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The Whipping-post

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1 wiituniKton (,'oi-. riiiladelphia Times.] Sheriff Lariibsölij tt atout, muscular ! mütt, at quarter past 1'2 o'elock, apj peared Tfrith rt est-a'-nine-tilS; Tlie deputy then caine fbrw.trdi accompanied by ! an intelligent-looking yoilüg eolored I man, named George White, wlio liad I committed the ofiense of straling a pistol. He threw oñ We heavy woolen blauket thnt had been tiirdwá sbowt hi bare I shoulders, and, ste})ping deñaütly f j to the post, placed his hands on the clasps ! and awnited the blows. They were j twenty in number, each leaviiig, as it 1 feil, nine distinot white marks, causing j th flesh to fjüivef and the vietfinto twist ; öiid wiitho tvlth the pain, btit not a word escaped his lipS.' ttia eyes rolled, showing the great agoöy ho tros in. Andrew Jolmson, a white man, 40 yeaf of age, ; had been found gjtilty of btealing a fnw i articles of clothing, and for this the Cofiít fteiltenRetl him to twenty lashes, which the Sheriff laid n with a heavy hand. He plaialy showed iil his fiice the determination of his will, and he bore it all withont the twitching of a { muscle ; not a sound escaped his lips, and as he walked back to the jail with the blood ready to start from the great red and purple welts npon his back he looked as bold and deüant as ever. At the name of James H. Pollard being pronounced, a tall, lithe figure advanced to the post, his face muffled in the blank et ever his shoulders. But seeming to ollect himself, he quickly threw it off, and revealed to the gaping crowd the figure of a man fully six feet two inches in height, a handsome face, and shonlders as broad as those of Hercules. When his hands had been adiusted he looked [ i defiantly toward the Sheriff, as mncli as I to say, begin. There was not one in tlie ■ ! tbrougof spectators,astheysawthesnowy I white flesh bared to the raw wind, that : would not have been glad if he liad been j spared. But it was not within the power of the Sheriff to do so if he had wished, ] and as the twenty lashes were laid on, the stillnesa was only broken by the sound of the lash as it strnck the Heeli, and one or two exclamations of "shaiae" from the women. He was severely punished, bnt uttered not a word, only gave another look of deiiance at the Sheriff, who stood before him with the whip : in his liand, and marched back to the jail. Charles Muilen, an old gray-headed negro, had stolen a set of harness, and f or this received twenty lashes. Charles Watkins, colored, was his aocomplici in the crime, and he also received twenty lashes, whicli split the skin in several places, and the pain was so intense that ho nearly wrenched his hands from the clasps ia his efforts to escape the blows. Joseph Denas, a white man, had been guilty of stealing a cliickeu, and for this j was given twenty lashes, well laid on. i John Connor, a colored man, who stole ! some clothing, got twenty lashes. Arthur J. Holmes, a young white man, who had stood in the pillory one hour, found white man whipped, and to him the Sheriff administered thirty lashês well laid on. Besides this he has to undergo twelve years' imprisonment. He is a young man, apparently not over 19, and stood his pnmshment with reniarkable fortitude. Nathan Denby, colored, was the last whipped, and, as he had been somewhat demonstrative, the Sheriff laid the blows on with severity. He suffered intense agony, and altnost sunk upon his i haunches as the blows continued to rain npon his bare back. Life in Madrid. Writing of Madrid, a correspondent says: " lts look at iirst sight is entirely i modern. You look in vain i'or the crumbling tower, the stately cathedraL All is spick-and-span and new. The very churches and the tale they would teil are all thrust out of Bight; there seems liardly a building worthy oï note which is not of modern ai chitecture. Not only the look of the city but the look of the people is not of Spain, Spanish; they do not seern Spaniards of the Spaniards. When a stranger walks up the Puerta del Sol, or sits at night in the dusty Prado, it is disappointing to see that the meaningless hat of the English lady, or the bonnet, barely clinging to the back of the head, of the Frenoh lady, has begun to supplant the mantilla, which ie at once sightly and useful, tiglitly, inas; much as no other headdress s_ ts off the often superbly chiseled features of the Spauish woman as does the national oneand useful, because the mantilla gives the same protection from the tiercé rays of the sun as does the puggeree of