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In IJitnkruptey. i [N THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan. In the matter of W1LLÏAM O'HARA, üankrupt -Ín Kaukruptcy. , The undersigned, Assignee of the estáte oí tftie ' kboTe aamed bankrupt, herob) givea aotlce, ihat iu i -i'.uii to m ord' ■ m'18th) eighteenth day oí Octu:r, a. d. 1875, In wtill iell at public auctiuii u tin; highest Mdder, on the jixteenth (16th)day 1 November, A. i. IS".", al ten yclwck in forenoou oí' said'day, in front oí' nfcw (oujity ( 'Hii-t House, in i ïi e city of Aun A lor in aid diutiiet, the .-..'vrul piceas or parcela ijl' i-i'nl tétate -,nuat':i in i rit: city oí Aun Arbor, in ;ity .i Washtonaw and state ol' Michigan, LLii-1 luoro parüiularl) deseiibed a.s f'ollow l'AKUKL Okk. The t'jiM thiee-tuurlliH {%) ui tol i i -■'!■ li, rn u-i ; w .i -')!, !■- i 11 j :i!i ui I f'H-i -il in' ■ '.i , I'M "i! tllti i .'-I -'h1 ui said Int Uiree l.3)T"willi house i h;reo. Thia descripi n wil] he sold ulijcct to a uiurtgae to F. Huson, for $1,000,00 and Lnti reet. Pab bi 2. Lot nunaber sis (ft) in blm-k oumber Lwo (2 b (uth, range twt Ive i L2) mal, Xhia deecription vill be oW subjeel to a mortgage to Bridgel Ëagan, for $500.00 and Interest. Vx&C&L ■. Lotfl uuinlmrod aeTO 7)t aitfbt (8), niii'1 ((, a ml wi-m lialt ui' lot eieren ' 11 1, hII in Mook two (2)&outh, ra D' twelv 12) east, with twohouséfl l Ikm i-on. rAit( BL 1. A pieee of lamí on west slde of .Main streel frith store fchereöiT, stiuaxed bet ween the (iregorj House and Beyler's store, and deacribed as Ijüiiiiiinn on Ihc ia.-( ol' Un une (1) in biock dik1 1; north of Huron streel in the eity of Aun ArboMichigan, ti!iy-ti bi 55ifeet south of the northniifi oi saicl lot, rutimng west lü'iy-six (66) feet, theuce north eighteeii ana on e-hal f (eetfl8U), i henee east ftfty-six [5(í) Ceet to the east Une of sald lot, thence south eighteen and one-half 1 1' .( ei to the piar. í begin B ing. Parcki.5. A pieee of land with store thereon, ftituated on the east alde of Main street, bi the Savings Bank and "ÖranTÜle's store, in the 4-ity of Ann Arbor, Michigan, being abput tnirteen feet and nine I fiches (13.9) front on Main sin-et, and about twenty-eix feeti and eight lneheft{26.8) deep, and being boiinded afid descrlfeed as fotlows, to it: ( iommencing thirty-six feet and three Ifichea bouhi of the Qorthwert oornerof bkwk one (1) south oi' II u run rttr eet, range foui {4) east, running thence eaat parallel to ilmon street tweuty-two feet and two lachee (22-2J thenee south thirteen feet and oine Lnches (13-9), thence west twenty-two feet and two inches (22.2) to Main Btreét, thence uLong the east Une of Main street thirteen feet and tune 13,9]nchea to the place of begin ning. Alio a piece of land conimencing at ttie east end of the above described land, running tíienoe cast fomr feet and two inches (4.2), thence aouth tliirteen foei and nine Inchea (13.9), thence weet four feet nd two inches (4.2), thence north along the feMtU&e of the foregoing thirteen feet and uiue Inchea (13i9), to the place of beginnintf, the last described piece of land extending iipwards aw high and no higher than the space oecapied and covered by the ftrst story oí the building standing on the &aid lust mentioned and described premises. The lant three pareéis being pareéis three(3), foui '4) and five in), will be sold subject toa mortgage tt B. J. Howeil lor $7,000 and