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KinGQiL&JKU&invV9' Foolishíy spent- money p.itd for ItM 9 vi ' n 31 hl cbilcireu's slioes not protected by E&ftTVaVlM MttVKR TIPS. Two weeks BSHBlb. jlLw ÜH tê '3 a?:íauí e 'me ■ tskea ií smart, Hr;firJy??lffJM active child te ventílate tho tc of feS g O J gga a shoe. SILVÉK TIPS tbe ■BiHBalJaHBM only pieventive. Absurd to think of nsing thread pWggKWBa whicli ill rot, or pegs that shrink fCrix mv Pm 3!l and fall oi.t. To faaten the soles Kff1 jfcoUro 'JTTI 3 ot' B(iotsar;-j Rhoes totho upper, KfjlC? ■ g m k m CABLE SCREW WIRETOTg is the only method that wül hotd. ■■■M I Have you ever seen Thp IlluBtmted Cltnlogue of The Excelsior rorlahU Printivg I'resses? %i Press now ready. Eotrij man hls oirn printer. A few dollars bujs a press mid type for printing cards, labels, envolopes, etc, at qtartr printeri' prices. Sace nwney and increatc ïmtinata by Ure aiioertisinl. Seiul two sUnips for catalogue to the Mjmuf.lcturets, IV. KEL.SE Y &i CO.,Ttterl.lcn. tonn. dliO K PER WE1ÍK to Male and Femnlo Agents. (J)jmJ9 Article Vcat. Npeiled in every honse. A&dress WEIUHT & LACEY. 783 liroadway, N. Y. AfiTUMfl "d CATARRH. 8ureOuro. Trial free. HO I nlllH Addros W. K.BELI.IS, Indianapolis, Ind. WANTBD AGBNT8. Xamphs and Outfit fret. Bctter Ihan Oold. A. OOULTKR i OO., Ohioajo. C A ( c t O C per day Send for Chromo Catologue. 4) 1 J - 4J C. v J. II. IJrrroau's Sonb, Boston, ilasa. OR -í-r tíOn s tlny at nnine. Sampie xvorth $1 pent PU LO 3ÍU fiee. Siissos A Uo., Portland. Me. íií Ii'ANCY CAKDS, 7 Stylos, ivitb ninip, Wc, posl. &r pdld, by J. B. HufeTBD, Nassau, Eens. C., N.Y 2Ly"i Dflily to Afïents. 85 new articles and the best 9pAJ Kamilv Paper in America, with two S" (ihromos, free. AM1CR. M'F'G OO.. a'.W Broadway, N.T. fliïMTC '4U Klcgant Wil (Jfm-nntos, mounted, HOCn I O aize flxllrfor SI. Novelties and Cbromoa oj' rvery dètniptiun. National Chroino Co., Phila., Pa. ZELL8' KNCVC7.OPKDIA, New Revibed Edition 16(1,1100 Arlkics, 3,1HU encmvtnta, and 18 uplemlid maps Ageiils Wamed. Baker, üavis Je Co., Phila. OOUTFITS g-OOTPIUVrS of the AGKS.and SttHUÜi " Book, Bible and Mop House, Ohicago. ihOm A Agent winted. 24 best-sellinll i"K articles in tbs world. One gample freo. (j)ÜJU Address J. BIIUNSON, Detroit, Mich. f, v ff iA A Ï(HVTH - Agentswanted everywher. V. Business honorable and first class. Parntlll tlcibrs sent free. Address WORTU i A ƒ"% CT Hl TO We bare the finest and cheapesfc AmCIV 19 D D E? Pnblished-1,000 E u r .1 v i n c s. DIOtUEaliig Turma and Ivciglit puitl. Wt'btern Bible liouse, St. Lauis, Mo. 1 nTTlTmn Ai.l "WANT it- Thousindsof lives.ind A l'uM'l'v MIUIomoí prone.tysavod by t- ForH ITP 11 I 11 tun-js miidfi with it. Address LtninoilUlJXl 1 U TON Jinos.. New Yoik or Gbioago. ,,-,- PKR WEEK GÜARANTRKD to Acents. D"7'7 Male umi Female. in iheir ,,wn looajltl. j 7K I I Tenns and OUTFIT FBKK. Addrosi VI I p. o. VIKF.EY CO.. A.ugiut.a. Maine. ATbïTifSUP an 'Morphine hahit absolutely and fIBUlf I Bal specrily nnred. Palnleu; no putcity. lijf Jjfl Band imp tor psrticulw. f)r. CariDccirlcoin an ie, Chromos, Stoel Engravings, Photoempbs, tíc-rnp-b(M)l: Pictures. BfoHbes.otc. Elegant samples and catalogue cent poetpaH] for 1 ets. Afrents Wanted. J. L. Patten i Co., lö Willlam St , New York. rt L '&TAPTÏ S-ofullTrctia, without Elfllaïir K nsenfltTiHearGswtfc. DR. A. H. VAliUliJLi HHOWN. Kew H.iv.