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The Poor Of The City

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At an adjourned meeting of the Coromon Cnunoil held on Mondoy evening last, the special on the subject of the support of the poor repotted as followrs : To the Honorable, the Cemmon Ccnmcil of thr ( 'ity of Ann Arbnr : Your conimitUse to whom was intrusted the matter of devising mitns wherewith to support the poor of the city, report : That it appears that about a,öOO haa been paid iuto the city treusury, derived from the State tux iraposed upon liquor dealers ; thut j M,JOU of said suiu has been appropriated by the Uouncil for the purchaae of a new ftre en:mi. and to repair of the old one : that the ittJante of aaid $3,ti(lü, ainountiug to Í2.1UÜ or hereabouta, is still uusxpended and not. I tropriiited. lour coinmittee therefure recoiumend that aid suni oí ï2, 100 bo appropriftted to the reief of the poor of the city, aud that the same te expended by the Supervisors of the city ut il tlia lui t lier order of this (Jouucil, subiect to such rcgulatioiis as tlie CoOQQli may make concerning the same. Vuur comruitte have been informcd that the , suiïi heretot'ore expended by the Supervisors of this city tor the relief af the poor has been iibout $4,000 anuually. Your committee, howver, deern it just that the atoresaid suni ot oney uow ïu the treasury should be expead[ bef ore oalliog upou the tax-payers of the ty íor further funda with which to meel this mcrgency. The report was udoptod, and also tlie followLQg resolutions: Resolved, That the Supervisors of tliis city are herby empowered and authorized to draw orders on difïerent merchants ol this city for I the reliel of the poor ; and that the different merctiants send in tüeir bilis, itemized, to bo audited by tho fiuance committee each and every moiith ; and that the Supervisors bring in a report of the uumber and amount ot orden, and to wlioni giren, at each regular monthly meeting of the Council. Resolved, That the Supervisors be and are directed to give uo aid or relief to any family vrhere there is au able-bodied man in such family, until such nian shall be proceedud agamst as a druukard or ragraut. Resolved, That the Supervisors are directed not to iurnish aid to trauips and tranaient persons, or persons coming in from townships recently, trom the city tumis. Resolved, That the city marshal be and is directed to proceed agaiust all trauips aud vagrunte. ïlie action is probably the wisest tliat can be titkeu without esperience iu caring for the " city poor," aud prior to a ueeded charter omeiidment.


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Michigan Argus