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Forty-fourth Congress

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The regular session of the National Legislature will begin on Mouday, Dec. 6, and the following list of Senators and Representativos will be convenient for referenco. All the electiona to the Senato liave been made, and tho list publiahod, and all seats, exoept one (Pinchback's) for Louisiana, diaposed of. In the House thero is a vacancy iu the Fourth Tennessee District, caueed bythe death of Hon. John W. Head. Ilon. Samuel M. Fite, who was then-elected to the seat, died at Littlo Rock, Ark., a few weeks since, aud Uiere is atill a vaeancy; but as there is no lack of candidatos it ím expected the Beat will be occupied early' in the Bession: THE SENATE. Republicana (marked R.), 44; Democrats (D.), 28; Independente (s:iiall CArs), 2. States. fö Krui Xamm. " Alabama... . 1871 1877 Geo. Goldthwaite . . . . Dem. 18fi8 1879 Geo. E. Spencer Rep. Arkansas '871 877 Powell Clayton Hop. 1873 187 S. W. Dorsey liep. California.... 18751 1881 Newton Booth Ind. 1873J1879 Aaron A. Sargcut.... Rep. Connecticut . . 1875! 1881 'u. W. Eaton Dem. ....... VaCi n y by deith Delaware 1869 1881 Ihos. l'. Bayard Dem. 1871 1877 Eli Saulsbury Dom. Florida 1876 1881 Chao. W. Jones Dem. 1873 187!) S. ]!. Conover Rep. Georgia 1871 1877 Thos. M. Nonvood. ..Dem. 1 873 1879 John B. Gordon Dein. Illinois 1871 1877 John A. Logan Rep. 1873 1879 Richard J. Oglesby.. Rep. Indiana 1875 1881 Jos. E. McDonald Oem. 1867 I8T9 OüverP. Morton Rep. Iowa 1871 1877 Geo. G. Wright RÜp. 1873 1879 Wm. B. Allison Ree. Kansas 1873 1877 J. M. Harvey Rep. 1873 1879 John J. [ngalla Rep. Kontucky 1871 1877 John W. Stevenson.. Dem. 1868 1879 Thoe. 0. McCreery . . Dem. Louisiana 1871 1877 J. Rodnisn West Bep. 1873 1870ÍP. B. S. Pinchbaok . ,. Bep. Slaine 1848 18H1 Hanniballïamlm Kep. 1861 IK77 Lot M. Monïll liep. MaBsachus'ts. 1873 1877 G. S. Boutwcll Rep. 1876 1881 Ilunry L. Dawes Kep. Maryland.... 1875 1881 IVm.P. Whyte Dem. 1873 1879 Geo. It. Dennis Dem. Michigan... . 1875 1881 I. 1'. Christiancy.... Rep. 1871 1877 l'liO3. W. Ferry Bep. Minnesota.. . 1876 1881 8. J.R. McMillan. . . . Rep. 187lll877 Wm. Windoni Rep. Mississippi... 1875 1881 D. K. Bruce Rep. 1871 1877 Jas. L. Alcorn Rep. Missouri 1875 1881 F. M. Cockrell Dein. 1873 1879 L. V. Bogy Dem. Nebraska 118751 1881 A. S. Paddock jttep. 187] 1877 P. W. Hitchcock Rep. Nevada 1875 1881j'm.Sharon Kep. 1878 1879 John P. Jones Rep. N. Hampshire 1863 1877 . II. Cragin Rep. 1873 1879 B. Wadleign Rep. New Jersey.. 