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I ÑEW AD i VERTISEMENTS LEFT THE KES1II:N( K OFHBK L'ÑclE' William Yost, on the ruiddle Ypsilanti road 01 Ibe inorningof Nov. 9, 1875, an adopled daughtr by the name oí Mary Edington. Was last seen ii or near tliis city. Is tall, slim, with spare counte nance, sickly, aud thouglit to be somewliat Ingane Any Information concerning her will be tlmikfnlh recelved hy herafflicted friends and unclt WÍS. VOST. Aun Arbor, Not. 11, 1S7.Ï. lyANTED- A party to eng ij m a light manufac' ' turiny business on Royalty, witb" privilege of Imyinit ltight if desired. I'roflts over 200 per oent Apply for two days to .T. CO'VMAN, 'írcr(iry riouae. 1TOTICE. H AVINO leased the Michigan Central Ruilroart Elevator and Scales at this place, I am prepared to handle urain at reanonable rates for shipper. Hiifbest mnrket price paid in caah for all kinds of gruin. T. FOHET. Ann Arbor, Nov. lOth, 1875. HILL'S 0Pï:RA HOUSE, l'msiliij Jfov, a.3, 1875. FLORAL COICERT A N I DBAWfflfí-ftOOM lITIfiFilllSI Choiee of BMttii . 7.-, cta Prquette . . . m ,;ts Gallery . . , -,r, ,.,s Tickets for sale at Fiskeá Douglas' Bookstore and at the StBte street Bookstore. Doors open ut 7 o'clock ; ourtain riees at 8. For further particuljira see proramnics. Horse Wstits. rpHK underaigned has for sale, for fall planting ■ severa! hundred large and thrifty HORfE CHE8TNUT TREES. Also Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grapes, Small Fruits, etc. Nmseiy on West Liberty utreet. . . It. G. SMITH. Ann Albor, Noy. 10, 18T5. BUY THE NEW Family Singer. 241,079 Sold in 1874! And 148,852 inore tban wcre nold br is li t; li,. si conupelitur. Wil! LE THE Wheeler & Wilson sold only 9'.',827 Howe Machine ('o. estimated 46,009 Domestic 22 700 Weed 2Oi'49,3 Grover & Baker 3l) 000 Remingtun 1 oco And no on down. So it appears from the sale of the different Cumpuniea lliat THE SINGEI1 Has More Friends and Admirers Than all the others combined ! MACHINES SOLD ON EASV TK1OIS. All partje buying a Singer and wishina to ejchans-e 1 it tor a Howe or Remin!?ton within thJee month can do ho without extra cost. I. 1.. KINNEI.I., Agent. f 1656) 2d door east of Pontoffice, Ann Arbor, Mich. ÍMEWCOWIB, EIMDICOTT CO. OPERA HOU8E B(Tir,niN, Detroit, - lich. Offer an iiiiugnally Rttrantive tock of Fine Dry Goods A.lapted to ths Winter trarte. Our stook of DRESiS PABRICS Isverylarge, and oompiises the most raílllonable abades of Silks md Woolena. Cloafcs ano Sacps IX GREAT VAIíriíTY. Faucy Goods for the ïïolïdays Fine Hosiery, (luvea, titee, Btc. Samples sent on appHciition, Prieea m ]Ow h any houae in the West. NEWCOMB, ENBICOTT & CO. rpo LOAN. From $1,000 to $2,000, On eood uuim iiluIm i .i Inri IVoperty. Inquire at the law otüce of A. J. SAWYER, AunArbor. EDWARD DUFFY HAS JUST EECEIVED AN Entire ïtfew Stock CM ffOOda fiomisting of Teas, Coffees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, BoughtinNEWYORKfrom first hands FOR CASH, and is offering tlaem at a VIT SLIÜHT ADVAKÜ over New York Cost. Iso a full line of LA DIES nnd QBNTLBMEN'8 WK AR in BOOTS & SHOES, All of whieh he in "ffcring VERY LOW FOR CASH, It paya everybody fco buy their troods for Cash. Cali and examine oods aiíd pricee, and I WILL INSURE SATISPACTON }ooñc 'Iclivprpd to any part of the City free of charge. KDWARD DUFFY. " Marnard's Blook,1 cor . Main and Ann streets lóü-i Ann Arbor, Mich. Auction Sale in Baiikruptcy. rpinc nnderslgned, aasignee in lankru]tcv o Jl Julm F. Milist é Stephen M. Webstar, nankiu)ts, irtU for sale and sel] ai public auctlon atliisothee over the store of A. A. Terry.on th rast siiic of Main Btreet, in the city of Anu Arbor on Tuuksday, November 2:th, 1S75, at ten o'clock in the lurenoon, one andlvlded half oflots nincteen aad tweiny, ia block No. fivesouth, in range No. tive west, ín MayiiMrd's Bddltion to the city of Ann Arbor. Also. Dromiasory aotei against the follow[ng persons, amouoting, including interest, to the iiiii .