-n.Conn. .Smul ftvo stiunpo. Currespondence from pliysicians soliciïed. We want an Agent in erery OraMjfe i:i ho land. Bi3 pay. no mvestmuut. J gf 94 AU!r(R tor particulaiti, anil fii'e F UI Bi copy of " Grange ' in St-S8i..n," W. M. KENNEDY, Cto'.', Illinois. WANTED-AÜKSTS in all parrt of the country, TT to canvass for our nawbouk, " The. ll'nunm af the " ïv Phebe1 A. Han.iTord. One volume, hjindsonitly illustraleii. T!u iramtRt Centcnniiil book in the market. B. 1!. KUSSELL, Puulisher, Boston. Mabs. 'il ( +r OKt-L Vcè tt To Farmers Son3 aiaci 01U IO O pVT UaFcthorinergeticyomi Illen to erl] on arlicto as STAPLE COFPEE, t.iFaxineiN aiidothrna hlthpiröwn neighlwirhouda. TarticularsFree AJdrcs-TIiE CEHTEJi NIAL CO, , M. X.ouij, .Mo l'l.di MEVT i;u, li srairwl l.y ONE LADÏia I evury towu in Unilv.l States. Address J. HBNRY ' BYMONDS. (SN BwuMkln Sueot, Boston, Mass. TUIS Paper is printed wtth Tnk made by G. B. Kan Ca, 131 Dearhnrr. Street, Chicago, and for sala by us in laryfi or small ntiantities. OHIOAÜO NKW.SPAPKR UNION, 114 Mouroa Street, CblcAso, 111. MIND READING. PSYCHOMANCY, FASCINATION. Soul Charming. Mesmerism mi Lovers' Guide, BbowlnK how either voj( may lasciinto and gai.i the love J and affecti-in of any permin thej chooee in,5ntly. 400 1 pages. Hy mail. 60 ct. Hnnt 4 Vo„ IS' S. 7t.. fit., Phila. 0 MJA O aïEÏ"tt Inv3(ed In Wall Street, J SnlU w SSSK-fU often londs to fortune. A il'lr " ' ïij-page book eïplaining o everytbing and giving piice of etuoks P GEUT CDCC .JOHN lilUKI.INU ACO..Bankri J Otn I rntt. i Brokers, ;a Bioauwav.NewYoik. ■ ICojf 1876. A NEW ILLUSTRAIED CATALÖ8UE- MASÓME HAMLIN CABINET 0R8ANS, ïiow ready, with PKICE LTSï; an1 very full informaüon, presenting accurate drawings of these cefebrated iii-lmments, with dctailed dcscrlptlons ; includiog muny new slj Ie, wilh valunblu improvemcnts; new slops and elegant oases. It ia not by difiinterested jadíes that these are TUK ÍSEST OF ALL IJiSTMJMEXTSOFTHlS CLASSi uncqiialcd, and, if judged critically, luiapproached ly others. Their fiiuie is -svorld-widc. Tliey have ALWAYS obtained highest awarda in American Industrial Expositions, and recelved FOUK FIRST HtEDALSand DIPLOMA F HONOK at the RE AT WORLD'S EXrOSITIOSS in PARÍS, 1867; TIENNA, 1873; and LINZ (Ausi 1875, beiiif; the only American orSan wliicii ever receircd aiiy premium in competitioii witli tlie best product of Europeaii makers. The best musicians in Kurope and America prooouuco them unequaled. Prices au low as consistent wilh best workmansiilp and materia!, and loner than those commonly demaüded for very inferior instruments. Organs sold for cash or timo payments, or rented until rent paya for Uifiu. Every one thinking of buying an organ ihovXd at least see this new catalogue. It will lic sent free and postnaid. Addrcsa the MA80N & IIAMLIN ORGAN CO., 154Tremonl Street, BOSTON; 85 Union 8quare, NEW YORK ; or 80 and 82 Adams Street, CHICAGO. k1 0 ft 'ly at home. AgentSTrantd. Outfit and termj 1 1 rtoe. Addra TUÜK 4 CO., AuïaiU. Min. van A WEEK._AKet5 wantod. Buniness porHk3 f ""ft No ilicttlng reqnired. Forlurthot ' ■ J. KENNEDY & CO., Rlchmond, Ind. Do Your Qwn Printing jw2OutfIf8 frpm $1 up Qolding& Cö# Afanttf's, Washington Sq, Boston FT AT A tlí Wl Bp.iaat, NevrYork. 