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■MnpM For the ric.i, wtth few children, H B vkM 3S ï it muy do to buy a Shoo without CitiVfcJlfSfcJM TipR, bnt to those who art: blessed M M m ÜrSJ 38J with little money and inany chilyfHyMPWJ dren it is ruinous to buy any othEaUanñüai silvkh-tippk shoes. Tn convince yon of the great. (9BIVaBFW-V"fll popnlarity of tho CABli K LS6T V 47131 SCREW W1RE you need gjWJ,l -JlTI only Bee the base imitatlonB and IP2i3aA3jJ vain attempts to get up something RYWnPSP5ï mte-CTJH'no iToods hav th E'.' -■■ J Afe Do Your Owo Printing! JlrY5vH I dj O Press for cardi , ltheli. eriTelopcs, etc. JÏ!r5 f Himlnest Men do their printinf arul mdTerlitWwG iur, íaví nionev and im-ret trJe. HMiure ud 15tBBSi,ira(it n Amnteiir l'rlntlnr. Th. Girls o. Ï tXaOJl-S 1Í0J R-lntfi Snd tw. ... for fill C.U! _ H Ipjrue of iireM. tvp. etc., lo the Manfctnrm, 1'CSSGÏ KÉLSEÏ UU., Uerldcn, Ooiiit WANTED AÖENTS. &2P' andOutftfrtt. Setter Ihan Oold. A. 0OULTEB 4 00., OWoeo. P A ( -. (f f) C per day Si'nd for Chromo Catalogue. 4 1U J)i5 O 1. H. iiuFFOiiD's Bons, lioston, Mas flQTUMfland CATARRH. SureCure. Trial frw. HO I nlïlW Address W. K. BF.I.LI9, IndianapoliB, Ind. (t C 4- Lon a day at home. Sample worth $1 sent !J)a 1-0 !pSU free. Stisson 4 Co.. Portland, Me. OOUTFITS pOÜTPRISTS rihe AGES, and SfüTT? m i'Eiit-iiiiial Hisfory. Goodspeed's ÏXAIiXi " Book, Bible and Map House, Chicago. tCyf Daily to Agents. 85 ncw articles and the Uy best Family Paper in America, with two $5 romos, free. AM. M'F'O CO., 300 Broadway, N. Y TkATT C Heads, 2e. Ï3a Embossed Picture. MJJíJÍ-ÁJ Ic. 400 Transfers, lro. (Mi-page Book,6c. XQMU WaAtHt. J. Jaï Gould, Boston, Slass. íhOf n A Agents nanted. !44 best-sellVnil fne articles in th wnrld. One sample free. (JJJJU Addrets J. BHUNüON, Detroit, Mich. "TIVORCES legallj obtalned lor incom3atibil!(r JL' plc. restdence ur.necessary , fee after decree Ad dress P O. Boi 1037. Obicago. III. W A N I AN AGENT in evory county. Picture and J" I Frame Business. 8100 a Monta. GeO. E. TED. I Pebine, Pub., 6(VWde St., New York. ZELtS' BNCYCLOPEDIA, New Revised Edition. ÏSO.OUI) ATticles, 3.000 engravinKB, and 18 splendid maps Agents Wanted. Baker, Davis A Co., Phila. 'l„ A ten-dollar Wil of 1770 sent freo A lPinOllïï for Stam. Address C. HURST 4 ü UU1 lUullj . CO , 73 ííassau St., N. Y. M O E kl "F O We have tbe flnest and cheapeat AUcn lo didi er i'uiiiishrd -umi Eii!;ravinjgH. DIDbCi UigTcrmaand Frefglvt puilt. Western Bible House, St. Louis, Mo. i fiTllTÍTin At.l Want it- Tbousands of Uves and ft I'UM'I'V' Millionsof propeity avod by It- For. HItPmI I 11 lunes made with it. Address LlMlKOilUJjil I U TOH Blios.. Neiy York or Chicago v7Vfvyr an(l Morphtne bablt absolut]y and B I l 1 M ifil peedly cured. Painless ; no pubicity. Ijrilllfl Send stainp for particular. Dr. CariV ton. 187 Washinïion St., Chicago, 111. a A,-. A MONTH- Agentswanted everywhere. VJL'IKJI Business honorable and fint class. Paran Al III tlcnl.irs sent free. Addre WORTH 4 WUVM co.. st. Louis. Mo. __ PF,R WEEK GUARANTRHD to Agent. 