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Wilson is tho fourth VicePresideat who has lied in official barnes?, tho other three being Elbridge GöMy, George Clinton, and Williain K. King. The California Pacific Kailroad people are pushing their end of the Southern l'uoilic witli great vigor, and prornise to have railroad commnnioation between San Francisco and Los Angeles ncxt suminor. This wül open tho delightful climatü and tropical iruits of Southern (California to easy access. A New Yohk paper calis atteution to the fact that the twentysix Western and Southern States have a population of 28,918,774, anda total representation in Congress of 190. The New England States, together with Delaware and Maryhmdj New York, New Jersey, Pennaylvunia, havo a population of 13,204,151, and a Congressional representaron of 95. The snrgioal examination of the body of Lexiugton, the great. Kcntucky raceliorse revealed a most singular cause for his doatli. That part of the skull nader the left eye, where the trouble of the horso sermed to be locatod, wns ñlled with at leaat a quart of niasfcicated food, whieh had been forced" into the cavity tlu-oagh an opening in the upper jaw, caused by the loss of a tooth. The total valuation of real aiid personal property in Massachusotts (not including corporation property or savings bank deposite) foots up .f1,840,785,000- an increase of but $9,183,835 over last yeaa, against an incroase of $68,000,000 in 187 1, $6600,000 in 1873, and 200,000,000 1872. Half of the increase comes from the cities, thougli Boston's valuation decreasod slightly during the year. ; The Sscretary of War, in his yearly report, stases that Ander the act of February 10, 1875, appropriating $150,000 for the relief of persons suffering from the ravages of grasshoppers, 1,957,108 rations were issued to 63,593 adults, and 43,952 children under 12 years of age, residing in the Si ates of Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas, and the Ten-i tories of Dakota and Colorado. Of the money appropriated, $132,889.69 was disbm-sed for such rations. A New Yobk newspaper pays its respects to a city contemporary in this genuino Western fashion': "Tlie time is at hand when this mercenary pockmarked miscreant will parade hia sores for the last time, and, draggiug his dis located spine i'rom the wretched den Avlüch it has disgraced, will rend the heavens with a yeïl of diamay and yield up lii.s loathsome and pütrid carcass to j the buzzards of avenging justice." It is not generally known that the real name of the late Vice-President was not Henry Wilaon, but JeremiahColbaitb. It is said that his father was' excessively addioted to drink, and that tlio man who adopted Henry in his early life was nained Wilson, which name the VicePreBident aíterwards assumed. His brother, who was with him in his last il Incas, retains his namo, S. H. Colbaith'. He is employed asa messenger under the Sergeant-at-Arnis of the United States Senate. Stephen Jenktns, a i'amous proofreader, has just dïëd ia New York. He was a native of England, and was employed on Appleton's New American Cyclopedin. He was especially valuablo to his employers in his capacity of proofreadrr, because of his knowledge of tlie architecture, structure and dimensions of the cathedrals and cliurches of the Old Country. He could, it is said, give froni memory the name, situation, size and dimensión of such oudloss odiflees throughout Europe. A few minutes preceding the death of President Wilson, -the news was conveyed to him of the death of Senator Ferry, of Oonnecticut The VieePresident was prepared iï it, and expifËsed bo surprise, but said: "Poor Ferry! he has been a great sufferer." A f ter tttlkinga few moinents about Mr. [ Ferry's early life, he added: "Thatj makeseighty-threedeadmen, with whom ! I have sat in the Senate. What a tecord ! I don't think many now living can say the same, unless, perlmps, it is Hamlin, of Maiue. If I Uvo to the end of my present term, I shall be the sixth in the history of this country who haa served so long a time. " Aílan Pinkeetok, the famous detective, and the so-called author of a great many books the raüway flends deal in, manufactures, them in a peculiar way. AccorJiug to th( IiidÍHU.ipolis Jleraïd, he cloBets hiruself with a short-haud reporter nine hours of each day, and ' lates incidents concern ing Éhe (ptnre of ' soms criminal. The story is written out and given to some poor iïoliemian, who lïghtfl the wolf by dressing up the story in as good shape as possible for as small a sum is possible. Pinkerton then looks over the manuscript and sends it to the printer. Although unable to writo threo conpecutive sentences grammatioally, the celebrated detective, by an overaight of Providence and the persistence of the news üend3, makes a good thing out of the books. Thk uewspuper men in Ut Louis are all by the ears. Card-writiiig ít the or'i'- 'f tlie day. Hyde, of the i can, calis Hutehins, of the Timen, a ! " blackmaüer, a proved perjured, and notorious scoundwl. " Hntchins retorta I by stigmatizing Hjde as a "buily,"a "Iiar,"uiida " dxrty slnnderer." McOullagh, of the Oiobe-Dcmocrat, pays his dav&im itj C-ol. Grosvenor in a card of aonio leiigth, which winds up with the followfng "line thot :" 'Wilüm JI. (rosvtimr is uot, a competent witneca agsiiiBt ai;y maji, ar in any eaune. lio I ib duititute of evervtidug thu!. makou maubocd j icB.!-c(eil ai.J respeotaUe. llo bas diugraced overy pulilic caino with wliieh he han been couucoted, Sña be Laq pclluted eveiy relation of piivatu life known to tbe fsmily or to society. He baa iU.-i;iaced tlie nrmy of tlie ("nited State with cowardice, and a dopravity wbicb was worae thau cowardico. }Ie Las disgraced jonrnaüem w;th praotíMg ranging all the way from disertd tn'olo to ftl'jmciiH. Jle haH dibgraced [Killtiun with slmnii ar.d swindlca, wbicb uhou!d Lave ut Lim to the reuiteotiary long ago, - HÍ8 wholo eliarnoter - whether as uoidier, citízen, editor, man, or husbaudÍB a dull mouotony of baseneafl, which it would puzzle hell to produce or Omnipotence to duplícate." The Superintendent of the Mails in Japan - aa offlccr whose functions, we take it, correapoud to thoa(; of our Postmaster-General - haa lately sent his animal report to the Emperor. Tho docu ment, an abstract of whioh wo iind in an Eastern paper, is a ouriou and interesting one, as illustrative of the extraordinary strides which have been made in civilization and tho practical details of governnient by a peoplo who mitil -within a few years were as unknown to the outside world as the barbarie tribes of Central África. In his report he states that dnring the year 1874 there were 25,000 miles of mail routes in operatiou within the empire, beiug an inerease of nearly 88 per cent. over tho previous year ; there were 3,211 PoHtoffices ; and there were 476 etreet letter-boxes. Tho number of letters transmitted was over 17,000,000, aud the number of newspapers 2.G00.000. The number of newspapers sent through the mails shows an mcrense of 411 per cent. over the previous year, which inerease is still going on at a rapid rate - "a f act which," says the General, "speaks volumes for the progresa of civilization." The Government was robbed of $2,417 in stampa and money dnring the year, which amount was all recoverod except the insiguificant sum of $28, and in addition the thieves gave themselves up and eonfessed. The cost of the servico for the year was 502,100, while the revenuo derived from this source was only $352,24-1, showing that the estimates will have to be increased.


Old News
Michigan Argus