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LARCE ÁRKIVÁL OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AT W. WAGNER'S Who Sells Clottiinï so Cheap tliat lie DEFIES ALL COMPETITION. All who are nressed with the hard times and desiro A CHEAP SU1T Can find it at WAGNEE'S. A fine stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Trinimings always kept and Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FURFISHING GOODS. W. W.A.GÏTEIÏ., 1496 21 Soütii Main St. Ann Arbor Comstocls's se SPRING, BED. IS GUAKANTEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY NüISEI,K8S. Warrantei uot to 8ag or fürm a ;rougb, und to bü the üasiest, best and HOST DURABLE BED IN IAIKRT. BpriDgl boing1 doublo, are self-supportin, and i ving upper hu1 luwer springu, the bed in ixHully or lït'ht or heavy persons. Same bed is readily uljuuted to ü! bttdstendg uf diflereut widthsAddressall orders to COMSTOCK BKO8., Manufacturera. Adriun, Alich. Ilïnstrated circulara and price list furnisbed on pplication to the manufacturera. 1M RENT- Third Hoor over Bach A Abel's ■tore. 1562 PHILIP BACH. BUY THE NEW FamilyJSinger. 241,079 Sold in 1874! And 148,852 more tlian wcre sld by is bigbent competí lor. "VVHÏLE THE Wheeler & Wilson 8old only 92,827 Howe Machine Co. estimatcd 45,000 Domestic 22,700 Weed 20,4'J.") Grover aker 20,000 Kemiugton 18,600 And so uu down. Ho it appears from the sales of the tiiJfereui Companies that THE SINGER Hm More Friends and Adniirers ïlian all the othors combined ! MACHINES SOLD ON EASY TEKMS. All parties buying a Sinfter and wishiua to exobange ! it tor a Howe or Remington withiu three months can do ho without extra cost. 1 have also severa] new Howo machines, a Domesti-, and a niunber of econd bnd machines in goud order, whieh can be bougbt very cheap, The very beet Keédlea lor uil machines at 40 cents per dozen. Bet oí fonr Hemmen and the Gr In nel] Binder for all machines, $1,00 - the best stiu tbe market, and altío aUachments l'or ucarly all machines. 1. I.. (UOMM,, Aircnt. O55G) 2d door east of Vostotfice, Ann Albor, Mich. CITIZENS of ANN ARBOR A-ISTD "VICIOSIITr. I have just reoeived a large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES All Grades ! All Widths ! All Sizes ! And Low Pricee ï I have now the largost stock of Ladies', Misses and ('liildrcns flne shoea In Ann Arbor. Misses' aud Childreu's School Slioes maile a spccíalty. Au entirt'ly new thing, a Tadies', Misses' and ChUd'a ('a!f Buttoned Shoe, wtaich wil] oertainly uutwear all otln rs. Pleasegive me acal] beíbre jtoixtg elsewhere and satisfy yourseli' aa to wIhk's ;uui priC6S. JOHN BUEü. No. 43 South Main Street . ir47m3 ' 1TOTICE. nAVINCíleasedthe Michigan Central Kailroad KIe vator and Scaleb ut this place, I am prepared to handlü rain at reasonable rates for ' pers. Hifthest murket price paid in cash for all ' kiiida of gram. " T. FOHKr. Ann Arbor, Not. lOth, 1875. In Bankruptcy. ÏN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States ■ foi the Bastero District of Michigan. Id the matter of W1LLIAM O'IIAUA, Bankroet - in Maukruptcy. undersigned, Assignee of the estáte of the above aamed bankrupt, hereby gives aotice, that parsuani to an ..nier of said court made on the Utfth) eighteentta day of October, a. i. 1875, he wil] sell at public auctiou to the hlgbest bidder, on the dixteenth (16tb ) day of November, a. d. 1875, at ten o'clock in the furenoon of sald'day, in front of Wasbtenaw County Court HtouBe, in the city of A nu Aorbor in "-Hitl district, the severa! pteces or p of realstatesituatel in the city oí Aun Arlim the County of Washtenaw and State of Mh-Ih-JMp and more particularly described