the British soldier on the Koek or in the sun-smitten Indian barrack square. It hus been well said on this point, ' The greatest merit of the Spaniard is to be Spanish, for Spain's best attractions are those which are characteristic of herself .' The real forcé of a country will ever be its nationality, and any one who knows all the gracia, the individual sweetness, nobleness, and dignity of the Spaniards, is naturally pained to see them in any way imítate foreign customs. France and Freneh influence have never been anything but a curse to Spain. Here fchere seems hardly time for thought; life is to the well-to-do citizen a whirl, a bustle, a hnrry; a continued succession of business to pleasure and pleasme to business, a sticcession of cafe to theater aud cigarette to siesta; there is but little home life; there is no night. From two to üve all the world is resting certiinly, but at five and six comes dinner, and after dhmer stroll and chat and periodical and garden and theatre follow one another's heels uutil morning has already commenced. So swittlv, to all ontward appearance, flows on the stream of life tlmt events, even the most startliug, are and ever will be here quickly forgotten." Rcm.irfcablc Longevity. Mrs. Mai-y MeDevitt, buried from No. (il6 East Thirteonth street, lived to the age of one hundredand four yiiürs. This centenarian was born nf ar Bamelton, in the north of Iroiand, aiul lived there with her successive husbaiids on a farm during a large part oi' her long life. She was twice marrii'd, lier maiden name being Mai'garet Calí. Her flrst rjarrioge j was to a man named Ward, by whom she had one child, a son, still alive in Ireland. She came to this country over i thirty years ago. Her second marriage j i was to a Mr. McDevitt, wlio had a farm i ! adjoiuing hers. It was his second i riage aa well as hers, and both wer! well 1 advanted in years. This marriage was ] without issue. Some thirty-five ycus . ago Mr. aud Mra. McDevitt cauio to í America, the wife leaviug her on, Mr. Ward, behind her on the farm in the old conntiy. She has resided ever since in i this oity. Her aeoond hrusbaad is olso dead. 'Mrs. McDevitt, thmigli I ly helpleRs i'or ibout two weeki before ( lier death, preeervod her mii)Ul faciütie.s i to the last. One afternoou about three ( naonths ago one of Mrs. Smith's ] daughters wanted to thread a needie and some attempts did not aucceed The old woman took the needlo nnd without hesitation threaded it at the fiist trial. She never wore spectacles. She was always a pioiw woman, and went to church regularly when afee could. Deeeased was a smoker, and used a pipe, but neither chewed tobáceo nor snntled! She would tak(! lier glass wheu occasion required, bnt did not drink to excusa. Hhe never was in a street or 8tea.m car in her life, nor ever aaw the Central Pari;. Mrs. MoDevitt was twenty neven years of age at the time of the Irish rebelliou of 98, and remombered the events of the perlod quite disünctly. 8)ie used to talk of ten of them, and teil many curio atoriea of by-gone üays. She was buried in Calvary Cemetery.- New York Mereuru. fletermined to be Honesi. The other dy a man with a gaunt look halted beforo au enting stand at the Central Market, and after a long survey of the vianda he said to the woman : " I am a poor man, bnt 111 be honéfet if I have to be buried in a paupers' field." "What'a the matter now?" asked the woman, regarding him with suspicioB. "o one saw me piek upa $20 bill here by this sttuid early thia morning, but as I said beiore l'll be lionest." A . S20 bilí - picknp '" Rhewhi.spered, winging a Vland Rmile to her face. "I auppoae," he continued, " that sorae one passing along here conld have dropped such a bil], but it seems more reasonable to think that the money was lost by yon." " Don't talk quite so loud," she suid as she leaned over the stand, "Yon arn an honest man, and l'll have your uami; put ill the papers bo that all may luiow it. I'm a hard-workiug widow, and if yon hmln't brouglit back that mouey it woidd have gone hard with ibv poor ttle children .'" " If I piek up money by a stand I alwaypi gire it np," he aaid as he sat down on ono of the stools. "That'a right - that' honest," she whispered. "Draw right up here and have some breakfast." He needed no second invitation. Tho way he went for cold hum, fried sausagi.1, biscuit and coffee was terriüc to the woman. " Yes- I - um- try - to - be- honest," he romarked between bites. " Tliat's right. If I'fonnd any money belougkig to yon I'd give it up, yon bet. Have another cup of coffee ?" "Don't- care- fidoo," he said, aa ho jammed more ham