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NOTICE. ATTEND THE CREAT PRINT SALE NALL'S TIIIS WEEK. 87 VVooilward Avenue, DETROIT. G. W; HAYES, formerly of tbis city, Is eimneettid with thiw luiust. O o Íá - sJogía " n a h = s o g HggMg N FOR SALE. AIHMUVUM: COTTAfíE with very ttuely shaded rounds, near the Uoiversity, uúw vacti'ut and will b sold vtry low. Enqulre óf A. B, PKESCOTT. LARCE ARRIVAL OF ■ FALL AND WINTER CLÖTHING AT W. WAGNER'S Who Sells Clothiniï so Cheap tiiat lie DEFIES ALL C0MPETIT10N. All who are nressed with the liard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNEK'S. A fine stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Triinmings always kept and S-uits Made to Order. A Large stock of FURFISHING GOODS. 1496 21 South Maix St. Ann Arbor ComstocJs's 36SPRIIMC, BED. IS GUAUANTEED TO BE AB8OLUTELY N0I8ELKSS. Warranteci not to eng or íorm a trough, and to be the easiest, best and MOST DURABLE BED ÍN MARKET. Sprints beiníf doubls, are self-suppurtmij, aad h viug upper uud lower sprmgs, the bed i equally or Uht or heavy persone. 8nme bed íh ieidily acij usted to At bedateatlB oí ditfereot widthnAddrens all orders to COMSTOCK BROS., Manufncturprs. Adrián, .Mich. Illu8trated circulara and priee liat furnished on pplication to the manufacturera. TO RENT- Th i rd fioor over Bach A. Abel1 itort, 1W2 PHILIP BACH. OmZEÑS of ANN AfiBÖS A-JXTD VTCINITY. I have Jogt received a large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES All Grades ! All Widths ! All Sizes I And Low Prices ! I have now the largest stock of Ladlea', M twee uní ( hikireu.s fine shocs iu Aun Arbor Misses' and Children's School Shoe made a' Child's Calf Buttoned Shoe, whioh will certainlv outwear all othera. J Pirase givc me a cali before going els where and satisfy yourself as to shoes and prioes. JOHN BURG. No. 43 South Main Str.,1. lM7in3 - THE GREAT CAUSE ïfep HUMANMISERY. .lust I'ubliahcd, in a Sraled Enrelnjie. Prire lix cents A l.ccliirc OU tito aliiri',Tr'iitiuiiii, and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Suermatorrhcea, induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary hmissiona, Impoteucy, Nervous üebihty and Impedimenta to Marriage; Oonsuu-ption, Kpih'psy and Kits; Mental and Physical Inoapacitv, Ac _ l!y HUBÜRT J UULVBKU-KLL, M. D., author uf the "Green Book," &c. The world-renowned author, in thi ndmirnble Lecture, clearly prove f rom his own expericncf thatthe awful cousequences of Abuse may be eflectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous mirgioal operation, bouKieB instrumenta, rings or cordial ; pointmg out n mode of cure at once certuiu and eflectual, by which evnry ufferer, no matter what his condition may be may cure himself cheaply, privately and radicullv. 4KÏ1 This Lecture wtll }rove a boon to iiiousatids anti tlioumuls. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, xat-paid, on receipt ol six cents or two p.iatage wtamps. Addresü the Publinhers CHAS. J. C. KLINE & (0., 12" Bowerj. New York ; Post Office Box 4586. THE NEW ENGLANI) RANGE wlth Elevated Hot Closet, comhining all the latest, most valimlile aud eooDomlcal hnplrovemenU In COOUSg Ranges. The ncw MORNING GLORY iM'iuitifullv moanted, and acknoirledged t ie one of the leadtng Hrst cbwi i'ook. Stovm. THE WOODLAND 000K A new first rlass WoodStove; for a low prtoed stove u cannot be Inat. It has all the modern improTement. The above stovea all have the aew l'atcnt Dimisive Oven FIum, !,y which the oren b gureto be vsnljr h.-atoil at all Umea, matlng theia tlie most perfect Baken in the mancet. Tho LEVER CLOTHKS WRINGER Isa perfect BQcews. Ever; lady ba use a wrinKer tbould get olie at Pea. ■'.. Those 40 reasons forgetilng Weeds Carpet Sm,., ,,. er are yet guod onc. (Jalvamzed iko.v Toilet sets, are certaiuly the most durable. Mv Portable Uath Tubs are the best and eheapwt and' shuuld be IndiapetuaUs. Thcm metal Water FüHts everv fanxily should get one at Mortgage Sale. refftolthBTiag btenmade m the r.