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The Tribune, New York

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IEH lili TIU. Two Months Free! "THE LEADING AMERICAN JÏEWSPAPER. The Paper for Business Men, Farmers, Families, ai all the People. o 1. It publishes all the news. 2. It is eandid and independent in all things; in politics it favors honest money, government reform and lower taxes; anti it so faii-ly uttera in these respecte the popular voice tliat every considerable State election this ytat has gone on the side THE 1RIBUNE favored. 3. lts moral tone is unexceptionable, nothing appearing in its pages nnsuifeá for the most refined' and cultured family circle. 4. It haa the best and freshest correspondence, poems, stories; in short, the oream of the current literature of the day; the best and fullest scientific, religioua and literary intelligence. 5. lts Agricultural Department is the fullest, most thorough, practical and useful in auy paper. It gives its readers in eaoh number as much or more tlum the highest-priced monthlies. 6. lts Market Reporta are the genorally accepted standard for dealers and producers throughout the country. 7. lts aggregate circulation is larger thau that of any other four-cent morning paper in New York. 8. lts circulation, regarding character as well as number of subscribers, is better than that of any paper in the country. 9. It is growing mere vigorously, and increasing in circulation more rapidly, than any of its rivals. TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE. Postage Free to the Subscribers. Daily (by mail), 1 year $10.00 Weekly, 1 year 2.00 Semi-Weekly, 1 vear 3-00 Fito copies, 1 year 7.50 Fivo copies, 1 vear 12.50 1 Ten copiee, 1 year 12.50 Ten copies (f.nd oue extra), 1 year. . . . 25.00 I Twenty copies, 1 year 22.00 Thirty copies. 1 year 30,00 All new subscriptions paid at the above rates will be extended from the dak of reeeipt until December 31, 1876. Each person procuring a club of ten or more subscribers is entitled to one extra Weeklt, and of fif ty or more to a Semi-Weeklt. To clergymen, The Weekly Tribune will be sent one year for $1.50, The Semi-WeeKlt for $2.50, and The Dati.ï for $9. Specimen copies of either edition of The Tbibttne, and circulara giving full details of the centents of the great series of Tribune Extras, sent free to any address 111 the United States. All remittances at sender's risk, unless by Dra ft on New York, Postal Order, or in Regïstered Letter. Aildress siinply


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