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Ohrin Maeshaix, oí Soughton, Masa., in a fit of jealousy, laat week, Bbot and killed his wifo, and then committed suicide. . . .The Fall River (Masa.) manufacturera have dispatched a eominission to England to make arrangement for Üie expoitatioii of their fabrica to that country Upon the aflidavita of the depositors of the Third Avenue Sa ving Bank of New York, the Inte President and Secretarios of tl 10 bank have been arrest cd nd placed tinder honda to answer to the charge of perjurv.... The Oourt of Appeala of New York has reí used Twee d a reduction of bail and a bilí of particulars. Anothku of the aiúts growing out of the Tilton-Beeeher scandal, the libel suit of Henry C. Bowen agoinst the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, for 9100,000 damages, came upiu the Brooklyn Court the other day, and was poBtponed to the uext term Mark M. Pomeroy, better known as "Brick" Pomeroy, the editor of the New York Drmocrat. has joined the noblo army of banlinipts. His liabilitiea aggregate over ï 140, 000. Aasete, nü. Threiï laborera were killed by a colliaion on tho Pan-Handle Railroad, uear Denniaon Station, Pa., last week. ..The New York teatrade is in a aadly demoraiized state, judging from the large mimber of failures receutly announoed in that lino. Somo of the heavieat dealers in the city have goneto the wall A rhiladelphia dispatch anuounces that Charley Rosa haa been seen in Conuecticut. He vaa in charge of a woman at Thomaston. and fully identified as the the loat boy by h. brother of Mr. O. K. Ross. Beforo proper nieasures could bc taken to detain the woman, however, she and the boy suddenl.v disappeared. Detectives are now following her up. John Clakk was hung at Rochester, N. Y., on the 19th inst., for the murder of a policeman in that city aome monthB ago. . . .At Erie, Pa., a few days ago, Jacob Wabagoans, a Germán GO years olii, in a fit of anger shot and mortally wounded hú daughter Anna, and theu committed suicide by blowing his brains out. Tübee minera wero killed at Loonatdale, Pa., last week, by the accidental explosión of a box of powder.. . .Moody and Sankey held their last meeting in Brooklyn on Friday, Nov. 19, and opened in Philadelpbia to au immense audience on Sunday, the 21st . . . . Lodicia and Albert Fredenburg, mother and son, have been sentenced to death at Herkimer, N. Y., for the murder of Orlo Davis, in June laat Hon. Omu 8. Ferry, Ucited Btates Senator from Counecticut, died at bis home in Norwalk. in that State, on the 21st of November. Hte diseaso was paralyais. THE WKST. Eiohteen Mormons, living at Franklin, Idaho, have been indicted for polygainy Counterfeit fives on the Firet National Bank of Peru, HL, and First National Bank of Galen, UI., are in circulation. Look out for them Tliere was a general fall of buow throughout the Northwest on the Hth iust., the iirst of tiie t eaaon. A kejiakkabus tragedy was recently enacted at a rural school house near Warreusburg, Mo. Jerry Poster, a colored Methodist preacher, became jealous of Peter Hawkma, another colored preauher, on the the latteracceptiug an iuvitation to feed tho Mount Olive lamba. Foater went to the _window of the house and sweing the brethren lietening enraptured at Petera worda of wisdom, drew a revolver and tirml. The bullet miesed the mark, but fatally wouuded another man. A second ball had the same result, and the congregation hurriedly dinperscd, wlule loster eacaped in the darkneas The entire party engpgod in tho murder of the four Italiana at Denver, about a month ago, have been arrested, It ia believed they will all be hanged - there are seven of them. Some of the band have confesaed. IlfiNiiY Haixensheid and his wifo have boen eeutenced to deatli, at Heriuaun, Mo., for the murder of their son-in-law in Juno last. . . . Brigham Yroung is out of jail again, Chief Justice White, of Utah, baving decided that the order of Judge Boreman committiug bim for contempt was void. So Anu Eliza won't get her alimouy after all. The great walking-match between Edward Payson Weston, of New York, and Daniel O'Leary, of