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Agricultural And Domestic

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wome pure anti periect Runimcr mom I meet a farnior plowing coru. The sun is Rhiuing like a king, Alive and glad ia evèeythlfog. Sweet music in the robin's mouth, A Boft wind Hinging from tho Soulh Prrsuades the willing worlil to grow, From crown of oak to apple-blow. The farmer haitiug by the way, I ask, " Wlio works for you to-day?"' ■' I am alono," the man '8 reply, And wondering looks, when I deny And Bay, " Not eo. That royal sim Is nothing but your hired man, Ho comes a hnudred niíllion milos Before your brcakfast is begun - Before your wife careens a pan, To coax your .corn with golden smiles, And hang the silken tassels on, And kiss the ppaeh'a check of .iown - The farmer never toila alone. The clonds, bis angels over, Rain wine for grapCK and bnda for clover, And shading, ehining, coming, going, Weave counterpanes for wheat by flno'.ving. The robins serve him for their board, Ana eat a cherry now and Uien. Wbftt is a ruby from the hoard ? Thoy are the einless friends of meu, i'or eaving yours Ihey take their own, l'oes of our focs. Pray, drop that stone, AnA leave the red-breaet bird alone !" - B. F. Taylor. Aroiind Mie Farin. Chimneys aro excellent lightuing con ductors. In view of wliich it is recommended : First, that they be kopt clean ; then, that all the grates in a house be I connected by means of a strong wil, i sueh M is used for telegraph purposes, with a picce of metal in the earth, or with the iron gas or water pipes. Horses will work much more esisily, and lose less of their effective force, by working abreast, than when they are placed in single file. If f our liorses are to draw a load in one wagon, it is better to have a long doublé whiffletree, with one span of horses on each sido of the tongue, than to havo one span placed before the othor. Varnish brushes should never be allowed to touch water, as it not only injures the elasticity of the hair, but a resinous substance is formed in the hiit of tho brush, wüich can never be thoroughly removed, and wliich will work out little by little when the bmsh is used, des troying the glassy surface which othorI wise might be obtained. A SKiiXFUii sawyei-, in sawing a log into scantling, whicli he knows will spring, will first mark off the end into cuts ; and then, after sawing once i through on one side of the log, will saw a slab off' the other side, and finish in the middle. By this means the lumber will be about as truc as if the timber were not inclined to spring at all. That Kentucky has not long ago taken rank as one of the chief wool-growing j States of the Union, is due to the pusilj lanimity of our legislators, wlio have been afraid to levy a tax on the dogs of the dear poor man. The Grangers have now taken the matter in hand, and we have reason to believe that the next Legislature will pass a law taxing dogs. - Paducah Kcntuckian. intelligent farmer lmve been buylng steamers that are now lying in the fence corners. Grain may bo plenty in on# place, f nel cheap in another. Who can teil under precisely what circumstances it will pay to cook cattle food ? One superfine buttermaker declares that only trom raw ioou wiii ms cowb uring uie most perfect butter. - Olcott's Courant. We challenge gle box of it -was ever branded or markcd oleomargarine cheese, or that it bas ever reached the consumer abroad or at home in the legitímate channels of trade upon its own merits. If the article is as good as it is elaimed for it, and ifi designed to be sold as an improvement on skiin-rnilk choese, and not as a substilute for full cream cheese, we fail to see why there should be any objection to branding its name on it. -Boston Cultivator. I have never known a case of cholera that was not traceable to indigestión, and had the herdsman observed, he wonld have noticed the symptoms of approaching disease (viz. : extreme indolenee, thirst, costiveness, disordered skin, fickle appetite, etc,) weeks before the lisease assumed the violent form ealled cholera. If the herd has been neglected, and disease is allowed to progress till it assumes a type of cholera, it may be arrested, except in extreme cases, by giving salt, ashes, sulphur and charcoal, and dieting upon sour milk or wheat bran cooked. I have advised this treatment in a number of cases, and it has invariably proven successful. If diet and care will not arrest the disease, it has gone too far for medicine. - Live Stock Journal. Says the American Agricidturist: " An early sown erop of rye will furnish a valuable winter and early spring pasture. The cost wonld be as follows : Plowing one acre, seed two bushels, j harrowing or drilling, and if necessary Eome fertilizer. Really, the whole cost will be the seed, because the labor will be well expended on the land. A portion of this cost will be retumed in the manure left upon the field by the cattle pastured. The return will be at least equal to the value of one ton of hay per acre, which will be a handsome profit. In iddition to the value of the feed gained, the coudition of the stock will be greatly improved by a healthful change of feed at a time when it is much needed. Whnt is left of the erop after it has been pastured will be valuable to plow under, and the ground will be in excellent coni dition for a spring erop. Ahont the House. Tar and swect oil, thoroughly mixed, ; will made boots waterproof. Always tiü a coal oil lamp every day before using. The bowl should never be allowed to get empty and bo lighted in that condition, for the vacant space is aiways full of explosive gas. Bbeakpast Cakes.- One quart of flour, one pint of milk, two eggs, butter : the size of au egg, one teaspoon of soda, two teaspoons of cream of tartar, baked in a quick oven and heated paus. Fbozbn Oustabd.- One quart of ! cream, two quarts of milk, one and ! a half ponuds of sugar, yolks of four ! eggs. Mix milk, eggs, and silgar, put on j the re and let them scald ; just cook. Cookiks.- Two cups sugar, one cup butter, four eggs, one teewpoon of soda, ! two teaspoons of cream of tartar, and flour to roll. Carra way seeds or spice to taste. If put in a stotte jar they will last for a long time. Coal oil lamps will be much safer to use, if the bowls is loosely lilled with raw cotton or tow before putting in any ! oil. In case oí explosión or faUing on the floor, the burniug Huid eannot fly all I over everything. Fon damp olosets and cupboards which genérate mildow a trayful of quicklimo i will be found to absorb the moistmv and render tlie air pure, but it is necessary ti renewthe lime írom time to time as I it becomes fiüly slaked. Tliin hist remedy will be i'ouiul iisefnl in safes mul wtiong rooms, the damp air of which ftota frequently most injuriously on the blo deeds and documenta which they contain. Savino Wokk. - House maidscan save themselves a great deal of work by nsing care in various ways. A particular nail for cach cloth used about the sink.makcs it easier to keep the table at hand, in order, and to cleause the pota and ksttïea perfectly, and to make the pantry shelves neat. When water is slopped upon the Hoor, if it is wiped up, the rest of the iloor is saved from soiling. "Whole days may be saved in the course of the year, ond any amount of irritated temper spared, if every diah and kitchen nntensil is put away in its place. An intelligent girl will save her time and strength by using her head along with her hands. CjlKAM ChKESE F1ÍOM BuiTERMIIiK. - Put the buttermilk in a kettlo over the fire and heat slowly till it curdles, but do not let it get warmer titan will be pleasant to the hand when placed in it. Remove from the fire and let it set on the back of the stove till the curd separates from the whey,then strain throngh a sieve or bag. Work the curd fine with the hands, salt it very little, and then put in cream, mixing it thoroughly with the curd.


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