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The Board Of Supervisors

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Thursday, Oct. 28, 1875. Board met purguant to adjournment. Citlled to order by the chuirinan. Iioll called ; present a quorum. Journal of yesterday rund and ap proved. Mr. LeBaron moved tluit the comniunicatiou from the Auditor General in relation to State ïax be spread on the journal. Auditor (íenekal's Office, ) Lansinu, MlCH., September 6. 1875. ) To the Clcrk of the Board of Supervisors of the ('uiinttj of Washtenaw SlB- You ure hereby uotih'ed that a State ïax has been ftpportiuoed to the rteveral counI ties of the State, according to the last retuins I ot the aggreg&te valuation of tuxable property therein made to t.his ofiiee, uud as equalized aud determined by the State Board of Equuhzation at their session in August, 1871The amouut ot State Tax apportionei to 3'our couuty, ander various acts of the Legislature, is hs follows, to wit : New State Capítol, act No. 4, 1872, ÏIO.OOO.OO University- Aid, act No. 32, 1873, 1,67&.OO Univereity- School oí Mines, act No. 206, 187-i, 028.00 Asyiuni ior Insane- Pontiac, act No 120, 1873, 0,000.00 Iiutitution for D., 1)., and B., act No. 67, 187ó, 2,712.50 State Public School, act No. 76, '70, 2,499.13 Stntr House of Correotiou, aut No. 96, 1875, 3,760.00 County mdehteduess to State, act No. 163, 1876, 811.70 Aggregate of tax aud indebtedness, $2(i,873.33 You will caust the above to be laid beiore the Board of Supervisors ot your countv at their session iu Ootober next. Very respeotfully, Ralph Ely, Auditor (ieneial. Mr. Ball from committee on rejected taxes ánade the following report : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Wiishtenaw County : Tour cominittee to whom was referred the subject of Kejected Taxes respectfully report that they have examiued the commuuication from tlie Auditor General and find charged back to The several townships and wards the foliowiug sums, which they recoinmend to be re-assessed npoil such townships, wards and property in accordance with the descriptive list furaished by the County Treasurer and Auditor General : Aun Arbor City, lst & 2d wards, SI 17 38 " " " 3d & 4th warda, ;m -8 " " " 6th (fe üth wards, 18 13 " " Town.ship, .') U(i Bridge water, - -- 5 84 Dexter, - - - 2 24 Freedora, - 439 11 Manchester, - - 60 87 Northfleld, - - 2 00 Pittsfield, - - 14 51 Saline, ... óu 34 Scio, - - 2lJ 47 Sylvan, - - 26 ÜO Webster. - - - 1 1(3 York, - - - ö 66 Ypsilanti Township, - 10 03 " City, lst district, - 202 78 " " 2d district, - 80 76 Total, $1,670 32 All of wliich is respeotfully subiuitted. L. L. Balt., ) „ David Depue, 5 oomMr. Ball, froin the committee on frac tional districts, presented the l'ollowing report : Your committee on fractional school districts report as a basis ot aiiportionment in the several fractional districts of Washtenaw coun', as follows, to wit : I naso from Decrease setised ralaatlon. percent. Augusta, ÍÍ3.440 .188 Aim Arbor Town, 66,950 .147 " " City, 1 & 2 w., 166.78Ö .064 " " " 3Jí4 w., 54,31!) .124 " 5fe6w., 41,370 .151 Bridgewuter, 84,520 .22 Itexter, 43,01o .15.3 Freedom, 8,918 .0303 Lima, 80,905 .207 Lodi, 72,485 .161 Lyndon, 43,880 .205 Manchester, 1 15.800 .247 Northfield, 17,665 .058 Pittsfield, 109.000 .197 Salem, 55,835 .138 Soio, 68,130 .111 Superior, 105,390 .23 Saline, 100,000 .183 Sylvan, 100,420 .226 Sh.iron, 49,210 .143 Webster, 56,160 .139 York, 89,640 .208 Ypsilauti Town, 128,880 .247 City, let dist., 143,675 .209 " " 2d dist., 65,350 .186 L. D. Ball, Committee. Mr. Young moved that the report be aceepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. LeBurou, trom