1875 1881 T. H. ltamlclph Dem. 1866J 1877 F. Frelinghu sen .... Rep. New York.... 1875 1881 Keuren Dem. 1867 1878 Roícoo Conkling. . . . Rep. N. Carolina.. 1872 1877 M. H. Kansoni Dein. 1873 187!) A. S. Merrimon Dem. Ohio 1860 1881 A. G. Thumian Dem. 18.61 1878 -ïolm Shernian Rep. Oregon 1871 1877 James K. Kellcy Dem. 1873 1870 John H. Milchell.... Rep. Pennsylvania. 1875 1881 Win. A. Wallaee Dem. 1846 1870 Siraon Cameron Bep. Iihode Island. 187511881 . E. Bilrnoide . . ttep. 1859 1877 H. li. Anthony Rep. SouthCarolina 1868 1879 T. J. iiolnrtnou Rep. 1873 187S John P. Patterson .... Rep. Tennessee 1857 1881 D.M. Key ]Dem. 187] 1877 Hcnry Oooper Dem. Texas 1875 1881 S. B. Maxey Dem. 1870 1877 It. C. Hamilton.... Ind. Vermont 1866 1881 George F. Kdmunds. Rep. 1867 1879 Justin S. MorriU.... Rep. Virginia 1875 1881 1!. E. Withers Dem. 1870 1877 John W. Johnston. . . Dem. Weet Virginia. 1875 1881 .V. T. Caporton Dem. 1871 1877 Henry G. Dans D.m. Wisconsin 1875 1881 ngus Cameron Rep. IHill 1879 Timothy O. Howc. . . . Rep. Republicans 44 Democrats 28 Imlcpcndents 2 Total Senate 74 Republicau maj ority 14 THE HOUSE. Republicana (marked R.), 107; Democrats (marked D.), 178; Independents (marked I.), 6. One vacancy exista iu Tenncssee, caused by death. The asterisk () iudicates rnembers of the laat Congress re-olected. Tho C. stands for colored. ALABAMA - 8. 1. Jerry Haralson, C. It. I B. John H. Caldwel], D. 2. Jere. N. Williams, D. 6. Goldsln'h H.Hewitt,D. 3. Paul Bradford, D. At (Barwoll R. Lewis, D. 4. -Charles Hays, E. L. (Wm. H. Forney, D. ARKANKAS - 4. 1. Lucien C. Ganse, 1. 3. Win. W. Wiltsliiro, D. 2. Wm. F. HlemonB, D. 4. 'Thos. M. Gunter, D. CALIFORNIA- i. !. W. A. Tiper, D. Í J. K. Lutlrell, D. 2 'H. F. Page, It 4. P. D. Wigginton, D. CONNECTICUT- 4. 1. Geo. M. Landcrs, D. I 3. H. W. Blair, R. 2. James Plielps , D. ] 4. 'Wni. H. Barnum, D. DELAWAIIE- 1. James Williams, D. floüida - 2. 1. Wm. J. Purman, R. 2. Josiah T. Walls, C. E. liKOHGIA- 9. 1. Julián HaWridge, I). ! fi. 'James H. Blount, D. 2. Wm. E. Sniith, D. : 7. Wm. H.lolton, D. 3. 'Philip Cooli, 1). 8. Alex. H. Stephcns, D. 4. Henry R. Harria, D. 9. licnj. U. Hill, D. 5. Milton II. Chaniller, D. ILLINOIS- 19. 1. Barney O. Canlfleld,D. 11. Scott Wike, D. 2. Carter H. Harrisou, D. 12. Wm. M. Springer, D. 3. 'Chas. B. Farvvcll, E. 1:1. Adlai E. BtevcnBon, D. 4. 'Step'n A. Huiibr.t, R. 14. "Joseph G. Cannou, E. 5. 'II. C. Burcliard, B. 15. 'John E. Eden, D. 6. 'T. J. Henderson, E. 16. Wm. A. J. bparks, D. 7. Al.x. Campdf.i,!., I. 17. 