interest. Dated Grand Rapids. Mlch„ October 20th. 1875. JULIÚ8 H(n;si„MAN. Assignee. The above .sale in adjourned until Tuesday, tin thtrtieth (S0) day of November, a. d. 1875, at tei (10J ü'clock in the forenoon, at the sanie place abov mentloned. Ann Arbor, Mich., November ltith, 1875. JULIIIS iforsKMAN, Assignee. The above sale is adjourned unlil Tuesday thi twenty-flrst (2lBt) day of Decembet A. D. 1875 at ten (10) o'elock in the furenoon, at the Bami place above meationed. Ann Arbpr, Mieh., Kormbei BMb. 1875. JULIU9 ii(HHEMAN, A3iignee. Estáte of Clarisa J. W hippie, OTATË OF MICHIGAN, countyot Washtenaw, O s. At a aesMiou uf the Probate Oourt tor the couií.y of Wasliteiiiiw, holden at the l'robjite Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Sttturduy, the twentieth d;iy of November, in the year one thouaand ught hundred and sevcnty flve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Jude of Probate. In the matter of theestate of CUifesa J. Whipple, deceased. On reading and tlling the petition, duly veritied, of Fiederick Wedeiaeyer, prayiug that a certain instrument now on file rn thia caurt, purportin to be the last will and testament oí stid deeeaned, may be adraitted to probate, and that he may be uppoint d Executor ihereof. Thereupon ït ieordered.that Monday, thfi twentieth day oí December mixt, at ten o'cloek iu the assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, lerntee, and licirs al law of said deceased, and all other persona interest - ed in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the eityof Ann Arbor, and show canse, it' any there be, why the prayer of thn petitioner sliould not be gr.inted : And ït ia further ordered thut' said petitinner give notice to the persona interettfed in faid estüte, of the pendeney of said petition, and the hearing thereof , by causing a copy of thie order to bc pubUahed in the MuhiganArgus, a newspapar prinieri and circulating in nv couiity, tliree succeaaive weeks previouB to said day of hearing. fAtruecopy.) NOAH VV CHEEVKR, 1558w4 Judge of Probate. SherifFs Salo. v TATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Waahtenaw, O 8b. Linoal Toirance va. Charlea H. Shepard and Ehza Shepard. By virtue of one wril of execution issued out of and ander the senl of the ('ircuit Court for the County of Wtishtenaw, in the above entitled cause, to me tlirected and delivered, 1 did the 23a day of November, A. I#.. 1874, leAy upon all the right, title and interest of Charles H. Shepard and Kliza Shepitrd, m and to the following described real estáte aituated in the Oounty tff Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit : The northweat fractional qunrter of tmuthwest quarter of section 18, township tuur nouth, range ftve east, in Washtenaw County and State of Michigan, which ahove described property I shall expose for aule at public auction to the bighest bidder at' the rtouth door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 7th day of Janumy, A. D. 1876. at 10 o'cloek A. M. of said day. Dated November, 18th, 1875. M. FLEMIKG, Slieriff, ÖheriflTs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. James V. Smith vs, Arthur Krry and Nelson Wilsou. By virtue of om wiit of eseotioa tesiied out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, in the ibove entitled cause, to medirected and delivered, I did, on the t wt-jjt y-sixth day of August, a. d. 1875, levy upo all the riffht, title