011 Male and Femnle. In their own locality. Th f f Term and OUTFIT FREE. Addres Wil P. O. V1CKERY 4 CO., Augusta, Maino. fv m A WERK.- Agents wanted. Business perl'l luanent. No eoluuling recjuired. For further ■1 parthMilnrp, nddre&s HfAU J KENNEDY 4 CO , Richmond, Ind. THIS Paper I pnnted wtth Ink made bj O. B. Kan 4 Co., 121 Dearborn Street, Chicago, and for sale by ut in large or Bmall quantities. CHICAGO NEWSPAPKR UNION, 114 Monro Straet, Chlcaco, III. PHD C A I C Chicago Suburban Lot at 100 eacb, rUfl O H L C l $ 15 down and $5 monthly for balance, withln a short dltanco of City Limit, with bourlv traint and chap fan. Send for oircular. IRA BROWN, 142 LaSallt-st., Cblcago. HL Ö1A 4-f OK rcY Tto tt To Farmers Sons and SU LO úO Per D&y otherenergeticyounB men to Si'll an artlclê as STAPLEas Farmers ni'dothcis in their own nvijthhorhoodi PartieularsFree. Address- THE CElfÍENNIAIi CO,, M. Loui., Mo. CJ1VCIJVNATI DOLLARWEKKM' STAR. An Independent Family NewBpaper. 8 Page. 48 Column of Keading. - Per YEAR. Specimen Copy küke. ÏÏjX Free of postage. Address The " S'l'AR" CO., (imlnnali. Dhio. AGENTSWANKDHS nwnd for circular and our extra term to Agenta. NATION L PUB. CO.. Obiaatro. 111., or St. Lonll, Mo. MiND READING, PSYCHOMANCY. FASCINATION, Soul Charming, Mesmerlsm aud Lovers' Gulde, lbowiac how either sex may fascínate and gain the lovo and affoction of any porson they choose inBtantly. 400 panes. By mail. (0 ot. H'nt 4 Co.. 139 S. 7th St., Phila. tí24f O éfl? Eïar%f% Inrested In Wall Street, Tnlll H ftBajUU otten leads to fortune. A wl# 'Êtr-m 7a-page book explaining evcrvthiiig and giving nrine of Blocka QCIJT CDCC JOHN HKJKLING 4 CO., Banker OtN I rntt. 4 Brokers. 78 Broadwny.tiew York. HMRBk Tour Name Klegantly l'rint■ W'l'lKI cd on 12 Tkaxsfarext Visrrixci ■■l Carps, for25 Cnts. Each cardcoutainp . scene wliich is not visible until held towards the lighl. Cothinslike thempverbct'oreoffcrel in America. Biüindu nnts to Agents. Novti.Tr Pkin n'u Co., Ashland, Mass 1. T "Bvr i LTT 781 Broadtvat. New York. , f , i.1 VoJTl mantifiicturerof ÍSOLID GOLD IIÍW1ÍI.KY Of bt r HesJtiption. Tho stn,k islarKe.ery heun, and ia tiffcrt-d at rt;nlat (rade pri': to keep our rorkmen coiné. Bills imder $1.-,, P.O. order in advanre. , Jver S15, OJ&.D. privilege to examine. Catalogues fine. UlBIB Bi Bi '■-'"■■ Ky.. li,-dd.,uartcr. - BJP m M Nal I uranse, freo Lo Dec. aö, 'T I 911 In „niliiitf il 50 Tor jear IKTfi. I ■ RH. ■ I II S; ' ' moiilha Irial 50c I J ■fUUAJiaw' t's ■'""■■'■ .U'livs, :n nliovi.. HU A POSTAL CÁRD ij end yoar address to Mmk DkmoüEST, 17 Kaet 14th ' t-eet., New York, and tje tnformed liow to tncreaee your ' neoine {tofttte anti eay ewpUiyuient for all. 1 1Q mlav at home. AïintuTranted. OutfitandterrM P 1 1 troo. Addres TRÜ1Í 4 GO., Augmti, Muino. GODEY'S LADY'S B001L The Oldost Maaazino in Amcri.n. "A Premium Chiiomo,'" ''uv. MOtmtSQ ('at.t,, uill le RiTen to evary enbsoribnr, linthor single or in a club, who paj'ö in advanco for iH7tiand remita direct to thls offioe. Address L. A. GODKY, Phdndelphia, Pa. BBBaMBl 1 OO papte Book and samples ot S. !li. hl. ei