is followa ris,: Parcel Onr. The eas1 three-iourths (%) of lol Mn.r .i: block one (1) south, range two (2) aast, being about forty-nioe (49) feet off ihc enst side of said lm bhree (Z), with housethereon. Thisdescrlpiion will be uold subject to a mortgage to F. Hu.son for $1,000.00 and ïntt rest. Pascel 2. Lot number six (6) in block number two (2) south, range twelve (12) aast. Thls description wil! be sold snbjEet to a mortgage to Bridget Bagan, for Í5OO.O0 and Interest. Pahckl 8, Lots numbered seven (7), eight (8), aine (9), and west half of lot eleven (ll),all in bloei two(2)outh}range twelve 12) east, with two houaes thereon. Parcel 4. A piece of land on the west sido of Main street with store thereon, situated between Gregory Uonse and öeyler'a store, and described as begiuning on the aast line of lot one {1; in block one (.1) north of Huron street in the city of Au Arbor.Michigan, fifty-flve(öö)feetBouthofthe north east corner of said lot, running west fifty-six (5b feet, thence north elghteen and one-half féet (18U thence east flfty-six (66) feet to the east line of aait lot, thence south elghteen and one-half (18 fee ti the place of beginning. PakcklS. A pieee of land with store thereon situated on the east side of Main street, betwee the Savings Bank and Gran Tilïe's store, in the cit of Ann Arbor, Michigan, being about thirteen fei and nine inehes (13.9) front on Main street, ani about twenty-six feet and eight Inches (26.8) deei and being bounded and desenbed as follows, to wi Commenclng thirty-slx feet and three inches sout of the nortb west corner of block one. (ij south o Huron street, range foui (4) east, running theni east parallel to Huron street twenty-two feet am two biches (22.2) thence south thirteen feet am iiiiit! inches (13.9), thence west twenty-two feet uu two inches (22. 2 to Main street, thence along tl east line of Main street thirteen feet and nni (18.9) iuches to the place of begin n ing. Aiso a piet of laud commeneing at the eiist end of the abov deseribed land, running thenee east four feet ;nx two Lnchefi(4.2J, thence south thirteen feet and nii inches (13.9), thence west four feet and two tnchi (4.2), thence north along the east line of the fore going thirteen feet and nine inches (13.9), to th place of beginning, the last described piece of lan extendlng upwards as high and no higher tha the spaee occupled and covered by the first story o tlie building standing on the said laat mentiont and described premisos. The last three pareéis being pareéis three (3), fou f4), and tive (5), will be sold subject to a mortgage B. J. Howell for $7,000 and interest. Dated Grand Rapids, Dlich., October 20th, 1875. .11 'MUS HOUSEMAN, Assignee. The above sale is ndjourned untll Tueeday, tl tliirtietli 80) day of November, a. d. 1875, ú U (lO)o'clockin the forenoon, at same place aboi mentioned. Ann Arbor, Mich., November 16th, 1878 JULIUS HOU8EWLAN, Assignee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUL.T havin(? been made in the condition ot a certrtin mortHge made nnd executed b Edmund Hlood and öarah E. Jilood, his wife, 1 William D. Harrininn, and dated the 27th day o January, 1871, and recorded iu the oiüce of the Re ister of Deeds for the County of Wnshtenaw, i the State of Michigan, in líber 44 of mortgage page 43, on the 27tb day of January, 1871, at tw o'clock aud forty minutes p. m. on that day, o which mortgiige and note accumpanying the sam there is now due the sum of five hunnred and six ty-seven dollars and ninety six cents principal anc interest and forty dollar as hq attorney fee, pr said mortgage, by which detault th power of sale contained in said mortgage