and Interes! of Arthur Berry and Nelson Wilson in and to the folio wl air ilescribedreal estáte situated in the county ol' Wa.slitenaw, and State of Michigan, to wit: Lot number twentytwo in Maynard's plat; also a piece of land bounded south by lot number twenty-two in Maynard's plat, east by Lucas, north by Feicb stroet, and west by Lucas land, alt in Washtenaw county, State of Michigan. Which above described land I shall expose for sale ut public auctioü to the hlghest tiidder. at the sOüth door of the Cöurj House In tb city of Ann Arbor, on the seventh d;ty of J auuiry, a. d. 1S7Ö, at 10 o'cloek a. M. oí said day . Dated Nov. 18th, I87ö. M. FLKMING, Sheriff. LARCE ARkIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AT W. WAGNER'S Who Sells Clotliinsj so Clieap tiiat. He DEFIES ALL COMPETITiON. All who are nressed with the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNEE'S. A fine stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings always kept and Suits Made to Ordsr. ! A Large stock of FURFISHING GOODS. 1496 21 Sourn Mai iSt. Ann Aebor Coxxistocls's S6 SPRING, BSD. IS GUAKANTEED TC BR ABSOI.f TELY MÜSHLKS.S. Wiuranted not to Ban or form ■ trough, and to be the eatuest, best and MOST DURABLE BED I. IABKIT. ■ Bprinirs beint? doublé, aré support ing, and . h viug upper ttnd lower epriugn, Lhe bed is equully Q EAST i: for lïht or heavy persona. Sume bed is rèndily tdiueted to rit bedsteada oí different wnlthso Address all orders to COMSTOC'K BftOS., Manufacturera. Adrián, Mich. Illustrated circulurs and priee list fumished on upplicutiou to the manulucUutTH, ' Real EstatO for Sale l THE UKDKKSIONED offers for aale the eighty A acres of land latei y oceupied by l'stnck P iiiiiMi.'li, decensed. Alsotlie foity acres of ' VALUABLE W00D LA.ND a )n section thirty-one, in Northöeld. beloging to i he estáte ot naid deceused. A rare opportunity is ifforded to purchasers. September 29, 1875. p 155Ü-3iüJ UI RAM J. BKAKES, Attorney. Mortgage Sale. WBjEBEAB, laaac r.. Qlarkeon and Mary A. aÊmhMu ootmty of Wnshtenuw, fiÜcfaigmi, on the thirty-ürst day of Januaïy.iu the year ot uur bord out thonnaud iifit imndn-d mul seventy-fout.execuled amoitaueto Atiu.w,). KMtely, o1 'huciív ot &1" k cyii'ta the Biate of N wVwik, to secure the pay. ment of eertaln principal urn tatereal moneytbere in meiiUoned, wiacii mortgage wm recorded in tbe otnce of the Hegister if iiocdb iu ihe couuty of Washteimw, un i lie Bint day Of JanunrY, A L. 1H74, in Liber w of mörtgages, on pngt 614: And, wneieuB,deiauU haa been mnde toi mere tiinn thirty days in the pajmtuit oi hu iuatuhaent of interest money whioh became dut oó firatdayof July A. 1. 1H"(;"), by reat-on -wlieicof and pursuunt to the tornan oí buiü mortgage shíü raortgagee hereby el;i;tH that ? rouch ui said principal b muiih unpnnl with all i.iij(:;iiitcs ol ÍBtert#1 thereod mail beooroe doe and payabte immediately. And whert.-ab ÜltíEfl 1. olifimeG t4 tic due and unpnid on auid mórtgage at the dat oi tliia notice tlurteen hundred and ninetyQÍne áollftib and twelve centn tor principal uiid íñti n si. afeó un at.torney fí-e of thirty-flve dollars sheW any proc edinga be t atoen tu tnrcrlnhtí the Hume in anditioii to aU other legnl costa, and 110 suitor proceedings having been indtituted either in luw 01 eqcüty t recover the snme or any part thercof, notice is tlieietore hereby „n(-n that on tlio thirty ilrst day ot December sext, at two o'cloek