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A "okand" fox-hunt, wbich had been cxteusively advortiscd, carne off in the viciuity of New York city the other day, and proved a grnnd failnre. Tho ridine; waa a succes, but the "run" proved a failure. Tlio doga lost the fox, the huntsmen lost the doga, the wagondrivers lost the huntamen, and the huutsmen loat their tempera The brewery and malt house of David Jones, in Now York,' was burned last week. Loes, $370,000. William li. Astor, oue of the richest men in the United Staten, died in New York lat week. He was the oldest son of John Jaoob Astor, who died in 18Í8, aud who left tho bulk of bis immense fortúnete him. The father accumulated bis fortune iu the fur business, aud the Bon has increased the portion left to him by réntala from improved real eHtate in New York city. The dcoeased owned 3,000 houses in the city of New York, and bis fortune ia estimated at 450,000,000 to $75,000,0(;0. He leaves two bous, who are in active business in New York Another heavy New York tea house- that of Baas & Clark- bas gone to the wal) Mrs. Charlotte Chew and her daugbter Laura, were burned to death at Camden, N. J., the other day, by the explosión oí' a kerosene lamp A shocking muider is reported from Pittaburgh. a. woman employed in a public hospital went into the room of a lunatic uamed Hile, to clean it. He seized aud choked her until ehe was iuaeusible. aud tUeu drovo the small end of a broomstick into her brabx Plïmouth CirnsCH hasaccoded to Mrs. Moulton's proposition to aubmit her complaint to a mutual council of the Congregational churches of New York and Brooklyn Auother New York niurdsrer lias escaped the hangniau's noose by the insanity dodge. Jolm Scanuell, for the murder of Thomas Donahue, lias juut been tried the tliird time- the two previene trials having resul ted in a diaagreement of the jury- and acquitted on the ground of insanity. The murder was a cold-blooded and premeditated one, and the presiding Judge expressed mucli indignation at the verdict. An immense rubber shoe f aetory, at Maldeu, MaBS., vraa bnrned last Monday. Loss, $600,000. U THE WKST. Tuk trial of Gen. John JIoDonald, ex-Supervieor of Revenue, at St. Louis, has resultad iii his eonvictien, the jury returaing a verdict of guilty upon each of the eight counts of the indictment. Tuk First National Bank of Momoe, Micli., was eutered burglars reocntly, and relievod of the 515,000 in rnonov. . . . Ají old man named Frederipk Happel, living near Fort Wayne, Ind., recently murdered his wife by shooting her with a rifle. He then reloaded the weapon and ended his own lifo by piittrag n bullet through his head A youtbfiü trapeze performer wad fatal) v üijured wliile performing in a Cleveland theater i a few day ago, by falliug from tho trapozo to the stage Chicago was the scène of coldblooded. and nnprovokcd murder ou ThauksgivI ing Daj-. The victim waa Mr. Chas. Whyland, one of the best-knewn restauratcuiB ia the city and one of the proprietors of the St. Elmo Kestaurant, attached to Kuhn"s Hotel. Tho rqurderor is a uotorious gsmbler uamed Heury Davis. Tiiere is ruuch iudignation in Chicago over the dastardly doed, and thero aro tbreata of cleauiug out the wholo gambling fralernity. Tue; schooner Sunshine bas been wrecked ou the Oregon coaat. Slie carriea tbirty passengere and a crew of ten, all of whom are probably lost The Black Hills aresaidto bo f uil of minere, who aie said to be worlring without interferenco.. the troopa havjng boen withdrawn. The troublo with the Apache Indians at tbo Cimarrón Ageucy, New Mexico, grows threateniug. The eavages, numbering 250 warnom, tiave fled to the mountainn. where they are awaiting reiniorcements from the hostile Utcs. It 4s feared thot they will attack the settlementa. aa they have often done heretofore. The places of the striking coal minera at Carbon and Koek Spmigs. Wyoming, on the Union l'acitic Kailroad, are beiug filled with Chinainou. A.voTHEii party of Eusuian Merinonites bas an-ived at Topeka, Kan. Theró are now 5,000 of these pooplo along the line of the Atchisou. Topeka and Santa Fe Raiiroad Th 3 bark Florencio lias been dreckod on tho Pacific coaat. Heven of the crew perished. THE SOÓTH. A NEaito uamed John Brówn yas hung Ly a mob at Fort Valley, Ga., laat week, for havïug assaulted a whito lndy. Tonï Nnitm and Alice Harri, colored, werp '.ung at Monroe, La., on the 2(ith of November for the faurder of the latter's huab.uid. On the eame day, at Sardis, Miise., Ben EdwardH and Oscar Freeman, also co'.ored, Avere exeouted for murder and robbery. WASHINGTON. The animal report of Gcii. ühermau to the ! Secretai-y of War Btates that tho aggregate ! strength of tho line of tho army. accordiug to ! the lust reporte received, is 1,540 ofüccrK and j 21 011 enlisted mou. made up a fo'lows í'ive I regimtnM of artillery, 780 officere, 2,5(;4 men ; ten regimentd of cavalry, 422 offloere, 7,v,0(j : men ; tweuty-five regimenta of Infantry, 848 oflictis, D.