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Samüki, T. Abbott, of OsBipeo, N. H„ rccently murdercd liia wife by sovoring her head with an ax. Ho tben h'ing hinisclf. bnt was out down beforo Hfe was extinct, and is now in jail Tho First National Bnnk of Pittaton. l'a., was entered by burglars, laat week, and robbed of f40,000 in bonds and mouey ïho MasBasoit Mille, at Fall llivor. Maes., have been destroyed by fire. Los, #150,000. TnK Becobcr Hcandal bas been suddenly revived by the New York and Brooklyn Association of Cougregatioual pastors, who have appointed a cemraittee to investígate charges against Mr. Beechci-. H. 15. & Co., tho well-known Now York dry good merchants, havo been iudictcd for smuggling BÜka IntercBt in Sloody and Sankoy's revival meetings in Brooklyn íb on the decliuo, and tho attendanco is groiving smaller eacli day Lewis G. Phillips & Co., cap manufacturéis of New York, have failed for a heavy araount. . . . At a business meeting of Plyraoutli Churcli, Brooklyn, last week, tho naraes of Deaeon West and Mrs. Francia D. Moulton were dropped from the roll of momborHhip on the ground of continuad abaeuco. Sire. Moulton protestcd through her counsel, RogerA. Pryor, stating tliat her absence was an enforeed one, cauBed by tho crime of adultery committed by Henry Ward Beecher, which sho koen to be trne through eonfessions and othcr ovidence. She declared her disposition to discharge all the dnticB dcvolving on lier as a member, tb at are consistent wit.h with her kuowlcdge of the adultcry of the pastor and his false swearing with regard to it. TnE committee of roverends chargcd with investigatiug Boecher promiso to do their work thoroughly. They propoae fii-st to scratinize closely the evidenco brought ont in the scandal trial, and then to seareh for new evidence. The f ollowing are namcd as the committee : lïov. William SI. Taylor, of the Broadway Tabernacle, New York ; ltev. Dr. Wm. Ives Büddington, of tho Clinton Avenue Church, Brooklyn; ltev. Profs. ParsoiiB and Martin, of the New York Theological Seminary, and llov. Charles H.Everest,of thoOburchof the Puritana, Brooklyn Tho undertaku-e of Williamsburgh, N. Y., are greatly excited about tho (]ueer operatious of a cofnn-maker in Ihat city. It ha been discovored tliat he waa in the habit of robbing cemoteries of tho coflins deposited in newlymade graves. Hiu plan was to visit a graveyard at night, remove lbo coflins from tho rough boxcaHes,lakethccorpso out of tho coflin, put it in the box and relill the grave. The oofïms thus procurcd would bo taken to the city and sold to some undei takor. The offender, whoBe name is Wm. Blake, bas been arrested. Dnring the performance in a New York theater, the othcr eveniug, Superintendent Jenkins, of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, raided upou tho stage and took in charge tho Httlo trapeze performer kuowu aa Leo. Tho weo acrobat, who is about C years old, waB m tho act of walking a tight rope with a balancing polo at tho time of the raid. Wheti it became known, however, what was the object of thewholo affsir, tho audience gave expresfions of their satisfaction and sympathy in a burst of applause. Thh people of Saratoga county, N. Y., are excited over the discovery of tho defalcation of Henry 1!. Mann, who has been tho Treasurer of the county for the last fifteen yearx. It is kuown tliat tho sum of his stealings wil] reach $140,000, and may largely excecd that amount. Tho New York Order of United Iriabmen liedivivi has tried another one of its mombers for treasou and condenmed him to dcath. Patriek .1 WalBh is tho alleged traitor, and makes the third person condemned Haight, H&Lsey A Co., of Now York. heavy importera of batters' goods, havo suspended. Their liabilities are -15750,000. THE WEST. Josei'h N. liTZEOY, late Deputy Collector of Revemte at St. Louis, lias ploaded guilty to the indictments agahist him. T. D. Thorpeau, an indicted storekeeper, aleo pleads guilty. The baekbonc of tho St. Louis whisky ring ïs thoroughly brokeu. A jjeiuuiiLK murder