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THE NEW YORK BVENÏNGPOST P, ICE REDUCE D. LIBERAL OFFER TO DIUB AG-ENTS. lv Tema of Mibscriptton. DAILY, - ■ !.00 íEMl-WF-EKLY, ■ - &.00 WEKKLY. - - 150 Theae terms inolude the postage, which will be, mid by tbe publisher. A PREMIUM FOR Each Subscriber. We offer to subscribere. in eonnection with the 'hf. Eveninö Post, the following usefui articles: A I' íi clied I c(t Clockq which sella for $2.50 at retail, with the Weekly Evenmg Post, for $2.75. or with the Bemi-Weekly for $4.25. 'A good time-piece, of simple, yet careful con;ruction." Ilic st. .crnioin ar Staden l.innii. (C. A. Kleeman's patent.) Lnrge uize (retail prioe $7.0) with the Weekly lor $5.75, or with the Weekly, for $7.25. " The best now in use. The h(?ht is steady and right, and therefore the eyes ure not disa;rpeal)ly ffpettïd, aa is the e in rendinff by pasliprht-or the ight of other lainpH." - Engineering tL Mining Joural. The TJtiliiy AdiiiMtabic Table (retail, .8.0 ijwitn the Weekly for $5.50, or with the Bemi-Weekly for $7. mi. "This table may be raised nr lowered in height o fluit any person or purpOBe. anfl can be folrted in a moment for paakin away. Valunhle to ladies in utting and bastinpr; a boon to ' he Ttivalid ; a treasire to children; excellent fór trames, and seful for writing, study, lunch, or picnic purposos." Wcbüter't ITnnbridged ■■. tlonnry. l4fl pages quarto ; 3,000 illnstrations 'retail, $12.on) with the Semi-Wekly, for $10.0C; with the Weekly Bnp the Table, for $12.50, nr with Weekly and the Student Lamp, for $12 75. Webster's National Pictorial Ilc. tionary. 1,04'' Papes Octavo ; HO l ïllnstrations (retaii, $.ï.00) with the Weekly. for .f6.00 ;' with the Weekly iiiid Ihc Student Lamp, for $S 75,or with tle Weekly and the Table for $8.50. Worrcster's Unabrided Dictionar y . Illturrated fretail, tio.noj with tee Semi-Weekly, for $'0.00; with the Weekly and the Student Lamp, for $12.75, or with the Weekly and the Table, for $12.5. Worcester'8 Coniprcbenslve Dfrtion. ary. New illnstrated editton Tretail, $1.80) with tLe Bemi-Weekly, for$4,00; with the Weekly and the Tablo, tor $0.60, or with the Weekly and the Student Lamp for $6.75. jEnop's Fllblcs. A new and carefully revised edition of these Fables. By J. B. Kundell ; profusely illustrated with original designs, by JLrnest Griset 442 papes, quarto (retail price, $3.5(nwith the Weekly for $3.25, or with the SemiWeekly, for $4.75. vT2sp's Fablos. Qiti cdget, beveled covers (retail price, l$ó 00) with the Weekly for $3.76, or ■ with the Semi-W.eekly for $5.2f.. To Club Agents. In order to stül more larely inerease the circulationof The Eveking Post, we offer togive t0 those who wi!l procure Bubscribere to the Weeklí and 8emt"Wekklt Evening Tobt, either of the Premiums mentioned above. Sond for specimen copies coni ainiiig further particulars, and giviug the number of subscribers which ahould be obtained to entitleone to üitherof tnene premi uiub. Á0énts who preftr a commission in Cash will te Uberulti dcnlt toith. latease send Jar our circula.)' to Club Agcnts. We continue to eend The Enening Post, free of pastage without premiums, ut the foriner low club terms, as followa ; BEMI-WEEKLY. Five copios, one year, - $12.50 Ten copies, uue year, - - 22.00 WEÖKLY. Five copies, one year, - - - $7.00 Ten copies, one year, - - - 12 50 Twenty copies, one year, - - 22.00 These terms include the poatage, which will be paid by the publishers. The abovp. rates are as low as those, of o,ny Jivtt class newspaperpubli-hi'ii. JfcjT Additxona may be made to a club at any time, at club ratea. Remittances should be made, il' pi-ssible, by draft orPost Office order payable in New York. If these cannot be obtained, the letter shonld be registercd. SPECJMEX NUMBERS SENT FREE. Addreas Win E. IHIYANT & CO. PlTBLISHEBS OF TUK K VENINO POST. No. 208 Broadway, Corner Fiilton 8t. NEW YOKK. Mortgage Sale. Dpfault havïng been made in the condition of h certain mQrtgage executed by ThomasGore and Maiy his wife. of Northfleld, Washtenaw county, Michigan, to Wlliam Kitzgerald, of the same place, on the twenty-first day ol September, in the yeur our Lord one thousad eight hundred and aixtyfive, fine recorded in the office of the Register ol Deods of Raid county of Washtenaw, od the 22d day of tíepttmber A. D. 18tift, ut 8 3-4 o'clock A. M. in Iiber33 of mortgagea. on page 671, which said mortgage was duly assined by Wilham Fitzgerald tf Oitroline Matilda Fasquclle, on the first day of August A. 1. 