Chicago, was concluded at the Expositlon building, in Chicago, u Saturday evening, Nov. 20, and resulted in a viotory for the Westtrn man. The distauce walked was 500 miles, O'Leary complctiug his 500th müe in 142 honra and ' 13 minutes, Western in the saine time baring acorod 451 miles. Thia is the grentest ptdefitrian feat ever aecompliahed by man. and juutly entitles O'Leary to he classcd as the champion pedestrian of the world . . . . Capt. A. II. Bogardus. the famous pigeon shot, was tried in the Criminal Court of St. Louia, lant woek, for a violatiou of the law against cruelty to animáis, the offenso charged beiug that he shot certain pigeons in a match. He was convicted and flned .50 It is said that the whisky ring at Chicago is quite as exteusive as that at St. Louis, and tbat tho trials will make similar diaciosurea. THE SOUTH. Paul Monriiï, of New Orleans, the faruoua eheea-player, has become a hopelesa maniac Wm. A. Borden, confidential clerk of J. S. Mitobell & Co., boiler makers, of Louisville, Ky., ia a defaulter in the aum of 5,000. GamblinK did it. The monument to Edgar Alian Poe, at Baitimore, was dedicatsd on the 17tb inst., witb iniposing ceremonies The new City Hall of Louisville was seriously damaged by fire last week. It ia rumored that the New Oileaus, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad will sbortly paea into the banda of the Illinois Central Company, which wül give that road au tinbroken line from Chicago to New Orleans Thm_!s are becoming lively on both sidea of the Rio Grande River. Co!. Terragas, of tho Mexicau army, recently drovo a band of Indians aeroRs the river into Texas, killiug twentyfive.of them, and loaing fil'teenof his ownmen. Thé Indiaus are suppoaed to be a band driven by our troops into Moxican territory. A portion of the 8th United States Oavalry have recently croased into Mexico, near Edinburg, in purauit of cattle thieves. Heney Niciiolson wae executed at Couahatta, La., on Friday, the 19th inst., for tho murder of Marcua Young, a pcddler.. . .It is said aiforta ai-e beiug . made in the South to induce Seerefary Biistow to ■ ment hm raid on tho wbiaky ring by a vigóreos war on the ootton ring. It ia well known that the Go.vernnJtiit, durins; the thrce cr four years following the cloae of the war, was H-.vindled out of miDiona of dollras by cötton iraud m the Honth A convenüon in the interest of the Southern Facitic liailfoad was held at Mcmphis last week. About 150 dclogates were proaent. A itow occurred at Richmond, Va., the other day, between two noted ex-rebel Generáis - Bradley T. Johnson and John D. Imboden. Johnson assaulted Imboden with a cowhide, adminiBtering sundry blow, and afterward drew a piatol, but before he crmlil uae it the partie were separateJ and platod undor arruiit.... Wallace Sc Co., wholesale dry gooda dealers of New OrleaiiH, have auspended. LiabiliticH, $750,000; aseets, Si500,000. POIJTICAX,. The total vote poiled for Governor at tho reI cent election in PemiHylvania was 603,504, Gov. IJarlrauft receiving 12,030 majority over ; I'ershuig, Dtmocrut Chlef Justice Waite eaya 'ne woiild nnder no circnmtancea accept a nomiuation for PreHidcnt Ex-8euator Pecse I has.bec-n reinatated in the Vickeburg Postoftice. The bflcial matortty of ïiltebury (Bep.) I for Governor of MtniKHOta ia 11,899. Í bama haa ratified her new State Cbaatitution by i a large majority Completo returns of the I j Wieoonsin clectiou make the majority of i j ingtou (Rep.) for Governor 820. Tho Demoi crata íQect the balance of the State onicera. The ofiicial return of the New York election give Bigelow (Democrat), for Kecretary of ! State, a majority at 14,588, over Soward, Uei publican. There were 755.