9_9 Xl xVioXi mamifacturerof Romd Oold J HVUKY oï ovory dosuiiptiyn. The stock blargij, 7Ory chnice, and is oiltírod nt retafl nt trade prices to keep our workmen ninír. Bills V.O. order in advanoe. Over S15 C.O.D. privüog to examine. Catalogues f ree. BDtfVPBBto Tour Name Elcpantly FrintM BI 'ty ed on 12 Tbaxsparent visitiko a ne which is not visible until held towards tHe lifiht. Notbinffliketherapverbeforeofferedin América. BiffinílucomenUto AgenU. NotsTLty Phihiijío Co.,Aihland, Muê. REVOLVERS SijW'nn New Buffulo Bill Revolver KJVI V HJ Sent with 100 Cartridges for $5. Feu. Nickle Plate. BatlsfaCtion Kiiarnnteoü. TJMrated CalaTogue fï.'Ef:. WKSTERIÍ ÜVX WORKS, Ilioago, 111.. 69 Dearborn-st. (McCormiok BlocW). P. O. Buz 54O. ABBOTT'S Patent PORTLASID CXTTER. k -r= DDIPT $9A Complete, with H L}&L& rnlUb $U. olmft, and deAjUïL JSttT livered atany Jlaüroad Stuïion in the NHMfisESl Western StateR, nicely finishml and VÏP7 1 V fty warranted. Xror snle by Afrriaf ƒ ƒ I cultural Tniploment Doalers generulJ i- -lv or sent O. O. D. A. A. ABBOTT, cor. Beach and Scbor Sts., Chicago. aODEY'S LADY'S BÖ0K Tho Oldest Mnsaxine in America. "A Premium Chromo," The Mohning Call, will be glven to every subscriber, whether sinarlfi or ín a club, who pays in adTance for i87üand reinita direct to tuis office. Addres L. A. GODEY, Philadelphia, Pa. Come on, Book Agents! Now is the time to Make Money. MARK TWAiN's NEW BOOK IHMi t!jp track and is bound to win. It will geil, and jou know it. Don't wait to experiment on other books and lose tbia. Ciet your n.iiues in for territory and circalars at once. Oi'TFïts Fjíje. Adrtress AMERICAN PUÜL1WHING CO.. Havtford, Conn.. or U8 Kandolph Bft,, Ohieaeo, 111. $15 SHOT GUN Aimuhiolutn-,-1 gun, bar or front aetloD locks; warrai ■ iiine twist liarrels, and a good shooter, or no salsh wiili Klask l'oticii and Wad-culter, for $15. Cnn be sent C. O. D. v. ith privjli'pf1 toexnmiripb-lbre pnyini; bilL Send Stamp for nirnlar to P. POWKU, k KON. Qua Delers, 238 Main St-, Cinciooatl, O. TT1Í0TTÜÜ A QtfFTl CHANCE FOR AGENTS. MEN and UfloUnrñijÜLUwOMEN.on "ThcContriUutor." coliiitiiis, }IHk'iu8 nml Secular; S. S. Lessons; reportsof Kot. A. Í3. K;;rU, Moody, Ac. ; ll;usokecpe StoTies, c. A magnífu-ent pronnnin. The marvel of on is tbe price.only ftl.10 a ycar. AU classes, old and yoiing, are charmed with it. No work like ft for a#onts ; one says, "Nover eaw auything take liko it;" anotner, "No trouble to Bell." For Agenta' torms, paper, reports, Ac. ad's.witb atamp, .1. H. Karle, 20 Hawley-st., Boston. 1 Ia deliiyed by ïiHluff B. T. Toztln KSlEir andt I.fquM KxtraclofBer, which corrpoBed of the i jtiice of ruw nieat with Iron Tonirs. Dinretlc and I mild Oatfmrtics.and prescribed by PhysicianB for lht j cure of Indigestión, Constipatlon, Pyspsp'-ia, Piles, Lung, LÍ ver, Kidnev,ChiMrto. 