the couiinittee on small pox claims, preaented the following account and recoinniended the allowance of same : Claimed. Allowed. Edward Stiling, $98 00 $98 00 On motion of Mr. Shurtleff the report was adopted. Carried. Mr. Johnson, frota committee on civil claims, made the following report and recoiii inended its adoption : Claimed. Allowed. J. W. Babbiit, 7 30 $7 30 S. W. Babbitt, 7 26 7 26 J. W. Babbitt, 6 55 6 55 H. W. Brazee, 2 00 2 00 Jas. F. Suiy, 2 00 2 00 E. O. Boyd, 2 00 2 00 Xelsoii K. Van ïuyle, 2 00 2 00 Joseph Bemington, 2 00 2 00 Wm. Ayers, 2 00 2 OU C. F. Ashley, 2 00 2 00 A. P. Buckhn, 2 00 2 00 Lucius B. Kief, 2 00 2 00 Horace W. Bieglow, 2 00 2 00 G-eorge McElcheran, 2 00 2 00 Norman O. Kedner, 2 00 2 00 Jas. H. Mead, 1 75 1 70 Edward L. Sraith, 1 65 l 65 J. G-. Crane. 10 75 10 75 Haudy, Wurster & McLean, (i 75 6 75 John Morman, 10 50 10 50 On motion of Mr. Galpin the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Shurtleff moved that the bill of Jumes Arnold be allowed at $5. Mr. Leiteh moved to amend by allowing Mr. Arnold to occupy or remove the building, whioh raotion prevniled, by yeas and naya as f ollows : Yeas, Messrs Ball, Berdan, Breining, Dtpew, Eisele, Fleming, Harper, Jobusou, Leland, Leitch, Oloott, Shurtk-ff, Warner and Young - 14. Nays, Burch, Galpin, Krapf, LeBaron, and Chairman - 5. Mr. Galpin moved that Mr. Krapf be excused for the day. Carried. Mr. LeBaron moved that the County of Washtenaw relinquish all claim to ownership of said building on Mr. Arnold's land. Carried. On motion of Mr. Harper the Board adjourned till half-past oue o'clock this afternoon. AFTEBNOON SESSIOX. Board niet pursuant to adjourument. Called to order by the ehairinan. Roll called, present a quorum. Mr. Wheeler, froin the coinmittee on criminal claims, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowauue at suias stated : ' CJaiined. Allcwed. W. H.McIntyre, dep. sheriff, $267 02 Í267 02 F. W. Cleveluuü.dej). suentf, 136 02 13ti 02 Jurtin Forbes, justice, 124 4y (3 35 ün motion of Mr. LeBaron the report was accepted and adopted. On niotion of Mr. Leitch, Mr. Hatch was excused for the day. Mr. lïobison moved that the Board of supervisors adjourn on öaturday tiext, at 3 o'olock, sme die, whieli inotion prevailed. Mr. Shurtleff moved that the committee heretofore appointed to confer with the Superintendents of the Poor, in regard to devising some plan to lessen the expense, be requested to confer with said Superintendents of the Poor, and in view of the faet of the change in the Bupport of the poor by townshipa, etc, to request said Supei intendenta to luaku an estímate accordiugly. ig$Mr. LeBaron moved to make the poor at the County House a County charge. Mr. Shurtleff moved an amendment that the whole matter be referred to laat mentiuned poor comiuittee, aud report on the same to-morrow moining. Uommittee, Brown, Kobison, and Pi ree. Carried. Mr Pieree preseuted the claim of Mr. Laubengayer, and moved that an order be drawn on the ditch fund for the amouut of (uid claim, 9.60. Cm ried. I Mr. Pierce moved that the balance of the ditch í'und be appropriated to pay the interest, at seven per cent,., on orders uil ready drawti for ís known as thb Ludwig Drixin n the townslnp ot Northfield. Carried. ilr. Jioliison moved that it' the ditch fund be not tuitficient, tbat the balance be taken trom the contingent fund. On motion of Mr. LeBaron a communicatiun i'ioiu tbe Coiinty Treasurei was receivud and ordered spread ou the journal. ('ounty Teeasurhu's Oïpicb, nn' Aruor, Oot. 28, 187.. s To llonortihlt Board of Supervisors .