and suicido is reportcd from Kokomo, Ind. David Bobinson, whilo laboring nader a temporary fit of insauity, attompted the murder of his entiro family. First by hooting ar,4 ldlhug oue of his children, then firiug at bis v.ifo, bat missing her, and sho making her encape gave tho alarm. Èobinson then shot and killcdja secondcliild and wounded a third in tlie face who made its escapo. Not yet satisfiod, Robinson nearly nevored one of the dcad children's heads from its body, and left the houae. His body was subsequently found lying ncar the railroad track, where he had committed Buicide. Thk United States Grand Jury at Chicago has found about aixty indictments against partios charged with criminal violations of tho intcrnal rovcnuo laws relating to whisky. Most of tiloso implicated reside in Chicago, and many of then, are prominent citizens Mrs. Smith, of Brooklield, Mo., was handliug a loaded gun the othcr day, when the weapon was disebarged, the load p;vsing througli tho body of her littlo daughtor and prodooing almost instant death. . . .The NorthweBtern Railroad Company bas purchased and will beroafter opérate the Rockford, Rook Islaud and 8t. Louis road . . . The National Gold Bank of San Francisco has gono into voluntary liquidation. Croditora will bo paid in full. A miiuum.K murder occuned at Kpringfiold, Mo., lately. A womau namcd Mary Collins went iuto the room whcre her lmsband, James ColliuK, wm feeping, nul Beizing an ax Hplit bis skull in two, killing hun inatanUy. yho then attempted to morder her HUJe da'ughter, büt the child made her escape to a neighbor'a. F.lder Morgan, au apoetlo of tlic Hormon religión, appointed by Brigham Yonng to evangelizo Illinois, Kentucky and Teuneasee, bogan his "work of grace" at" Bloommgton, 111., laat Sundav, by addrossing a largo meeting npon the " Tenets of tho Mormon Faith." Itishia intention to thoroughly canvase the threo States uanied in tho interest of Mormonism. Distin"i' ahocks of carthquako wero feit in different aectioiis of Kansas early ou tlie morning of the 8th inst. Tlio vibratiouw ere from cast to went, and wei e aocompanied by i heavy, dull, rumbling sound. Buildinga were oonsiderably shaken, and tho inmutes, in somo ckkub, much alarmed, bat no damage was done. Tui: wliisky ring throughout tho West is thoroughly demoralized. In Cliicago nearly al] the ditillers have been indicted and will soon ba brought to trial. The evidence againgt tiicm íh aid to bo of vory positivo character, and cannot rail to convict. Tho St. Louis ring ík oompletely bursted. Komc of the most prominent citizens havu been indioted, including William McKee, of tbc UtOlte-Democi-at, Con■tantine Maguiro, late Kcveime Assessor, im! othera. Tliey have retiincd Dan Vooihees and Ben Butler for the defonso. A review of tl-.o operations of tlie Kt Louis ring Bhowd that daring the last few years they have defraudad the govemment out of at least a milüon dollar annually. At Milwaukf-e a lnrge number of dtstillen are onder indiotment, and tho proBeculions wil] bc pushed vigorously. THE SOUTH. Two severo earUiqAake shocks were feil i.i Atlanta, Ga., and the Burrounding cou'jtrv on tbc 2d iuBt. There waa a rumbling sound, with a wnving motion, which ahook tl: earthafid booaes, causing somo alarm. WASHINGTON. Thebb wr.s coiued at tho various minfn ui (lic country, ciuriug (ho month of Ootober, $5,785,225 worth of all kiudn of Ooiu Tho prooeediugsof the Xhird Distriot Court of Utah Territory, orderiDg tho imprisoument of Brigham Young until 19,600 be paid by him to Aun Elizaoung, was brought before the Cabinet, at a meeting last week. and i,v them referred to the Genei al, with a tíew of deterniining the exact status of tho cape. The iincHtion ureseuted in, whetlier tho ai-rcst of Brtgham loung couKI bc made on tho grouuds claimed by the woman, for die reason that her nik: i ge with Young was illegal, beiug oontrery to the laws of tUe IJuited States, and tfaat slio caiinot tako advantago of lier own wrong. The Secrotary of tlie Trcasury has addressed a circular to tho Collectors of CuBtoms annouucing Uiat no importalion of neat cnttlo or hides be allowed from Englaud from this date, in consequonco of tbo prevalcuco of the niouth discase in that counlry. Aikiustiw N. Gavi.oup, of Michigan, lias heeu appoiutod Assista'.