RoolLng. Complete Mlniatcrials for riew roof, 4Xc a ft. H Firc-proof.dnrablo.chcop. Easily SJuUmb HJappliodwitli positivo sittisfiLctLon. BlWritc at mc( and save mODey. N. Y. Slate Roofing Co. - - BW - I 7 CEDAU bï., N. Y. RËVÖÏVËRSSS25Ö ed New Huffalo llill ilivolv c illtj S VV With 100CartriditeR, $3.M :20,000sold ; every onowarranted : gatiRfaction gnamnteed. IlhintTftt'fl Catalogue. Frtt. WESTEKN CrtJM VVOKKS, Chicao, 111., 69 Dearbonmt., (McOormlcklock). AH.T HTJH'S ILLUSTRATED Home Magazine. " Tho Household Maeazine of America." Two Serial Rtories in lH?ti. "EAGÍ.ICSÍI.IVFJE," by Mrs. Julia (J. R. Dorr; and "MIRIAM," by T. S. Arthiir. HITTKR- JCK'S Newest Pattems in every nnnibei. Tkhm- i.5O peryear; 3 copies fot Sü.-tO. Splendid Book offer and Premiums. SpeeiineH immbar 10 ■'.. T. S. ARTHliR & SOX, Philad'a, Pa. S15SHÖTGUN A. iiiii.„n--,„1tTc! giin,b-'ir or front-action lorka; warrant (?U (fí;nuÍPr tuis1 basnto 'md n good sh'oter. üR NO SALK; with 11 LBlt. Pouch a ml Vad-cu'tr, for $15. C-an be sent CO. I) , wJth privilege to examino before payinjr bil!. Sunrt Stamp for circular to P. POWKLL A SON, Gun Deulera, 238 Mafn Street, üincinnati, O. 11 Pi 11 I in Stoi-k Privileges, li as( I I ProfHs. Railroad Stocks, TTT1TI JïondB and Gold bought onKri LU UU M-siis. IiHrul SixU'Ullll 1 llllll Bits sabjeot to sight draftB. (fUUUl BÜCKWALTKR & CO., Banken a ml Brokers. No. 10 IVall Street, New York. n - jBi BA Egf KANUFACTORY AND SALESROOM, 23&25RANDOLPHSt.,CHICACO, - -- - -Ö Drlicoll, Ciuiicli k Hall, gSTQk "The dt'mnnd i'u'youi SeaIA;ain inWS-HTfBr cieneesrnpidly. Novora complaint." viO Join,FeiinjidCo.. WiUrtsfïaral (1;L l''""ni a' des?'1 of trndo. It v Vswy j nrver fnild to pive 6atisfaction." W 'H(JNP-CT' Kipgept thinRtoraiseyoueverBftw. ■VfïHrf&pB Greatest (hinstoBell youeverknow. f r"S#Bl Mnj v.ilu.-.l](ïtKikinK recipessent fJVnJll fico S'-iul nt once for Circular to mHW, GKO. K.GAKTZ&CO., ftT T-tf '■'- Diiune SI., New York. HBHjte Tuis new Tnms is worn jí'-"'i'" BBBBBHBfl with perfect cointort nighi bTja o t T P HR and Adapts itselfto M 15 L o o 1 IV ILBevi'i'.v motloti of the btd?, W. T R TJ S S . jEsPretaininfïniptureuin1ertb Sv .-i . m -zKr 'lftr(ïestexprctBeoreevereBi BrBRBESar itrain until permanentlj%TágTW cured. Sold cheap hy the Tt Elastic Trnss Co., HO. 6S3 Broadway, N. Y, City. Sent by mail. Cali or aend for Circular and be cured. Ir .I-lnyf.l by nHÍng A T. Tonlo Elixir and ï.ltjuM ExtroctofBer, wftieli ■ :r p.. -,■.]- t :):■ juico of raw iuat with Iron Tonics Diuretjcfi ond mild OathnrticN. and pronrrilM'd by Physioinnd for tho cure of Intligefltion, CoiiBíipation, Dyppeia, Piles, Luns, Liver, Kidney.Children, Blood and all lámalo ilítviivet and weaknesFCH. Price $1.00 per buttle. BiriIARHSOK ATULLIDOE, Propriotors, Cincinnati, O. For otile by alldruggista. None otlier genuine. ftTRln HEBIflüE RFJ10ERKD I'SEIESS.' .w i L. Volta's Ei.v.crno Bi:i.tsíuh1 V í r l A ƒ Bauds nro indorsd by tbe y X. J f. most cminont physjjeiaus iu "'XYl J fr . tr theworluförthecu'reofrheaZnl yr niatimn, noniíilfíia.iiverconiLink$fL. L plaiut, dyapepsla, fcidney diasv 1 eti(,achf,pfiins,]HTVaisdi81 -ge orders. fits, ffiuiilfi complaints S" V WÊW nervotiH ati'l ppneral debility. VjHv al1'' nl'1i:' chronic discases oí sfSL tiiochesttheRd.lïver, stomarh - -fc-1!