has h cume operative, and no proceedings in law o chancery having been commenced to recover tl debt secured by said mortgage, or any part ther of ; Notice is hereby given that s;ud mortgag will be foreclosed by the sale of the mo tguged pr mises, to-wit: Lot 4 in block one, in Hiscock'wsecoiK dduion to the city of Ann Arbor, Washtena County, and ötate of Michigan. ÍSaid aale wi take place at the front door of the Court Hous in the said city of Ann Arbor (that being the plac whtre the Circuit Court for the county is held) o the 11 th day of February, 1876, at 11 o'clock i the forenoon of said day. Duted Aun Arbor, Novemb'er 12th, 1875. W. D. HAHR1MAN, Zina P. Kino, Mortgagee. Att'y tor Mortgagee lñjG SherifFs Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, pounty of Waahtenai ss. James F. Smith vb. Arthur Berry and Ni .sou Wilsun. By virtueof oae writ of execution i sued out nf and' undi r the seal of the ( Ürcuit Cour for the county of Washtenaw, in the abore entitlet cause, ti directed and dellTered, I did, on tl twenty-sixtli daT of August, a. u. 1875, ïevy upoi ali the right, Ut Ie and interest of Art har Berry an Nelson VVilson in and to the following describet real estáte Bituated in the county ot'Washteuaw and State of Michigan, to wit: Lot number twent two in Maynard's plat; also a piece of land boum ed south by lot number twenty-two in Maynard plat, easi by Lucas, aorth by Felch street, and we bv Lucafl land, all id Waahtenaw county State Michigan. Which above described land I shall ex pose for sale at public auctton to the highest biddc at the south door of the Court Houw In the city o Ann Arbor, on the seventh day of January, a.d 1876, at 10 o'clock a. M. of said day. Dated Nov. ïstli, 1875. M. FLEMING, Sheritf. Hheriff's Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw Bfc. Linoal Toirance va. Charles H. Shepan and Ëhzti Shepard. By virtue of one wril o execution isaued out of and ander the seal of th Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, i the above entitled cause, to me directed and deliv ered, I did the 23d day of November. A. D. 1874 leAyupon all the right, title and interest of Charle H. Shepard and Eliza Shepnrd, in and to th following described real estáte aituated in th Oouiity of Washtenaw, Htate of Michigan, to wit The northwest iractional quarter of eouthwes quarter of aection 18, townehip four pouth, rang tive east, in Washtenaw County and State of Mida iL:m, which above described property I shall ex pose for sale at public auction to the highest bic der at' the south door of the ('ourt House in th city of Ann Arbor, on the 7th day of January A. I). 1876, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. Dated November, 18th, 1875. M. FLEMING, Sheriff, Eeal Estáte for Sale. SÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. bh. In the mutter of the et-tate of Ludwif CMiller,deceased. Notice ie hereby given, thatiupursurtuce to tin. order g-ranted to the unduraig-ned adrainistrator of the estáte of aaid decejised, by the jJon. Judge of Probate for the County ot Waahtenaw, on the second day of November, A. i). 