üOO men; available ïecruit-i, hoepital ttewaivn, otdnmuoe sergeants, elo.. etc, 3.321. Gen. Khennan, ! ring to Jnilian depredations on tbe froutier, I aays tbe damage to life and property by Indiaam ■ bas beon Itsa duriii;; tbe pat-t year thau in any former i at, au 1 the in-ospect íh tht, ■„ counl j settles up, it will be les uvl !ess each ' yo !. initil all tito Indiana ure ei-tablished on Biiiall reicrvatioim; bot Ofitil they aoqnire habit of induHiiyin farming or iii Btpck-rai they will nt-ed food from the General GovernmoDt, becanse the game on wfaich they have hitheito Hüteisted haw diminished vcry ra, OiiBEiis have been iasued at the Navy i partment for tho fitting up uf live ïnoso ii-ouc-lads. Tilia mkea a total of twolve irou-c'ivds ! whicb, witliin lesa tliau four weeks liav.; made ready for active aervioe 'Uie contestad ; tiou C8MH in the House will exceed in nnmbtr I tboBe i.f anyprevione session. Papers in lifteeu ctsea have already been liled. In oue - - that oi tbe Fonrth JIaaeachu:iettH District- the ; papers are eo voluminoas that the Klection CoimBittee can ntver hope to read them all. i lney weigh over half a ton. and it reqnired sis men to cari-y Uie box coutaining them iuto tiio Capítol .... Gen. Beiiet, Chief of tlie Orduance Bureau, in hi5 aunuai repoit, utgta in increado i ot lüo annna] aipropriaticm for arming and equipping tbe miUtia. The mini expended for Ibis purposc is to-day no larger than it waa ui 18''8. whon the popuUtiou wan only 8,000.000. ItcKivoa tho fohouma; au tbeaggrecateiftreiiatb. of the militia of the United States : Organi.i l 31.524; unorgsnized, 3,70i,9T7. (jpii. lienet makes a plea for improved Hmall anus, and more of them. Ha thiuks our arsenala sliould be well btooked with a Urge re !v of the best riüe mul earbiue. He also refera to I sur inferior artillery, ud uayij " rille guusof ' i a 8ÍZ9, endürance, and power to enable us to meet ou fair and equal terina a foreign foe munt be provided while we have the üme, aud it is certainly not tlie part of wisdom to delay nmliing staüh provisión Until the onemy invades ourBhorea." Tho report of Secretary Briatow, it is said. will be very pronouuccd iñ favor of hard money. Tbe Secretary will Bustain the polio; of the act of last Jauuary, providiog for the redemption of Uuited Staten notes in gold in 187!, and urgo its retention. The Secretary is of the opinión that additional legislation will be neeearary to render other portioija of the law practicable, and ho will probahly recommend a bilí for the funding of greeubacks immodiately into gold bonds hearing 4 or i}4 per cent. interest, and haviug a long time to run. The Secretary thiiiku that the llesumptiou law ia entiroly reasonable, and that it can be carried out wltli cntiro aafety to the Government mul the business of the country. It is said that a now bill will be introdnced early in the sessioii of Congress, providing some more efficiënt way of guarding against the offlcee of Presidont and Vico-President boing made vacant by death Tlie expenses of the Postoftice Department the last liscal year werc t35,000,000, and tho receipts .27,000,000 The Postmaster-Geueral had aconference last week with eevera.l pnblishers, and iuformally discuased the question of tho repoal of the law mporiiug a doublo rate of postage ou third-class matter. He told them he would coiiBirtei' the matter, and givo hia opinión reepecting it in a commtmication whiéh he was preparing for Oongress a Washington telograra -of Nov. 26 says : " The mystoriou naval activity continúes. Three more qflicers wére to-day ordered to one of the ironekula that are at tho rendezvous at Norfolk. Their orders direct them to report there Dec. 1. The euriOus thing about all these ordera is, that vrhile a large number of vessels have been ordered hito commirtsiou and furnishcil with a