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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ii : : a i' i:i tim the cheipest "' OLDER THAN THE OLDEST ! His shop H first started u 1842. R N i ni i OOO corda of oi.d, 1,000 bushels of lirst uualüy ii cors, In exchange for Saddles, Harneas, Tnmks. Travflhijï Bags, Robes, Khmkets. Whips, ftnd Buckskln Gloves und ftfittens. I will scii single harneases trom to flOO; halten Erom '-'O centi to 99 imi t ruuks umi stttchels, foi t he oes t 80 dyy.s, at ■ i . -oté Harneases, Truhkí and Bagá repalred at No. 9 líaui hurón street. J. VOLLAND. Atiii Arbor, Kot. is, (875, lS97mfl Horsfi Jjtetits, fïTHK undersijjned has for aale, fur fall planting 1 several hundred largo and thrifty HORS.K (JHESTNUT TBE88. Also Fruit, and Ornaruentnl Trees, Grapes, Siriitll Fruit, eto. Nuisei-y on West Liberty stieet. R. G. BMITH. Ann Arbor, Nov. 10, 1875. ÜDWARD DÜFFY HA9 JI-ST BECEIVED AN Entire Ttievu Stock Of goods conaisting of Teas, (toffees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW YOEK from first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at a VBRY SLIliHT ADVAMJB over New York Oost Also a full line of LADIE8 and 'GK.N'TLEIIEN'S WÏÏAR in BOOTS & SHOES, All of which he ie offering: VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya everybody to buy their poods for Cash. Cali and exuiuine gooda and priees, uud I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTON. Ooods doliverpd to nny part. of the City free of charge. EDWARD MJFFY. " Muynsird's cor. Main and Ann Rtreets Ii:i4 Ann Arnor, Mich. In Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COÜET of the United States for the Kastcni liMrirt of Michigan. In the matter of Wil. I.l.VM Olí mía, Bankrupt - iu rïjinkmptcy. The undersigned, Assignee of the estáte of the alxm' named baalcrupt, hereby give uotice, tluit paiaaant to au OTder of aaid court made on the (lSth)eit;l]teemh day of October, a. d. 1875, be will sell at public aoction to the highest tiiddcr, on the ixteentb ilfïth)day oí' November, a. ij. 1875, at ten o'clotk In the ftnn Of -aidilay, in frc.nt of VVashtenaw toumy ( ', iu the city ot' Anu Arbor in said district, the several pieces or pareels of real estáte situated in the city ot Ann Arbor, in the ( ounty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and more partieularly deacribed a.s iollows, viz, : 1'AitcKi. Onk. The east three-fourtha {%) of lot B)blook ooe (l)totht range two (2) east, being bout forty-nine (49) teet oil' the eaal side of said lot three (i), with house thereon. Tliisdescripliim will be sold subject to a mortgage to F. Huson, lor 81,0110.00 and interest. Pakuel '2. Lol number six (6) in bloek uumber iwi (2) south, range twelve (12) east. This deacriptitni iriHbeaoM nubjiet to a mortgage to Bridget Eagun, t'or $500.01) :nd interest. hiA .4'fliall'oi V,t Hrv,-iV'1i",'all 'fn Illock two(2)soulh, ran'í twelve '11) easl.witli u-olioiw's thereon. Parcel 4. A piece of land on the west side of Main strect with store thereon, situated between the Gregory House and Seyler's store, and deacribed as beginning on the east line of lot one (1) in bloek oue (1) north of Hurón street in the city of Anu Arbor,Michigau, fifty-flve(S5)feet south of the northeast corner of said lot, riraolDg west fifty-six (6U) feet, thence north eighteen and one-half i'eet (18J), thenee east fifty-siv (5$) feel to the eajM line of said lot, thence south eighteen and one-half (18%) feet lo the place of begiuning. Parcf.i. ö. A plece ol land with store thereon, situated on the east side of Main street, between the Saviugs Bank and Ciranville's store, in the eity of Ann Arbor, Michigan, being about thirteen feet and nine inehes (18.9) front on Main street, and about twenty-six feet and eight inehes (26.8) (leep. and beiug bounded and de.scriticd as Iollows, to wit: Gommenclng thirty-si.x feet and three iuches soutb of the northwest corner of bloek one (1) south of lluron street, rauge foui (4) east, running thence east parallel to Huron street tweuty-two feet and two inehes (22.2) thence south thirteeu feet and nine tuches Í 1 ;ï.'J), thence west twenty-two feet and two inehes (22.2) to Main street, thence along the east line of Main street thirteen feet and nine (13.9) iiK-hcs (o the place of beginning. Alsoapiece of land cominencing at the east end of tlie aboye deacribed land, running thence east four feet and two inehes (4.2), thence south thirteen feet and nine LnchM ];;.'