or lost from swamped boats. - Numerous other disasters and losses at sea are reported. The Detroit Tribune wants a city ordinance prohibiting the opening of saloons upon election day, saying : " This is important as a safeguard against rioting and drunkennass, and as a defense f or the purity of the ballot box." It should be a State law, applicable to every town and city ; and municipal and local authorities, pólice and constabulary officers should be required to enforce it. Our liberties cannot be maintained or our institutions perpetuated with drunken electors swarming around the polk, and with votes bought and sold for beer and whisky. Election day is the one day when every electo1 should be sober and in the exercise of his best reaeoning powers and judgment. It is the day when many olectors deliberately drink unto drunkenness, and barter their votes for the very liquor on which they get drunk and disqualify themselves to intelligently exercise the elective franchise. A reform in this direction cannot come too soon. The Chairman of the Pennsylvania Democratie State Committee makes dreadful faces at the New York Democrat, charges upon thein interfereuce with the Obio election, and alleges that " had these men been true to the cause of Democracy we would have carried the State (Pennsylvania) by 100,000 majority" If our PennBylvania friend would pluck the dead and decaying rag baby from his eyes- a strange god for Ohio and Pennsylvania Deniocrats to run after - he would see that defeat on such platforms was inevitable in both ühio and Pennsylvania, and that the same demagogical and antiDemocratic platform would have asguredly lost New York to the Democracy. The Democracy of the country should slough off some excresencea, and bury some dead issues, but it cannot aftbrd to turn its back ' upon its long and honorable record in favor of the oonstitutional currency gold and lilver. i This is what the New York Evening Post, a journal that until recently has been so radically Republican hnd so bitterly anti-Deuiocratic that it has printed Kepublioan with a cap. R, and Democrat with a small d, says of the reault in New York, or rather of ono of the factors in the cause of that result : " Throughout the State the ticket which directly represented Gov. ïüden and the work of administrativo reform in wbich he is engaged has uot received so heavy a vote as was expected. TherR are several obvious reasons for this. In the first plaoe the Governor has incurred the enmity of all the persons who are interested in preserving the corrupt system which he is endeavoring to destroy, or who are threatened with punishmeut for the crimes which theyhave committed under it, or who are about to be compelled to surrender the gains ill-gotten from it. ïheynotonly voted against the ticket which repreeented him and hia work, but used all their iufluence to induce others to vote against it." And that was what out down the vote in New York city and all along the canals. The Ring and Canal thieves struck hands and made conmion cause with the Republicans. In face of such a combi nation the Democratie success is remarkable. Those Republicana who are calculating with such certainty on the election of a Eepublican United States Senator from New Jersey, to succeed Sonator Prelinghuysen, are "counting chickens before thejr are hatched." The New Jersey Legislatura ineets annually, and therefore a Senator will uot and oannot be elected until the session in January, 187". And because there is a Republican majority on joint ballot now is no sign that there will be such a majority in 1877. The Sonate of New Jersey is a classified body, consisting of 21 members, seven being elected each year, and holding office for three years. In the Legislature of 1874 the Senate stood : Rep., 14 ; Dem. 7. In 1875 : Rep., 13; Dein., 8. In 1876 the Senate will stand: Rep., 12; Dem., 9; a gain of one Dein. over the Símate of 1875, which elected a Democrat to the U. S. Senate. In the Legislature of 1874 the Republicans had a majority of 11 on joint ballot ; in the Legislature of 1875 the Democrats had a majority of 17 on joint ballot ; in that of 1876 the Republican majority will be 15. A similar turn over in 1876 will give the Democrats a majority in 1877, just in time to elect Senator Frelinghuysen's successor. And New Jersey is about certain to turn over every year. A correspondent (a homeopathie physician) writes to the Free Press, as8erting that the large majority of the homeopathio profession in the 8tate are dissatistied with the way the Regen ts executed, or failed to execute, the law making an appiopriation for a Homeopathio College. He assumes that the action is an evasión of the provisions oí the hw ; that the law oontemplated a full and independent college, with a full corps, instead of two Drofessors ; and that in the present arrangement the regulare or oíd school, " have their iroa heel on the new institutiou : " all of which assumptions are without the least warrant ia fact. The Legislatura well knew that a full and complete college could not be supported on $6,000 a year, and the promoters of the bill did not contémplate such a thing. When the Legislature wül signify that desire by appropriatlons sufficiently large to establish, equip, and opérate a college with all its chairs, the Eegents will be glad to admiuiater upon such a college, and the "old school " will rejoice and sing songs of praise. About the " censorship of six or seven allopathie professors," it is all in the eye of the correspondent. The professors in the " old school " will simply certify that the studeuts attending upon their lectures have discharged the duties imposed upon them and passed satisfactory exantinations, each professor for himself. If all the lectures have been taken in the " old school " they will be recommended for graduation by the " old school " faculty ; if they have taken homeopathie lectures the homeopathie professors will recommend them for graduation, and they will gradúate from the " new school " or college. The writer of this article was present at two meetings of the Board of Regents prior to their final action, and heard eminent homeopathie physicians, from various sections of the State, commend the plan. The fact that the ultra members of both schools of medicine are dissatisfied with the plan is evidence that the Regents hit upon the wise mean. - Does not the dissatisfaction of the Free Press correspondent, and of his homeopathio friends who agree with him, come from the fact that the " regulars " or " old school " accepted the situation go wisely, iustead of " throwing up the sponge " and leaving the field to the homeopaths ? Iü the Pound murder case at Grand Haven on the 29th uit., the jury having found John H. Fuller guilty of murder in the first degree, he was sentenced to State Prison for life. Meivin C. Fuller, the son was acquitted. The jury was out welve hours in his case. John H. was convicted on his own confession, and he swearing that Watson, not Meivin assisted, the jury gave young Fuller the benent of the "doubt." Watson has not yet been tried. Two men were crossing the river opposite the Scanion House in Saginaw on the 5th, in a The boat capsized and one of the men, George Oliver, was drowned. His body was recovered in about an hour. Oliver was a woodsman, aged about 26 years, and was from 8t. Thomas, Canada. Joe Fournier, a notorious rough, was murdered at Hawkins & Co.'s doek, Bay City.on the 7th,on returning frora a Sunday excursión to Bay View. A coroner's inquest rendered a verdict that deceased came to his death by a blow with a mallet in the hands of Adolphus Robinson. Robinson has been arrested. The Boston Advertiser says that the Detroit and Bay City Railroad Co. defaulted in the interest due November 1, on f 1,906,000 eight per cent. inortgage bcrads of 1902 of the company. The interest on the $424,000 eight per cent. mortgage bonds, which are guaranteed by the Michigan Central, was duly paid. On the 5th inst Samuel F. Henderion obtained a judgment for $500, for injuries nustained by f'alling into i street excavation.


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