'Wm. R. Morrison, D. 8. G reenbury L. lort, R. 18. William Hartzell, D. 9. Eilh. H. Whiting, R. 19. Wm. B. Andf.sson, I. 10. Jol 3S C. Baqby, I INDIANA - 13. 1. Ben ni S. Fuller, D. 8. 'Morton C. Hunter, E. 2. Janus D. Williams, I). 9. Thos. J. Caaon, R. 3. Mictael C. Kerr, D. 10. Wm. S. Raymond, D. 4. Jeptua D. New, D. 11. James E. Evans, E. 6. 'Wm. S. Holman, D. 12. A. H. Hamilton, D. il. Milton tí. Kobinwm, R. 13. John H. Baker, E. 7. Franklin Landers, D. iow -9. 1. 'Geo. W. McCrary, E. 6. Ezckic! S. Sampson.H. 2. John Q. Tufts, E. 7. "Jolin A. KasBOn, E. 3. L. L. AinKworth, D. 8. 'James W. MoDill, I!. 4. 'Henry O. ï'ratt, R. 9. JfrfOUon Oliver, R. 5. Jas. Wilson, R. KANBAfi- 3. 1. 'Wm. A. Phillip, H. 3. Wm. It. Brswn, R. 2. John R. Goodin, D. KENTIÍCKY - 10. 1. A. R. Jtooue, D. i 6. Thoe. L. Jones, B-. 'i. John Y. Browo, D. 7. J. 8. C. Blackburn, D. 3. Chas. W. Milliken, D. 8. 'Milt. J. Durham, D. 4 J P. Knott, D. 9. John D. White, li. 5. Ed. Y. Parsons, D. 10. John li. Clark, D. LOUISIANA- 6. 1. Randall L. Gibson, D. 4. Wm. M. Lcvy, D. 2. E. John Ellis, D. 5. 'Frank Moroy, E. S. C. B. Darrall, R. 6. 'Chaa. E. Nash, CE. MAINE - 5. 1. "John H. Burieigh, E. 4. Harrin M. Plaistcd, R. 2. "Wro. P. Frye, R. 5. 'Eugene Hale, E. 3. 'Jas. G. Blaine, E. MAJIYLAND- fi. 1. Philip F. Thomas, D. 4. Thos. awanu, D. 2. Cha. B. Koberts. D. 5. Eli J. Henkle, D. ■). Wm. J. O'lirien. D. (!. Wm. W'alsb, D. MASaiOHUSETTS- IJ. 1. W. W. Crapo, R. 7. John K. Tarbox, D. 2. 'Benj. W. Harris, E. 8. Wm. W. Warrant, D. 3. 'Henry L. l'iorco, R. 9. Goorde F. linar, E. 4. RufusS. Frost, E. 10. 'Julius H. Keelye,I. 5. Natha'l P. B.1KK9, I. 11. Chester W. Chapin, D. 6. Chas.-P. ThompBon,I. 9. 1. Alph'sS. Williams, D.l C. George II. üurand, D. '.'. "Hi-ury Wiildnm, E. 7. 'Omar V. Couger. R. 3 Oeorge Willard. Bi ! 8. "Nathaè H.Bradiey,R. 4, Allen Potter, D. 9. "Jay A. Hubbell, E. 5. Win. li. WUUams, E. MIMSESOTA- 3. 1. 'Jlark il. Dunnell, It. :. William S. King, E. 2. Horace B. Stralt, R. nis issu-i'l-6. 1. "LuciusQ.C.Lanjar,D.! 4. Otto R. Singleton, E 2. O. W. Welles, E. I 5. Charles IS, Hoker,D 3. Hernando B.Money.D 6. 'John lí.-Iiynch, R. jiissouitl- 13. 1 Edwird f: Kehr, D. I 8. lienj. J. Franklin, D. 2. 'Erastus Wells, D. 9. Davi-,1 Bea, T). 3. ' William H, t-inn, I). 10. Et, . l).:Uoll. D. 4 Robt. A. UatCber, B. 11, .1. B. Clarlic, Ir., 1). 5. 'Richarri P. Bland, D. 12. "John M. io-:_,, 1). (i. Cba8.IL Morgan, P. i-i. 'Ayletl BBeoiur.Bi 7. John Phillips, D. KEBBASKA - !. LurLïi.o Orounse, R. NEVADA - 1. William Wpodburu, H. NJEW H.'.Mii,-irir.E-3. 