18ii6, and recorded in the office ol the Rggister oí' DterJs of said eounty of Washtenaw, bn the secondday of February A. D. 1870, at !l-2o'clock A. M„ in liber 3 of mortgages, page ;-)1-, and there is now claimed to be dut on said mortguge and tbe bond with the same, the aum of nineteen hundied aud thirty-six dollars and ttfty c.'nts, and reasonable charges tor uttorney's fee in case uf f oreclosuie, aod no proceedings in law or equity having been had to lecovrr 'said sum of monev, or any part thereof. Now therei'ore notice ia hereby gtven. that by virtue of the power uf sülc in said raortgnge contained, I shall aell at public auction to the highest bidder, on the2Gth ciay of February A. D. 170, at ' o'elock P. M. of said day, att he ficnt dooi o,; the Court House in , the city of Ann Arbor, connty afoiesaid ftliat beingtlif place of holding the Circuit Cuurt for Baid county, ) all that certain tract or pareel ol lai d known and described as f olio we, to wit: The Bast half of the southwe-t quarter of aection number three in township number one, aouth of runge nuiiiber feix east. lyiuif in Northrleld in the county of Waahlenaw and State of Michigan. Datad, December 2, 1876. CAROLINE M. HENEQUÏN, Late Caroline M. Ka.squelle, Aaaignee of Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Attoiuey for Asaignee of said Mortgagee. Estáte of Rohert Hammond. yjTATK OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, O B8 At ftseeaion of the Probate Court for the county oí Wnshtenaw, holden at the Probate Olfice, in the city of Ann Arbor. ou Mouday the twentyninth day of Novembor, in the year one thouaand eigiit Jmndred and soventy-Üve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Robert Hammond, deceased. On reading and filingtho petition, duly verified, of Hfiiry A. Hammond, praying that a certain nu struinent now on tile in thia Coii'rt, purport ing to be the last will and tetainent of ttuid deceaaed, may bc admitted to Probate, and that isaid Henry A. appointed exeeutor thereof. Tliercupon it is ordered that Monday tht twentyscvLiitli day oí JJecernbtr next, at ten o' . ck in the forenoon, be asHigEd for the heing of sai i petition, and that the duvLseea, letfatee and heirn at law of said deceaaed, and all othei persons interestod in said estáte, are required to ppear atHHeasion ofaaid court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city oí Ann Arboi, and ahow cnuse, if any tbore be, why the prayer oí ti. e petilioner should not be granted. And it ïsiurther ordured that said pntitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pen dency ot aaid peiition and the he&riftg thereof, by causing a copy of this ordei to be published in the Micinyan Ar yus, a newapaper printed and circulatintf in said county, tluee successivo weeks previous to said day oi hearing. (Atrueeopy.j NOAH W. CHEEVER, IMÖW4 Jude of Probate. Estáte of Michael Quigley. QTAÍTE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw, O as. At a aeasion of the Probate Court for the county of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate office ra the city of Ann Arbor, onFiiday, the twentysixtii day of December, in the year one thouaand üitfht hundrcd and seventy-tivü. l'reeeut, Noah W, GlMerer, -Jurliie of Probate. In the matter of the eatate oi iüichatl Uuigley, deceased. Adam D. Seyler, Administralor de. bovis non with the will annexed of aid eslatf, comes into court and representa that he ia now prepared to reuder hirf linal account as wuch administiator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuendaj the twenty-eighth day oi December next at ten o'elock in the foTenoon, bc aotigued for examming and allowing such account, and that the deriseea, legateeB and lit-irs at law of said deceaoed, and all other peraone interewted in said estáte, are required to appear at a seasion of said court. then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Aim Arbor. in waid county, and diow cause, if any tlu-re be, why the said account should not bs: allowed: And it h furtlier urtk-red that said adminiu trator give notico to ttie persona inteínted in suid estáte, of the pendency ot smd account, and the hearing thereof, by causing' a copy of thia order to be publiaheu in tJie ÈHchigotf Aiyus, a newspaper printetl and circuhiting ïu said cuunty ihree succesive weelu previouB to suid day ol hearing. ,- CA true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, I6ó9w3 )udg of Probate. FÖR SALE. AlllslUAItl i: OI IA(.i: nh very tiiH'ly ghadod ffruunds, near the Univcrsily, Dow Tácaut aod wlU bfl sold rery iow. Enouire ói A. B. PRESCOXX. TO Thii-ii Uuor over Bach & Abel's Ktore. 1552 PIIU,IP BACH. I


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