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Vice-president Wilson

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A Washington dispatch of Nov, 22 gives the following particulnrs of the death oí' Henry Wilson, VioePreaideut of the United States : Mr. Wilson rested well Iaat night, awoko at 7 o"clock thiü morniug, and exprossed himself as fieling brigbter and better. He i;at up iu bed to tako bis medicino, lay down ou bis left side, aud espirod iu a few moments, without a struggle. It baviug beeu reproseuted last night th&t tho Vico-1 'resident bad no mucli irapvoved that he would be able to leave for the Nortli thia week, the intolligauee ot hiasadden doath tbis morning foll with startliag forcé aud sudilenííoss ou the ommunity. The Vioe-Presideut ! ssomeii ou Haturday to' be a great deal better : than ut any timo during his late Bickuess, but yeeterday he was not quite so well. J'otjtmatiter Buit, of Boston, called iu the morniug, aud liad a pleayaut convertíation with him.' Mr. Crotsman, of New Ycrk, a literary friend, a)o viöited the President on baaiueaa couctrning hits (Mr. Wilson'a) uuüuished volume on the aubject of alavery. The VicePreaideut being iu a conditiou requiiing reat, Mr. Grossman retired. The Vicc-PreBident then alept from 1 to 3 o'clock. wheu liu roae. Mr Oroeamau retiirued iu the aftenioou, at the Vice-Preaident'a requeat, and remained uutil evening. The Vice-l'reaidoiit v.ont to bed at au earl.y )iour. anil alept toleiably well d'iring the night. In hie waking mtervala be aaked for water. About miduight he got up aud walkei around hls toom. Then. going to hib tabie, be took up a little book of po. ma, entitled, "The Uhangert Crot-s," with tlie motto, ' Mot aa I will, but au Tbou wilt." and road three verees from. it, une of whloh ia aa folknva : Help uy, O IiOrd, with patiënt lovc, to beur Each othfr'rt fanltfi, to suffer with truo nii-okDOSa ; Help til ciich other's joys tiud griefs to pharc, lint let ue turn to Tbee aloni: in meeknoKS. Otlx?r veriiCH hal been marked ia the book, amoug tiiem the followiug : What if ]Ktor kiiiih rs connt thy grief th' sijijial of au uiichaetf ued will ; Ho who can give thy bouï -ïfeSt knowH that thon alt aubmisdivo fitlll. Tilín volume belouged to bia wife, and contained a photograph of bei' and tüfiir aon. both I deceaaed. Ho treaaurod it boyoud valué, and alwaya made it hia companion, from whence he eeemed to derivo much comfort. After reading the verses, he spoke with gratitudo of the kinilntss of hiH frieuda duriug hifi eickness, and of the widesproad sympathy in hiH bolialf. He then returned to bed, ia a happy mood, and alept. At 3 o'clock tbis morning he awoke, coinplaining of pain in his stomach. One of hi-i atiéndante rubbed it, aml being thus relieved, he again feil aeleep. At 7 o'clook he awoke, remarking that he feit biïghter and better than at any time previous. He Haid that he was going to ride out to-day, as liis physician, Dt. Iiaxter, advised him to do so, if the weather was fair. At twenty-nino minutes past 7 o'clock, he Baid he TOuld get lip and take breakfaat. He then called for "bittor water," which had herotoforo been preecribcd, and having drank it, he iaid down, with hin lof t cheek on the pillow. aa if with audden exliaustion. breathing heavily, but utteriüg no words. aud in a few moments he died, without a struggle.


Old News
Michigan Argus