15 lood anual! linnlo tipiiwn and wftaknenpes. Prire $1.00 por botilo. - BIClIAansON A TULLIDO!:, Pro rio tors Cinet I Hat:, O. For e:ile by all driigsrtsts. Noneoibtrgenuir. ' A H I ÖLI DÁY Cl FTT ÉIHE BEST THAT CAN BE MADE. lEJtraetiTO, Pioñtitlc, aad TtiOmms. WOVELTY 1M PEINTIN& PEESS. Prlcos Trom 5.00 lo Spní stamp fof patalogue to HKSJ.O. nOOiíH A CO. miwnPn & tíenlcrs fn II klnrls r-r I'R1STI.G M1TKÜIAI., ', 49 Federal Street, lïostcu. B . l'i l I 11 1 i I A i UNITED STATES. KJh,v itKSKCN J. l.ossi;,.;. i.L. D., now rL-Maj ! Thcvnlycom;.Vf lltQ:yr aar wnolc Country in otu laigfl and rlchl bDiinn, retlofr-prfced volume- over S00 pages. 4M)fiaecnrravhigrtand U. f only one woi;iiv to bo publUlied In Im(!i Rhfftisli a nu ;cnw:!Ti. l 'uliaudspl. ndullr 11lüKtniied wnnniw n.ft nppraiebiniï 7rnnd Centnntial iWebration AOENTS WAMTED! üapMlyg owias interen en-.iv.imv jq thnU'ng iii.-.iorj ( onr country; beaf e, nm ft -1 -.■:::-- tkmga rttdatopi(, fatl er loncml Motie lor full de-criit!cn stiö übcral ttiinl, to P. A. HUTCIIINSOjX & CO., CUiengo, 111. MANUFACTORY AND SALESROOM, 23 & 25 RANDOLPH St., CHICAGO. jrarw book fou tuk 1,000.000. OURWESTERSI BORDER ne Hundred Years Ago. A Grapbic Hlatoryxji tl ir: Hoi-oic Epoch of American BorderLll'e. lts üiiilüiiR conlliota ot Umi and Wkito foas. EicitinR AdYe:itm'R,Ojtivitif9.Foray.-,SconLH,Pinnr.-i women íind boye. Indiíin War-paths, Camp Life, and Sports.-A book tor OM uid Yoang, NVt:L!:iii page. No competition. Knomioiu Balea. AgentS w,inted BveCTwhcre. (Jircnlarsfree. Addiess.T. C. MfllllDY & CO.. 5tU Ave. iiiid AUliins St., Clii:igu, 111. 81"' ' ■■ taTIlE FiKST i (lip World. JBSr5A ' I' Give." UntTersnl Patinfactior. tfg,m WO1DEHF(L Kcoiion:}'. wv55IKlW sa 'vi4s'milk, ;'Ígs,"&c. L# TVgv Onpyear'e GavtriM will bnv n cow. TigïK&n Ï(!J1ÜI!EMJHIKKKAD. . l V XEÏSïF J f v Whiter, Liirhier. Se. tir. Uicher. ' Wí B KIÍ J JJtilJV Prniw lt. VJb ftKÏT w ijp CS"St'iul at once for Circular to i yMEJpifföWl tijr.o. P. UAKTZ&t-Ö.. J i ga iïp Duaiic St., Atw ïoik. ■ 1 ■■■u Thls new Truaa la worn r BBËVBwEKSk with perfect comfort night o Uer t o t t nlKS and Adapta itaelfto gm t 1 a S ! 1 l Hjeverv ruotlnn of the body, w_ T B TT 8 8 . JHrretaininKrilitureunerttlo ! s hnlBTWTrjXlr bardesteiercisoorsovereat BVBffiPSBSflT atrain unfil pormanently 11 %VÏlWBiBIy cured. Sold cbeap by the Ij jrx Elastic Truss Co., S NO. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. ' S SmnbyuaJi. Oali or send or Circular nd ba oured. j CRANO CHANCE TOR AOENTS, WB I }' WifeNoAQ. ' ANN ELIZA YOUNG'S NEW BOOK. Jj BR1CMAM VOUMC'S REBELLIOUS It and POLYCAMV. Intmiocll.. bï iXn A. SCmjt ií3 I Mn. livsrpwrA. Akvuíi lellftem 10 t.) 20 ev'irv tiav ; CO., IIaBITURD. COKK., CUICAOO, !1.., ClKCptNATUOHIO. Ai' . , I in ÖnlyTiiinkoflts' A l.ARGK i 48-Col. Wcokly Nowspaper l(, Will be sent three months, postpaid, for u Xtcrenty-Fivc Cents. Address ) CRAMER AIKENS & CHAMER, PROPHS WEEKLY AfISCONSIN, MILWAUKEE, WIS. i jCÖELASTICJ las a Piid diiïoriuK ïrum all üthers, [toficUqp jtt W0Hr i lerful. BriuK oup-shap. with Self-Afijnstihfï tiall in ! enter, it adapta ltaelí to all positious of tiie body, wiiile he tmïl withiii the oap pressos l.