complement of oiïicerH. no naval stores or stores of any kind have been sent to the voasels, nor havo orders for tho aupply of any stores been made." CoMMisaioNEii Pkatt declines to consider the appeal for a reconsideration of the cases of officers displaced by the recent executive order conaolidating intenjal revenue districts, as the question is one for the Presidont's ultímate decisión. The myaterioua naval preparations are still in progresa. It is reported frora Washington that the entire Mediterranean squadron has been ordered home Mr. Clapp, the Congressional Printer, in hia anuual report aays the actual expenses for printing and binding for the Government for the year euding Sept. 30, 1870, are: Public printing, !i695. 098 ; paper, ï387,471 ; binding. $477.857; lithographiug and engraving for Congress, $12,766 ; mapping for tho Supreme Court of the United Statee, ua ; Tor salaries, etc, in the office of the Congressional Printer, $16,(J17 ; Gongresñonal Record, #88,959 A rumor comes from Washington of au impeuding clifiiculty between Spain and Guatomala, which may involvc the United States. Captain-General Valmaseda some time ago demauded that Guatemala revoke her recognition of the belligereut rightB of the Cubans, tbreatoning the vongeance of Spain if it should not be done. This ehe refusea to . do, and bas uotified the other South American powers, who are pledgmg their support. As the United States, ouder the Monroe doctrine, cannot permit Spain to díctate to Guatemala or any other power on the American continent, this affair is given as an explanatiou of the naval preparationsnow goiug on at Washington. The report of the Comptroller of the Currency, while defeuding the present System of National Bank curreney and recommendmg ifcj eontinnanee, auggests various important ameudments to the Banking law E. 8. Tobey, of Boston, declines the Commiasionership of Indian Affaire tendered him bv the President. GESEKAL. The banka of Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia have issued a circular ui-ging other banks to secure signaturas to a petition for Cougress to repeal the law requiring the aflixiug of two-cent Btamps on checks. THEnews of Vice-Prebideut Wilson'ts death creatod a general feeling of orrow throughout the entire country. . . . A National ltailroad Conventiou, called in the interest of the Southern Pacific road, was held in St. Louia last week, aad was largely attended. Judge Stanley MatthevTS, of CinciDnati, presided Tho National Grange of the PatroiiB of Husbandry haa just concluded an iuteresting sessiou at Louieville, Ky. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Master, John T. Jones, of Arkansas Overseer, J. L. Woodman, of Michigan ; Lecturer, A. B. Smedley, of Iowa Stoward, A. J. Vaughn, of Mississippi Assistant Steward, Mortimer Whitehead, of New Jursey ; Chaplain, S. H. Ellis, of Ohio Treasurer, F. M. McDowell : Secretary, O. H. Kelley, of Kentncky Gatekeeper, O. XHnwiddie, of Indiana ; Ceres, lira. J. T. Jones, of ArkaiiöüB. A V akhington correspondent says there is much sti-ong tfoniment there over the marnier in whioh the body of the late Vice-President Wilson was ent up by varionu surgeons who ruabed to the (Japirolupon hearing of his death He was scarcely cold before they had taken out his braiu aud weighed it. and had other partH of the body pretty generally diatributed aroimd the Vice-President's chamber. Now tliere are raany quoetionings as to the authori'y by which this carving up of the second oflioer of the nation waa done It ia etated that Vicc-President Wilnon was engaged to be married to Mrs. Jolm A. Jaoksoji. I of WUliamson county, Teun. Tho vows were i to be consummated ou the recoverv of his I health. It was his object mainly to eeé her Öuat he visited Nashviüe iast spring. They met firat ' at Washington, and liad kopt up a constant correspondence sinco. Mra. Jackson is one of the most dihtinguished and highly-cultured ladies in the South A reunión of Federal and Confedérate aoldiers is proposed at PhiladeJphia next year. The obsequies of the lato Vice-President Wilson were beguu at Washington ou Fiiday morning, Nov. 2C, and ended at Natick, Mass., ma native town, on Monda?, the 29W. The romaine wero conveyed from WaHljingtou to Philadelphia, where tbcy were placed iu state iu lndopendeuco Hall, and viewed by thoueands of peopla. Ou the arrival of the funeral cortego at New York, it