- B kiitni'ysitnr] blood. Book with IS I F E. ruil mirtlculariifroeby Volta ■ W ■-■! fa. Rk[, ,,o rini.,,,,,,tr t)lio. CRAND CHANCE FOR ACENTS, m ANN ELIZA YOUNG'S NEW BOK, BRICHAM YOUNC'S REBEULIOUS wífe ffAta n iV' .kX kcivii f mormonTsm '1 POLYCAMV, 1M -Itoii l.yXu U. ;.iieh .n.l Mri. Liverniiri-. Agt-iiti ielljfroin (O 0 20 every day; CO., JURTTOBD, CUMK., CmCAHO, lLL.t ClCtNNATl, OhH). ii .Li, . TUIS NEW JaaSHacEfei. ■ a avia fsÈNsi Tínica v5# RUSS Has a Pad differing from all otliers. lts actior is wondorful. BeinK cup-ahape, with SeM-AdinsÜng Ball in center, it adapta it&etf to all positions of tbe body, while th buil witbin the cup presaes back. lli n.tstinS jiisi n ii perffon wnnld with thi fiiiRci-. With lishtpressure the Hernia is held bocurefy dny and nibt and a radical cure oertaln. It is perfect ly easy, durable and cheap. Sent by mail. Send for Circular and Truss to KGiJlKSTON TRUSS CO., lnisliall. Midi. Smith Organ Co., BOSTON, MASS. These Standard Instruments Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. Sold throngfaout tho United Statoi on tly INSTALLMENT PLAN: That iñ, oa a System of Monthly Paymenta. Porchuera Btaould uk for tho Shiih Amep.ioíb OsoAX. Oat&toimBS and foll pmrftculara on '""licnöon. GIVIÑAWAY To evwry re; uier of The Family Jouviüil: CENTENNUL AMERICA, A SilO Tlnfd Engritvlng, sir i428, OurLarge and BeautüulTinted KnniviiLi;. i.-nnt:tininK over JiOO Histnrii-iil Views and PortHitffoi 11 feadtng events and porBonajïHH. froin the landhii; ol Columbusto tbfl present, Urne, fñeludiná it iniK"ifi''p"t and perfect view of tli ('-onttiiniíil líuildJiiKS in Fiiinnount Park at Philadlplii:i, v.-ill ba KiTBn Tr Th nj Qur Great J.itrrnr; a(t FttaJtion ''!, The HViiW Rtnrttj Journal, Coniniiiina Tftrre gpleudid Contjuued Stories, togetlior with short sketches ind u IftTge innnnit ot' misrelliineous Sent four months on trial, includini; tli Kngravinit, oostpaid. for $1.00. Any IVetcufealer uïllgivé wma ri-i" nw, or address Th FamUg Journal, '4'Z broadway, N. YAgents Wanted Everywhere 1K. SWIOKIiS LIVER INVIGORATOR. C'oinMiiimlel entirely l'rom laitms. riicse al 'MS ii l riis using move all inorbid ■ f3 should :nl:i pi tin l' bad matterj ' fm (ilosc to thcir lnliDiii I In -3 -! in, oö (lividuiil consti. ii p p 1 y I ii s il' - J tut ion, from a tlieir place n rm 'teaspoonfiill to liealtliy ttow of jU a tablespoonfull tiilt' ; Q3 j ,ac cordiiijr to efIng tlie stoinacli, ■ fl fect. ï"or all afmisiuv footl to r.1 ■ fe ctiout of ihi ligest well; "l f& IIVliR, Irresul!lí'ÍIí THU. W "iiti ■ of stómItljOOD, ivini; a ach and Bonik, i and liealtli r diseases depentl;o the vholc IJ __ 'ent on or caused hiii4M-y, ■ " by auchderangeng the canse ol i_3 ra mnil as Itilions dtaeases, ef-l F attacks, Costiv - 'ecting a radical K. iiss, ii :ure. As a . t arrhwa.Dysprp1,1 JIHMfOH r L- aia, Jauudicr and t is 'S SS Feiuale WrakBO, and is AL-1 2 . . nesses. 