- Gkntt.kmjíx- 1 woulil report to your honorable body that. the amouiit of ü;ib monoy received at thi office, iroin Out. 234, 1874, t date, is as followB : üot. 2(1, John li. Crime, jus tice of peace, $i)ö 75 Oot. 29, Jortin Forbe, j ,) ou Oot. 29, R. Bealian, do 1 00 üct 30, Eilward Clark, do 5 00 Deo. l, Jortin Forbee, do Ifi OC Dec. 12, Edward Clark. do 20 00 Dec. 14, Jumea McMation, du 105 00 üec. 17, John W. Babbitt, do 10 00 Pub. 26, Muusou Goodyear, do 2(i 0C March :i0, John W. Babbitt, do 55 0C April 21, Edward Clark, do 100 00 Juue 1, John W. Babbitt, do (i 00 Oct. 10, Ezra Jones, do 10 "0 Oot. 10, Munson üroodyear, do 5 00 Oct. 14, John W. Babbitt, do 5 00 Oct. 18, G. H. Colemau, do 26 06 Oct. 18, Ezra Joues, du 4 00 Oct. 20, James McMahou, do 81 00 Oct. 25, John G, Craue, do 35 00 Oct. 26, Orrin Thatcher, do 26 00 Oct. 26, K. Beahaii, do 6 00 Oct. 28, Jortin F.,rbes, do 10 00 Out. 2S, Peter Tuite, Coutity Cleik, 30 00 Total, $680 81 All ot whiuh is respectfully submitted, ÖTiPHEN Faiechild, Co. Traas. On motion, the Board adjourned until to-morrow moruing at half-past iiiue o'elook. Friday, Oct. 29, 1875. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the chairmau. Roll called ; present a quorum. Jourual ot iaat meeting read and approved. Mr. Krapf, froin the corumittee on civil claims, reported the following bill and recouimended its allowance : Clalmed. Allowed. M. Fleming, 91,968 96 $l,y;")8 96 Mr. Shurtleff moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Wheeler, froin the coinmittee on criminal claims, made the following report, and recommended that the bilis be allowed at sums stated : Clalmed. Allowed. James McMahon, justir-, ft77 99 $277 99 CL. Bilby, dtep. sheriff, 3 00 5 00 Lee Heodriclc, 1 uu 1 00 Prinoc Bennett, 1 oo 1 00 Aiis.m P. Bucklni, 1 00 l O0 Edwaid il. Jones, i m i Oü Win. Blelark, i oo i 00 John Cady, 1 00. 1 00 Lee Ileudricks, l ih) 1 00 James J. Vun Duyoe, i 00 i oo George H, JacksoB, 1 nu i oo Horaue w. Blgelow, i 00 1 00 Nelsüü B. Vautylt'. l tu) ] 00 Roberi Lambert, i fo i 00 Klnathau Pitkin, 1 oO 1 00 Nelsoa R. Vantyle, i oo l 00 Aarou P. Buckliii, 1 oo 1 00 Solomon (J. Hamüo, i oo i oo Lee Hendricks, i oo 1 00 Charles hiemng, i oO 1 00 David Edwards, MU) i ijo Eli G. Boyce, i 00 i oo Henry I). Martin. i 00 1 00 Wm. H. Guihl, i (H) i dm Wm. H. Phillips, ] ni) i on Hiram Day, l oo i oit Alanson A M. Crosa, i uo i 00 Addisun Gilmore, i do 1 (Mi John Waterbun y, i oi i oq Otia Hall, i 00 i 00 Jamos P. Set'loy, i 00 1 00 Daniel Driscoli, i inï i M) W. RobbiiH, i iMJ ] no JüiiH'fí H. Wilts, i ()0 l tW C. Homer Cady, i to 1 00 R. Ackley, i oo i (M) 1'. li. Rexford, i no i 00 C.8. W. Baldwin, , ,H ] oo H. P&n% 80 60 Arthur Cutler, yj? ih Wm. E. Bell, 08 y Zina liurke, 80 SU Myron Bumper, 94) gg Edward Barlow, su m) Samuel Canfirld, so SO David W Cornwt'll, 80 Su Calvin F. Ashley, fio fiO Johu Campbell, m0 80 John Jebell, 80 80 George NeaL, :;i . 31 Erwin Peck, :si 31 Mai'gan't O'Brien, y8 98 Jerry William, h8 98 Daniel O'Brit-n, y 92 Thomas Hurlfy, 1 04 1 04 George Bridges, 1 ."-o 1 SO J. O. Crane, jusllce bul, 1.39 (iö 159 66 Thomas White, l,-j) sheriff; VS 28 95 .. Schaihle, 5 00 W. B. Sumner. 26 'li 26 61 W. AV. McIiAuhan, 0 09 28 09 Wm. Fauth, tüi 27 60 27 E. S. Ferry, 8 13 8 13 Jacob Slartiö, gg si 49 02 Thomas L. Ilewitt, 4: ;s 40 41 Oq motion of Mr. Warner the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Krapf, from the committee on civil claims, presented the bill of Mr. Beal, for balance claiined, due on last ycar's account, be referred to a oominittee of five. Carried. The Chair appointed as such Committee, Messrs. Robison, Pierce, 01cott, Berdan, and Harper.. Mr. Fleming, from the committee on public buildings, prosented a report of