was met at the depot and eecorted thjough the city by one of the most imposing military and civio procoBeioiiH ever wituesaed in this country. From New Vork tho remaius were taken direct to BoBtou, arrivine on Sunday morning. Thoy lay iu stato in Dorio Hall from noou of Sunday to 110011 of Mondar, and wcre viewed by mauy thousanda of peopl'! From thenoe tho 'body was escoi tod by an itnposing procespion to Cottage Farm, 'where it was deüvered to the citizeus of'Natick, and by them oonsigned to ita aative eavth..., Secretary Bristow has written a letter to thé District Attornoy at St. Louis, in which he denounces ae "absolafelyund nnqnaliflediy falso" the Htory starled by the whisky-ring thievea thathewasiuterestedinadistilleryat Louisville. Ho addn : "1 bls t repeat thereiiuont, herotofore conimuoicated to you, that tlieae frauda on the Government siialí be probed to the very Ixittom; that everj' ramifitutiou of the ring shall be followed in every part from beginning to end, and that no one haviug connectiou with or K'iiïty knowledge of its operationH shall bo perniittad to escape. Ho far aa tliiH Department in cöDeei ned, I ask that every allegation agaiuat aay öffieër of it, from its head to ita humbleat employé, be thoroughly iuvestigated and vigorously proseeuted, if any ground exista therefor Ihaveread thia to the President, who repeats hia injunction, ' Let no guilty mau e-icape.' r' The CommiBsion appoiuted to inquire iuto tho route for tho proposed ship canal to counect the Atlantic and Pacitio Oceaus report tht they are of the opinión, aíter a full inveetígatioa. that the Nicaragua route is beat, ana estimáis that the work from the harbor of Breto, on tho Paciflo, to Greytown, on the Atlantic, eau be coustructed at a tota! cost not exceeding CC,()OO.UÜU. POLÍTICA!,. Thk President pro tempore of the Senato, j Hen. Thomas W. Ferry, of Jlichigan, becomes ! Acfiug Vico -Prenidont of tho TJoitad SUite through t!io death of Vice-Preadent Wüboü. Mr. Ferry is a nativo of Michigan, is tifty ypare of age, and luisgervcd in CongrosH a iramber of ycars....T'e Republican Ktato Central CJonimittee of Jndinna. have isane:l a eall lor a State Convention of the party at Indianapolia, ! on the 22d of Fbbruary next, to Domínate a candidate for Governor and other State ofticera. Thk Govcinor oï Gonnecticat haa appoiuted 1 ex-Gov. Eugiieh United Statea Senator in place of Hou. O S. Ferry, deceaaed E. S. Tobey, of Bodtou, huí} becuappointed Commitwioner of ludían Affaire, viceömitli, reaigned ' ry Ciiandlcr ia awjngiug the nx riglit and left amoug the emploj-ea ot the Interior Dcpjrtnient. rOHRlGN. Thk Ruéaians have had a great bkttle with I the Kiptschaks iu Khokaml, no. aohieviog a viotory, the eacmy Seeing and leaviug 3,800 of their dead on tbe fleld Advioee trom tho sent of war ni Bosnia represent tbat the inBurgeuta have resolved to ooutiiiue operatione euergetically all through the winter. They have rectijily g.fined Ki.verai important advantagccouvoutiou of tho ptople will ohorUy be valled to proclaim a Nuticnal Government. .:. The I London orgiiu of the Carlista boiubastically ' claima that Don Carlos haa aaved Cuba aiid the I honor of Spaiu, bis recent offbr of truce having caused the Americana to mouity their attitude, j Mem distresa has been ciiused iu Liberiii, 011 acconnt of the war with the nativeH....It ia reported that Englïnd has bonght a 000 iutereat in the Suez Canal Spain tiuuea to Hünd reioforceinents of troops to Cnb ïhe FrencH Government warua I impere agaiuBtrfproduciiig raul do Cassagnac's recent Bonapartist Bpeecb. Le Paya, one of the learling jcmrnals of PariH, lias already been .íeizod for tliia oif enae. A movement is on foot in Savoy loolting to a separation írom Franco and reannexatiou to Italy .... A Madrid telegram saya : " It has been aeeertaiued from ofiicial souroes tliat the negotiatioua betvveen Spain and the United Statea are proeeeding favorably. Tiio rumor spread by" newepapera thut dirlícultieií have arisen aro BbsOhltely moorreot. Th.e relations botivosn the two countries may be regarded aa cxcolleul." A;hai froin Aloxandrla saya that the Abyssiniana eurprised and killed 1,200 Egyptiai ih, inoluding aeventeen oflicers Acoonnta from Tiflia represent the liussian loases aa heavy in tbo recent risiug at Kliokan.l. Apart of the garrison wa massacred.


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Michigan Argus