into Ma mouth. Even courtsliips havo an ending. The i oíd chap fiually began to breatbe liko a I foimdered horse, and pretty soon after tliat he rose from the table. " Yon are a good man to bring my lost I money back," said the ivoman, as she brashed away the crumbs. "Oh, I'm honest," he replied, "when I find any lost money I ahvays give it ud. " ""Well, I'lltake i now, pitase," she said, as he began to button is overaat. " Tako wjiflt?" he asked. " ïiiat lost money you found." "I didn'fc find any! I'll he honest with you, liowever, if I ever do find any around here!" "Youold Har! Didn't you eay vou fonnda$20billhere?" "No, ma'am. I said that no one saw me piek up suoh a bilí here '." "Paymo for tliem pervisions!" she yelled, clutching at his throat. "I'll be honest with you - I haven 't il cent !" he replied, aa he held her offi She iried to tip him over into a bairel of charcoal, but he broke loose, and before she recovered from her amazement he was a block away and galloping along like a stage-horse.- Detroit Free Press. American ('aliooes at Mancliester. Journal (London) says it lias just received intelligence that Manchester is importing calicóes and longi.loths of American manufacture, and adds : "For some time past it has been known that American ladies, tra veling ín Enrope uniformly refuse to parchase cotton goods made on tliis of the Atlantic, and send to their own country for supplies. Messrs. Wanklyn, O'Hanlón k Co., of Manchester, thought it important to inquire tho reason; they found the American fabrica muoli better in quality and ajipearancc tlian the European mamifao ture, and the first shipment that has ever been made in the ordinary course of business to this country has just reached them. Is protectiouist America really to distance freetrade England in au industiy so peculiarly her own, and in which she has hitherto considered licrself beyond rivalry 8 If the warninpr needs to be iutensiüed we can add another fact scarcely loss significant - that one of tho largest houses in the city luis been for some time past iinporting calicóes from Belgium." _ Some (Jueer Railway Builders. Thero were more workmen on the P;eiflc Kiiüway even more curious than tlm Irish or Chinese nawios. During (ho Slimmer of 1868, the Laramie Iiiver beoame very low, much to the distress of a contrnctoi' who had ent a great many thousand ties - thetimbers on whicli the rails are laid- and which he expected-to float down to the point where the railroad was to cross. He was at first at a loss to know what to do, but resolvcil, linally, to build dams across the river at various points, and, when the sti'eam was tlms made high enough, set his rafts afloat. Large parties of men, therefore, went to work building the dams. No sooner wonld the men leave off work at night, than thousauds of beavers would begin, and work hard at the dam during the whole night. AVater is always as necessary to the comfort of beavers as on this occasion it was to the welfare of the con tractor ; and it was probably for this reason, and not because they wished to see the railroaU flnished, that the beaver community joined in the labor of building the dams.- St. Nicholas for December. An Observant Briton. Mr. Smalley, of the New York Tribune, has come neross a private letter in Lomion "from an Englishman of diatinction who has lately visited the United States." This Englishmau, havingbeen a month in the country, wrote as follows to his frieud: If you were to ask me what has struck me most since I carne I should say : "S'ixeíí - That down to the present date we have not in our travels been asked for alins by man, woman, or child. Second - That we have not yot seen % soldier. . Tliird - The total absence of book advertisements in many American papers of large circulation. Fourth - The very inferior literary sharacter of many netfspapers of goöd standing and repute. Wilson's ollea?iP' AVhen Henry Wilson entereil the SenAte, it contaiu'ed many men of ability. Of his own party it is sufficient to name Senniil, fem&Dd0V, Snuiijer, Trumbull, OollBUiore, Wad.' and Halo. Of the intense prii-slavery school, aftorv;ird prouiineiït in the rebellion, there Wére Masdii, tílidelJ, Toombs, Botter, ifunter, nul JSonjamin. Of thu Uemocrtits win dhered to the old grouail there wero Das.?, Douglas, I5.iyni-d, and Houston. rebnaat clnng to the time-honoml Whig doctrines, like Crittenden, Clayton, and Bell. Of tl.' twenty conKpicujus Sciiatii'H we l.uv" tiamed, only eight üt ïinw SvlDg, and even tliey have ;eased to exert any ijfluenoe upon public affaire.


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