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Eleetions v.erc held in eleven HtatcH on Tiietiüiiy, Nov. 2, aa follows : Illinois, Kansas, Marylund, HaésaohnsettH, MinnoHuta, ! Uissifsaippi, New Jersey, New York, Pexinsylvimia, Virginia aud Wisoousia. Wo present belnw a brief Bnmmary of tho result in (lic botoral iStatetj : KBW in;;;. In New York Hm entile Democratie ti ■seiven below, va clected by 10,000 lo 15,000 majority : Bcoretai'y of Btato- Jelui Bigelsw. Oompö'oUer- Luc'ua Bobinsón. XrosHurer - Charlea N. Bose, --C'harlfH S. Fairobild. Engineer aiid Sarveyor- J. D. Tan Baren. Canal CommiaeioDer- Cbria. A. WaJrath. Prison Inspeotoi Bodjney II. Crowloy. The Re] nMicoun liaVe ecairod a majority in botii bian'-.lieH o!' t!u Ijfihitin ". In tüe city oí New ïork, tbeeatire Tammany Uofcet was detekted by an aUiaooa of Ropubliouu and iHiti-Tuniniauy üernooratg. John Minimnv, wan plectod to tbe I State Seuate over John Fox, in tho Pourth üist trict, comprising the lower sectiou of the city. ïhe Brooklyn ring, headed by "Bosb" McLaughlin, was also routcd - the Itepnblican ticket, aided by the honest Demócrata, being elected by a largo majority, although tho Democratic State ticket carried the city by over 0,000. In New York and Brooklyn, 8 iii Chicago, it vista a bad day for rings. PKNNSÏLVANIA. Tho Iíopublican State ticket, hcaded by John F. Hartranft (present incumbonf), u elected iu Pennsylvauia by about 20,000 majority. AIASNACHUSETTS. In MaasachusettH tlie entilo Ilepublican Ktate ticket ík eloctod by a majority of 0,000. Tlio following aro tho nowly-elected Ktate of íicials : (iovernor- Alox. H. Rice. Lieutenant-Governor-Horatio G. Knight. Secrctary - llcnrv B. Pierce. Ti ennaror- Chanos Eudiartt Auditor - Juliiw L. Clarke. Attorney-General - CharloH 11. Train. Congress, one year - William W. Crapo. The LegiBkluro i largely Itepublican. MINNESOTA. Tho Eepublicaus carried Minnesota by a majority of about 10,000. Appended íh a lint of the ofticers clcctod : Governor - John S. FUlebury, Lieutenant-Governor - John B. Wakoliold. Secrctary - John S. Irgcns. Auditor-O. T. Wlntcomb. Treasurcr - William Pfaendcr. Chiof-Justice - James Gillüliin. Attorney-Geuoral - Goorgo P. Wilson. Clork of tho Supremo Court- Samuel II. Nicliols. ltuilroad Commissioncr - Wm. It. Marshall. VISC'ONSIN. The centest in WisfionsiD wan vory cloe. Iiudington, Kepublicau, is elected Governor by a very malí majority. The voto on minor Stato ofliccB is almost evenly balnnced, and it will probably reqojxe the official count to determino who aro electod. MAIIYI.ANI). . In this Stato all the candidatos on tlio Democratie ticket, aB printed below. wero elected by a large majority : Govemor - John Leo Onrroll. Comptroller - Levin Woodford. Attjrney-General - Charles J. M. Gwynn. NEW .TliUKIÍY. The eleetion in Now Jersey was for mombors of the Sonate and Assoinbly. Tbe liepublicans werc succoseful in Bccuring a majority of both. JUKHISHIPri. In MsBÍHHÍppi the people elected a Stato Troasurer, membora of tbe Forty-fourth Congress and a Ktate Lugislature. The Democratie eandidate for Treasurer and all the Democratie candidatos for Congress, with possibly one oxception, aro olected. Both branches of tho Legislaturo aro aleo Democratie, which insures a Democratie United States Senator to Bucceed Jamos L. Alcorn. KANSAS. In Kansas the electors choso a Stato Logislaturo and county oflicers. Tho Ilepublicans elocted moro than lwo-thirds of tho momber! of tbe Legislaturo, and thc couuty ofiieers generally aro of tlio samo perHtiasion. VinOINIA. Tho eleetion in Virginia was also for membeiB of Ihe TjogiMlaturo. A majority of thoso chosen aro Domocrats. II.I.INOIS. The eloction in Illinois was for county and municipal ollicers, and only a local interest was taken in tho contest, except in a foiv counties and in the largo eitios. In tho city of Chicago thero was ono of tho most excitiug campaigns iu tho w-hole history of municipal clections. It was a íight betweon honosty on tho one sido, and corruption and rascality on the other, and honesty aehieved a most eignal yictory. The Democrats proper made no nominatious. The Itepublicaus placed in the field a ticket made tip of respectaWe, trustworthy citizena. Arrayed against them were a lot of unpriucipled scalawags, placed in nomination by acombiuation of foreigners, ward bummera and tho riff-raff and offscourings of society in general, not one of the candidatos being a native-born American. This ticket was supported and voted for by all tho bad elements of socioty ; the other by tho oppoaite elementa - the merchauts, businossmen, tax-payers, and honest men of all classes. It was a bitter, determined flght, the very large vote cast - over 57,000- attestiug the interest taken iu it. Tho Itepublican ticket, which was ►mpported by large numbers of Democrats, was elocted by a bandeóme majority, the disreputables were routod horse, foot and dragoous, and Chicago is aavod froni the threatenod danger of a Bccond era of Tweedism.


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