in the afteiuuoii of said day, at the froot door of the Cöxtxtfionae. iö tlie cityot' Aim Ai tntr, couiit j afore sai d ithai beiog thf place iu which the Circuit Coiüi lui &nid twuntj IB held), virtUe Ói the power oi sale oontaiurd in Baid tnortfagé, 1 shaïl Bell at public aiiction, to the higheSt bidder, :b preiniHcsdeBCribcd Lmeaidmori gage to satisfy the amoum of piinuipal and linteres! wii h i hé Ctuuges oi Bftle and the atiorney fe - oi thirty-4Te doilare : A13 that pertain riece orparcej ot land etitttate and btinfr in the village oí M;m ohester, in the couütj ui Tashtenaw, :vnd State of Michigan, and described as follows 10 wit : Being twenty féet in widtu oft nont tlie east side ot loi nuiubur even (7), in block u-mber tweni (22), aci-orüiny to n rcroult t! plat ol the villa ge of Manchester Ivon tii)f: twenty-two féet in width ou Exchange Place Btictt. in i-Uf vil ige of MancLeiter atorcsaid. Dated Uctobei Ut, 1875. ANiiliKSV ,ï. SinVET.Y, Moxtgagee. John ïi. Gott, Attorney lor iaid Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAXJLT having befin nndv in the oondiliong of aoertain mortgnge máde and executed b y Kobert C. I-inüey ;wui .-emsh .i. Lioösey, oi hahne , Michigan, to Charles II. Wtiiiuce, of the name place, dated December ninth. lM;- and recorded m the otHöe of the Begiater ot Dé'eda fot the Couuty of Waehtenaw, Michigan, in Libei thirty oi moi-tiíes, on page il4, on the nineteentn day oi De ceffiWer, A. D. 18H2,atll a. m. of wud day, which mortgage na dul ae&igned by the naid Chürleg ii. Wallaceto ('omiitock Hil], of Lodi, Wafhtt-naw Couñty, Michigan, whion Raeignment was duly exi ecutedou tïie tenly-ixlh duy oi -luty, A. L. 1H7 ' and recorded in the otttce ot tfie said Register of Ded on the 8th dsy oi September, A. ]. 187.Í, on whicti moitgam' and tu? note accompanying the aamc, there is cluimed to be due two hundred and sixty-jx deÜara and ten cRiitf, ut thfl de i t tibia ' notice, for principal and ïnteicsi, and ihirty-fiye dollarn as ati aitomoy it;e, providtd for in said mortftMe, by which defanél th poWát of f-aie contmnel in teAd mtnrtgage hna becomeoperative, and np prooediugs ia l w r in chariceiy Ihimik ï commenccd to recover tbs debí oeoored bj siid , mortíjage or any jxirt thereof : Notice ia herebj - giveo that said mortgage will be forecloted by the sale of the mmtfraged premiats, to wit.: All that tract orpAicel of land srtmiUJá iu Ihe townslup of saline. WMhtenaw (ounty, Michigan,' kntiwn. boundd ;ind describí d mm follows, to it : 1 L„ n +1-#ï e. t itiinvtfir i i Jiil'1 II 11 !-.f i . I I ' i V t i V i il ui ji IIH norim'HWt ijuatifi ui Kmiuwen ijn.uni ui eit tion ('2')), in township nunibiT l'oui (4), èoutli uf iivo f.ï., fciti-t, and cuiituini a í'oriy rcti land. Said aale will takr piuc ut the froni door pi the Oourt House, in the oity of Ann Arbor, ín chíiI Oonrfty, (that being the p'laou where the Circuit Court fur theüounly ís held) on fourth dy ot December, A. D. 1875, ut eleven clook in Urn tmuoon ot Bftid. Dated September 9th Wtb, oomstock Hrti,; D. Cramer, Aasignee uf Mor;. Attoiuey lm Mortgage Hale. DEFAüLT ba y ing Urn mart? in tb e eond itfm of ;i certaia mortgage made and exéouted iiy Jfrbn W. ('owun ;ui(l Dorcas M. Cowan, hia yti Manchester, Michigan, to Elmira P. Ho we of the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw aod State aföresaid, 'n the tnirty-ursi day of Mareli. .V. p. one tli'nsainl riibt hundred and