„„v.MJ oertain mortgage exected byWiSï" the elee.nh daj of April A n imT11? %" o Kdw.rd Ryan.d wed, whioh ""t ü( in decrlbed and ,,„L!, u' thf,PniiB(., 6:20 o'cloèk e. m., Si the „b "' Mtohigau, in LiborW of !l„„.,„ , " "'Kunr "l wirfchsaidmorttjai November A. I) 874, assigned b, widSS W in ilie office ot tbe register of i,i ri'.TOll oounty of Washtenaw, m liber 4 oí ■ la ' of mortge., on page 4, and on theSt?1?81"" December A D. 1874, ... ,ml,Hr,l („ „n"r .th 'Wot aforesaid, aasigned the same to WillUiüiKj' I whien awignment as recorded on th !,'?''■". the office ol , in ,1,''' Wmhtenaw, in Bber 4, of .iSMci.incnL Liy gages oi. page M3, by whioh delanlt th ?"" ol ale oontained in ,; n.e Pot come opeitive, on wbich mortf{aBë therp .a". bt' ed to be duo nt time of thi notice f „i ?"""■ sixty-two dollar and ñxtaen cent, and' ahuaS? ther.uii.oi thirty doüanfor m kttornlr??'"providoaiu8;.i(] mortgge,andno8Uitorni2j' at law or in equity haviDii Leu in,,;t„!"S recover the amiiunt due on aid morti;',! '" partthereof: Noüoe i, therefore hïrri.V" ■"" tbat by virtue of tlie powei of sale contLK"?' ald mortgaffe, 1 .hall sell ut puhi, lt; ó 10 the South front door of the Coèrt Hou ' " city of Ana Atbor, (Uiat hnng the biTílfl" 6 whicii the Circuit (ourt for said Countv of w i. '" iiiiwlnneldjontlietwonty-sevcMithdavofNovlmi A. D 1875, -il ten o-dook in th, f.rénoon oe(m.bhet: ilay, tbe follownif; pivminea ilewribed in sairt ' aage viz: Allo villas lot numbei fi"? Í"'-'" in block number forty-flve in tl.e vin Manchester, in said eounty and siaÍ7ge ' cording to the reoordfid plat tbereol ac" much or such purt or paris thenol ., '.hn f neoemry to aatiaf y the usonii aua uin „- moilíraue. )T1 DatedSt'ptember3d, 187. W 11.1.1AM P. O8IU8 FBKDIBIOK PUTOBTOS, ■,„ att'y tor Ari Mortgage Sale. WHEBEAS, Isaae L. Clarkson and Mar, . Clarkaon, of Manchester, in the cuunt , Washtenaw, Michigan, on the thirty.nrrtdï,2 Janimiy, in the. year of our Lord ont thoull cif?ht hundred and seventy-four, executed aZ gage to Andrew J. Bhively, of the city oí Bmi cyn, in the Htate of Xew Yurk, to secure iKv ment of cei tain principal and interest nionenhi in mentioned, wluch mortgafje was rerardeií inth. oöice of the Hoguter of Leeds in the couwy „ Washtenaw, on ibe 3ist day of Januntv i n 1H74, in Hber 4 of mortgagec, on pnj-t sn' ' : wheiea, delaull hu been made tor more than tk ty dnysinthe payment of en inatalmeut of im, ent inoney which became dut ou the nretdat,, JulyA.Ö. 1874,byreaii whereol and píZ! to tbe terms ot said murtgage uud Diortm hereby elect that 80 much of .-aid principale r mams unpaid with all arrearages of interest the! on hall beoome due and pnyable immeditttií And wberuaa thc-re is clainied to be dueand Wr,.h 011 aaid mortgage t the a.ite ot this notice thirtom hundred and oinety-mne uollara and tvelvees lur principal and interest, au sn attomejnï! thirty-flve dollars should any pröceedini; be ttkn to toreclose the ame in addition to. all othn leJ costs, and no snit or proceedinga having beenin stituted elther in law or equity to recover the aam" or any part theieof, notice is tlieiefore hereb L'iven that ou the thirty tlrst day ot Decerabcrneit at two o'elock in the afternoon of said dar at thé front door ot the ('ouit iinuse. in the ciij'of Ant Albor, eounty aforesaid ( being the place in which tbe Circuit Court for Baid íuuty u hddl and by viltue ol the power ol sak' contamed in s.iid mortgiige, I hall sell at public uuction.tothe hisbet bidder, :.he premise deicribed insHidmort gage to satisiy the amount ot principal aud ínter. t with tbfl charges