1. Frank Jope. 1). :í. H. w. Blair It. ■. - . X. U-li. I-. M.V .ÍÍ-.USEY - 7. ). C. H. Himii. 1:hoii, E. .". M:g. V.'. Cutlcr, U. 2 "Sam'l A.Dob'.iiup, li. 'i. ï'rcd'rick U. Teese, 1. ', 3. Miles Eoss. D. 7. . A. Hiirdculrarg, D. I 4. ■Bobert Hamllton, D. fOlEUB 1. Henry B. IfetMlfe, D. 18. Au.iv.-,v Williams, li. 2. "J. G. Sohnruakcr, D. 19. Vini. A. Whieler, It. 8. 8. B. CHITTENDfcN, I. 20. H. üMhorn.K. 4. Archibald M. Miss, D. 21. Bamuel F. MiUer, B. 5. Kdwln V.. y„ adc, D. 20. a orie A. Bask y. K. 6. SamuelH. Cox, i. 28. Boott Lord, D. 7. Suiilh Eiy, .i!. D. .'4. William 11. Baker' li. 8 Elijan anl, D. u . i ■ atmm-ortli.R. 9. Fernando Wood. D. '6. 'C. D. uDougaH, H. 10: AbrabainS. Hewitt.l). 27. i . (;. Capham, li. 11. Benj. A. Willis, D. 28. 'Thos. C. Platt, E. 12. N. Holmes OJell, D. 29. 0. O. B. Walker. D. 13. J. O. Wliitehoune, D. 30. John M. Davy, E. 14. GeorgfJI. Bocbe, D. 31. 'tteorge G.lloskins.R. 15. J. H. Bagley, Jr., D. 82. "Lyman K. Bats, K. lti. Charles H. Adama, R. U3. Nelson I. Norton, 1Í. 17. M. I. Townwmd, lt. NOHTH CAROLINA- 8. I. Jesse J. Yeats, D. 5. Alfred 31. Scales, D. 2 John A. Hyman, C. R. 6. 'Thomas H. Ariic. 1). 3 'AlfredM. Waddell.D. 7. Wm. M. ltobbins, D. 4. Joseph J. Davis, D. 8. 'Robert H. Vaneo, D. ohio- 20. 1. Milton Sayler, D. 11. John I,. Vanee. ï). 2. "HenryB. Banning,D. 12. Ansel T. Walling, D. 3. Jolin S. Havage, D. 13. Mllton I.8outhurl,n. 4. Johu . McMahon, D. 14. John P. Cowan, I). 5. Americus V. Rice, D. 15. N. U. Van Vorhes, R. 6. Frank H. Hurd, D. Ui. "torenïo Danforth.R. 7. '.Lawrence T. Neal,D. 17. 'L. D. Woodworth, K. 8. "Win. Lawronce, lt. 18. James Monroe, R. !). EurleyF.roppletou,D.'il9. Jas. A. 0arfleld, R. 10. "Charies Foster, lt. 2O. Henry B. Payue, D. okeoon- 1. Lafayette Lañe, D. PENNSYLVANIA - 27. 1. Chapmiin Frecman.R. 15. Joseph Fowell, D. 2. Charles O'Neill, R. 16. fiobieKki Rose, R. 3. 'Samuel J. lUmlall.D. 17. John Reilly, D. 4. "Wm. D. Keiler, lt. 18. Wm. S. Stenger, D. s. John Kobbiiis D. 19. Levi Maish D. 6. Wa8h ïownsend, K. 20. Levi A. Mackay, 1). 7. Alan Wood, Jr., R. 21. Jacob Turner, D. 8. Heister Clymer, D. 22. Jas. n. Hopkins, D. 9. "A. Ucrr Smith, R. 23. Alox. G. Cochran, D. 10. William Mutchler, D. 24. John W. Wallaoe, R. II. Francis D. Oollina, D. 25. George A. Jenka, D. 12. V. W. Kctcham, K. 2(i. James Shoakloy, D. 13. Jamei lt. llciily, D. 27. Albcrt G. Egbert, . 14. 'John B. Packer, R. IIHODE IKLAND - 2. 1. 'Benj. T. Eamss, R. 2. Latiiner W.Ballou, lt. SOUTH CAliOLINA- 5. 1. 'Jos. H. Raiucy, O. R.l 4. Alox. S. Wallace, R. '2. E. W. M. Mackey, D. I 5. lteuben Smalls, C. R. 3. Solomon L. Hoge, R. TENNEBSEE - 10. 