seventy-turpe, and recerded in the office oí the Register of I lor Miiii oiuity ij' Wn-litciiLiw. o il Uy of April, A. D. 1S73, in Ji] pajfe 876, and that thère is noti ■ and itöpatd on aii niortga pau ving the same, two hundrod and dxty-two dollars, ateo an attorney'a fee of fchfrrjyrtife bollan in addition to all otbèi ' s oftén is any proceeding is taken to foreclose i morl subject i" the fiatlqur suiia of twi dollars ana interest to becoane due on said gage, and no proeft diögs in Inw or u eqftRj haring oeea bad te recover Baid súm of monejr or anj thereof: Ttoerefcnsenjottoeif hefcebj givcö, thal by virtup ut' power i' sale iri said n i taiurd, I shaJJ aell at imllk auotion to bidder on the oightli day ef Jam ■ twu o'ctocfc in the afternoon of tlnu day, :u the frat door of Cnuri Üoosemtlie city" f A mi in the County of Webtenj (that being tbe building In whicfa the lircuit Court for h'aíú rouiiiy is }: i ki said mortgage as being all that certain piece or patoei of land sitúate and bei in the tofc n of M:nichester, in the ('ouniy of washtenav an,d -■ i MichÍL.raii,-and dcwi-ibt'd aa J'olluws. to.wit: I the north half of the hoi of section numbet two f2, in Êownship ou four, sou th of rang Qy i tin ni net tii roe acres ot' ku.d. acor'iíítlfí lo the I nitctt States aurvey. Dated OctoherTth, 1875. John N.Oott, j:;..mii!. r. ttoivb, S for Mortga Mortgage Sal. DEFAULT having been made in the pondi of a certain morttiago made and ex iHiied by Kdmund Hlood and rfarah ü. lüood, hia wite,to William D. biariiman, and tinten fhe '7th day of January, 1871, and recorded in th B Hegi ster of Deeds for the Oouuty oi V ish-tnaw. in the State of Michigan, in líber 44 ol page 43, on the 27th diiy of Janu iry. 1871, "a o'clock and forty minutes p. BK. on that day, on which mortgage and note aooompanyitíg the sume thore ia now due the sum oí flve hunnred and ïixty-aeveu dollars and ninuty six cónta i interest and forty dollars a tin attorney fee.provided for in said mortgage, by "wliich áfltault tbe power of sale contained in said mortgage has become operative, and no proceeriinüs in ]iw ur chancery having been eommenced to rtcovi debt 8ecured by said mortgage, or my ]&rt reof : lotice in hertby given tnal said mortgagfl will be foreclo-sed by the sale oí the mu (gttged prfr miwiis. to-wit: Lot 4 in biocï one, ín Hiacocfc'usicoDd wdditiou to the city of Ann Arbor, Waahte County, and State of Michigan. Baid ele will take place ut the itonL door ot' the Court Hon88j in the said city of Ann Arbor (tha1 being the wheif the Circuit Conrt ior the rounty ie l.cJd) on the Uth day of February, 1876, at 11 o'clock in the iorenoon ol said ilay Dated Aun Arbor, November 12th, 1875. W. 1. HAlïlilMAN, Zina. P. King, Morlgagee. Att'y for Mortgagee 15J6 Estáte of Charlea Hullook. OTATE OP MICHUiAX, County oí Wahtenav 0 as. At a sewion of the Probate Ccurt tor the County of Washtennw, holden at the Probat : in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monda; the twfntysecond day of November, in the year one , and eighï hundied and eeventy-iive. Present, Noah V. CheeverJudge of Joróbate. In the matter of the ebtate of Charles Hallock late of the dty oi' Brooklyn, in the Stateof Ne York, deceastd. On reading and filtqg Uie petHion, ániy1 rerintn, of Hi riry w. Etyatt, praying thal binanuel (r. SchafTer may be appoiuted Adniini.