1 tablciV VS SA IU. n spooilfllll laken it commem-emeut oau alliu !i ol SICK H EADAC H E "'■ I ■' ■ nutrs. Y . [,tV or SA iXoW SKIIV MA l10 ÏOüTIIF CL by 1 bottle. TRV IT ! For pamplilrt . 'ontalniiifr usefnl information and all tbout theXiver, address IR. SA! olt, nv York. SOLII BV XlXé DBÜCGIST. ' TheWonders of Modern Chemistry, Snarillian and lts Associates. Changeg as Seen and Feit as They Daily Occnr after I's i ng o. Few Doses of DR, RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, 1. Good spirits, disappearance of weakneae, languor, molancholy ; Increase and hardness of flesh and nu. cles, etc. 2. Strongth increases, appetlte improvea, télreh fci more souï ernctations or waterbTash.gooddt. geBtion, calm and undistorbed sleep, awaken fresh and 3. Disappearance of spots, blotches, pimples ; the skin looks clear and bealthy, the urine changed fromitstnr bid nd clmidy nppearance to a clear sherry or amber color water passes freely irom the bladder throufththe urcthra without pain or scalding ; little or no sediment; no pain or weakness. 4. Marked diminution of quantity ana frequeney of nvolantnry weakenins discharges (if afflicted that waf), with cortainty of permanent cure. Increaeed Btrength Fixbibited in the secreting ftlanda, and functional humony restored to the several orRans. 5. Yellow tinge on the white of the eyes, and theswsithy, ftaffron appearanco of the skin changed toa clear, livelv and healthy eolor. 6. Those Ruffering, from weak or ulcerated longs or tubercles will real i ze great benefit in eipectorafbg freely the tough phlegm or mucous from the lurtrc.ib cells, bronchi or windpipe, throat or head ; aimmiibint of the frequeney of coufh : general increase of Btreagtö throughout the systera ; stoppage of night sweats and pains andfeelingof weakness around the anklesjejí, shoulders, etc,; ces&ation of cold and chille, eente of siiffoeiition ; hard breatbing and paroxyBmBof cooghon lying down or arising in the morning. All these distre ing symntoms gradually and surely disappear. 7. Asday after day the SAUSAPARILLIAN ii taken, new signs of returning health will appear; ast! blood improves in strength and purity, dieea6ewilldiminish, and all foreign and impure deposita, nodes, tumors, cancers, hard luinps, etc., be resolved awiyanj the unsound made sound and healthy; ulcera, lem sores, syphüitic sores, chronic skin diseases graduallj disappeur. 8. In cases where the system has heen salivated, and Mercury, QuickBÜver, Corrosiva Sublimate, (the princi. pal constituent in the advertised SarsaparillaR, afwociated in eome oases with Hyd. of Potassa) nave accumnlated and become deposited in the bones, joints, etc, caufltng caries nf the bones, Tickets, spinal curvatura, contortions, white swellings. varicose veins, etc., the SARSAPARIIjTjIAM will resolve away these deposits and extermínate the virus of the disease f rom the aystem. 