1. Wm. McFarland, D. 6. John F. House, D. 2. J. M. ïhornburKh.R. 7. "W. C. Whitthorne, D. 3. Georgo U. Dibrell, D. 8. John D.C. Atkins, D. 4. Vacancy. 9. Wm. P. Caldwell, D. 5. "John M. Bright, D. 10. H. Casey Young, D. TEXAS - 6. 1. John II. Reagan, D. 4. Rogcr Q. Mills, D. 2. D. B. Culbcrson, D. 5. 'John Hancock, D. 3. J.W.Tnrockmorton.D. 6. Gus. Schleicher, D. VEUMONT - 3. 1. Charles II. Joyce, R. 1. Geo. W. Hendee, lt. 2. D. C. Denison, II. VIRGINIA - 9. 1. B. B. Douglass, D. 6. John R. Tucker, D. 2. "John Goode, Jr., D. 7. John T. Harris, 1). 3. Gilbcrt C. Walker, D. 8. "EppaHunton, D. 4. 'Wm.H.H. Stowell, R. 9. William Terry, D. 5. Goorge C. Cabell, D. WEST VIIiOINIA- 3. 1. Benjamin Wilson, T. 3. I"rank Heretord, D. 2. Chas. G. Faulkner, D. WISCONSIN - 8. 1. Chas. G. Williams, R. 5. S. D. Burchard, D. 2. Lucicn B.Caawcll, lt. (i. A. M. Kimball, R. 3. Henry S. Magoon, R. 7. "Jeremiah M.Rusk, lt. 4. Wm. Pitt Lyndo, D. 8. George W. Cate, D. TERÜITORIAL IETJEOATEK. Arizona - Hiram H. Stevens, I. Colorado -Thomas M. Patterson, D. Dakota - Jefferson P. Bidder, R. Idaho- Thomns W. Bennett, lt. Montana - Martin Maginnis, D. New Mexico- Stephen B. ElkinB, R. Utah -"George Q. Cankon, I. Washington - Orange Jacobs, R. Wyoming- "William R. Steele, D. CONTESTEÜ KEATS IN THE HOUSE. State. Seat. Cantented ly Alábanla Haralson, R . . . Fred G. Bromberg. D. Alabama Williams, D James T. Rapier, C.R. Alabarua Hays, R James T. Jones, D. Florida Purman, lt John A. Henderson, B Florida Walla, col. R. . ..Tesse J. Finley, D. Georgia Han ridge, 1) ... John E. Bryant, R. Georgia Smith, D R. H. Whiteley, R. Illinois Farwell, R J. V. Le Moyne, D. Illinois Whiting, R Leonard F. Ross, D. Indiana Hunter, lt Harrisou J . Hice, D. Indiana Baker, lt Freernan Kelley, D. Kentucky White, R Harriaon Cockrill, D. Lonisiana Morey, E Wm. B. Spencer, D. Maryland . . . . Walsh, D Uoyd Lowndes, D. Massaghue'ts.Frost, lt Josiah G. Abbott. D. Minnesota.... Str.iit, lt E. St. Ju lien Cox, D. Pennsylvania.Freeman, R. . . Thos. B. Florence, D. Pennaylvania . Egbert, I) Oarlton B. Curtis, lt. S. Carolina .Hoge, R B. H. McGowan, D. S. Carolina... Wall ace, lt Jos. B. Kershaw, D. Virginia Goode, D Jas. tl. P.'att, Jr., D. New Mexico. .S. B. Elkms, R..Pedro Valdez, D. To the above nnmber oí tweuty-one contested seata may posnibly be added others of wbich we huye no preaeut kuowledge. Some of the above, also, may not be brought before the House at all.


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