ot sale and the attoruev tceanf thtrty-ttve dollars: All that oertain piece 1 of land sitúate and being in the viliage of Manchester, in the eounty of Wnshtenaw, and 8t,t8 of Michigan, umi deboribed as follovB 10 wit: Beiug twenty reet ii. vidth on from the eaat side of lot number fleven (7), in block llnrabt-rtwenij-twu C22), accordiuy toarecoldtd plat of the viliage ut Manchester, frontin ; tventv-two feet inwidtkou Exehange Place street, in the vil age oí Muchtter aforosaid. Uated UotoDer Ist, 1S7Ó. ANDREW J. SHiVKLY, ftlortgagee. John N. Gott, Attorney ior said Mortgagee. [1550. Mortgage Sale.DEFAITLT having bean nade in the eordilions of a eertain mortage madu and exeeuted by Kobert C. Ltndaey and .lerush -T. Linüaey, ot Saline Michigan, to Charlea H. Walluce, oí the mime place, dated December ninth. hïi and recorded tn the office of iUo JiL-tiistcr 01 Deeds for tlieCouaty oï Waahtenaw, Michigan, in Liberthirty oi mortgiges, onp;ige 114, on the nineteenth dayotDc eeinber, A. 1. 180a, at 11 .%, u. of said day, .- mortgagti -waa duly assúned by the Raid Charle H Wali;iceto Conutock Uill, oí Lodi, Washtenw l'nuuty, lliclii-ün, wliich assignment waa dwly executedon tlie twenty-sixth day oi July, A, 1) and recorded in the office oí the saia Kegisttrui Duedu on the Hth day oi September, a. D, 187j,od which mortgagf and the uotc ftccompanyuw the same, there íh clainied to be due two hundred and Lxty-six dollars aud ten cents, at thu date if this notice. lor principal and, ind thii i dollars as un attorney I for iu said morfgage, by which default the power oí saie contanied in siiid mortgage haa become operativa, no procedingsin law or in chanceiy having been commeiiced to recover the debt seoured hj mortgage or sny part thereof: Notice i herebj piven that waid mortgoge wil] be forecloeed i ■ sale of the moitgaged premises, to wil : All that tract or porcel of laud aituated iu the township of Saline, Waahtenaw Coanty, Michigan, known, bounded and describid as follows, to wit: B the northeawt quarler of Bouthweat quarter ol tion [20i. in township numbrr foui [4), rnuth of ranee ñve f5;, ettht, and containi. a forty eu land. Said aïe will tftke place ut the front duoi of the Court Housu, in the city ot Ann Arhor, iu raid County, (tliat bcing the p'lace whore the Circuit Court fur the County U held) on the fourth d December, A. D. 1875, at eleven o'ctock in th( noon ot said. Date d September 9th. lS7ó. OOMSTOCK HILL, D. Chamf.iï, Aseignee of Mor! Attorney for Amignee. Keal Jüstnte for Sale. TATEOF MlCHIGAN.oounty oi Washtenaw,. O In the matter of the estáte oí Richard F awryt dcooawd , notice ia hereb] giveii, ihatinpupauancc of an order granted to the undeifügued administrator of the estiite of ssüd deceased, b] Honorable Judí?e of Probate tor the couuty oí Waahtenaw, on the 28i.h day of September, A. Ü. 1875, there will be eolü tt pu)iic vendue to tbe hihe!rt bidder, at the aouth door of the Court House, in theoity of Ann Arbor. in thecüuntyof Wasiitenaw, in baid Stute, on Tueaduy, the sixteenth day of November, A. D. 1875, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon of thut day (yubject to ali ineumbrances by mortfiug'e or otherwiee existing at the time of the sale, and also subject to the rieht oí dower of the widow of said deceiised therein] the following" dencribed real estáte, to wit : Comiaeno ing on the west side of Main Btreet, in the city ol Ann Arbor, in the State of Michig-an, accorv the recorded plat thereoi', twenty-tour feet uorthof tlie southeast corner of lot nuiaber five, in bloclr number two, north of Hu ron street, range ; thence north on the east line of said lot twentyfour feet; thence west, at right angleawithfiiat line, four roda ; thence Bouth tweiity-iour (eet; thence east foor rode, to the place ot" begirniug. Hubjeet to the right of the owner of the artjoiaing building to use the hall to the upper atvtj of taid building. Dated September 28th, A. D. 187.1 LUKE COYLE, 1550] Administrator. