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fhe Ijuivereity Boat Club starts out wit sixty and more members. The juniors begun " Demothenes on th the Crown" on Thursday. The senior class ot the'Iiterary departiiicn elect their offioers to-moiTow forenoon. The Juniors fiuished their Histoiy of Civili zatiou before Prof. Adams, on Wednesday. The Iaw8 and medies will play a gnme o foot-ball to-morrow afteruoon at two o'clock The UniTersity Boat Club have chosen Tuesdays, Thuredays, and Satardays tor inictice dnys. The junior class of the law deyitrtment met for the election of officers on Toeoday, bot quietly adjourned without coOmplishiug uivthiug. The Alpha Nb Society will reaolve itself ïnto the Congres of the United States, tonight, for the discussiou of :in amenilment to the constitution. Dennis J. Caaey, of the junior class, had hls nose badly ïnjured, on Saturday, while wrestling. It was thought to have been brokeu anrl generally demolisued at ürst. Edward Everett Hale will deliver the neit lecture beiore the Student'3 Lecture Association, ou Wednesday evening ot next week. Subject : "An Original Story." The 8ophoinores kicked a foot-ball victory away trom the freshmen on Saturday afternoon last. Five games were plnyed and uo tallies were made by the poor freshmen. The junior have beeu discussiug the questiou : " Would the Ends of Juatiee be Farth. ercd by the Abolition of the Jury System P" this week, bofore Prof. HutcMns. The majority think not. The members of the TJniversity Boat Club pay two dollars nitiation fee aud seventy-five cent3 each semester in addition, in the literary department, and one dollar a year in the professional departmonts. Mr. Conway's lecture was attended on Saturday nifjht by a medium-sized audience, who seem to have been quite geuerally disappointed, both as to the matter and manner. Mr. Conway is a better wiiter thau lecturer. Religious services will be held in University Hall on Sunday afternoon uext, at 3 o'clook. A cliscourse will be given by Preaident Angelí. Similar services will be held there, at the same Iiour, on the seoond Sunday oí each month until íurther uotice. ín giving a brief sketch of liis hfe to a bosom companion, a " limb " stated that he had done a trtmmdmu sight of readiug in his life, but that after all it had doue him but little good, as he used to be running with the girls a great deal and had his hend so distracted that he couldu't remember anything. His [ frieud here heaved a sigh that such golden opportunities-or reading- had been denied him. The treshmen have selected their class seal. It is a neat affair, consistingof ashield stamped with "79" and a broad ring arouud the shield beariug the motto oí the class, Volens et Potmt - tlie whole being surmouuted bv a crown and surrouuded by a wreath, while beneath the different classes are represented by a book and drafting iustruments. The design was that of I. K. Pond, of this city, a member of the iïeshman class. At the surgical clmio on Saturday forenoon last. Prof. Maclean performed two very important operatious : one the taking of a large tumor from the neck of a lady. The tumor was in close proximity to the jugular vein and the wind-pipe, and the meest arfd most skillíul manipularon oí the knife was required and exhibited. The other operation cousisted in taking a cancerous tumor or diseased gland trom the breast of a woman aged 48 years. The incisión was just a foot long, and the gland removed weighed full three pouuds. Both patients are doing well. Tlie students completed the organization of their boat club on Saturday, by adopting a constitution and electing officers. The name chosen is dignified as " The Michigan University Boat Club." The coustitution declares that the association is for the purpose 01 improving a friendly feeling among the students, and tor phyaical culture. It declares the club to be an amateur association and as such not ehgible íor races. No member will be permitted to row in auy boat on Sunday, in the uniform of the club, nor will the use of intm. icatiug liquors or mdulgence in the use of profane or obscene language be tolerated in any ot the memben. The officers elected are : President, Ben T. Cable ; vice president, Bran 3h H Colby; secretary, Frank C. Ferguson ; treasurer, Willis B. Roberts; captain, E. W. Corwiu ; commander, Wm. H. Wells ; lieutenant commander, Howell C. Moore ; ensign, Peicy T. Cook. Managera are to be elected from each class in every department of the University. The following were chosen from the literary department : senior class, A. C. Pierson ; junior class, Geo. N. Orcutt ; sophomore class, Thos. H. Noble ; freshinan class, W. L. Axtord.


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