9 If those who aro laklng these medicinesforthecnn of Ohronic, Scrofulons or Sypbilitic diseases, hnwever slow mav be the cure "feel better," and find theirgen. eral health improving, thelr flesh and weight incremii or even keeping its own, it is a suie sign that tUe coreii progresaing. In these diseases the patiënt eitberietg better or worse- the virus of the diaease is not inacÜTe, if not arrested and driven from the blood, it will spreid and continue to undermine tl e constituí Ion. As sooo as the SARSAPAIULUAN makes the patieot "feel better," every hour you will grow better and in crease-in health, strengthrand flesh. The great power of this remedy is in disefiees thït (breaten death- as in Consumption f the Lungeanii Tuberculnus Phthisis, Scrofula, yp'd Jïï""1 WastinK Degeneration, and Ulcoration of the Kidners Diabetes. Stoppage of Water (instantaneous relief 5fforded where catheters have to be used, thus doingawiy with the painful operation of using these ïnstniaientn, dissolving stone in tho bladder, and in all cases of Inflamraation of the Bladder and Kidnejre, in tbrone cases of Leucorrhea and Uterine dtseases. In tumors, nod's, har lumps and fcyphiloid ulcen; te dropsy and vener ïal sore throat, ulcers, and in tubercles of the lungs;in gout, dyspepsia, rheumatism, ncketi: In mercurial deposits- it is in these terrible fonni of disease, where ,he human body has become a complets wreok, and where every honr of existence is torture, wherein this great remedy challenges the astonishmerit nndadmirationof the sick. It is in such ensefl, where all the pleasuros of existence appear cut off from t te unfortunate, nnd by its wonderful, almost Pupernatnni act'ncy, it restores tke hopeless to a new lifc and new pxistence where this great remedy Btands alone íníu might and power. In f x. firrlinni-y skin Aicanr.iis thnt Pver.V fH 13 mOTf T less troubled with, a few doses will in mosteases, and 6 few bottles in the more aggravated f orms, woA & permanent cure. Those afflicted with chronic diseases should parebs a packae contaming one dozen bottles. Price $10 per dozen, or $7 per nalf dozen bottles, or $1 perbU ile. Sold by dxuggists. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WIMi AFFORD INSTANT EASE. i INFLAMMATION OF THK KIDJJETS, INFLAMMATION OF THK BI.AIDER, INFLAMMATION OF THF. BOWEIS, CONOESTION OF THF, I.UNGS, SORK THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING, PALPITATtON OF THK HKART. HYSTKRIOS, CROUP. DIPHTHERU, OATARRH. INFLUENZA, HEADACHE. TOOTHAOHE. MUMPS, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. OOLD OHILLS, AGÜE OHILLS. Theapplica;ionof the RE ADV RELIEF toU part or parts where the pain or difficulty eiists affnrd ease and comfort. Twonty drops in half n tumb'er of water wiU,iniW mimionta, wire ORAMPS, SPASMS. St)UR STOM ACH. HF.ARTBURN, SIOK HEAbACHE. DIA! RHF.A. DYSKNTKrV. COLIO, WIND IS THÏ BOWKÍ.S, and all INTERNAI, PAINS. ' Travelers should alwftys oarry a bottle of RAI i WAÏ'S RELIEF with them. A few drop in t I will prevent Bickness or pains from change of water. IT IS BETTER THAN FRENOH BRANDT OR BITTERS AS A STIMULANT. Price 50 Cents. Sold by Druggists. DR. RADWAY'S RE6ÏÏLATIN6 PILLS Perfectly tasteless. elegantly coated with sweet Í puree, regúlate, piuiíy, cleanse