said commiitee. Mr. Leitch moved torefer the report back to the committee. Carried. Mr. Pierce, from the committee to confer with the Superintendents of the Poor, made the following report : To the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Your committoe who were appointed to recommeud some meaiis to reduce the expense of keeping the poor of this oouuty, would respectfully report that they have had the matter under consideratiou, and woald report that this Board recommend the Superinteudeuts of the Poor to furnish less meat and more vegetable food to the poor uuder their care. To furnish no tobáceo to transieut paupers, and a hmited amount to the older and insane persons, as their necessities may require. AIro, that the keeping oi sheep and au excess of work teams should be diseontinued, so far as the interest of the county will warrant. We believe the farm should furnish all the vegetables used at the County House ; even if less grain was raised. We recommend the using of all the nieiuis available on the farm to mcrease its fertility. Your commitee would also report that they have conferred with the Superintendents, aud many of the above recommeudations were agreed to, or suggested by them. All of whioh is respectfully submitted. N. Pieece, } J. J. RoiiisoN, vGom. B. Bbown. S Ou inotion of Mr. Leitch the report was accepted. Mr. Leiteh moved to strike out froiu the report all that portion relativa to tobáceo. Lost. On raotiou of Mr, Wheeler the report was adopted. Mr. Pierce moved to reconsider that portion of the report of conimitlee on rejected tax, so far as refera to the township of Freedom. Carried. Mr. Leitch moved that supervisors having incorrect descriptions be authorized to correct them. Carried. Mr. Brown presented the following : Resolved, That all the poor that are now iii the County House, also, the idiotie aud insane that are kept there, as well as those at Kalamazoo, shall be sujiportcd at the expense of the county. Mr. Kobison moved to lay the resolution on the table. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following : Resolved, By the Board of Supervisóla of Washteuaw County, that after the tenth day of November, 1876, no claim will be amlited and allowed by the Board for ieos in crimiual cases, unless sueh cases are entorad upoti the docket as the law direots, and said entry to be certified to on the bilis of eucli juntice of the peace. On motion, the above rosolution was accepted and adopted. Mr. LeBaron moved that Mr. Robison be excused i'rom service ou the Buard for the day. Carried. Mr. LeBarou moved that Mr. Wheeler be exouöed i'or to-morrow. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the iollowiug resolution, which on motion was accepted and adopted : Jiesolved, By the Board of Supurvisora of Washtenaw County, that the towuahip boards of the aeveral townships of tiie county, are liereby authorized and directed to estímate the amount required to support the poor oí their townehips for .the eiisuing year, the auiouut io estimated to be piucüü iu the tingent fund of said towuship, and the supervisor shall put the 9arue upoo the tax rol I as other township tnxes. Mr. Leitch oftVred the following resolution and recommendtd its adoption : Renolved, By the; Board of Supervisor! oi Wanhtenaw County, ttial the city Council of the City of Aun Arbor and City 'of Ypnlauü, be authorized and diraoted tö estimóte the amount required to support the poor of their cities tor the eusuiug year, the said amount to be placed m the poor fund of Mld cities, and supervisors Hlia.ll put the same upou tlie tax rolh) of their several district. On motion, the above resolution was accepted and