-i-U ili' int-siiifs jus! as a person uould with tliv inuvr. Vith Ufiht prewrara the Hernia is hold sourely day and nijfht, and a radical cure vertahi. It is -w-w rfeotly esy, durable and elMftp, Sent by mail. Sond 1 or Circular and Traw to EGGIjBSTON TKISS '' ■O.. .Murshal!, !ji-h. i The Wonders oí Modern Ohemistry, Sarsaparillian ana_Its Associates. i Changos as Sec ji and Fclt as They Dailv Occur after L'sing a Few Doses of Da. RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent, THE GRMT BLOOD FURRIER, 1. Good epirlte, disappcarance of weakness, languor ! mú nchuly ; íncrease and hardne of fiesta nd ruta.' cíes, etc. 2. Strentb íncreasee, appetit improveB, rolfeh foi more sour eructations or waterbrash, gooddi gestión, calru and undfaturbed eleep, waken fresh ano vigorous. ! 3. Disappoarancn of spots, blotcbes, pünmes;the ekin ! looka cloar and henlthy, tbe urice changed f ren its tur bid jíivl cloudy r.ppearauce to a clear Bherry or amber, color ; water ' paeees íroely f rom the bladde. tbrougü the I urethra without pain or ECülding, little or no sediment) ! no pf.ln or vreakiM'Ba. 1 4. Marked dimínution of quantity and frequfiney of ("voluntary woakening ducharlos (ií afflictod that wor) j mrh tertíníy of permanent curo. Increaeed Btrencth shibíted in thn eocroting glande, and íiiuctional h oiony rortored to tho eevoral organs. 5. YíjIIow tingo on tho white of tho eyea, and theowar(hy, aaffrnn apbe-aranco of tho skin changed toaelcar livpily and bealthy color. O Tboso Guffering fröm weak cr ulcerated ítins w tnberclíís will realize greut benofit in cpectoratiiui fií'oly the tonfeh pblöfcm or mucoias from tho IunOT,atr cellw, bronchí or windptpe, tbro&t or beari ; duDüusmtu i)f tho frequeney of coueh; general íncreneeof trenfrtti tbroughout the aystem; etoppaKG of night ewnats and pains and fenling of weakneBS around the nnkleg, legg. Bbiiiïders, etc. ; coesation of cold and chillB, serf&e oí amfogatioa ; hard breathing and paroxyfimn of cougb en lyint down or aristrtf Ín tho mornW. AH theao distress. in# symptoina fjradtislly an Eiirely disappear. 7. Ásday ftftcf íay tho SARSAPAÍIILMAN (9 taken, nw sign3 of roturnins: health will appear h the blooa ítopTQves in strenpth and purity, diooaao will diminish, and All foroÍKn and impuro deposíts, nodes taraors, cancerïi, bafd Itimps, etc., bo resolved ewayand tho nn3ound mado oiínd and healthy ulcere, ferer sorra, syphüitic cores, cfafonic skin diseasea gradually disappoar. 8. I n cases where the Rystem bas been saürated, and Morcury, Oniclísilvor, Corrosive flTiblimate, (the principal consíituon! in th pdvertised Sare.iparíllas, assocUt' ed in floni" caees with Hyd. of Potaesa) navo accumnUt cd and beoome depoelted in the bones, joints, etc.r caueíní caries of the bones, Tickets, spinal curvutureí, t CDntirTÍnriií, white íiweDInas, varicoso veins, etc., the SARSAJFAUII'LIAIV will resolve away theso deposits and exteniílnat tho virus oí tbe disenso from Uw 3y8tenL 9. If thoso whoarotakinErtbesomedicinesforthecnre of Chronic, Scroíulouü or Sypbilitic di8eas3, howertr bIow may be tho care " f eol letter ," and fied their genoral hoalth improving, theír flesh aaA -wcight incre-aaiag or even keoping its own, it íb a sure sign