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT ha ving been made in the conditíon of a certain mortgage ma .Ilion V. Cowsd and Dorcas Al. Cowan, his í Manchester, Michigan, to KI mi ra P. How o city of Ann Arbor, County of Wa.-iht.Hi aforesaid, on the thirty-ürsl ú b A. Poñe tbousand eighi hm an-l reccrded in the office of riipor said County of Washtenaw, on the second day of April. A.D. 1878, iu liber 19 of mortg&ges, on page 376, and that there ís uow cïaimed io be cine and unpaid ui said mortgage and the bonda panying the same, two b una red and sixty-two dollars, also au attorney'a fee of thirty-five dolls addition to all other legal cokís, a often as aoy proceeding La taken to foreclose tbis mortgage, au I subject to the further sum of !■-■ dolían and Interest to i u said niorisatre, and DO proceediiin in law or in equity having oeen luui to recover sala sumof moaoy oranyp" thereof: Therefore ootlceis hereby given, tbatby rirtneofthe power of sale in said mortgage cootafncd, Í aball sell at public auction to the higl bidder ou the eighth day ei January next, al o'clock in the afternoon f tbat day, at the front door of the Court ín tlie city of Ann ArbOff in tb? i'minty of Waahtenan aud State ofMii (that helng the building in which the Circuit Court fer said county ia held) the premises deacribed iu ftald mortgaee as being a.11 that certain piece oi"Par" cel of land sitúate and beins in the town oí' 31 ■ chestur, in the Uoanty of Washtenaw aud SU Michigau, aw described as follows, towit: B the noctli half of the northeast fraetional quartei of sectiou auinher two (2), in township Duwb1 íbur, Routh oï range aumbr : bree east, eontainha Diuetythree acres of land, according to the Unit Statew su rvt-y. Dated OcUtber 7th. 187ö. 1SBÍ John N.Oott, ELMIRA P. EïOW E Att'y tor Hortgi ■ Mn i Comraissioners JNotioe. STATE CF MICHIGAN, .,ounty o( VTuW -s. The underaigned havins been appointóo ur [ the Probate Court for said county, cüuimiüiionei-s to reaefve, xamine and adjust uit claims and mJiianiisol -ill persions ajíHinsi tlieestateoí DaviJ l'orter. late of aic" county deoeased, hereby P' noticc that dz montha ïruni date are allowed. o; I order of Baid Probate Court, Cor cieiütnrn to present tht-ir claims agttinat the e-ti!O OÍ "W "e wased, nnd that thcy wijl meet at ttie office ot Register oi Deeda, in' the city of Ann Arbor in .■lid county, on the twenty-sixth day o( JanuT andouthe26th day of April, next, at teno'Olol a. m., of eaeh of Haid days, to receive, exanuD and adjust said claimn, i'nti'd Ootober 2(ith, A. D. ists HENRY J. 1ÍANN, I Commissioner. HENK Y W. HYATTJ Comrnissioners' Noticn. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couaty of Wuriiflj nuw. as The nndersigned haviDtf been sppointed by the Probate Court for said füiinlj1. commiHBionerc to receivc, examine and adjuBt HU claiiun and demande of all persons ajíainst the estateofJohuG. UUler, late of said conntv decea hereby give nolice th t út months from d"'1" ",re iillowed, order of Baid Probate Court, foi tors to preneiit tlieir cbiiins agaiüst ll M„ suid deceased, and that they will meet at thi o( I.eoüluird Bruna, in tlie city of Anr Arbor, ■" said coiinty, on the lsth dnr ut J .inunry .ina "" the 18th day of April n;xt, "at ten o'clocl A. ■ f each of st,id daye to receive, examino M" "■ jutft said claims. Dnted Oclober 18tll, A. D. 1S75. C'HÜISÏt N EBERBACH, LEONHARD GEUNKE, CommfssiOQPrNOTXOE ia herebv given to nll persons J?'' ed to the late flr'in of MubJig & Bio. tlmt Ul7 wlll sar i:ua( culling and settling up l' ttL'CO UU ttl im B.


Old News
Michigan Argus