1S75, there will be Bold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor m the County of Washteuaw,in said State, on Tuesday, the twenty-first day of December, A. D. 1875, at 10 oelock in the forenoon of that day, (subject to all encumbranees by mortgage or otherwise existmg at the time of the death of said deceased, and also subject to the right of dower of the widow of said deceased therein), the following described real t state, to wit : The west half of "the northeast quarter, the east half of the southwest quarter, tbe east ten acres of that part of the northwest quarter of eection twenty-nine lying south of the road running east and west on the north huif of said section, and subjeet to a right of way as reserved in the deed trom Godfrey Miller to said Ludwig C. Miller. Also, the west three eighths or west thirty acres of the west half of the northeast quarter oí section thirty, :md the fcoutheast quarter of the'southwest quarter of section twenty, except the west aine rods and eighteen inches in width, all in town two south. in range five east, in said state. Dated November 2d, A. D. 1875. HENRY PAUL, Administrator. Estáte oí Oramel Beckley. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, oounty of Washtenaw t ss. At a session of the Probate Court fot tht eounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the oity of Ann Arbor, on Wedneedny the thin day oí November in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-flve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Ju Age of Probate. Iu the matter of the estáte ol Oramel Beckley deceased. Sophirt Beckley, Executrix ofsaid estáte, comes into court and represenst that she is now preparec to render her account as tueh executrix. Thereupon it is ordered thnt "VVednesiay, tht flrst day of December next, at ten o'cli ck in Uil iorenoon, be asaigr. ed for exnmining1 and aJ2owina aueh account, and that the devisees, leñatees and bmis at law of said deceased, and all othei persons nterested in said estáte, arerequired to nppeai at asewsion of aai d court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city oí Ano Arbor, in Raid eounty , and ahow cause, ïf any there be, whv the Baid account should not be allowed : And it ie further ordered that said exocutrix give notice to the persons interestod in said estáte, of the pendency ot said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this ordei to be published in the Michigan Arus,a newspaper printed and circulating in said eounty, three auccessive weeka previous to said day oi hearing. (Atruecopy'., NOAH W. CHEKVElï, Iü55w4 Judííe of Probate. THE NEW ENGLAND RANGE with Elevated Hot Closet, combintng all the latest, BSOst nüuftbto umi ct'nnimiiciü iinjiryvomejil-s ii Cooking Kanges. on MORNINC CLORY beautifully moonted, and acknowledged tobo one of lradiiijlist Cook Ötoves. THE WOODLAND COOK A new flrst Clfltt Wood Stove ; for a low priced siove it cannot be bvat. It hts uil the modern Improvenaents. Tlic above Btovea uil tiave the new Patent DlffuBive QvenFluea, by whicb the oven is sure to lie fvcniy heated :it all" times, making them the most perfect Baken in the market. The LEVER CLOTHKS WRINGER ïs;i perfect laooess. Eïrery lady who qm a wringer should gei one at PeaM's. Tbou 411 reasons torgettlngWeed's CvrpetSweeper are vet goed ones. (aj,vani,kd IBOH Ton. kt skts, ar certaloly the moei durable. My Portable liath Tubi are the best and oheapost and should be ' uiispt nsalilt'. Thoee iiichü VaLer Filters every fiinüly should get one at fi.J.PEASE'S. 4 Soutü II a i u Stioet , ( Real E stat o for Sale THE UNXBE8IGNED offi-ra for Bale the eigbty aeren of land lately occupied by Patnck ( inaugh, deceased. Alsothe foity acres of VALUABLE W00D LAND m section tlrirty-one, in Nurthfteld. belonginp to lie estáte ot deceased. A rare opportunity is tttbrded to purchanerH. t September 29, l7.r.. i lööu-am] H1RAM I. IIKAKES,Attorney. Mortgage Sale. rjefaulthaTing been made in the enditimí , tSeertain mortgage executed by WiüSSfSï f a he eleveuth day of April A. I). 