(514 votes cast in I tho State. WASH1NCTOS, The trouhlo wit.h Spain, growiug out of a de; mand on the part of our Government for a j moditicatiou of the treaty of 1795, la at an end, t: io Spanish Government ha ving agreed to concede all that we ask. üETABï Bbibtow _has directed that the j fxpeuBea of tho Custom Hoin-:ea in Chicago, Milwaukee, and olhcr ]laces shall be cut down 15 per cent The work of reorKüubdng the navy is now going on, aud tbeie s uuiwual activityin all theyardaof t'ie country Hon. Bluford WUson, Solioitor for the TroaaI ury Department, who lian had the general Bupervision of the proBecutions against the I whisky ring, saya the country vet haa no idea i of the vaHtneaa aud the wiile ramiticatiouB of tho combinatioim against the revenue. He ha i no doubt of the complete final auooaas of the Goren ment and tho utter ront of the ring. bit thinks that considerable time may be required to knock the bottom all out of it eo that it c au never be built up agaiu It is said in naval circles, a Washington correspondent telegraphs, tbat the repair and preparation of vessels have no more referente to Spauish affairs than to thcwe of any otlier country. There is no exciteraent concerning Spain and Cuba. The President, some time ago, whÜ6 conversing on Cuban affaire, merely referred to what he bad heretofore said in bis anuual message, but gave no intimation as to what he Bhould say on the same subject in hia next message to Congres.... Tho President bas ïoauod an order cousolidating various collection diatricts througbout the country, nnd diamissing the Collectors, with their foree, in all the distiicts Consolidated. Forty-four Collectors, with their subordiuates, have been dropped. The following are the nnmbers from each State : MaÜM 3 Soutk Carolina 1 New Hnnipshire 2 Kontucky 1 Vermont 1 Teunessee 2 New York 'JJOhio 7 New Jersey 2 Indiana ;l Pennsylvania 4 Illiiiois 4 Maryland 1 Michigan 1 North Oarolina. 2 Arkansas 1 It ia eatimated that the cutting down will reault in a saving of upward of half a million dollars. Wiijliam Burnett, Superviaiug InspectorGeneral of Steam Vessola, in bis annual report, states that the number of lives lost by accidents to steam vessels during tho year was 405, namely: From explosión, 61; fire, 273; snags. wrecka and sinking, 64 .... PoatmasterGeueral Jewell, in his forthcoming arnual report, will recommend a reduction of the rate of po-itago for transient newspapers .... The report of the Chief of the Secret Service will show a greater capture of counterf eits and counterfeitera tban in anv previous year The animal "report of Dr. Liudermau, Director of the Mint, shows ttie coinage of gold for the fiscal year to have been $33.553,965; sil ver, ?10,070,368 ; minor piecea, $230,375; total, $43,854,708. The deposite were: gold, $38,556,293 ; silver, $16,070,626. Dr. Linderman thinks that two yeara' yield of the mines will f uruish aufheient silver to manufacture all the fractional currency coin that can be advantngeously u-ied in tho country after the rederaption of the fractional uoteB. Ho thinks the trade dollar should be continued, if for rio other purposo than to niake n local market for siL'er. Tho Diroctor speaks at length of tho course of gold and ailver during the last three year, saying tbat the monetary troubles have not been caused by insunicient supplios of gold, but by its haring boen withheld in large suma from circulatiou, and the diminiahed uae of Bilver as money. Hos. Henuy Wilson, the Vice President of the United States, died at Washington at half past 7 o'clock on the morniug of the 22d of November. The Bad event was quite unexpected, bis improved conditiou and general Bymptoma being regarded as favorable to the recovery of hia healtb.. Mr. Wilaon was 63 yeara oí' íigc. Tui; testiraony in the trial of Gen. John McDonald, ex-Snpërvisor of Internal Kevenue, at St. Louis, is of a most startling character. It clearly showed the existence of a powerful combiuation between Government officials nnd others to defraud the Government of ita tax on diatilled spirits. The distillers made regular contributions, which were sbared between the conspiratora, and in consideration thereof the whisky went iuto conaumption free. The house of Dennis Cunningham, at Craigville, Canada, was recently deatroyed by fire, and four children periahed in tho flames.... The Commisaion appoiuted to negotiate with the Sioux Indiana for the acquisition of the Black Hills reservation, have made thoir report tq the Secretary of the Interior. The report