-.t Attorney-General for the Interior Department, vico Wm. A. Bmitb, rosigned. The CommiBsioncr of Interniü Revcnnc has decided that under the statutos all inventions for ageing KpiritB, when bronght into use in bonded warehonses, according to the proposition mado to tho departmont, constituto thc work of rectitieation üiuljnivilication, and those using snob, proceeeeabeoomereotifiers of spirita and subject to taxation as such DuringOetober 20. 138,000 postal cards were iseued by tlio rostoffieo Department, the largest issue by at leaat 5,000,000 ever made in tho same time. . . . A Washington telegram states thatalargenumbor of Bpecial agents are employed in investigating Frauda in the peneion basinesB. Tlieso frauds are cliielly in tho West, and therois rcasou to bclíovo that tho total amount of money which the government is defraudodof annually by this means i mi enormou aum, Ono of tho special agenta fixes tho sum as high as $2.000,000. lie thinks thatamountof money is illegally paid out to icrsons claiming to be pensionéis. A Washington dispatch says it is now certain t'.iat tinte topics, at least, will bo largely dwolt upon by tlio President in his coming message to Congresn. Those. three topics will embrace the public school questiou, tho finalices, and the condition of affairs in Cuba. It is said he will urge, as he has done herotofore, tlie justico of recogniziog thc rights of the bclligerent Cubans ; will como outBtrougly against the (Iemands of Catholicism: and wiil take advanced ground in favor of an immcdiatc return to specie payments The Postónico Department lias rulcd that wlicre a postal card is to bo sent tlirough tho mails a second time, a cent stamp is not enough to secure its transmisión. It must carry letter pobtage. rOLITICAL. Dít. Isaau J. Hayes, tlio well-known Arctic oxplorer, was olected to the New York Legistine on tho Bcpnblioan ticket, at the rocent election in that State Tho complete vote for Goveruor in Iowa at the late eloction was as follows: For Kirkwood, llep., 125,06'J ; for Lelller, Dem., 08,324. Kirknood's majority, 31,745. Tliero wag a scattering Tomperanco voteof a few hundreds. . . . Ex-SenatorPeaso, of Mississippi, who has lately hclil tho Postmastersbip at Vicksburg, ha been dismisscd from tlie office. Tm: fnll voto of Massachusetts on Oovernor, at tho recent election, i as follows : Gaston, D:m., 78,240; Rico, Rep., 83,523; Baker. Temp., 8.1)65; Adams, In., 1,774; Phillips, Labor Eeíonn, 301 Full afilóla] returns of the l'ennsylvania election gtvo Hartrauft, Itep., a majority of 14,510. GEJiKKAL,; A DHPATOH from Qnebec Btates that during a recent gale and snow-storm in tho Islo of Orloans an accident oceurred at St. Famillo, by whicU about twenty persons lost their lives. Tho pcople, who were prinoipally residents of tho island, wero retiirning from market, and wore being lauded from a steamor in a scow, whicli capsized, and all on board, with ono cxception, wcre drowned. Two new planets of tho twolfth magnitude havo been discovered - one by Palioa, at Berlín, and tho other by Paul Iloury, at Paris. Tiiree üshermen wero drowned ncar Harrisville, Lake Hurón, one day last week, by the swamping of their boat Tho United Statos Direct Cable has been suceeesfully repaired, and is now in good working condition. Tuk Spanish government in Cuba has forwarded to its agent in New York city orders to buy up and ship at once $500,000 worth of ammunitiou and provisions. Tho feai' of American intervention at an early day is stated as tho reason for these largo purchases The direct Atlantic cabio has boen repaired, and is now transmitting mesaages as usual. The colored cadet from Mississippi who has been causiug bo much troublo at the Annapolis Naval Academy, has been dismissed from tho Academy by the Secretary of tho