1H74 7„ i001 iyan, peoutor of the last will and tesfZSSÏ Edward Ryan „hich aid mSSS? üf given to rttciiu; tbe purohaöe money of tho A FM herein describí, and reoorded , V Tnise Uyat 5:20 o'dock p. k., n, the office n???' togisterof Deeds in the Ootmty ot wïl'i , tiit! M.rl.Ki, jn Liber5Poi Mortgages, onÜÏÏS rad wMchsaidm i □ th8econT November A. D iszCaÏÏigned bj laïflSEïSity to Leonhiird Gruner, and on the sameday ra m the ornee oi the register of DeJSVOTg county oí WaAhtenaw, in líber 4 of 1181. tbe oí mortgaffea, on page 427, and on thea4thrfï?t! December A D.J874, Uonhjuá (iruner asmirïÏÏ0' aforeaaid, assigned the same toWilliam Fr?81 which assignxnent wasrecorded on th8ainp5 8' the office of Kenter of Deed in the count Wa#htenaw, m Ilber l, of aaaigumenta ot rl gages, on pas 463, by which deluult the nZ1" oí sale coutituied in said mortgage ha come opeiativL-, on wbich mortgage there kdJÏ" ed to be due at the time of tbis notice for fofif Hixty-two dollars and sixteen cents, and algothaf?1 tlitr Hum of thirty dollar for an attorney ' fe provided in said mortg&ge, and n soit orprot e at law or in eqnity having been instituí ♦ recover the amount due oti said raortfW'e or partthereof: Notice is, therefore, hereby iLJ tlmt by virtue of the power of sale contaüEíii said mortgage, I shall iel] at public auction the fouth front door üt the Court House in i city ot Ann ArboT, (that being the building which the Circuit Court for iaid County oí Wad ' naw is lieldj on the twenty-seveuth day of Novoii i ' A. D 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ot' th t day, the foUowingpremises det-eribedin rrkï tt„r age viz: Allo village lot numbei Bve ué!, in block number forty-five in the villa., ]] Manchester, in said county and State ï cording to, the recordad plat tbereof, much or auch part or parta thertof as shall b necessary to satufy the amonnt due mmn Bfl mortgage. Q Dated September M, 1S75. WiLLIAM F. O8IU8 Frederick Pistobius, Anaignèe Att'y for Assignee. y_ WHEKEA8, Isaac L. Clurkson and Marj A Clarkson, of Manche&ter, in the COuntrni Washteníiw, Michigan, on the thirty-iirst duynf Januaiy, iü the yeur of our Lord one thouaani eighthundrud and neventy-four, executed a mort gage to Andrew J. Nhively, of the city of Bronk' cyn, in the State of New York, to secure the pa ment of certain principa] and interest money tLeii" in meutioned, which mortgage wa recordol inttiè otöee of the Eegifitei of Dueds in ilie county of Washtenaw, on the 3lst day of Januaiy, A j) L874, in liber 49 of mortgages, on page 514; And wheieftö,deiault has been made foi more tlianthir'. ty daya in the payraeut of uu instalmentof inter est money whieh became Jut on the rut day of July A. D. 187ó, by reusou whêreof and pursuant to the term of baid mortgage said morteagw hereby elects that ac much of eaid principaluremainu uupaid with all arrearages of interest thereon ahall become due and payable immed And whereas there ih claimed to be diujttud uupaid on Haid mortgage at the date of thia notice tbinetn hundred an(i nmety-niue doliare and twclveceDïa tor principal and interest, aïfto an attornej fee of thirty-rlve dollarashould any proceedinge be taken to forecloae the ttiuie in addition to all otlierleral costa, and no auit or prooeedings having beeuindtituted eitber in law or eqaity to recover the same or any part theieof. notice is theiefore herltv Üiven that onthe thirty tirst day of Decumbernext, at two o'clock ín the afternouu of said day, at thé front door oi the Court House, in the city of Anu Arbor, county aforesaid (thal being the place in which the Circuit Court for said county is heldi, and by viitue of the power of sale contaiued in aaid mortgag! 