.!, toeuce west four feet and two inehes (4.2), thence north along the east line of the foregoing thirteen feet and nine inehes (13.9), to the place ol' beginning, the last deserlbed uieee of land extending upwards as high and uo higher thau the Bpace secupied aud i-overed by the first story of the building atauding on the said last mentioued and deacribed premie. The last three pareels lieing pareéis three (3), four (4) and five (5), will be sold subject toa mortgage to B. J. Howell tol $7,000 and interest. Dated (.rand Rapids, Mich., October 20th, 1875. JUL1U8 HOUSEMAN, Assiguee. The above sale is adjonrned until Tuesday, the thtrtleth (80) day "f November, A. D. 1873, at ten I lOJo'clock in the forenoou, at the same place abore mentioned. Ann Arbor, Mich., November 16th, 1875. JOTIO8 HOCSKMAN, Assignee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT havmg heen made in the conditions of a oertain mortgage made and executd by Kilmund Blood and 6arah E. Blood, hia wife, to William D. Harriman, and dated the 27th dar of January, 1871, and recorded in the orlice of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wanhtenaw, in the State of Michigan, in líber 44 of mortgages, page 43, on the 27th day of Jauuary, 1871, at two o'cloek and forty minutes f. m. on that day, on which mortgage and note accompanying the sanie there is now due the sum of live hunnred and üixty-seven dollars and ninet y six cents principal and interest and forty dollars as au attorney fee, provided for in said mortgage, by which dei'ault the power of sale contained in aid mortgage has become operative, and no proeeedings in law or chancery having been commenced to recover the nebt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof : Notice ia hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by the sale of the moitgaged premises, to-wit: Lot 4 in bloek one, in Hiscock'asccond nddition to the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Uounty, aud State of Michigan. Haid sale will take place at the front door of the Court House, in the said city of Ann Arbor (that being the place where the Circuit Court lor the county is held) on the 11 th day of February, 1876, at 11 o'clook in the forenoon of said day. Dated Ann Arbor, erlift ZlSA P. Kiicg, Mortggee. Att'y for Mortgagee. ! ftüerin s oaie. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, H James 1'. Smits n. Arttnir Berry aud Nelson WUson By virtueof one writ of execution isjued out of au'i ander the seal of the Circuit Court for the county of Washteoaw, in theahoveeutitled cause tomedlMOtedani dolivered, I did, on the twenty-sixth day of August, A. d. 187S, levy upon all the right, titio aDrt interest of Arthur Berry and S'elion witaoo In and t Mie following describ realaatate situated in the counfj of Washtenaw, and 8tiir of Michigan, to wit : Lot Dumber twentytwo in MayDard's plat ; ateo a pleoe of lnnd boundedsouthbylot aumbei twonty-two la Maynard's plat easl by Lucas, north by Felch street, and west by Lucas lajld, all n ashtenaw county, State of Michigan Which above dewribed land I shall expose for Bale at public auction to the highest bidder, n the south door of the Court House in the city oi Ann Avbnr, "ii tbc si-vcntli 4ay ot ' .lauuarr, A. l. 1876, at lOoVlock a. . ofsaidday. Dated Noi . IMh. 1875. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Sheriff' Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ö se. Iiinonl Toi ranee v. Charles H. Bhepard and Kliza Shepard. By virtue of one wril of executioh issued out of and ander the eal of the Circuit Court for the County of Waahtenuw, in tbe above entitled cause, to me directed and delivered. 1 did the 23d day of November, A. D. 1874, leAyupon all the right, title and interest of Charles H. Shepnrd and Elina Shepard, in and to Uit following deacriüed real estáte situated in the Couuty of Washtfnaw, State of Michigan, to wit : The northwest fractional quarter of jouthwest quarter of section 1, townihip tour south, range rtveeast in Waahtenaw County and State of Michigan, which above dscribed property I shall exposé for sale at public auotion to the highrst bidder atl the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the Ttli day of January, D. lS7'i, t 10 o'clock A. M. of said dtry. Dated November, 18th, IH75. M. FLEMING, Sheriff, jKAsa a day guu-anteed uslng our Welt OIC Auger Drill. IOO a mooth mSZm pai"to (tood Agents Auger book Irbwlr. Jll Auger Co., Bt. Luul, Mu.


Old News
Michigan Argus