-i oppoaite to tneir severül names, fco wit: The estáte of Louis R. Bachoz, deceasl, (446 11 KobertE Frazer and Thomas Fraïter, 189 25 Olias J. Jolmson, ]:;7 24 ira. Martba S. Dentón, :u 20 V r 1 1 . A. l.ovcjoy, ll niilfs, 100 00 rtaomaa F. Leonard, 3 notes, 244 00 'atrick Moran, :.; n? amea li. Webster, sn 'jr. u 1 ifi Webster, 7S 00 !. 1'. Watts. 82 Ki iote of George Hoe, Becured by note of Tliomas Moe, 84 25 Vote and mortgage of Mary Jane Fosniir, 24 10 Also, notos agalnsf C. 1-iliss, F. B. [ngalls, Moses;jlaiks. E. ü. Ki aunioiit, M. McKeruan, C. P. Brigham, A. I'. Damgh, A. Hawklns, P. Carly, Alfred Thomas, John Diehl, deceaaed, o. Hawklna, deceaaed, John F. Miller, Stephen M. Webster, and ereral othei" persons, Also, a Northficld liteh order on the County Treasurer, for J80 60. Also, claims against .James F, Avery, for $19045; Spafford li Dodsley, for (48 68; and against Stephen wetwter, 1.1 m. Prestos . kram-, of Chicago, J. Q. A. Sessious, Philip Fobey, Mrs. A. Avery, 1'. J. Avery, win. II. Mallory, Ó range Webster, M. 0. Stanley, ami severa] other persons. Also, balancea due on sewiug machine l-asi-s against I.evi H. Douglaas, John Voorhies, A. Van Valkenburg, M. ('atnpion, deceased, Lucinda Goodrich, Einina Hanna. John Consty, and Leander Ticknor. Also, 300shaies of si,.ik in the Detroit Silver Mining Gompany. Also, 13 1-2 shares of stock of the Monitor and Northwestern SU ver .Mining Company, and bouda of the same company to the aniouut of (800, exclusive "f interest. Also, severa) poUcles of Life Insurance. Also, a contract for soine oil lands in Canada. Also, two writlng desks, and severa] other articles of propertv. The creditors are pocially tequested to attend sale. R. C. SEAMAN, Ann rbor, Oct, 28, 1878, Asslgne. In Bankruptcy. IN' TUK DISTBIOT COTJETof the United States lor the Kasten! iisiri(-r oJ' Michigan. In the matter of WILLIAM O'HARA, Bankrapt - in Bankruptcy. The undersigned, Assignee of the estáte of the ;ilnnr naiiK-d bankrupt, heieby gives ooÜce, tlmi pursuant to au order of said court made on the (18th) eighteentli day of October, a. d. 1875, he win sell at public auction to the hirheat liidder, on the sixteenth (16th) day of November, a. d. 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said'day, in frout of Waslitmaw Cnunty ( .mrt House, in tiie tv of Anii Arbor in said district, the several pieles or parecí of real estáte situated in the city ot Ann Arbor ín the County of Washtenaw and State of MichiJan and more partieularly described as follows, viz ' Parckl One. The east three-fourths (%) of lot three (8) block one (1) south, range two (2) east be ing about forty-niue (49) feet off the east sid'e of said lot tbree (8). with house tbereon. Thlsdescription will be sold subject to a mortgatte to F Hiuon forïl.OOO.OO and interest, 1 Pakokl'2. Lotnumber six (6) in block number two (2) south, range twelve (12) east. ïhis description will be sold subjcet to a mortgai-e to Bridget Kagan, tor $300.00 and interest. Parckt, B. Lots numbered seveD (7), eiifht (8) nine (9), and west half of lot eleven (11) all in block two (2)south, range twelve (12 1 easi, with Êbereou. Parckl 4. A piece of land on the west side of Main streel with store thereou, situated between the (iregory House and Seyler's store, and describe as beginningon the east line of lot one (1) in bloc one (1) nortu of Hurou street ia the citv of An Arbor.Michigan, fifty-five(5.5)feet south of the no'rtl cast corner of said lot, running west fifty-six (6( feet, theuce north eighteen and oue-hall' feet (18! thence east fifty-six (36) feet to the east line of sau lot, thence south eignteen and one-half (18V) fee to the place of beginning, PAHCBL5. A piece of land with store thereon situated mi the eust side of Maiu street between the Savings Bank and (ranville's store, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, being about thirteen feet and nine inches (13.9) front on Main street and about twenty-six feet and eight inehes (26.8) 'deeL audbeiug bounded and described as follows to wit' l oiiiineucing thirty-six feet and three inches soutli of the northwest corner of block one (1) south of Uuron street, range