and fitrenKthen. UAI WAY'S PIlliLS, for the cure of I1 disnrdereof Stomach, Liver, Bowele, Kidnej-B, Bladder, Neoo Dise ises. Headache, (Jimstipation. Coetiveness, Inaigf ' tion, Dyapepftia, liillouenesfl, Billous Ftn-er. IntUranu' tionof the liowels. Piles and all Derangemeuts oi ' Infcrrril Warranted to effent a positlvecnre. Purely regetable, containing no mercury, minerali, oi i delf tericuis drugs. ; -rOl)M'-tí the folloning symptoras resulting fToa Disorders ik he Uinestive Organs : ( V nstipatúm. Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood " the Hivid, Acidity uf the Stomuch. Nausea, Heartto. DiHirust of Fnod, Fullnesaor Weight in theStoms Sour Ernctations, Sinking nr Flntterine t the Pit 01 I Stimai!h, Rwiniming of the Hend, Hurried and W flcult Breathing, FlutUjring at tho Hairt, CiloklM'" Suffneiting Sensations when in a Lying Posture, 1" nessoi Vision, Dots "r Webs hefore tho Siht,rf and Di-.11 Pnin in the Hoad, Dciflcienry of PerEpirt Yellomieu of the Skin and Eves, Pain in the S i Ohests, I.imbs, and Sudden Flushes of Heat, BunoM tho Flesh. .j, i A few d.ises of RADWAY'S PILI..S will fiMg system from all the above namod disorders. Prtcc w ; fenis per Box. SOLD BY DRUUüISTS. Rcail " FALSE AND TRÜE." I Send one Ictter-stamp to RADW AY & CO.. .Ti Warren Street, IVew York. Infora" worth tjionsands will he sent gou. OniyThinkofIt A LARGE 48-COL. WEEKLY NEWSPAPtR : Will be sent three months, postpald, for Twenty-Pive Cents. Address CRAMER, AIKENS & CRAMBK, Prop's of Weekly "WisconsiD. Milwaukee, WÖ This offer open until Dec. lst. NEW and BEAUTIFUI. INSTRUMENT' thTe Piano-Harp CABINET ORGAN, An eiqui6ite combination adoing to the capaciiy of &' orgun mach of that of the piano-forte and harp. " .. double-reedorgan, complete and perfect in every resperj icombined a new instrument, the PIANO-HARP.1" tonesof whicli ure iH-odui-ed by steel UmgueB or t"ï rigidly set in Bteel platea affixed to a sn" truck by hommers, as in the plano-forte. The tnw " of a pure, silviTy. bell-ltke qualitj, ver.v beautiful In cooj binationor alternation with the orgun binen. Theorp" may be used alone, and is in every respect as '""ÏÏK nr l anil perfect anorgnna without the rlA'O-HABl. may be used with tho PIANO-HARP; the latter mW used Bpparatetyor in combina tion with áñyor all t lift 8 t0'. of theorgan, i which it oddsgreatly in iviicity. ll'eaD varioty, adapting it to a rauco widei range of tnnsic. j Upon its invention and introduetion, nl out a ï Bince. this new instrument wns recelved h so niu favor that the demand gieiill.v , -icci'drd I lió " ''"."„. urers' utmost abilily tn upply so that thoy have n " oeoaajon ■ adyeruse it ejttensiveJy. H:ivinj ntfj Pr fected f.icilitles a laige supply, they cffcr it to pubhc with coniideme. . Circuláis, with drawinus jnd full deaciiplions, n?1 MASON ,t HAMI.IN CO.. 1 'i T remen' Nj 4r, Union Square, NEW YORK; 80 ■" idinu Street. CHICAdd. O.M.P. X" '7 WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISKRSj piense say you uw the aijvertisemi In tnU paper.


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