adopteil. Mr. Leiand offered the following ros olutiou, whioh on motion, was acuepted and adopted : Resolved That J. D Olcott bc and is heieby uppomted to siiperititend and secure the publistauK of the proceedinj8 of tJiis Board m pamphlet fotm. That 1,000 copies be published nul divided equally nrnoiig tlie Beveral menibors of the Board. Mr. Leitch moved to reconsider the vote of yeaterday, in regard to adjourning nne die, to-morrow at 3 o'clock, p. M. Wliioh motion was lost, by yeas and nays as follows : Yeas - Messrs. Brown, Burch, Depew, Eisele, Johnnon, Krapf, and Leitch. Naya- Messrs Ball, Batchelder, Breiuing, Fleming, Hatch, Davis, Leiand, Olcott, Piorce, Shurtleff, Warner, Wheeler, Youug, and chairïuan. Yeas, 7 ; nays, 14. Mr. Wheeler inoved that two more members of the Board be added to the coniinittee on criminal claims. Carried The chair appointed as such oouimittee, Mr. Olcott and Shurtleff. Mr Shurtleff moved to roconsider the vote to excuse Mr. Wheeler from service on the Board to-morrow. Lost. Mr. Leiand offered the following : Resolved, That the supervisor of Saline be authorized to assess upon taxahle property of Fractional School Diatnct Number 8, the delinquent taxes of last yeur. Which, on motiou, was accepted and adopted. Mr. Galpin, from committee to settle with couuty otficera, presented the following report : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors oj W ashlenaw County . The undersijined, committee to settle with county oflicers, respectfully report that we have settled with Stephen Fairchild, Couuty Treasurer of Washtenaw Couuty, and have compared and examiued the books and vouchers of his oftice and rlud them true and correct. And also we fiad the balance due said county to be as per statement herewith submitteil, to wit: Stephen Fairchild in acet. with Washteuaw County : Balance on hand at laat Bettlement, f7,541 13 fo cash received, State tax, 49,674 48 do county tax, 58,725 Oü do rejected tax, 587 40 do Superintendents oi Foor, 9,Ü93 45 do fine money, 398 ÜG do A. A. City pay for wood and gas used by pólice, 50 00 do on acet. of tiiHane Asylum "Kal." 145 50 do primary school money, 6,339 50 do delinquent taxes, 2,002 58 do redemption taxes, , 495 03 do on acet. oí licuor tax, 10,700 00 $146,052 66 Cash paid on aoct. ot State tax, $47,180 83 do taxes and redemptiou, 1,842 89 do contingent f umi, 3,550 70 do salary of county officers, 6,012 49 do sftlary ol stenograpber, 921 36 do prlmary school money, fi,339 50 do fine money, 578 75 do Insane Asyluni, Kalam'o, 1,291 51 do House ot Oorrectijn, 832 57 do county orders, 12,738 90 do poor orders, 38,805 18 do ou acct. liquor tax, 8,018 33 do juiors and witness fees, 4,658 68 do delinquent taxes retucned, 4,325 56 Cash on hand, 9,155 42 $146,052 66 The balance yet remaining in the County Treasury belongs to the vanous funds as specified below : Due State for taies and redsinptiona, $175 81 Contingent rund, 449 30 Salaries of county officen, 1,675 00 Stenographer, 219 37 Fine mouey, 56 06 Insane Asylum, Kalnmuzoo, 731 99 House of Üoriection, Dotioit, 355 03 Poorfuud, 1,725 71 Liquor tax, 2,782 20 Juror and witness feea, 841 32 Ditch fuuil, 143 63 9,155 42 We also find that the Couuty Treasurer has paid f '2,500 out of coutingent tuud ami $711 14 out of funda due the State, on couuty orders allowed by the Board ot Supervisors in 1874. All of wluch is re8pectfully submitted F. P. GALPIN ï JOHN J. KOlilSON, t-Comniittee CONRAD KEAPF, j Ou motion of Mr. Breining the report was accepted and adopted. On motion of Mr. Leitch the Board adjourned until half past one o'clock this afternoon.


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