that th cure fe i proffressintï. In theue diseaees tho patiënt eithcret ' fiöttBiot1 worse - theviruaoi tho disease is not inactivaif not arríwted and drivn from the blood, ít will Epreid and continuo U undjrminc tho contstitution. As booo aa tbo SAHSAPVRIIjSjIAIV makoa tho paíient "feel better," ovory emir you will grow better and increase in hoalth, strength aüd flesh. Tho great power of tbia reincdy is in diseasoe tatfc threaten death- as in Consumption oS tho Lnrura and Taberoulous Phthisis, Scrotula, Syphüoid Diwaees, Wastiníf, Dcgcneration, and Ulceration of the Kitlneys. DiaWrf, Stoppago of Water { instan taneoos relief if. forded vrtun catheters have to he usod, thus doing away with tho paínful operation of using thceo Instruments), diBsolvingstonoíntho bladder, and in all cases of Inflammation of tho Bladder and Kidnys, in Chronio ] cases of Loucorrhea ana t; terine disoase. In tumors, no;?, hard lampe and Byphiloid ulcere; ín dropsy and vencreal soro throat, ulcere, and in tubercles of tho lungs;in gout, dyspepsia, rheumatiem, ricketa; in morcu rial doposíts- it is in theeo terrible forme of disaase, whoro the human body has become a completa wreck, and whero every hour of existenco is torture, whoreín this gTeat remedy challenges the aBtoniBhment and admiratíon of the sick. It is in ench cases, whero - all tho ploasnres of eiiötence appear cut off from Ü unfortütiatc, andbyit3 wonderful, almoet snpernatural ogeney, ífc rostoree the bopeless to now llfe and new existence wjjero tbia great remedy stands alone inits might and power. Én the ordinary skin disdoses that every ono ÍB more Or less troubled with, a few döees will in most caaes, and a few bottlcs in the more aggravuted forms, work & pormanent cure. Those afflicted with chronic diseaees should purchase a package containinc one dozen bottlos. Price $ÏO per dozen, or $5 per half dozen bpttles, or Si per botUo. Sold by dxuggiste. RADWAY'S. HEADY RELIEF WILL AFFORO INSTANT EASE. DÍFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWKLS, OONGF,STIOÏJ OF THE I.ÜNGS, SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING, PALPTT'.TION OF THE HE AFT. HYSTERIOS. CBOIP. DIPHTUEEIA, OATARRH, INFLUENZA, HEADAOHE. TOOTHAOHE. MUMPS, KEURALOIA. RHEUMATISM. COJUD CHILLS. AGÜE CHILLS. Tho application of tho RK ADY RELIEF to the part or parts where the pain or difficult; eiiíts wtl) afford eaKO jiud comfort. Twenty drops ín half a tumbler of water wJl, in a fen moments. cure CRAMPS. SPASMS, SOUR KTOM. ACH, HEARTBUItN. SÏflK HEADAOHE, DLR. RHEA, DYSENTKRV. COLIU, WIND IN TUS BOWELS, and o!l INTERNAL PAINS, I Travelers should alwayB cany a bottle of RADi WAÏ'S REÍilKPwithfhem. A few drope in watoi wül prevent eickness or pains from chango of water. IT IS BETTER THAN FRFNCH BRANDY OR BITTERS AS A STIMULANT. Price 50 Cents. Sold by Drtiggistg. DR. RADWAY'S RESULáTIG PILLS Perfectly tastelees, elegantly coated with sweet enra, purge, regúlate, purify, cleanso and etrenarthen. R.ADAVAY'S PILLStfor the cure of all disordorR Of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervooí Diseasoa, Hoadacho, Oonstipation, Oostivcnees, IndlgMtion, Dyspopsia, Billousness, Billous