foui (4) cast, running thence nasi parallel to Hurou street twenty-two feet and two inches (22.2) thence south thirteen feet and nine inches (13.9), theuce west twenty-two feet and two inches (22.2) to Main street, theuce along the ■is) line of Main street thirteen feet and nine (18.9) inches to the place of begiuning. Also a piece "l land commencing at the east end of the aboye described land, running thence east four feet and two inches (4.2), thence south thirteen feet and nine. Inches (13.9), thence west ftnn feet and two inches 14.2), thence north along the east line of the foregoing thirteen feet and nine inches (13.9), to the place of begin niug, the last described piece of land extendiug upwards as high and no higher than the space occupied and covered by the (irst story of the building.standing on the said last mentioned and descrlbea premises. The last tline parcela being pareéis three (3), four (4), and five (5), will bc sold subject to a uiortiraKe to B. J. Howeli for S7.O00 and interest. s Dated Grand Bapids, Mich., Octoher 20th 187ó JÜLIUH HOUSEMAN, Assignee! Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ofWashtenaw 68. In the matter of the estáte of Ludwig C ■ Miller.deceased.Notice is hereby giren, that in pursuance to an order granted to the undersijjned administrator of the catate of aid deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County oí Washlenaw, on the seeond day o November, A. D. 1S75 there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest' bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the twenty-first day of December, A. D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the tbrenoon of that day, (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of taid deeeased, and also subject to the right of dower of the widow of said deoeased therein),thefollowingde?oribed real estáte, towit : The west huif of (be northeast quarter, the east half of the southwest quarter, the east ten acres of that part of the northweBt quarter of sectiou twenty-nine lying simth of the road running east and west on the north half of said section and subjeet to a right of woy as reserved in the deed from Godfrey Miller to said Ludwig C. Miller Also, the west three eighthn or west thirty acres of the west half of the Dortheast quarter of section thirty, and the toutheast quarter of the'soutbwest quarter of section twenty, except the west nine rods and echteen inches in width, all iu town two sotith, in range five east, in said state Dated November 2d, A. D. 1875 HENRY PAUL, Administrator. Estáte of Oramel Beckley. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw s. At a session of the Probate Court for tht eounty ot Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office m the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday the third' day oi November in the year one thousand eiifht hundred and seventy-tle. "K'" Present, Noah W. Cheever, .Tudge of Probate. deccased11" f OrameI Beckley, Hophia Bockley, Executrix of said estáte, oomes into court and represenst that she ia now prepared to render her account as mch executiix "!'"" Thereupon it is ordered Ihat Wedneslav, tht hrst day of December next, at ten o'cl. ck iñ the torenoon.beassigEd for emining and allowing such account, and that the devisera, leñatees and bBlia at law of said deceaed, and'all othe, m,son mterertod in said estáte, are required to apwa.' atasession of smd court, then to be holden at the Probate Offlc-e, in the city of Ann Arbor, in aid county, and show cuse, if any there be, whvthe said account should not be allowed : And It ta fur ther ordered that said executrix give notice to the persons interesad in smd estáte, of the pen leúcv of said account and the hearing thereof, ov causinga cory of this ordei to be published in the Michigan Argu,, a newspaper printt-d and circulating m said county, thr,,e successiva weeks previoub to said day ot honnng. P (Atruecopy.) NÖ4H W. CHEEVER 15"w4 Judjre of Probate. JIVE (ÜJSBE ATHÍg Conetontlyon hand and for saleby B ACH - ABEL.


Old News
Michigan Argus