gives a full and conciso histöry of the whole affair, ineluding a statement of the reasons of failure, conapicuous amoiig which was the iuterferenca of white men who were intereated in having a large money payment to the Indiana, of which they hoped to despoil them. The Conimission urge a thorough revisión of our relations with the whole Indian population west of the Mississippi. Tboy recommend (1) that Congreaa ahall provide by law for the eeparation of all Sioux Indians between the ages of 6 and 16 years from the adult population, and make provisión for their thorough education ; (2) that the adults ehall perform labor aa a condition of subaistenco ; (3) that overy Indian be eneouraged in the acquisition of private proporty ; (4) that suppliei be horeafter furuished uuder the supervisión of offlcers of the army ; (5) that all Iudiau agencies be abolished ; (6) that the Government talie posaeasion of the Black Hills, paying to the Sionx a fair equivalent therofor, such sum to be paid to become part of tlie fund requirod iu the general plan to edúcate and civilize the Sioux. A DispATcn from San Antonio, Tex., dated Nov. 19, reports that a body of Texas militia had followed a band of Moxican cattle thieves acrobs the Rio Grande and engaged them iu battle, killing four of them. The greatest excitement prevailed in consequence on both sides of tbe river, and a general war along tli9 Rio Grande ie among tho probabilities. FOKE1UN. The Turks have gaiued an important victory over the insui-genta in Bosnia Tho letter which Don Carlos recently addressed to King Alfonso, mentioned heretofore, did not make proposala for peaco, but offered to uuite their forces and make common cause against the United Statos, ahould the Cuban difficultiea cause a war between this country and Spain .... The statement that the Germán Crown Princo intended vioiting this country next year is now denied. A Bebljn diapatch says the Germán Catholic priests are submittiug to the ecclcsiaatical laws. The Spauiah Gen. Queaada haa been commanded, by royal order, to henceforth receive no communication from Don Carlos except au aunonucoment of the unconditional submission of himself and his partisans. The Prince of Wales bas been very coolly received in ludia by the nativo Princes. Not a fiingle reception haa been proffered by any ono of theee iu the Madras and Ilengal Prosidencics. Allthe eiitertainmeuts thus far have beeii given by the English . . . Madiid diapatches ropreaent that the Carlinta are demoralizcd aud exhaTiateíl, and an earlj' close of the war is predicted The Italian Government has purchascd all the railways iu Upper Italy, paying therefor. about f160,000.000 A grand 'fete was fJjBcn in Paris the other day by the Franco-American Union, tbs object being to givo greator publicity to and extend the subscriptions for tho relíeme for a monument to Liberty in New York harbor. About (,000 people, including maiiy diatinguiahed persons, were present, and great interest was manifosted in the project. The subscriptions, it in müd, are progreaaing f avora.bly . , . . The London Timen, disenssing the Turkish troubles. naya : "Tue Sultan cannot save Herzegovina. ït is as fairly out of hia grasp as if deatiny had settled it by a conference between the powers. Peace can be brought about only by the extinction of Turkish authority." The coast of England has been visited by another destructive gale. Fifteen or tweuty véasela were wrecked, and fifty or sixty livea lost Tho Spanish Governinent lias determinad that all foreigners who are to bo tried in Cuba for participating iu the inmvrrection, b!iu11 be alloivcd to have counsel Francia V., Duke of Modena, who was disposaessed in Í8B0, is dead . . . . A Berlín telegram says that in the neLoüatioiis uow proceediug for tbe settlement of the troubles in the Turkish Provincea, the put l'orward by Austria includes a corapawtively iiigh degree óf Belf-govcriiineiit for the Christian commnnities in Turkcy. Kussid aeems to demand only more faithful adhesión to the promises of reform alreadv made by tho Porte. '


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