Fevor, Inílammation of the Bowels, PileB and all Derangementa of tho Intornal Viscera. Warranted to effect a poaítivo care. Parely Vegetable, containing no mercury, mineralB, or deleterlous drugs. tObservo the following symptoma resnltlng frora Disorders of the Digestivo OrgaHs : Constlpation, Inward Piles, Fullnose of tho Blood io the Head, Acidity of tho Stomach, Nausea, Heartburu, Disgust of Food, Fiillnesa or Wolght in tho Stomach, Sour Ernctatlnns, Sinking or Fluttering at tho Pit of tho Stomach, Swimming of the Hoad, Hurried and Difficult Brt'íithin.p, Fiattering at tho Hcart, Chokingor Suífocating Sensatior.3 when in a Lying Posture, Dim nessof Vision, Dots or WebB beforo tho Sight-, Ferer ,-nd Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiencyof Perspiration, Volloiín'iss of tho fikin and Eycs, Pain in the Side, Chests, Limbs, and Sudden Flushes of Ileat, Bumingín the Fleeh. A few doses of RADWAY'S PIIAS wülfreeüw system from all tho abovo named disorders. Pnce Ao Cents per Box. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Rcad "FAJASE AND TRUE." Send one letter-stamp to RADWAY & CO., No, 32 Warren Street, Bow Yorls. InformatioD worth tht)usanda wiil bo selftyou. SV AGENTS WANTED FOR THE j I ;ENTENNIAL v HISTORYoftheU.S The great interest in the thrilling hlstorj of oor countrr makes tliis the faatost Bolling booic ever published. ic contjiinB 442 fine historical engra-rings and DH5 Wj with a full account of the approaching grana en[Biinial Exblbition. Sond for a foll description andtra term to Agentt. Nationai. Publishino Co., taieo. 111., or St. Louis, Mo. Smith Organ Co., BOSTON, MASS. These Standard Instruments Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. AGENTS WANTED IN EYERY TOVYN. Sold throuchout the United SUtas on tha iNSTALLMENT PLAN: That is, on a System of Monthly PjmeoU Prucbasers ehould ík for the Smith AMEBirAH OBfliïUataloiraos and íiill particuiara od applictJoDDR. SASFOBD'S LIVER IlíVIGORATOR. ompoundi l entirrly trom umi. fhest (VHS i Persons usinf nove all morbid M shouldadaptthe r bad matter , UB duse to their In'romthtijrstem, oo +. divldual constllnPPlylg in "-1 □tution, íromi heir place a m teagpoonfuM ta íealthy flow of m M m tablrspnoiifnll ile ; in vigora UB j accordiug to eíni; t lie stomach, H fect. For all afausiiiK fooil toM j fections of il' Ligestwell; PU-ir Mi iLIVEB, irregnUFYIiVtí THLi ílarities of Stomll.OOO, KA Si A ;1 i, and Boivrl'i one and Jirallh ' idlseases dependothcvrholema-'k __ ent on orcanaed hinery, removí ' ' J 'by suchderangetig tlie cause (lf J3 meo aJS BUlos he dfseases, tÊ attaoks, Costiveectinjr a radical r nesa, ChronlcDIure. As a . t arrhoea.DyspePL,Y SIEIUCIWE CO L- sia, Jauiidlctalli : is ', SS Prínalí Weak' ID, and is 22 ; ; neases. I tnblffAIS SAFE. HH spooníu'' take t (oiiiiiKiii riiirnt of an attack ofSiVÍÍ IEADACHE ■ uns in ISmiuutes. VilOVV or SALLOW SHM MADE TOl TÜUXi by 1 bottle. TBÏ IT! For punp)'1'' ■ntainiuE useful Information and ■" bout the Xiver, addrexa BR. SAIÏFOB! w York. 8OI,1 BY At-I DBUGGISTSO N. V. THEN WKITING Tü OVEJSffl5 f pleasc soy yo WV 1C adTf rtisemí tiiis paper.


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