1 ■ballsellat public Huctiou.tothe higbest biddtr, che prernisesdeseribed in said mortgage to satiafy the amount oí pi iucipuï and interest with the charges oí sale and the at Uirney f ees of thirty-live doilaib : All that eertain piece o , of lttnd sitúate and being in the village of Hut. chester, in the county of Washtenaw, axtd of Michigan, and described as follows to wi ing twenty leet in width ofl from the eaat side of lot number seven C7), in blook miniln-i twenty-two C22), according to a recurdtd plat of the villuge of Manciieter. Irontin'; twenty-two feet inwidtnoa Exchange Place streel, in the vil. age of Manchester aforosaid. Dated Uctober lst. 1875. ANDKEW J. STItVELY, Mortfjagee. John N. Oott, ____ Attotney for snid Morttragee. [1550. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT ha ving beon nade in the comiitioni of a certain mortgage made and executedby iiobert (j. lindsey and .lerush J. Lindsey, of Saline, Michigan, to Charles 11. Wallace, of the same place, dated DeoembW ninth, 1862 and recordedm the otiioe of the líep-ister ui Deede for thi of Washtonuw, Michigan, in Liber thirty oi muitgnges, on pgt 114, on the ninetetntli day ot De cember, A. 1). 18ti2, at 11 a. m. of iaid day. mortgage wasduly aasigned by the faiá Charlee H. Wallace to ('omstock Hill, of T.odi, Waahtaai Couuty, Michigan, which assignrnent was iluly hecutedon the twenty-sixth day oí' July, A. D. 18Ï , and recorded in the office ot the Baid Eíegiaterd Deeds on the 8th day ot Septeinb-r, . . I. I which niortgugt' and the note accompanyii sume, there in elttiined to be due two hundred and sixty-six dollars and ten cents, at the date f thia notice, for principal and interest, and thirty-flw dullnrs aa an attorney fee, provided for in said mortgage, by whinh default the power of sale cuntained in said mortgage has beeome operative, and no procedingsin law or in olianceiy bavÍBg commenced to recover the debt secnred hy suid mortgage or any part thereof: Notice is herebj giveD that siiid mortuuge will be foreclosed bythe sale of the moitguged premises, to wil : All that tract or parcel of huid ñtuated iu the township of aline, "Wa-shtenaw County, Michigan known, bounded and deacribed as follows, to Tfit: Bt-ing the northeast quarter of southvwt quartöri tiou (20), in township nuijiVjrr four 4), souiii o! range tive C5), east, and oontaini forty acres of land. Baid sale will take plaee at the front door of tíie Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, County, (that being the place where thi: Court for the County is heldj on the fourtb December, A. D. 1H75, at eleven u'clock in the turenoon of said. Dated September 9th. 1875. C0M8T0CK HILL, D. Ckameb, Ausignee of Morl Attorney for Assignee. Mortgtige Hale. DEFAULT haring been made in the conditiou of a certain mortgage made and executed by .Thiin W. Cowan and Dorcas M. Cowan, his Manchester, Michigan, toElmira I'. Howo city of Aiit) Arbor, County of Washteoaw am aforesaid, on tlie thirty-first day ol one thousand eight hu ml red and and recerded In the office "i1 th for aaid County oí' WasHtenaw, on th of April, A. D. lSTii, in Uber 49 of n page 876, and that there is döw elahm and unpald m Baid mortgage and th panylng the same, two hundred and sixty-twodoílars. alfioan attorney's fee of thirty-five do] iidiiition to all other legal costs, as often ai ceeding Ia taken to foreclose this morl subject to the further suni of twenty-four b dollars and interest to become due i gage, and no proceedings in law or in equity been had to recover said suui of money or au thereof : Therefore notice ia hereby given, I virtue of the power of sale in said n talned, I shall eell at pul. lic auction to the I bidder un the eighth day el' Jauuary next, o'clock in the at'ternoon ol' that day, at the