- ratojn) dt bomt non, of the estáte" of said deceased. Tliereupon it is ordervd that Mnday,thetw( i day oí Ddceïribej utrxt, at ten o'dook in the noon te asaig-ned ior fhc Ëi'ariug "i said petition nul thal the heira at la oi' uid d i and al) other perdone híteresfí'd in aftfd estáte! art i'iijitired to appetu at a bsion of suid Court, Míen to be holden at the Probate 0{nee, in the city ot Anu Arbor, and show i:uuse,it HTiy theie l1, why the prayer of the poticnö hould not be granted: -ik! ii is further otdered .that atóA pfcdtioner give not ice to th( persons interested in mñ esatfi of the pendeocj 01 :ii'i iti'iii.iim, and ' uriiiff th'-Mvoi', by chusing a cupy oi'thiu order to be pübhahedin the ■ iffan Anjux, n newvpapei ii-culatingifl -■■liii ( niiity, riui-c Muvrsive etks pieviuus to Baid day of hearinir. Moopy) Ni) VII M. -'fC'Cr.VKR. l.'i'l Judtie of Probate. Real lítítuto for Sale. STATK OU MK'JIH.AN.Cmini: ofWiisbtenaw-SH. Ju the matter ut the et-tatttül Ludwig .- Aiilier.iïn . : .-'i N ■,:'.-■:■! '1 itin niitnee to an order grunted to the uudi WÜnistrator t t)ie entale of s.-dd Cw{ ■!-■ . . l t)i i txoim .''.ii.. l'iuivitt ior tin Cuuiity ui Vahiitcn(iT on liie seconfi daj of Noyentïir, A..t. 1S75, rhesi ...1 the South door of the Court House, in che city of Am. Arbui in the ' ounty of Washte■ Aw,insaid ', on Xueaday, th tweuty-first d;; oí December, A. P. is, Iock in the t'orenoori of thut day, (btibj by moitgage or otherwiee ■ . ■f öoweï ot tHe wïtïow -i sai thwein), the followi ng o wit t ;i.ulfof the north nat auaruyfa thi half oí tïie nouthwest " u :- r, mx uf that vu i oí the ■ ui" section I reni j -nine Ij ig botIuj oi ihu n ■ t on the north h:ilf of aid seetion, hbcI ta bjoet to a righ t of waj a leturveó in the Prom Üodtrey .Mül-i io b '. AfiiJer. Also, the west thnié elfehrnS or l-m I hirty acr s of thf vteñi half of 1he nortlu'ast qnartt'r thirty, and the toutbeast quarter of the outhwi -'■ luartf r of sectiou Uvunty. taoept 1' wts) roda and Mghtecn fïichés in width, all in towu two Mutli, m range flve east , ba said atate. liated November 2d, A. D. 1875. HENRY PAUL, Administrutor. Estáte of John Jacob Bollinger. STATE UK MICHIGAN, Countyof WashtenawaJ sa. At a session of' tlie Probate ('uur' i '' he oounty of Wanhteutiw, holden nt i üice,in ihe-oityof Anu Arbor. on WedB hf t wciity-fourtb d:iy of November, in the j me ; housana eilit hundrtid and aeventy-flvft. Present, Noah W. Cheevor, Judffe of t'ro In tbe matter oí the utate oí Joiin Jacob Boílnpr, daeeased Cu reading and t'üina the petition Inh verificd, ■f Maria Catharino Bollingtr, prayin tliat ;i Idmiii.etiator niay be uppointed on the estáte of ajd daeo- .od Thereuppn it is orderr-d, tliat Monday, the ti ieth d;iy ot' December next, at ten o'clock in the orenoon, be assineil ior the h' ai i il1 ot said jetilon, and that the bei at law ol smd decensedina U otber persons in ter est ed in eaid estáte, ar !■ uired to appear at a aeasion of said court then to e holden at the Probate Office, in the city of i-rbor, and show eau 8t'. if any there be, wÏm myer of the petitiouei sbould not be grai ïndü is further arderert, that said petitioner otice to the perrons Intereteted in said i-state, o iif pendehöy of éaid petition, ;md the hearioíí ícreoí, by BHLÍBg a OOpy of thia order to be pubslied in the Michigan Anus, a newspaper printed ad circulated in aaid eounty, three succeesive weeks revious to eaid day of hearing fAtrue copy.J NOAH CHEEVER, 1557 Judifö of Probate.


Old News
Michigan Argus