Navy. Akkangement.s have been perf ected by which through bilis of lading and through tickets fo'passenger aro to be issuod from all leading European cities to China, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, via New York and San Francisco, and vice versa The steamship Pacific, which sailed from Victoria. Vancouvcr's Island, for San Francisco, on Thursday morning, Nov. 4, was wrecked the samo evening, forty miles south of Cape Fiattery. The ill-fated vessel had on board 108 persons, only one of wuom escaped. The survivor," Henry L. Jellj', savcd himself by clinging to the pilot-house of the wrecked eteamor, and was picked up a day or two aftenvard by a passing vessel Charles Reado's delightful romance of " Foul Flay" has its counterpart in a thrilling tale reported from New York. Ou a lonely islaud of the West ludían group four bodies were recently seen by soa-faring men. Who they were, howlong they had watched and waitcd, what their presence thero meaut, is not rovealed. FORKIGN. Sik John Gaiidner Wilkinson, the ominout English archeologist, is doad The ship Catherine Griffiths, from S'.niderland, England, for liïo, bas been wrecked on the Scilly Islands. ISight of her crew were drowned The German missious to Italy havo been raiscd to embassieH. . . .More heavy commercial failures are reported from London. Great Biuïain is looking with huugry oyes opon tho Kgyptian country. Tho l'all Mali Gazette of a recent dato says : ' ' The English occupation of Egypt is only a question of timo, as that step is uocossary for tho proservation of our Indian Empire." A dipatch from Berlin eays tho Kolsberg Arsenal lias been almoat totally (lestroyed by tire. The loss is ostimated at 5,000,000 A London telogram snys Austria is preparing, at the invitatiou ef the nortliern powers, a iroposition for guai-antees to be demanded and the control to be exercised to insure tho performance of the Sultan's promise of reform to the insurgents in his vassal States. Tiieue" is nmch sufTcring among tho industrial classes of Gormany, and tho government is being aaked to establish loan bauks as a means of relieving tho distress Advices from Husma pivo doloful accounts of tho unparalleled failuro of this year's harvest. The failuro has been general all over he countiy, and nielados overy species of crops The Frcnch Assembly met on Nov. 4 . . . . Ko f ar from beiug crashed out by Turkey, the insurrectiou in Bosnia and Horzegovina shows signs of healthy vigor. Tho military leaders in those provinces havo taken tho preliminary steps toward proclaiming a national government. A Cdnsïantinoplk dispatch says the RuHsian Ambassador bas had a long intorvicw with tho Sultan. Ho ropresented to him tho maladministration of the country, tho discontout of the population, tho dila; idstion of tho iinances, and the consequent urgency of roform. Tiuc members of tho Franco-Americau Union in Paris gave a grand banquet at the Hotel du Louvre rccontly. Two hundred gutsts sat down to the tablo, and M. do Iiabonlayo, the distinguishod inrisconsult and member of tho Ansembly, presided. Speeches wero delivered by Minister Wasliburn and Col. Foroey, who promised the liearty co oporation of America in the project started by Frcnch citizens to erecta monument in New York harbor, in commemormtion of the lOOth annivorsary of tho independence of tho United States. Tuk Princo of Wales bas arrived safely in India, whero lio was cnthuHiastically recoived. Thc Emperorof Germany mado a speech the other day, on tbo occasion of receiving tho President of Parliament, in which be laid stress on tiio emincntly ]eacoful aspect of affairs. Tliough the BoBiuan diffloulty was still uhKolvoii, be ezpressed bimsolf as perfectly confident of a peaceful fettJemcnt of that quosÜOH....A. letter to tlie London Zïmesrrom Berlín sUtcs tliat as a rcsult of tho (onforonces in Vicuña, thc powers havo determined to ank Turkey whother sho has anygnaranteceto offer for the fnlflllmentof her often-brokcD I is"H of reform.


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