frost door of the Court House in the city of Aun in the County of Washtenaw and State of Mii (that being the building in which the Circuil for oaid county Is held) the pr i ( 1!l said mortgage as beiogall thal cel of land sitúate and being in thé towD o chester, tn fche County of Washtenaw and L Michigan, and descrioed as, to wit: I the nurth half of the northeast fractiona] (.; of seetion number two (2j, in township m foar, south of range number three east, conl Dlnety-three acres of land, accordiug tu the ' Siates survey. Dated October 7th, Í875. Johb N. GoTT, ELMIHA 1'. HOWE, Att'y for Mortgagee. Comruissioners JNotice. UTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washten. L5 ss. The undersigned having been ajipomted by the Probate Court ior ea ld county, commiseioneri t receive, examine and adjuBt all claims und aernandsof ill persons aainst theestateof Davidi'orter, late of saic eounty deceased, heitt notice that fsix months from date are nlluwed. oy order of said Probate Uonrt, for rreditors to present tht;ir claims against the estáte of saiu lle" cpased, and that thy will meet at the öice oí Kefiritftr ot Deeds, in' city oi Ann Arbor aaid couuty, on the twenty-sixth drty of JanMlT and on the 26th day of April, nest, ut tcno'cloci a. m., of each of aaid days, to receive, esmie and adjust snid claims, nted October 26th, A. f. 1S7S HLN11V J. MANN, [ Gominisnioners. HENKY W. 31 Y ATT, J __. Auction Sale in Bankruptoy. npHK nndersigned, assignee in bankruptty ?' 1 John F. Milier A Stephen M. Webster, "!■ tupts, will offer íor Bale and si 11 at public ; athisottioe over the store of A. A. 'Jrr , ■ !■ of Main street, in the city f Aun ' ou Tm ksday, Novemdhk 2Sth, 1875, ;ii ten in tho lorenoon, one undivided half. ; and twen ty, u block No. flve south, ', range "■ Hvi' west, in Mayoard's additiou toth city krbor. Also, promissory notes aRiiii i n lt persona, amounting, includii suins set opposite " i i ir sevei tl "■■■ l'hc estáte of Louis R. Bui hi Etoberl E Frazeraud Tbomas 1 EaiasJ.Johason, Mis. Siartha 8. Dentón, ',vm. a. LoTejoy, 2 notes, Thomas F. Leonaid, 8 notes, Patriok .Minan, James B. Webster, David Webster. I!. F. Wal Is. :;-;'" Note of Georve Moe. securod by n Thomas Mor, and morí Jane rosmir, '- Als.i, ootesagaiusl C. D. Bliss, I'. B. 'Marks, E. B.Beaumont, M. McKernan! ('.!' lm, A. F. Darragu, A. Hawkins, I', i romas, John Diehl, 1ii i ins,decew ■d, John F. Miller, Stephen M Webater, and ' al oihi'r persons, Also, a Northfleld ditch order cm the Coui! ■easurer, for tSO 00. Also, t'laiius againsí Jamos FAvery,-íor il!'11 ' '■ Span;, ni A Dodsley, for4'Jii:i; ai Webster, Lunt, Prestond Keane, of Chicago,.!1 A. BessioDS, Philip Fohey, Mrs. A. Avery, ■ Avery, Wm. II. Mallory, Orange Webster, M. lStanley, aiul serenü other persons. Also, balances due on aewing macl against Levi H. Douglass, Jobn V -hits, A. v Valkenburg, M. Campion, deceased, Luclm rich, lOmiiia llaiina, JohD Conaty, aod Tlcknor. v. Also, 800 shares of stook In the Detroil SilTerJU" aing Compa'ny. Also, 18 l-S shares of stock of the Monitor ano Northwestern Bitver Mining C'ompany, and bon" ol' tin1 same roiupaii}' Eo the amouuVol sive of Interest. Also, aeveral policleeof Life Insurance. Also, a contract fors uil [anda in Canada. Also, two writing desks,aod soveral otber H" des oí' property. The creditoraare pocially requested to aiw tbeSaleE.C.SEAMAN, Ann Arbor, Oct, 28, 1875. AsBi The salo i.ftlie above prbperty is herebyppstpffliw o Batarday, November 27th, 1875, al lu o In' forenoon, at the samo place. _ Aan Arbor, November 25th 1875. EZKA t'. SUAMAK, AssijtlK.


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